Inside iOS 7: Apple puts Pandora on notice with iTunes Radio



  • Reply 41 of 42
    svnippsvnipp Posts: 430member
    Personally, I use Slacker. It's a love/hate relationship because the app is way to unstable with there being literally hours at a stretch when it simply won't launch. However, it does have the ability to cache your stations to your local device and therefore not have to stream the content. This is great for instance when I'm driving or working out and don't have a Wifi connection when I don't want to stream content and use up my bandwidth.

    I'll be completely sold if Apple let's you similarly cache your stations in iTunes Radio.
  • Reply 42 of 42
    Why cant they release this world wide :/ this is the moments when I get angry at apple for not cocusing more on its other markets, like if a apple had an apple store in my home town in mexico, and i live in the capital city of my state, i would have been able to move all of my family to macs and all apple products years ago!
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