Apple on track to build 5.2M 'iPhone 5S,' 8.4M 'iPhone 5C' units this quarter



  • Reply 21 of 33
    thomprthompr Posts: 1,521member


    Originally Posted by jason98 View Post

    So he expects 46.7 million iPhones vs 47.8 million a year ago for the holiday quarter.

    Nope, he expects a total of 46.7 million iPHone 5S and iPhone 5C.  You still have to add in the iPhone 4S, which he says will still be carried (but he didn't provide an estimate for).  SOunds reasonable enough to me.



  • Reply 22 of 33


    The iPhone 5C will most likely include a non retina display.

    I think that's unlikely because the last 3 generations of iPhone have been retina and no non-retina devices have been on sale for best part of a year. Developers will get a break at some point and stop supporting non-retina (just like iPhone 3G is now fading and 3GS won't run iOS 7). I think the debate is more about the size of the display: only one generation has had the bigger (4") display and 2 of the 3 models currently on sale still have the smaller one. So the question is when does 3.5" die?


    As noted elsewhere, I doubt the "5C" will use iPhone 5 radios - the LTE has insufficient bands and (I think, open to correction here) that iPhone 5 does not support TDD LTE (primarily useful for China but not listed in the spec on the Apple Store). I think a value-engineered (ie cheaper) iPhone 5 electronics is more likely than putting development effort into enhancing a previous design.

  • Reply 23 of 33

    Yep, makes sense. Always about this time before a release the rumors and predictions and leaks get so 'convulted' that even Jony Ive couldn't make them simple.

  • Reply 24 of 33
    iPhone 5C - for the "Common Person" comes in many popular colors, in 8, 16, 32 gig size.

    iPhone 5S - for the "Sophicated Person" comes in black, silver, gold (for Sophicated Tastes) in 32, 64, 128 gig size. %uD83D%uDE0F
  • Reply 25 of 33

    Will the please just hurry! My iPhone 4 is on life support due to too may 'dropped' (cough) calls : ) 

  • Reply 26 of 33


    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    Is there a reason AI feels the need to break up Kuo's report in to separate news articles? Does he really deserve that much space here?


    More advertising impressions! 

  • Reply 27 of 33
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    timmydax wrote: »
    Which is more likely:

    A) The iPhone "5C" will sell less than the new iPhone for above vague reasoning

    B) The iPhone "5C" will sell more than the new iPhone for the exact same reason iPad mini, iPod mini, nano etc. did

    C) It's foolish to even hazard a guess because no one even knows if a 5C exists, much less its features and price.
  • Reply 28 of 33


    Originally Posted by TimmyDax View Post

    Which is more likely:

    A) The iPhone "5C" will sell less than the new iPhone for above vague reasoning

    B) The iPhone "5C" will sell more than the new iPhone for the exact same reason iPad mini, iPod mini, nano etc. did


    C) 5C will sell more due to price. 


    iPad mini, iPod mini, iPod nano were form factor changes* while the 5C is rumored to be the same form factor, but cheaper materials. Although my guess has always been that the cheaper line would be the 4's form factor to differentiate the low end and high end. Having a 5, 5s and 5c, all having the same form factor in the market all at the same time just seems odd. I know the 5 will be faded out over time, but that leaves the cheap and the expensive to look the same. Bigger issue then the 4 and 4s in my opinion. 


    *iPod form factor change, I believe, was more for function than price. Those of us on the run, did not want, nor need, a large iPod with a touch screen. I like that I can clip my iPod to me and be on the go. The price change is only the byproduct of the form factor removing components such as screen, storage, etc. vs "how do we reduce the price" so lets remove the screen and storage size. 


    iPad mini was simular. Not a change in size to meet a price point, but a change in size to meet a need. People wanted a pocketable iPad. 

  • Reply 29 of 33
    poksipoksi Posts: 482member


    Originally Posted by Right_said_fred View Post

    Your jealous because although you can speculate, you cannot speculate to all 3 significant places.

    Im surprised this analist left of the decimal part, perhaps its in that decimal where he can hedge his bets.



    You said it. image

  • Reply 30 of 33

    So the 5C really is the "C is for China Mobile" phone then? TDD-LTE sure suggests that.


    I guess it could also be for the India market. Culturally, the color set of those cases would be received more favorably I expect. So it does make sense.


    Also in China, the 'champagne' aka 'gold' casing would easily become the "elite" badge of 5S owners.


    But if that's all Apple is set to build this quarter, it indicates a long backlog season ahead. I'm ready to drop on an unlocked iPhone 5, but I'm waiting. The day the new ones are announced, I'll have to decide if I'm going to pull the trigger now or hold out for a newer model. 


    I really like the quality, feature set and overall balance of the current iPhone 5. It'll be nice to finally see what's coming next so I can just get a new phone!

  • Reply 31 of 33
    thomprthompr Posts: 1,521member


    Originally Posted by tribalogical View Post

    So the 5C really is the "C is for China Mobile" phone then? TDD-LTE sure suggests that.


    I guess it could also be for the India market. Culturally, the color set of those cases would be received more favorably I expect. So it does make sense.


    Also in China, the 'champagne' aka 'gold' casing would easily become the "elite" badge of 5S owners.


    But if that's all Apple is set to build this quarter, it indicates a long backlog season ahead. I'm ready to drop on an unlocked iPhone 5, but I'm waiting. The day the new ones are announced, I'll have to decide if I'm going to pull the trigger now or hold out for a newer model. 


    I really like the quality, feature set and overall balance of the current iPhone 5. It'll be nice to finally see what's coming next so I can just get a new phone!

    The chip that is supposedly being used in the next iteration of iPhones is a Qualcomm world chip, mneaning it can run the TDD-LTE protocol as well as all of the other standards out there.


    So no, "C" does not mean China.  Apple will sell these all over the place.  "C" also doesn't mean "cheap", as some clueless analysts have suggested.  Would Apple ever, EVER?!?!?, market a product using the word "cheap", even if it is less expensive than another tier of product?


    Most likely "C" either stands for "color", just like many have suggested, or it is just a designator that Apple doesn't necessarily have to publicize a word for.

  • Reply 32 of 33


    Originally Posted by thompr View Post

    The chip that is supposedly being used in the next iteration of iPhones is a Qualcomm world chip, mneaning it can run the TDD-LTE protocol as well as all of the other standards out there.


    So no, "C" does not mean China.  Apple will sell these all over the place.  "C" also doesn't mean "cheap", as some clueless analysts have suggested.  Would Apple ever, EVER?!?!?, market a product using the word "cheap", even if it is less expensive than another tier of product?


    Most likely "C" either stands for "color", just like many have suggested, or it is just a designator that Apple doesn't necessarily have to publicize a word for.


    The "C" will stand for Clown Colored Commoner Communicator while the "S" will stand for Sophisticated Special Security Sensored Servant Summoner. 


    "S" models will be able to call other "S models and "C" models, however no "C" model will be able to call an "S" model, only other "C" models. 

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