Apple widens lead over Samsung in U.S. smartphone market

in iPhone edited January 2014
Apple and Samsung both continue to increase their share of the United States' smartphone market, but according to new data, Apple is growing at a faster clip and extended its lead over rival Samsung as iPhone marketshare peaked at nearly 40 percent in the last three months.


Industry monitor comScore released its MobiLens overview of the smartphone market on Tuesday, showing that Apple's iPhone accounted 39.2 percent of U.S. smartphone subscribers. The company retained its lead for the three months ending in April, with marketshare up 1.4 points from the end of January, when it held a 37.8 percent share of the market.

At the end of January, Samsung was the second-largest manufacturer in the U.S. market, though at 21.4 percent, it trailed Apple by 16.4 percentage points. In the most recent figures, Apple's lead has expanded to 17.2 percentage points, even as Samsung's overall share ticked upward by 0.6 points over the past three months.

No other smartphone manufacturer managed to crack double digit share. The remaining top five manufacturers ? HTC, Motorola, and LG ? all lost ground, with the troubled HTC dropping in share by nearly a full percentage point.

While Apple holds the top spot in the United States, its South Korean rival sells the most phones worldwide, moving more than 70 million smartphones in the first quarter of 2013. Together, the two companies account for all of the profit in the smartphone segment.


Apple also saw gains in terms of operating system market share. Strong iPhone sales led to Apple's iOS being the only platform to boost its share for the three month period ending in April, rising 1.4 points to 39.2 percent of the U.S. market. BlackBerry, with its new BlackBerry 10 devices recently released, suffered the most in the United States from Apple's rise, dropping 0.8 points in the quarter. Google's Android dropped 0.3 points through April, while Microsoft's Windows Phone platform dropped 0.1 points.


  • Reply 1 of 53
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member

    This is simply not true.






    Seriously, Samsung is spending millions and millions on advertising. Every satellite channel I surf is covered from head to toe with Samsung ads. The ads are everywhere... television, radio, print, web, you name it. You can't go five minutes without seeing a Samsung Galaxy S4 ad somewhere. I was getting real nervous about this blitzkrieg let loose by Samsung. Apparently my nervousness was misplaced.

  • Reply 2 of 53
    macrulezmacrulez Posts: 2,455member


    Originally Posted by lkrupp View Post

    Seriously, Samsung is spending millions and millions on advertising. Every satellite channel I surf is covered from head to toe with Samsung ads. The ads are everywhere...

    Not to mention the advertising Appleinsider gives them almost every day for free.

  • Reply 3 of 53
    macbook promacbook pro Posts: 1,605member
    lkrupp wrote: »
    This is simply not true.



    Seriously, Samsung is spending millions and millions on advertising. Every satellite channel I surf is covered from head to toe with Samsung ads. The ads are everywhere... television, radio, print, web, you name it. You can't go five minutes without seeing a Samsung Galaxy S4 ad somewhere. I was getting real nervous about this blitzkrieg let loose by Samsung. Apparently my nervousness was misplaced.

    Be not nervous. Advertising does not a good product make.

    For all the complaints about a lack of features from Apple all I see on Android forums is questions about how to fix this or that issue with the products. Poor product quality combined with poor customer service doesn't really breed customer satisfaction and brand loyalty.
  • Reply 4 of 53
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    I'm surprised by these results since we're in the back half of the annual release cycle. Usually we see a little trail off where the anti-Apple crowd runs with their version of Apple is Doomed™.
  • Reply 5 of 53
    Just for consistency, I'll repeat the oft-spoken refrain: Market share doesn't really matter--profit share matters. Oh yeah, and Apple is winning there, too. ;)
  • Reply 6 of 53
    boredumbboredumb Posts: 1,418member


    Originally Posted by MacBook Pro View Post

    Be not nervous. Advertising does not a good product make.

    Naw, go ahead and be nervous...


    If this were about the better product, there would never have been a "contest" in the first place...


    Ask Sony and their Betamax, among numerous examples, how this works in the real world.

  • Reply 7 of 53
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member

    Android is stagnating. Isn't that what the troll crowds used to say about the iPhone?!

  • Reply 8 of 53
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    lkrupp wrote: »
    This is simply not true.



    Seriously, Samsung is spending millions and millions on advertising. Every satellite channel I surf is covered from head to toe with Samsung ads. The ads are everywhere... television, radio, print, web, you name it. You can't go five minutes without seeing a Samsung Galaxy S4 ad somewhere. I was getting real nervous about this blitzkrieg let loose by Samsung. Apparently my nervousness was misplaced.

    And it's working quite well. Take Apple out of the chart and it tells a different story. Samsung is beating the snot out of the other Android manufacturers. They're quite happy being #2 especially since #3 is so far behind and losing (that's how it's spelled people) ground.
  • Reply 9 of 53
    kdarlingkdarling Posts: 1,640member

    Everyone's boosting their ad budgets.


    For example, in the US, Samsung went from being way behind Apple on ad spending all these years, to spending $401 million on phone ads in 2012.  (A lot was on the GS3 ads.)


    Apple wasn't just sitting around, though.  They boosted their own 2012 spending to $333 million.


    It's a great time to be either a patent lawyer or in advertising :)


  • Reply 10 of 53
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    kdarling wrote: »
    Everyone's boosting their ad budgets.

    For example, i<span style="line-height:1.231;">n the US, Samsung went from being way behind Apple on ad spending all these years, to spending $401 million on phone ads in 2012.  (A lot was on the GS3 ads.)</span>

    Apple wasn't just sitting around, though.  They boosted their own 2012 spending to $333 million.

    It's a great time to be either a patent lawyer or in advertising :)

    Are you comparing Samsung's smartphone advertising budget in the US to all of Apple's advertising budget in the world?
  • Reply 11 of 53
    r00fusr00fus Posts: 245member


    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    And it's working quite well. Take Apple out of the chart and it tells a different story. Samsung is beating the snot out of the other Android manufacturers. They're quite happy being #2 especially since #3 is so far behind and losing (that's how it's spelled people) ground.


    But what does Google think about this?  That's what confuses me, is Samsung Google's champion, or problem?

  • Reply 12 of 53
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    r00fus wrote: »
    But what does Google think about this?  That's what confuses me, is Samsung Google's champion, or problem?

    For now they're obviously the champion but they can quickly become a problem and a very big one. Google could be in a world of hurt if they don't gain some traction in the hardware business after buying Motorola Mobility.
  • Reply 13 of 53
    archarch Posts: 66member

    Samsung + HTC + Motorola = 39.2% = Apple! Waiting for Apple share to get bigger than whole of Android.

  • Reply 14 of 53
    juiljuil Posts: 75member


    Originally Posted by KDarling View Post

    Everyone's boosting their ad budgets.


    For example, in the US, Samsung went from being way behind Apple on ad spending all these years, to spending $401 million on phone ads in 2012.  (A lot was on the GS3 ads.)


    Apple wasn't just sitting around, though.  They boosted their own 2012 spending to $333 million.


    It's a great time to be either a patent lawyer or in advertising :)



    But generally speaking, partnering with the olympics, David Beckham and a monster incentive program is quite expensive for Samsung. In the case of Apple, there are very few dollars in those categories of marketing expenses... It’s all down on media placement (not all, but nearly all). Apple has very few ads, they don’t use celebrities, to my knowledge they don’t associate with major events, pro sports’ leagues or festivals and they certainly don’t have an incentive program (except maybe with BestBuy??).

  • Reply 15 of 53
    kdarlingkdarling Posts: 1,640member


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    Are you comparing Samsung's smartphone advertising budget in the US to all of Apple's advertising budget in the world?


    Nope.  Worldwide, Apple spent $1 billion last year.  Apple's ad budget for the whole world hasn't been around $300 million in a long while:



    I was quoting Electronista, who was quoting Kantar about just USA phone ad budgets.   BGR had a similar article:


    "Samsung spent $402 million in 2012 marketing its smartphones in the United States, topping even Apple (AAPL) with its similarly enormous $333 million U.S. marketing budget for the iPhone."

  • Reply 16 of 53
    kdarlingkdarling Posts: 1,640member


    Originally Posted by Juil View Post

    But generally speaking, partnering with the olympics, David Beckham and a monster incentive program is quite expensive for Samsung. In the case of Apple, there are very few dollars in those categories of marketing expenses... It’s all down on media placement (not all, but nearly all). 


    True, Samsung decided to boost their ad budget and it really seemed to help.



    Apple has very few ads, they don’t use celebrities, to my knowledge they don’t associate with major events, pro sports’ leagues or festivals and they certainly don’t have an incentive program (except maybe with BestBuy??).


    Apple does use celebrities.  Remember the Siri ads?  (Scorsese, Deschanel, Jackson)   Besides those, some of their other ads were also not that great.  E.g. the short-lived "Genius" series.


    Overall, Samsung got some good bang for their advertising bucks.  They had most of the top viral ads last year, especially the ones playing off people waiting in line.   Their biggest ad goof (IMO) was that Super Bowl thing with the comedians... although my opinion could be warped from not knowing those guys very well.

  • Reply 17 of 53
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by KDarling View Post




  • Reply 18 of 53
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    juil wrote: »
    ..... they don’t use celebrities.....

    I guess you forgot about Samuel L. Jackson and his Gazpacho recipe, and Martin Scorsese.

    Edit: KDarling beat me to it.
  • Reply 19 of 53
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    I guess you forgot about Samuel L. Jackson and his Gazpacho recipe, and Martin Scorsese.

    Edit: KDarling beat me to it.

    They really should have vetted the dialogue better. They should known people would try to see if Siri worked the same for them as in the videos. Either you alter Siri so it's more tuned for those specific questions or you use sentences that can also be duplicated up by a reasonable user.

    Barry is not a reasonable user due to his speech impediment:

  • Reply 20 of 53
    tundraboytundraboy Posts: 1,901member


    Originally Posted by KDarling View Post

    Everyone's boosting their ad budgets.


    For example, in the US, Samsung went from being way behind Apple on ad spending all these years, to spending $401 million on phone ads in 2012.  (A lot was on the GS3 ads.)


    Apple wasn't just sitting around, though.  They boosted their own 2012 spending to $333 million.


    It's a great time to be either a patent lawyer or in advertising :)



    I do know that Advertising ?Promotions.  Promotions includes things beyond advertising like product placements.

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