US court finds Apple guilty of conspiring to raise e-book prices



  • Reply 21 of 163
    This judge was never going to rule in Apple's favor. Not one media outlet thought the DOJ proved their case yet we get a guilty verdict.... What a farse!!!!! Look for it to be appealed and overturned on appeal. We will see how much money Bezos gave to Obama and how many judges that buys you!!!!! Looks like we are going all the way to Supreme Court no matter what!!!
  • Reply 22 of 163
    adonissmuadonissmu Posts: 1,776member
    The judge said she was going to rule in favor of "The justice department". No big shock here.
  • Reply 23 of 163
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member


    Originally Posted by Gerald Thomas View Post

    I wish Apple would stop doing this kind of stuff, they make so much money why do they need to cheat. I'm a huge fan, but how much money do you need?


    And I wish Apple hating trolls claiming to be fans would just go to... someplace else.

  • Reply 24 of 163
    malaxmalax Posts: 1,598member

    Unlike many posters here, I don't blame the judge, I blame the law.


    I don't think Apple did anything wrong, but I'm not terribly surprised that they (were determined) to have violated some aspects of the law.  Most people here are applying a standard of "what the law should be" rather than what the laws say.  And since we're not lawyers, what do we know.


    It's like when we watch the Winter Olympics every four years and deem ourselves experts on the rules of short track speed skating and rhythmic mogul ice dancing or whatnot.

  • Reply 25 of 163
    rerollreroll Posts: 60member

    Damn communist government!

  • Reply 26 of 163
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    jetlaw wrote: »
    Big government; as crooked as they are they can't even rule fairly for a company that seems, in many ways, to be a 'friend' of this administration.

    If you can't play "Chicago politics" with your "friends", well, what's it all about anyway?
  • Reply 27 of 163
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    I kinda hope apple moves all IP off shore and screws the gov't out of all and any tax revenue they can. Then when asked why, apple can simply show all the BS lawsuits it has had to pay through the nose for. This gov't we have loves taxes but seems to hate those who actually pay any

    I recommend Apple move to Korea or China. Both countries seem to get away with murder without any negative repercussions.
  • Reply 28 of 163
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    I wish Apple would stop doing this kind of stuff, they make so much money why do they need to cheat. I'm a huge fan, but how much money do you need?

    Wise up, "Gerald".
  • Reply 29 of 163
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    I wish Apple would stop doing this kind of stuff, they make so much money why do they need to cheat. I'm a huge fan, but how much money do you need?

    Cheat? How were they cheating?

    The verdict is total bunk. Supreme court, here they come.
  • Reply 30 of 163
    asterionasterion Posts: 112member
    This isn't justice. It's politics.
  • Reply 31 of 163
    g3grantg3grant Posts: 1member
    It's the only way the OBAMA administration can be successful against Apple. I'd bet my paycheck the penalties will be the amount Apple would pay in taxes if they brought the $$$ back into the US. Who says the federal government isn't corrupt! The government is using the court system to generate additional revenue from wealthy companies.
  • Reply 32 of 163
    jessijessi Posts: 302member


    Originally Posted by malax View Post

    Unlike many posters here, I don't blame the judge, I blame the law.


    I don't think Apple did anything wrong, but I'm not terribly surprised that they (were determined) to have violated some aspects of the law.  Most people here are applying a standard of "what the law should be" rather than what the laws say.  And since we're not lawyers, what do we know.


    First off, you're right that the law is a bogus law.  It's a law written by communists (literally, back when communism was an up and coming thing) to punish people for "competing". 


    Your presumption that only lawyers can have an opinions is silly.  The law is not complicated.  In fact, the highest law, the one under which Apple is absolutely innocent, is the constitution.  The constitution does not give the federal government the power to persecute Apple in this way.  That document was written so that everyone could read it.  All laws in violation of it (which anti-trust are) are null and void. 


    However, given the weakness of the case, the judge is to blame, always.  Whenever the law is bad, it is the judge's job to set aside the law and rule in the moral way.


    The judge here has committed a profound crime-- has betrayed any oath or claim of fealty to justice. 


    The only possible service to the people she's done here is to show that government justice is justice denied.


    She's shown that the "justice" system has been corrupted into a partisan persecution organization. 


    She's shown that the US government is nothing more than a bunch of mafia-like thugs.

  • Reply 33 of 163
    pendergastpendergast Posts: 1,358member
    malax wrote: »
    It's like when we watch the Winter Olympics every four years and deem ourselves experts on the rules of short track speed skating and rhythmic mogul ice dancing or whatnot.

    It's the same with Olympic tether ball and synchronized running.

    Everyone is an expert.
  • Reply 34 of 163
    agramonteagramonte Posts: 345member


    Originally Posted by jeff-hackintosh View Post

    I kinda hope apple moves all IP off shore and screws the gov't out of all and any tax revenue they can. Then when asked why, apple can simply show all the BS lawsuits it has had to pay through the nose for. This gov't we have loves taxes but seems to hate those who actually pay any


    where exactly you think they would go? Seeing how the EU also sued them (and Apple settled) they would have been in the same situation - unless they went to what ,China?

  • Reply 35 of 163
    notownnotown Posts: 39member

    Why all the Obama bashing? U.S. District Judge Denise Cote was nominated by Clinton back in '94. Sure Obama is the face of the federal government with Holder as his Attorney General, but it's not as if Obama or Holder strong arm the justices. That would be a serious breach of so many founding principles of this country. Anywho, this decision makes no sense (to the non-lawyer eye) and will undoubtedly be repealed and likely go to the Supreme Court (which has been remarkedly business friendly).


    edit: Although I guess you could argue a decision either way would be "business friendly."

  • Reply 36 of 163
    jessijessi Posts: 302member


    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    I recommend Apple move to Korea or China. Both countries seem to get away with murder without any negative repercussions.


    I think it's time for apple to take action.  They express political support for some causes like social freedom-- namely gay marriage. 


    It's time for them to create a PAC, or a dozen PACs and start putting money behind economic freedom as well. 


    You have to be pretty much self destructive if you're going to be as rich as they are and not spend your money to fight when fascists take over. 


    Yeah, this "democracy" is a joke, but there's a lot they can do. 


    Leaving politics to the "professionals" is not going to wok, and increasingly, the government is going to need to steal more and more to try and get out of the hole they're busy digging for themselves.... and unless Apple defends itself, it will be taken down. 


    Hopefully this experience is a wake up call to Apple management that the government is not a friend to business, or justice, and that it needs to be reformed on a very profound level. 

  • Reply 37 of 163
    jessijessi Posts: 302member


    Originally Posted by NoTown View Post

     That would be a serious breach of so many founding principles of this country


    I suggest you look into some of the things that Holder has done during his time in the job.  He has regularly and seriously breched every founding principle of this country, and the very concept of justice.


    This is the guy who illegally exported guns to mexico in the hopes they would be used in crimes so that he could use it as a justification for tougher gun laws in america.


    And that's just one of his crimes. 


    Leaning on a judge would be trivial in comparison. 

  • Reply 38 of 163
    themousethemouse Posts: 10member
    I'm the biggest Apple fanboy there is. I had an Apple II in the 80's and the first Macintosh II. I own stock and every single iThing. When e-books started appearing on Amazon, I bought them to read on the Kindle app on the iPad. Since it was no physical item, the prices were amazing compared to the real book. Then Apple added books to it's online store. Then the Amazon prices went up! I'm just saying.
  • Reply 39 of 163

    The chances of this legal battle being even remotely over are nil.


    The fat lady hasn't even begun to practice her scales yet, let alone sing.

  • Reply 40 of 163
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    pendergast wrote: »
    It's the same with Olympic tether ball and synchronized running.

    Everyone is an expert.

    That's why we have juries. Apple should have selected a jury trial.
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