Yahoo updates Mail app with multi-login support, Tumblr with refined search

in iPhone edited January 2014
Yahoo updated two of its iOS titles on Tuesday, with Mail getting support for multiple accounts, while the recently acquired Tumblr received powerful new search enhancements.

Yahoo Mail

Yahoo! Mail, while not the most popular email client on the App Store, got a small bump with a few welcome account management additions.

Most notably, Yahoo! Mail now supports multiple accounts, allowing those users who have more than one login to use the app as a one-stop-shop for their Yahoo-based emailing needs. The app will parse out accounts by inbox and there doesn't appear to be a limit to the number of accounts allowed.

In addition, the app now supports Business Mail accounts for Yahoo! Small Business customers, including push notifications, Yahoo! contact migration and photo attachments.

Finally, along with multiple login support comes an easier process of signing out. Users can now navigate to Settings and select "Manage Accounts" to turn off specific inboxes.

Yahoo! Mail is a 8.9MB free download from the App Store.


In its update, Tumblr, which was acquired by Yahoo in May for $1.1 billion, brings a refined method of searching through the microblogging platform's over 122 million blogs.

Also added are content discovery features that include a tweaked home screen showing trending tags and a number of trending blogs. With the latest version, users are able to follow blogs directly from the search results page, which itself has been tweaked to return more pertinent information.

Tumblr weighs in at 12.7MB and can be downloaded from the App Store for free.


  • Reply 1 of 4
    gwmacgwmac Posts: 1,810member
    Does anyone else have an issue not on iOS but on OS X 8.4 with Apple mail having problems with Yahoo mail? I am positive my password and other settings are correct. Sometimes it logs in and other times it gives me a password error message. I only use this yahoo account for ebay, and some other non-essential email but it is still annoying why the password won't stick or I get errors.
  • Reply 2 of 4
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    Multi-login is available on the native iOS mail app, so personally I'm failing to see the benefit of this mail client. Perhaps push email, as that supposedly got dropped from Gmail, albeit only for new users.
    gwmac wrote: »
    Does anyone else have an issue not on iOS but on OS X 8.4 with Apple mail having problems with Yahoo mail? I am positive my password and other settings are correct. Sometimes it logs in and other times it gives me a password error message. I only use this yahoo account for ebay, and some other non-essential email but it is still annoying why the password won't stick or I get errors.

    I don't use Yahoo mail, but if I had the problem you're describing: have you deleted the account (or simply disable it) and re-create a new account (with the same setting of course)?
  • Reply 3 of 4
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    I recently noticed the follow + button on the iPad web interface follow me as I scrolled down the page. I immediately cringed. Yahoo are claiming they'll leave Karp to his own devices, but I have serious doubts.

    Yahoo are clowns when it comes to great UX. Just look at the hurdle I met recently when I tried to sign up for a throwaway Yahoo account to make a comment some place:

  • Reply 4 of 4
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    ireland wrote: »

    Yahoo are clowns when it comes to great UX. Just look at the hurdle I met recently when I tried to sign up for a throwaway Yahoo account to make a comment some place:


    Couldn't agree more.

    Also, I tried setting my password to penis, but Yahoo told me it was too short.
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