Supply chain showing 'signs of life' as Apple gears up for Sept. launch of 'iPhone 5S'



  • Reply 21 of 46
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    blackbook wrote: »
    Awhile ago someone here proposed the future may be a wireless earpiece with full cellular capabilities. Such a device could link with an iPad, Mac, or "iWatch" and be used to make phone calls whilst being operated by those larger devices.

    That could be Apple's answer for a low end "iPhone" and goes into the entire wearable tech dialog Tim was talking about. The future of the iPhone could be an accessory to an iPad, Mac, or Watch.

    We'll see, but a plastic phone with last years internals is not Apple's way.

    It's not the Apple way? But the Apple way is to sell 2-3 year old phones? I think a new, but lower priced iPhone with reduced storage and less features to accompany the new model is more Apple than their current situation. And it gives all their small touch devices 4" screens.

    And the future of the iPhone could be an accessory to the iPad? You've lost it, man.
  • Reply 22 of 46
    herbapouherbapou Posts: 2,228member


    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    I'm not sure where you are getting this garbage from but nothing about IGZO will lead to triple the battery life. At best you will get 30-40% better power efficiency. That only if you believe all the hype.


    One of many example:


    IGZO advantages:


    If you tweak the refresh cycles you can achieved even greater power savings.

  • Reply 23 of 46
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    techguy911 wrote: »
    I hope they throw in an IR transmitter.  I know it's a small/quirky feature, but my iPhone is a swiss army knife, and getting rid of my remote controls would be a nice little bonus.

    That is something that is NOT going to happen.
  • Reply 24 of 46
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    rogifan wrote: »
    From the WSJ blog, here's what Tim Cook said when asked about different iPhones:
    I'm not yet convinced Apple's answer is going to be an iPhone in a plastic casing with last years internals and less storage. That's incredibly boring and Apple doesn't really do boring. I don't know exactly what they'll do in this space but I just have a feeling it will be a bit more creative, a bit more out of the box than a cheap plastic phone.

    I don't know if I'm convinced as much as I'd say a plastic iPhone seems entirely plausible. It'll be done in an Apple way, of course, and if done right will make the aluminium iPhone seem even more premium.
  • Reply 25 of 46
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    blackbook wrote: »
    I am very interested in what Apple will do this year.

    So far I am not excited about Jony Ive's rumored changes to iOS, and the current iPhone 5S rumors seem the weakest I've ever heard.

    I'm due for an upgrade but at this point I don't see why I should wait for the 5S or iOS 7.

    Anyway more battery life would be nice. I would love NFC to come into play because passbook sucks. And finally I would LOVE a water resistant iPhone. It would probably never happen but some of the new waterproof Sony phones seem so useful.

    This has to be one of the most disjointed and odd comments I've ever heard on this forum.
  • Reply 26 of 46
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by herbapou View Post

    The home button:  IF they could find a way to put it on the screen.

    And ruin the entire product in one fell swoop.

    1. Most needed model is an emerging market one.


    'Most needed' is still not very needed at all.

    2. A unlock model around $300 for the gazillions of carriers in the world that dont do subsidies.


    iPhone 4S. $300 off-contract. Boom. Problem solved.

    Originally Posted by herbapou View Post

    Actually I think he hint that new products (not refresh of existing ones) would not be before fall.


    "Later next year" doesn't necessarily mean fall. Particularly with WWDC rumors being nothing but products.

  • Reply 27 of 46
    sockrolidsockrolid Posts: 2,789member

    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    This addition would allow users to bypass manual password entry, and could even open up the possibility of new functionality such as secure e-wallet transactions.


    Looking forward to a non-passcode locking system.  And not the mindless (and easily seen from across the room) swiping across a grid of dots that some Android phones used in the past.  (Or even worse, the feeble face recognition system that could be defeated with a photo.)


    But I'm not convinced that Apple can actually build a fingerprint sensor into the home button.  At least not without making it bigger.  Take a look at how much of your thumbprint the button could actually sample.  It seems to be at most about half the width of your thumb.  Is that enough to get an accurate, secure reading?  And can Apple figure out how to make the button + sensor thin enough to fit between the glass front panel and the Lightning connector directly underneath it?


    So maybe Apple could make the button wider.  No big deal.  There's nothing to either side of the button anyway.  And it might finally be made out of glass instead of plastic.


    On the other hand, Apple has been working on face recognition for years.  First with iPhoto, now with the iPhone Camera app.  It may be possible for Apple to combine partial thumb scanning with partial face biometrics.  That would allow Apple to keep the home button at its current size and shape, and not relying totally on face biometrics would allow for a wider variety of "looks."  E.g. wearing a baseball cap or sunglasses.  (Or maybe you could take multiple photos of yourself, with your different caps and sunglasses, in different lighting, to use as "biometrics" matches.  I don't know.)

  • Reply 28 of 46
    blackbookblackbook Posts: 1,361member


    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    It's not the Apple way? But the Apple way is to sell 2-3 year old phones? I think a new, but lower priced iPhone with reduced storage and less features to accompany the new model is more Apple than their current situation. And it gives all their small touch devices 4" screens.

    And the future of the iPhone could be an accessory to the iPad? You've lost it, man.


    Apple may do that this year in order to get the entire product line moved over to Lightning and 4 inch screens, but at the same time I would hope they don't dilute their image with a plastic body iPhone.


    My last comment about the iPhone being an accessory was more long term. In the near future smartphones will probably continue as they are, but long term more tech will become wearable and smaller including the iPhone. Apple will probably be one of the first pioneering this next wave of tech, so there will probably be some sort of wearable iPhone form factor sooner rather than later.

  • Reply 29 of 46
    jfc1138jfc1138 Posts: 3,090member


    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Show me where Cook said that?

    Well, Cook said surprises are for the fall... what's "surprising" about a product refresh?

  • Reply 30 of 46
    am8449am8449 Posts: 392member
    For those calling for more innovation, I would like to remind you that most people upgrade on a two-year cycle because of their cellular contracts, so the next iPhone (presumably the 5S), only needs to appeal to those who are upgrading from a 4S. The longer screen and lightness of the current 5 is probably enough enticement already. But knowing Apple, they'll probably throw in a other few small features to sweeten the deal.

    IMO, the next iPhone will be about _iteration_, not innovation.
  • Reply 31 of 46
    heliahelia Posts: 170member
    New iphone with probably better camera and maybe fingerprint sensor, which maybe be available more colours than two. Though the analyst can't vouch for its authenticity.

    WOW! I've never have read something that cool. Maybe hundreds of times in AI, but not more ;p

    Please, don't put articles like this. Better to not post anything rather articles like this.

    Thanks, long time reader of AI
  • Reply 32 of 46
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member


    Originally Posted by herbapou View Post


    imo its pretty much a given that they will update the internals.  But seriously, incremental internal refresh and color options is a major fail on the innovation side. I am going to hope they do better than that because thats the kind of "innovations" that can be done by the bottom feeding low end taiwan companies.



    So like everything ever made, Samsung Galaxy S > S2 > S III > S4 for example.


    Minor increments as newer technology becomes available.

  • Reply 33 of 46
    macbook promacbook pro Posts: 1,605member
    hill60 wrote: »
    So like everything ever made, Samsung Galaxy S > S2 > S III > S4 for example.

    Minor increments as newer technology becomes available.

    As a matter of fact, the design evolution of internal components has been nothing short of spectacularly innovative. The Apple A6 SoC rivals the real world performance of competitor products with four times as many cores running at equivalent or higher clock speeds with twice as much RAM.
  • Reply 34 of 46
    rumormillrumormill Posts: 41member

    These clowns should just give it a break.  Most customers figured that a new phone would come out in September/October.  For months, we were bombarded with rumors of a June/July release.  Just from past behavior we know Apple will improve the components, camera, screen, etc.  I seriously doubt it will have the fingerprint security feature, although my Sony Vaio has it and I bought it 3 years ago.  Sadly enough, the analyst do more harm than good to the stock and company by passing around these rumors while impacting sales.  There was an uproar when Apple refreshed the Ipad after about 7-8 months.  Many saying "customers are outraged because now they have an outdated model".  Samsung gets praised for putting out a Galaxy Mini a couple months after launching their flagship device.  All this samsung vs apple noise is almost as worse as the fiscal cliff B.S. that went on for months tricking people into selling their stocks!  Especially with the experts on CNBC claiming that the dividend tax rates were going to jump from 15% to 40-50%. 

  • Reply 35 of 46
    harry wildharry wild Posts: 813member
    I remember when the announced it in September and was actually released in first week of October. People wanted to buy it out right but did not know what the consequences of that would be. Wonder if they will clarify it in their sales pitch!

    September/October will be major product releases:

    low price iPhone
    iPad Mini Retina
    Mac Book Pro???
    iPods series

    I guessing that the iPad5 will be announced in June/July time frame. Not interest in a huge iPad that is 9.7" long and it is "too big" for any of my uses - watching video, e-reader, internet surfing. Only Realtors would want to buy this model!
  • Reply 36 of 46


    imo its pretty much a given that they will update the internals.  But seriously, incremental internal refresh and color options is a major fail on the innovation side. I am going to hope they do better than that because thats the kind of "innovations" that can be done by the bottom feeding low end taiwan companies.


    Innovation I am hoping for:


    Batterie life:  IGZO at the same resolution could triple batterie life. Smartphone batterie life is short compare to what we used to get with feature phones.  Couple this with new batterie tech, better LTE chip, smarter firmware and getting 5 days out of charge would be doable.


    NFC:  and a clever way to used it on the software side.


    The home button:  IF they could find a way to put it on the screen.  There is patent for it. Think of the gain in the bezel. This could allow to build a 5" iphone that is barely bigger (footprint) than the current one, it would be a bit wider but not much longer.


    Zoom:  I dont know if its doable but a small optical zoom would go a long way into making it a better camera.


    Water and sand:  Shock and water resistant. The batterie is not user removable, so why not making it water resistant.



    You're misspelling battery, dude. The word only has "ie" in it when made plural.

  • Reply 37 of 46
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    iPhone 4S. $300 off-contract. Boom. Problem solved.


    No. You will be wrong again on this - and you are like a broken record.


    1) Last year's model is not as good a seller as a lower priced this years model - compare iPad mini to iPad 2 vs iPad 3

    2) It doesn't have the connector.

    3) A 2 year old model doesn't have the same guarantee of OS updates and competes with its own secondary market.

  • Reply 38 of 46
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member


    Originally Posted by am8449 View Post

    For those calling for more innovation, I would like to remind you that most people upgrade on a two-year cycle because of their cellular contracts, so the next iPhone (presumably the 5S), only needs to appeal to those who are upgrading from a 4S. The longer screen and lightness of the current 5 is probably enough enticement already. But knowing Apple, they'll probably throw in a other few small features to sweeten the deal.

    IMO, the next iPhone will be about _iteration_, not innovation.

    What about new buyers? Don't be silly.

  • Reply 39 of 46
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by asdasd View Post

    No. You will be wrong again on this - and you are like a broken record.


    1) Last year's model is not as good a seller as a lower priced this years model - compare iPad mini to iPad 2 vs iPad 3

    2) It doesn't have the connector.

    3) A 2 year old model doesn't have the same guarantee of OS updates and competes with its own secondary market.


    And yet it remains the third best selling phone on the market.


    Guess I'm "wrong".

  • Reply 40 of 46
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    And yet it remains the third best selling phone on the market.


    Guess I'm "wrong".

    Yes. You are still wrong. On facts and logic.


    Firstly that only applies to the US, it is certainly not anywhere near that here in Ireland. Common error on this Americanocentric forum.


    Secondly even if you claim were true worldwide it would not be a good argument. Because you don't know if a cheaper model this year would sell better. Neither do I, however there are suggestions that it would because the iPad mini is outselling the iPad 4, and the iPad 2 did not outsell the iPad 3.


    In fact you would expect lower priced models to outsell higher priced models in normal markets, and the fact that the old iPhone 4 isn't outselling the iPhone 5 is indicative that the strategy isn't working.

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