Android gets Find My iPhone-like feature 3 years after Apple



  • Reply 21 of 58
    rjc999rjc999 Posts: 69member


    Originally Posted by BigMac2 View Post

    Which first appeared in Cyndia on iOS.  Stop nagging the notification center has the only defence adnoids fans can pull agains iOS.


    It took up to version 4.2 for Google to speedup and separated the graphics rending from the main thread, something any sane OS already do since the 80's 

    So jailbreaked stuff counts now? LOL.


    iOS lacked tons of stuff Android had for years: system wide Intents and Services APIs, inter-app sharing, home screen widgets, multi-tasking switcher, voice input, and on and on. It only recently caught up and still lacks system wide app sharing capacity. Can't save to Drop Box or Share to Path from every app, you're stuck with Apple's once-a-year integrations with Twitter or Facebook. iOS is a glorified app launcher compared to Android.

  • Reply 22 of 58
    nkalunkalu Posts: 315member
    Finally, after 3 years.
  • Reply 23 of 58
    fallenjtfallenjt Posts: 4,056member


    Originally Posted by rjc999 View Post

    So jailbreaked stuff counts now? LOL.


    iOS lacked tons of stuff Android had for years: system wide Intents and Services APIs, inter-app sharing, home screen widgets, multi-tasking switcher, voice input, and on and on. It only recently caught up and still lacks system wide app sharing capacity. Can't save to Drop Box or Share to Path from every app, you're stuck with Apple's once-a-year integrations with Twitter or Facebook. iOS is a glorified app launcher compared to Android.

    Also, Apple lacked of stuff Android had for years: fragmentation and malware.

  • Reply 24 of 58
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    It took three years for accidental thefts to be prevalent enough to need something like this.

    Though why anyone would want their Android phone back after it's stolen is beyond me.

    No, it's actually because no one really wanted to steal one in the first place.  It's like a tranny. From a distance, it looks like an iPhone, but when they get up close enough the would be thief decides not to take it since it's not the real thing.  I guess they had to get some much product out there that they have enough thefts to warrant implementing the feature. Plus Google doesn't take security as that important of an issue, they just want to bloat the OS with Widgets, Themes, and dumb features, you probably will only use to show off but don't have much practical use.


    Google just gives too much ammunition for being ridiculed.  it's the new Microsoft.

  • Reply 25 of 58
    macbook promacbook pro Posts: 1,605member
    fallenjt wrote: »
    Also, Apple lacked of stuff Android had for years: fragmentation and malware.

    Oh, that is rich. An app launcher. Yes. Yes, it is. Not that Android fanatics would know anything about using apps on their glorified pet rock.
  • Reply 26 of 58
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member

    Does this new feature require an update to everyone's OS, or is it just an app?  if it requires an update to the OS, it will take a MINIMUM of 6 to 7 after each OS update is released before your device actually gets it since each OEM mfg has to first decide IF they are going to bother updating each and every device they've made.  Oh god.  Why can't Google think of security issues as a top priority rather than widgets, themes and non-essential features?  too busy trying to create useless features and eye candy for the little children I see.

  • Reply 27 of 58
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member


    Originally Posted by MacBook Pro View Post

    Oh, that is rich. An app launcher. Yes. Yes, it is. Not that Android fanatics would know anything about using apps on their glorified pet rock.

    Widgets....   And Microsoft has a kickstand..........................   See.   Click.  

  • Reply 28 of 58
    slurpy wrote: »
    What else would fandroids do to validate their lives if they're not spending their time tweaking and rooting their Android phones? They might be forced to do something useful or interact with people, which would be unthinkable. 

    Rooting is hours of fun. Don't knock it till you tried it. Nothing like giving the finger to the manufacturer and their stupid "rules". It's all about expressing your true self through custom elite haxx0r roms.
  • Reply 29 of 58
    pendergastpendergast Posts: 1,358member
    rjc999 wrote: »
    So jailbreaked stuff counts now? LOL.

    iOS lacked tons of stuff Android had for years: system wide Intents and Services APIs, inter-app sharing, home screen widgets, multi-tasking switcher, voice input, and on and on. It only recently caught up and still lacks system wide app sharing capacity. Can't save to Drop Box or Share to Path from every app, you're stuck with Apple's once-a-year integrations with Twitter or Facebook. iOS is a glorified app launcher compared to Android.

    You seemed to have missed the "Open in..." functionality available to any app, which allows you "save to Dropbox" from any app that enables it. I do it all the time.

    Don't even pretend Android has better APIs than iOS. iOS murders Android with APIs.
  • Reply 30 of 58
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,385member
    bigmac2 wrote: »
    Which first appeared in Cyndia on iOS.  Stop nagging the notification center has the only defence adnoids fans can pull agains iOS.

    It took up to version 4.2 for Google to speedup and separated the graphics rending from the main thread, something any sane OS already do since the 80's 
    Not that it really matters but Androids notification center was shown in online
    videos well before the "Cydia" developer community came up with their version of it for iOS. I'd guess that the Android feature was the inspiration for that particular developer but who knows for certain other than him.
  • Reply 31 of 58
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    drblank wrote: »
    [Android is] like a tranny.

  • Reply 32 of 58


    Originally Posted by Pendergast View Post

    Don't even pretend Android has better APIs than iOS. iOS murders Android with APIs.

    Which is why Android has OpenGL ES 3.0 support, and iOS doesn't.


    Since Q3 2012, there are more than 30 different devices that offer hardware support for GLES3 with sales in the millions.


    PowerVR 6 Series that offer GLES3 support might only be appearing in an Apple A# SoC later this year.

  • Reply 33 of 58


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    It took three years for accidental thefts to be prevalent enough to need something like this.

    Though why anyone would want their Android phone back after it's stolen is beyond me.

    It took three years for "accidental" thefts to be prevalent enough to need something like this. - that's funny!! image

    Great stuff!

  • Reply 34 of 58
    bondm16bondm16 Posts: 141member


    It took three years for accidental thefts to be prevalent enough to need something like this.

    Though why anyone would want their Android phone back after it's stolen is beyond me.

    Let me try....perhaps because its THEIR phone and it belonged to them and they paid for it. If someone stole something you really liked, wouldnt you want it back?

  • Reply 35 of 58
    d4njvrzfd4njvrzf Posts: 797member


    Originally Posted by rjc999 View Post

    So jailbreaked stuff counts now? LOL.


    iOS lacked tons of stuff Android had for years: system wide Intents and Services APIs, inter-app sharing, home screen widgets, multi-tasking switcher, voice input, and on and on. It only recently caught up and still lacks system wide app sharing capacity. Can't save to Drop Box or Share to Path from every app, you're stuck with Apple's once-a-year integrations with Twitter or Facebook. iOS is a glorified app launcher compared to Android.


    Can you elaborate on what you mean by "lacks system wide app sharing?" I thought URL schemes let one pass data between apps.

  • Reply 36 of 58

    Have I stumbled into a parallel universe?


    Smug jokes about Android 'catching up' to iOS by adding features don't really work, because Android's featureset is considerably broader than iOS's. iOS may have got this first - but what about NFC? A keyboard with proper word prediction? Pattern unlock? Proper widget support? One-tap access to settings like wi-fi? Built-in navigation? Android had all these features before iOS.


    By all means say that iOS is more stable than Android, smoother than Android, has a wider range of apps than Android, has less malware than Android, has bettery battery life than Android...


    But don't suggest that Android's featureset is 'catching up' to iOS's, because that just ain't true.

  • Reply 37 of 58
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    [quote name="Euphonious" url="/t/158857/android-gets-find-my-iphone-like-feature-3-years-after-apple#post_2373354"]A keyboard with proper word prediction? Proper widget support? One-tap access to settings like wi-fi? Built-in navigation?[/QUOTE]

    Take your FUD and shove it.
  • Reply 38 of 58
    oflifeoflife Posts: 120member
    Wrong! Although designed to track your (opt in) contacts, Google's Latitude allowed you to track your own device, so whilst not allowing remote wipe etc, did allow you to find a lost device. I think it has been merged with another Google service now.

    All said, Apple's implementation is more robust.
  • Reply 39 of 58


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Take your FUD and shove it.


    How is my post FUD? FUD has to be untrue, and nothing in my post is untrue - Android did get all of those features before iOS did.


    The shame is that it's really quite easy to advocate iOS over Android convincingly. iOS largely has the advantages I mentioned - stability, smoothness, battery life, range of apps. 


    But instead, you bury your head in the sand at any criticism of Apple and refuse to accept that iOS is not perfect. This monomania actually harms your credibility, because you look like somebody who's far too emotionally involved rather than somebody making a rational, credible argument.


    And no, I won't 'shove it'. I guess that's the kind of language which finally got you booted out of the moderation team. Shame you haven't learned.

  • Reply 40 of 58
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    euphonious wrote: »
    How is my post FUD?

    Because it's a lie.
    FUD has to be untrue

    And it is.
    and nothing in my post is untrue

    But most is.
    Android did get all of those features before iOS did.

    Android didn't even exist before iPhone OS did. You are lying.
    But instead, you bury your head in the sand at any criticism of Apple and refuse to accept that iOS is not perfect.

    Take your lies and shove them. I refuse to accept lies about Apple, is all.
    And no, I won't 'shove it'. I guess that's the kind of language which finally got you booted out of the moderation team. Shame you haven't learned.

    Nope, but since you seem more interested in personal attacks than proving your points. :lol:
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