Fingerprint sensor in Apple's 'iPhone 5S' predicted to boost mobile commerce, enterprise adoption



  • Reply 21 of 25

    oops.   apparently pics of the part leaked yesterday....    guess we will see what happens

  • Reply 22 of 25
    Originally Posted by scarface68 View Post

    Think people are forgetting that every service part and component for the phone has already been leaked


    Well, not every part. 


    Great zeroth post, by the way. We need more sane people here to counter the low-post trolls.

  • Reply 23 of 25
    Samsung can reverse-engineer any hardware Apple comes out with and probably improve on it. They're masters at replication. Apple needs some strong patents in place to take away the practicality of a fingerprint sensor on Android products. As soon as Apple has a successful fingerprint sensor, every Android manufacturer will try to reproduce it on every Android device. That is the nature of the smartphone industry... to blatantly copy anything Apple does. Although there will be plenty of attempts at producing low-priced fingerprint sensors for Android devices I wonder if it can be reproduced at a very low cost and still be accurate. If the fingerprint sensor works well, I can project it will likely be used on all of Apple's future mobile devices.
  • Reply 24 of 25
    The biggest problem with all of this is fingerprints arnt secure. If the person who wants to validate who you are fan see you and see it is your finger the print it coming from then its fine. Other than that its basically a dead technology.

    As cool as fingerprint recognition is, you can copy fingerprints and get scanners to read them, and unlike passwords, tokens etc once someone has your prints you cant change them.

    Maybe a nice way to unlock your phone, but I doubt we will see it linked to card transactions.
  • Reply 25 of 25
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member

    Originally Posted by mjtomlin View Post


    iPhone 3GS(peed)

    iPhone 4S(iri)


    ...and of course the "S" in the iPhone could be, 


    iPhone 5S(ecurity)

    That's cool, I like it!

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