Dutch Supreme Court rules Samsung's Galaxy Tab doesn't infringe on iPad



  • Reply 41 of 77
    froodfrood Posts: 771member

    The only better outcomes would have been if the obstructionist 'rounded corners' patent had been invalidated- or if Apple won, but then both tablets were banned for infringing on the etch-a-sketch.

  • Reply 42 of 77
    gwydiongwydion Posts: 1,083member


    Originally Posted by McDave View Post

    On the Dutch - I guess this means they're not prepared to uphold protection of anyone else's IP so forfeit their own. 



    The UK, USA or Germany are not prepared to uphold protection of anyone else's IP because in all the places where Apple has sued Samsung for the iPad design, they have lost.

  • Reply 43 of 77
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    zoetmb wrote: »
    Unless the rules have changed in recent years, many European countries prohibit comparative advertising.     Did the Mac vs. PC ads play in Europe?  (I'm asking).  

    Yes, they played Uk versions of the ads in the UK
  • Reply 44 of 77
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    jragosta wrote: »

    Judge holds up a Tab and iPad. Asks Samsung's attorneys which one is which. They are unable to tell the difference.

    What part don't you understand?

    His point was that any number of devices can't be told apart from a distance. While it was funny it's not the home run many here think it was.
  • Reply 45 of 77
    Haha you idiots saying a non multi task tablets better then my nexus 7 haha keep talking your smack get it the world is grown old of this bullshit apple patent crap now if you want to talk smack about your competitor fine just means androids not boring were in your head the robots are coming hahahahaha
  • Reply 46 of 77
    Haha you idiots saying a non multi task tablets better then my nexus 7 haha keep talking your smack get it the world is grown old of this bullshit apple patent crap now if you want to talk smack about your competitor fine just means androids not boring were in your head the robots are coming hahahahaha

    Is it a requirement for Android fans to not know how to spell, use punctuation, or to just generally be rude little pricks? Just curious.
  • Reply 47 of 77
    umrk_labumrk_lab Posts: 550member


    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post


    It's also part of the "tax avoidance" trail that American companies sometimes use.



    Rotterdam harbor is indeed an entry point to Europe (but ot the only one, of course).


    I also think Apple choice has something to do with the "Dutch Sandwich" tax avoidance scheme ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutch_Sandwich )

  • Reply 48 of 77
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,385member


    Originally Posted by peschiera View Post

    Many of you argue that even informed People cannot distinguish between the design of the two devices. Maybe, but what does this mean? 


    How many of you experts can say the Name of the brand by just looking at  


    - a TV 

    - a Refrigerator 

    - a washing machine 

    - a notebook 

    - a PC monitor 

    - a .... 

    Why do you think that this should be different for tablets? 


    Please start thinking about that instead of repeating ridiculous patent claims from Apple.


    Your analogy is what's absolutely ridiculous, as your attempt to twist reality to adhere to your perception based on Apple hatred. Trust me, if a company who produced any of those categories of products you just listed consistently and methodically ripped off every single aspect of a single competitor, including the design, software, packaging, accessories, etc, that would be an issue. Every company gets inspired by different products and companies in their fields. I'm sure Apple's products are also based on inspiration from hundreds of things. What Samsung has done is get ALL their inspiration from a single company, Apple, shamelessly duplicating whatever turns out to be successful, and that's not ok. 

  • Reply 49 of 77


    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post


    Your analogy is what's absolutely ridiculous, as your attempt to twist reality to adhere to your perception based on Apple hatred. Trust me, if a company who produced any of those categories of products you just listed consistently and methodically ripped off every single aspect of a single competitor, including the design, software, packaging, accessories, etc, that would be an issue. Every company gets inspired by different products and companies in their fields. I'm sure Apple's products are also based on inspiration from hundreds of things. What Samsung has done is get ALL their inspiration from a single company, Apple, shamelessly duplicating whatever turns out to be successful, and that's not ok. 

    Who is talking here about packaging or any thing else?

    The patent in question is about the form of the iPad. And to try to patent such a form is more than ridiculous.

    Read the article gain: "The Court pointed to concepts such as the Knight Ridder tablet ?"

    Then have a look at that tablet, 15 years before iPad was released. But even Apple did not copy the form. It is the only form that makes sense, given the Technology today. Why do you think Apple did choose the form of Knight Ridder? It is not a stroke of Genius to find this form. This form results automatically, given the Technology and given the development at the time iPad was released.

    Do not accuse me. The only one having a hatred seems to be you and not me.

  • Reply 50 of 77
    peschierapeschiera Posts: 38member


    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post


    Judge holds up a Tab and iPad. Asks Samsung's attorneys which one is which. They are unable to tell the difference.

    What part don't you understand?

    Is it really that complicated to understand?

    Do you think a Sony attorney would be able to tell you whether a TV is from Sony or Panasonic or Samsung by just looking at it? The same is valid for Refrigerators etc.

    Again: the patent is about the form. And no serious company would even think of trying to patent a rectangular with round Corners.

    That was the reason why the Knight Ridder creater did not patent the form. The strange thing is that Apple tries to patent something that was created by someone else before. This is not only ridiculous but also shameless.

  • Reply 51 of 77
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by peschiera View Post

    Who is talking here about packaging or any thing else?


    Everyone? The lawsuit? Common sense?

    The patent in question is about the form of the iPad. And to try to patent such a form is more than ridiculous.


    Except it isn't.

    But even Apple did not copy the form. It is the only form that makes sense, given the Technology today. 


    Oh, SHUT UP about your "natural progression" BS. 

    Originally Posted by peschiera View Post

    This is not only ridiculous but also shameless.


    What's both ridiculous and shameless is idiot trolls coming onto Apple websites.

  • Reply 52 of 77
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    hill60 wrote: »
    It's also part of the "tax avoidance" trail that American companies sometimes use.

    You mean the "perfectly legal" one?
  • Reply 53 of 77
    peschierapeschiera Posts: 38member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Everyone? The lawsuit? Common sense?


    Except it isn't.


    Oh, SHUT UP about your "natural progression" BS. 


    What's both ridiculous and shameless is idiot trolls coming onto Apple websites.

    I'm reading this site for a long time. So I know that this is not the standard discussion level here.

    However, in order to improve this site I've reported your post to the moderator. This is the only thing I can do besides ignoring you from now on. You will never again get an answer from my side.

    Btw. I can ensure that once registered here, I'm going to write lots of posts here. Enjoy my Posts in the future.

  • Reply 54 of 77
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    apple ][ wrote: »

    Anyway, this is not really that big of a deal. Anybody who buys a Samsung tablet, either informed or not informed, gets what they deserve, and they will receive no pity or sympathy from me.

    Anybody who ends up with an Android tablet is doomed to a tablet life of misery, frustration and despair, leading Fandroid morons to endlessly post stupid things on the web, like "When is this game coming out for Android?". Go check out the comments on various places for the huge Star Wars RPG (one of the best RPG's of all time) that just got released for the iPad, and check out how many moronic Fandroids ask when it's coming out for Android? :lol:

    Huh, my Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7" was a great tablet, fast, phone capabilities, SD card, very portable, ect. Not sure what cheap Android tablet you've owned but I've really liked the ones I've purchased, Asus Transformer, Transformer Prime, Xoom, Xoom II and Samsung 7.7"
  • Reply 55 of 77
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    peschiera wrote: »
    I'm reading this site for a long time. So I know that this is not the standard discussion level here.
    However, in order to improve this site I've reported your post to the moderator. This is the only thing I can do besides ignoring you from now on. You will never again get an answer from my side.
    Btw. I can ensure that once registered here, I'm going to write lots of posts here. Enjoy my Posts in the future.

    You've just opened yourself to the wrath of Mr. Grumpy, you won't like him when he's angry. :devil:
  • Reply 56 of 77
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by peschiera View Post

    Btw. I can ensure that once registered here, I'm going to write lots of posts here. Enjoy my Posts in the future.

    Good for you. Stop lying.

  • Reply 57 of 77
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,385member


    Originally Posted by peschiera View Post

    I'm reading this site for a long time. So I know that this is not the standard discussion level here.

    However, in order to improve this site I've reported your post to the moderator. This is the only thing I can do besides ignoring you from now on. You will never again get an answer from my side.

    Btw. I can ensure that once registered here, I'm going to write lots of posts here. Enjoy my Posts in the future.


    If the quality of your future posts is similar to what we've seen so far, than I'm sure nobody is going to "enjoy" your posts. It's not your opinion, it's what it's based on, including extremely shitty arguments that are intellectually dishonest, and rolling out all the tired memes like "rectangle with rounded corners", "only form factor that makes sense today", etc, not to mention lying. 


    "The strange thing is that Apple tries to patent something that was created by someone else before. This is not only ridiculous but also shameless."


    Wait, so "creating" means something that was seen on startrek, or a product mockup that never actually came to existence? "Creating" is actually doing the hard work of overcoming all the engineering complexities of developing and building a product that was only was ever imagined, and getting such a product into the hands of consumers. Your same argument could be applied to say its ridiculous that Apple patent a time machine, or a warp drive, if it actually built these, as these have already existed in scifi movies. It's clear the only reason you registered here is to troll (since you've been reading this site for a long time, but never once bothered to register to say anything positive about Apple or engage in real discussion), and it's sad that you plan to continue doing just that. 

  • Reply 58 of 77
    ptramptram Posts: 58member
    They are totally different. One is vertical, while the other is landscape!
  • Reply 59 of 77
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    You mean the "perfectly legal" one?

    Avoidance = Legal
    Evasion = Illegal
  • Reply 60 of 77
    dutchdutch Posts: 1member

    But for your illumination, here is the Apple iPad envisioned to a tee in 1994, as was most of Apple's other technologies it 'claimed' to invent, ones that were lifted from Xerox PARC much earlier (the mouse, the GUI, etc.).



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