Mystery of revealed: it's for sharing between OS X Mavericks, iOS



  • Reply 21 of 21


    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Sigh. Typical Apple. Create a wonderful product, but limit its use and functionality. iChat, iMessage, FaceTime, iCloud..... The list is endless.


    Some day, the company will wake up to all the possibilities offered by why and now network externalities matter for consumers.

    Horses for courses, as they say. Or as Mum used to say: "One thing at a time, and that done well is a very good thing, as many can tell".


    It really isn't Apple's modus operandi to attempt "being all things to all people", as some other vendors we won't mention seem to do.


    This merely results in diving into various markets occupied by friends and foes alike, leading to enmity, litigation, duplicated effort and half-baked offerings that remain in Beta for almost their entire life-cycle.


    Charity as they say should begin at home, in this case with the iOS/OS X User Experience which is enjoyed by over half a billion savvy, lavish-spending and loyal customers.

















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