Foxconn reportedly set to hire 90K workers for iPhone 5S production ramp



  • Reply 21 of 60


    Originally Posted by blackbook View Post

    This is interesting but I'm sure the polycarbonate iPhone is going to sell in bigger numbers than the 5S, and it could potentially eat into 5S sales.


    That does seem logical to me. Rather like what I think the iPad Mini is doing to the iPad. 


    I'm looking fwd to the white polycarbonate iPhone. That coupled with an iPad Mini, an ATV and maybe a Time Capsule and I'm down with the Apple eco-system for about $700.


    6-7 years ago, I was in the Apple ecosystem with an iMac, MB laptop, original ATV, original iPhone, Airport extreme for about $4,500! 


    $700 vs. $4,500! Wow! Maybe I will have to have a MacBook Air to have OSX...but I'm going to try and do it all with iOS7! Wish me luck! :)


    Thanks, Apple! :)

  • Reply 22 of 60
    droidftwdroidftw Posts: 1,009member

    Hopefully they don't hire any 'student interns' in this expansion.

  • Reply 23 of 60


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    The 4 and 4S don't sell more than the 5. It has nothing to do with the hardware.

    It's not about the hardware perse, it's about the price.

  • Reply 24 of 60
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    It's not about the hardware perse, it's about the price.

  • Reply 25 of 60
    yesiamyesiam Posts: 9member
    A smartphone, or smart phone, is a mobile phone built on a mobile operating system, with more advanced computing capability and connectivity than a feature phone. Seeing as apple is at the forefront of this technology you can be sure the next phone will be a smartphone.
  • Reply 26 of 60
    vl-tonevl-tone Posts: 337member


    Originally Posted by bleh1234 View Post



    Reliance Totally unlimited @1499




    Monthly Rental Rs.1,499/- ~$25

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    ... under $50.00


    What is the average salary in India?

  • Reply 27 of 60
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    yesiam wrote: »
    A smartphone, or smart phone, is a mobile phone built on a mobile operating system, with more advanced computing capability and connectivity than a feature phone.

    Seeing as apple is at the forefront of this technology you can be sure the next phone will be a smartphone.

    I'm not talking about Apple in the slightest, thanks.
    Now please go to sleep as you have school in the morning.

    Later, skater. The next time you make a troll account (read: shut up and go away forever), try reading the post you're insulting first.
  • Reply 28 of 60
    yesiam wrote: »
    There is always one person who writes something irrelevant in these forums and today it's Tallest Skil.
    A smartphone, or smart phone, is a mobile phone built on a mobile operating system, with more advanced computing capability and connectivity than a feature phone. Seeing as apple is at the forefront of this technology you can be sure the next phone will be a smartphone. Now please go to sleep as you have school in the morning.

    You need to follow the conversation back to see what Tallest Skil was talking about.

    He wasn't talking about Apple at all. I actually started a thread about $100 smartphones in emerging markets... and he jumped in the thread.
  • Reply 29 of 60
    yesiamyesiam Posts: 9member
    I am not making a troll statement I am merely venting my frustration that any human being could possibly deem an apple product to be anything other than smart.
  • Reply 30 of 60
    yesiam wrote: »
    I am not making a troll statement I am merely venting my frustration that any human being could possibly deem an apple product to be anything other than smart.

    Read my previous reply to you....

    You misinterpreted what Tallest Skil said.

    He said nothing about Apple at all.
  • Reply 31 of 60
    yesiamyesiam Posts: 9member
    Well if that is the case then i apologise for any inconvenience or bad feeling my posts may have caused to you tallest Skil
  • Reply 32 of 60
    bleh1234bleh1234 Posts: 146member


    Originally Posted by VL-Tone View Post


    What is the average salary in India?





    The per capita monthly income, a measure to assess standard of living, grew at a slower rate of 13.7 per cent to Rs 5,130 in 2011-12 at current prices compared to Rs 4,513 in 2010-11.


    Appx $86.00 for 5130 Rps

  • Reply 33 of 60
    jakebjakeb Posts: 563member


    Originally Posted by Michael Scrip View Post

    Emerging markets are already buying Android phones for $100

    The lowest cost iPhone is currently $450

    How inexpensive do you think the plastic iPhone will be? image


    The 5c will be the high-end emerging-market phone. I'm making this up, of course, but I'm guessing the cheapest one will be just a hair under $300. 

  • Reply 34 of 60
    jakeb wrote: »
    The 5c will be the high-end emerging-market phone. I'm making this up, of course, but I'm guessing the cheapest one will be just a hair under $300. 

    I will be very shocked if Apple sells an iPhone for $300
  • Reply 35 of 60
    jakebjakeb Posts: 563member

    16gb ipod touch is $229. I bet they can get a radio in there for $70, especially with the plastic case. 


    I don't think they're going to try for this market without going for blood. 

  • Reply 36 of 60


    Originally Posted by jakeb View Post

    16gb ipod touch is $229. I bet they can get a radio in there for $70, especially with the plastic case. 


    I don't think they're going to try for this market without going for blood. 

    Other than the iPod market, I've never known Apple to go for blood.  I'd be surprised if the iPhone 5C (or whatever they call the lower-cost iPhone) is priced lower than $399, with the 5S starting @ $599.

  • Reply 37 of 60
    poksipoksi Posts: 482member

    5C for around 400$ will massacre S-segment when it hurts the most. Apple will raise its market share by at least half by the end of its 2nd quarter next year. Add an larger iPhone and Apple's market share is between 40 and 50% globally...

  • Reply 38 of 60
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    harmon wrote: »
    If you don't cannibalize your own sales, someone else will.

    This is the thing, if Apple wants to expand markets and keep or improve its smart phone market share it has no choice but to build a wider array of smart phones. Not just low cost phones either. If they don't somebody else will.
  • Reply 39 of 60
    pembrokepembroke Posts: 230member



    Those numbers stagger me. Do they have factories with capacity to fit an extra 90,000 people, say 30,000 with shift work? Just like that?

    I can't fathom how an EXTRA 90,000 people are needed to produce the next iPhone. Is Apple planning on selling two to every one on the planet?

  • Reply 40 of 60
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    All use stats ever and the fact that people in these third world countries aren't affording $50 a month data plans if they're being idiots and whining about how a flagship high-end phone is $400 to own outright.

    What? Can you repeat that again?

    You can purchase smartphones for $100 (unsubsidised), this is a fact.

    Also, in these third world countries you talk about, the data plans aren't $50 a month
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