Greenpeace praises Apple's hiring of former EPA chief
Environmental advocacy group Greenpeace, a longtime critic of Apple's corporate policies, has come out in favor of the hiring of former U.S. Environmental Protection Agency administrator Lisa Jackson.

In a statement issued on Wednesday, Greenpeace senior IT analyst Gary Cook called Apple's hiring of Jackson a "bold move," and praised her as a "proven advocate." In particular, the organization highlighted her track record in combating toxic waste and dirty energy.
"Jackson can make Apple the top environmental leader in the tech sector by helping the company use its influence to push electric utilities and governments to provide the clean energy that both Apple and America need right now," Cook said.
The comments are rare praise from Greenpeace, which took Apple to task last year for the energy consumed by its iCloud service. The organization accused Apple of lagging behind other technology companies, such as Facebook and Google, in utilizing environmentally friendly power.
Apple has countered by noting that its North Carolina data center is powered by the largest solar farm and largest fuel cell installation of any non-energy company in the nation. Greenpeace still staged protests at Apple's California headquarters and Ireland operations before the group said that Apple's environmental policies have been "significantly improved."
Apple Chief Executive Tim Cook announced the hiring of Jackson this week in an interview at the D11 conference. She served as administrator of the EPA under President Barack Obama from 2009 until February of this year.
In her new position, she will oversee Apple's green initiatives, including projects like the massive solar farm accompanying its Maiden, N.C., iCloud data center.

In a statement issued on Wednesday, Greenpeace senior IT analyst Gary Cook called Apple's hiring of Jackson a "bold move," and praised her as a "proven advocate." In particular, the organization highlighted her track record in combating toxic waste and dirty energy.
"Jackson can make Apple the top environmental leader in the tech sector by helping the company use its influence to push electric utilities and governments to provide the clean energy that both Apple and America need right now," Cook said.
The comments are rare praise from Greenpeace, which took Apple to task last year for the energy consumed by its iCloud service. The organization accused Apple of lagging behind other technology companies, such as Facebook and Google, in utilizing environmentally friendly power.
Apple has countered by noting that its North Carolina data center is powered by the largest solar farm and largest fuel cell installation of any non-energy company in the nation. Greenpeace still staged protests at Apple's California headquarters and Ireland operations before the group said that Apple's environmental policies have been "significantly improved."
Apple Chief Executive Tim Cook announced the hiring of Jackson this week in an interview at the D11 conference. She served as administrator of the EPA under President Barack Obama from 2009 until February of this year.
In her new position, she will oversee Apple's green initiatives, including projects like the massive solar farm accompanying its Maiden, N.C., iCloud data center.
Who really cares what Greenpeace thinks....
Screw 'em. Makes me wish Apple hadn't done it.
Does it really matter what a bunch of criminals and hooligans who have illegally trespassed and protested on Apple's property on multiple occasions and on multiple continents thinks about Apple? If Greenpeace praises something, then chances are that I am against it.
And why would Apple need to hire some woman from the current scandalous administration to oversee anything at Apple? Apple is doing just fine in regards to the environment.
Maybe Apple just hired her because she's a Washington insider and connected, and that might help Apple deal with any criticisms or problems in the future. It seems like mostly a PR move. How much will Apple be paying her? Way too much, without a doubt.
And in honor of Greenpeace, I will make an effort to use more electricity than normal today. Maybe I'll turn all of my Macs on at the same time, even the old ones that I don't use much anymore.
Woah! Stop the world. Greeenpeace said something nice about Apple. The end times must be near.
It's a steamy greenpiece of s&#t
Go ahead and waste money and electricity. I can't stand people who do things against the environment to try and prove a point against greenpeace.
I in no way agree with Greenpeace or condone what they do, but we should take care of our environment. Recycling, not littering, making conscious decisions when purchasing products, such as Apple products; all these contribute to a better environment.
Apple is making a smart decision here, continuing to be a leader in green technology and green products.
Originally Posted by Apple ][
Does it really matter what a bunch of criminals and hooligans who have illegally trespassed and protested on Apple's property on multiple occasions and on multiple continents thinks about Apple? If Greenpeace praises something, then chances are that I am against it.
And why would Apple need to hire some woman from the current scandalous administration to oversee anything at Apple? Apple is doing just fine in regards to the environment.
Maybe Apple just hired her because she's a Washington insider and connected, and that might help Apple deal with any criticisms or problems in the future. It seems like mostly a PR move. How much will Apple be paying her? Way too much, without a doubt.
And in honor of Greenpeace, I will make an effort to use more electricity than normal today. Maybe I'll turn all of my Macs on at the same time, even the old ones that I don't use much anymore.
You forgot to add ... "And you kids get off of my lawn!!!"
Seriously, the world must look like a big pile of shit from your (eternally negative) point of view. You say this stuff about Greenpeace "criminals" every time the topic comes up even though it's been pointed out to you many times that the "criminals" you are thinking of is EarthFirst and the Sea Shepard Society, not Greenpeace.
Aside from trespassing, Greenpeace has never engaged in criminal activity. It was founded by a group of Quakers for cripes sake.
Only recently (with the campaign against Apple) has Greenpeace regularly started using underhanded tactics, and even then they are more along the lines of character assassination than criminal activity. The original Greenpeace was a peaceful, law-abiding group of conscientious protesters who used non-violent demonstrations to elevate issues in the public sphere. Now they are a many times smaller group of hipster douchebags with no sense of right and wrong, but even so ... still not criminals.
Originally Posted by Timbit
Go ahead and waste money and electricity. I can't stand people who do things against the environment to try and prove a point against greenpeace.
I in no way agree with Greenpeace or condone what they do, but we should take care of our environment. Recycling, not littering, making conscious decisions when purchasing products, such as Apple products; all these contribute to a better environment.
Apple is making a smart decision here, continuing to be a leader in green technology and green products.
Even if somebody runs 10+ Macs for 24 hours, that's probably only around a buck or two (depending on where somebody lives of course), and the small satisfaction that it brings me is easily worth some pocket change that means nothing to me. It's not like I am one of those "green" hypocrites flying around all over the world preaching doom and gloom, based on unproven science.
As for purchasing the right products, I agree. I always try to avoid "green" drives and most other devices that have "green" stickers on them and products that are advertised as such. They might as well put a sticker on it, stating "don't buy me".
As for if Apple made the right decision here, that remains to be seen. Apple hasn't been lacking when it comes to any environmental issues.
Originally Posted by Gazoobee
You forgot to add ... "And you kids get off of my lawn!!!"
Seriously, the world must look like a big pile of shit from your (eternally negative) point of view. You say this stuff about Greenpeace "criminals" every time the topic comes up even though it's been pointed out to you many times that the "criminals" you are thinking of is EarthFirst and the Sea Shepard Society, not Greenpeace.
Aside from trespassing, Greenpeace has never engaged in criminal activity. It was founded by a group of Quakers for cripes sake.
Only recently (with the campaign against Apple) has Greenpeace regularly started using underhanded tactics, and even then they are more along the lines of character assassination than criminal activity. The original Greenpeace was a peaceful, law-abiding group of conscientious protesters who used non-violent demonstrations to elevate issues in the public sphere. Now they are a many times smaller group of hipster douchebags with no sense of right and wrong, but even so ... still not criminals.
You keep mentioning the Greenpeace of the past, and that's very nice and all, but we are of course talking about the Greenpeace of today.
And trespassing can definitely be criminal in nature, there is something called criminal trespassing. They also posted some signs on Apple's property, that is vandalism. Greenpeace is also guilty of lying about Apple, and they should consider themselves lucky that Apple has not sued them for slander and libel.
Originally Posted by Apple ][
Apple is doing just fine in regards to the environment.
It isn't about Apple not doing enough to save electricity since they are already one of the most environmentally conscientious corporations around. The praise was because they see Lisa Jackson as an environmental activist who will perhaps try to make Apple an example for other corporations to follow.
And in honor of Greenpeace, I will make an effort to use more electricity than normal today.
It makes perfect sense. I'll alert the media.
Originally Posted by mstone
It isn't about Apple not doing enough to save electricity since they are already one of the most environmentally conscientious corporations around. The praise was because they see Lisa Jackson as an environmental activist who will perhaps try to make Apple an example for other corporations to follow.
And that's precisely why I am skeptical about the hiring, because activists can be quite extreme in their ideology, where insane beliefs and nonsense trumps everything else, including costs. There are many good reasons as to why the whole world is not yet running exclusively on windmill power, solar power or other forms of sustainable energy.
And just for the record, I am not against the environment and I don't walk around polluting and leaving a trail of garbage everywhere that I go just to make a point. I happen to like things like Tesla (I like their stock too), and I think of those cars as being SSDs, compared to gas guzzling cars, which I consider to be mechanical hard drives.
Originally Posted by Gazoobee
Originally Posted by Apple ][
Does it really matter what a bunch of criminals and hooligans who have illegally trespassed and protested on Apple's property on multiple occasions and on multiple continents thinks about Apple? If Greenpeace praises something, then chances are that I am against it.
And why would Apple need to hire some woman from the current scandalous administration to oversee anything at Apple? Apple is doing just fine in regards to the environment.
Maybe Apple just hired her because she's a Washington insider and connected, and that might help Apple deal with any criticisms or problems in the future. It seems like mostly a PR move. How much will Apple be paying her? Way too much, without a doubt.
And in honor of Greenpeace, I will make an effort to use more electricity than normal today. Maybe I'll turn all of my Macs on at the same time, even the old ones that I don't use much anymore.
You forgot to add ... "And you kids get off of my lawn!!!"
Seriously, the world must look like a big pile of shit from your (eternally negative) point of view. You say this stuff about Greenpeace "criminals" every time the topic comes up even though it's been pointed out to you many times that the "criminals" you are thinking of is EarthFirst and the Sea Shepard Society, not Greenpeace.
Aside from trespassing, Greenpeace has never engaged in criminal activity. It was founded by a group of Quakers for cripes sake.
Only recently (with the campaign against Apple) has Greenpeace regularly started using underhanded tactics, and even then they are more along the lines of character assassination than criminal activity. The original Greenpeace was a peaceful, law-abiding group of conscientious protesters who used non-violent demonstrations to elevate issues in the public sphere. Now they are a many times smaller group of hipster douchebags with no sense of right and wrong, but even so ... still not criminals.
Seriously.... You guys are trying to talk rationality to some whack job?
Give it up.
Originally Posted by Apple ][
And that's precisely why I am skeptical about the hiring, because activists can be quite extreme in their ideology, [...]
Sounds to me like you are back pedaling. First you're outraged and protesting by wasting electricity. Now you are merely skeptical.
Sometimes it helps to read the article before going on a rant.
Originally Posted by mstone
Sounds to me like you are back pedaling. First you're outraged and protesting by wasting electricity. Now you are merely skeptical.
Sometimes it helps to read the article before going on a rant.
Two separate subjects. The article is about Greenpeace praising Apple, and then there is the actual hiring of that woman.
I don't buy it. A Mini or MBA use considerably less power than a 13 W CFL bulb? Heck, the CPU alone in either of those draws more than 13 W.
According to Apple, it draws 11 W at idle. So 13 W is close to being at idle - which is not 'using' the computer. You might as well consider how much power the CFL draws when it's turned off.
Apple needed to have someone left to fill the position while they move the rest of their enironmental group to iOS development.
Originally Posted by Apple ][
Two separate subjects. The article is about Greenpeace praising Apple, and then there is the actual hiring of that woman.
Two separate subjects? Yeah right. Why on Earth did AI put two such differing subjects into a single article?
...hiring of that woman? Sounds like her gender is another huge concern for you.
Let's summarize:
Greenpeace sucks
Current administration sucks
Environmentalist suck
Energy efficient product sucks
Women suck
Did I forget anything?