Apple likely to launch 4.5" to 5" iPhones in 2014, analyst says



  • Reply 41 of 73
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member

    Originally Posted by LarryA View Post



    Yep, standing still sure works great for technology companies.  If there were any compelling reason to make the iPhone bigger than 3.5", they would have done so originally, right? I guess we were twits then, too, when we disagreed with Apple.


    Is this the extent to which you can think critically? If so, my condolences.


    Let me translate your post, and the post of so many others, into plain terms: "Bigger, BIGGER, BIGGGGER!!! NOTHING CAN GO WRONG!"


    No. It just isn't that simple. The only reason we're talking about this is because of the strategy that IP-thief Samsung has chosen, as they struggle for anything resembling innovation (and fail, and turn to gimmicks).


    1. Samsung releases Galaxy devices that cover just about every size imaginable.

    2. The fact that they DO IT is enough to convince some people that there is ANY reason whatsoever TO do it.

    3. These same people then believe it follows that Apple should make the biggest iPhone possible. 

    4. Never at any point has there been ANY positive indication that this is a good idea. Merely, it happens, so Apple should make it happen too. Wrong.

    5. The only "study" on the matter that has any coherence to it is the simple one that anyone can do:

    -A phone should be fully and comfortably usable with 1 hand. Fact. Statement. Not up for debate.

    -The iPhone 5 fits that requirement.

    -Absolutely No device made by HTC or Samsung fits that requirement, as they all exceed the maximum allowable size for ergonomic use. All of them.

    6. The fact that you and others need this explained to them like you're children shows that you have no real opinion on the're just marketing-influcenced repeaters. Nothing more significant.


    Seriously, the lack of any ability to think critically on this site (and others) it just embarrassing. I don't know why I bother trying to talk Sense, and Business with a bunch of sheep that have no opinion other than that which has been delivered through advertising.

  • Reply 42 of 73

    I like the size of the HTC Once (4.7") as I use my phone a lot for data. Whatever the next size is, I really hope Apple keeps a smaller size (I was hoping the size of the iPhone 4 but lighter) for those, like my parents, who just need a phone for a phone, but think its cook to have same apps. 

  • Reply 43 of 73

    Originally Posted by pedromartins View Post


    Clearly you are either:


    a) a small person (that's fine)

    b) or you do not know what a smartphone is for (your fault).


    Don't you browse the web, read and/or edit docs, watch videos andplay some games?


    How ignorant!  So everyone using the original iPhone up to the 5 were either small or stupid? Using your logic, why not be really smart and get a 12" phone so you can really surf the web, read/edit docs and watch videos and play games? 

  • Reply 44 of 73
    [removed, not worth the time] 

  • Reply 45 of 73
    Originally Posted by ronstark View Post

    Steve Jobs said the phone would meet the tablet.


    Yeah, when? Source?


    One hand operation isn't going to restrict size as voice operation tech gets better and stops relying on Internet connection AND people get better at dictation.


    Except it is, because our hands don't magically grow. You can't always speak your commands, and no one wants to do it, anyway.


    The gyros in the phones will become better at recognizing various types of shakes making signaling easier/more reliable.


    That's insane. So we'll have to memorize nautical flag signaling to get our phones to do what we want rather than just having phones that aren't an idiotic screen size, capable of actually being used?


    …we're all waiting, Tim. 


    No. We aren't.


    Originally Posted by Connie View Post

    The advantages of a bigger screen size outnumber the disadvantages by a wide margin. C'mon Apple, give me what I want, and do it sooner rather than later!!!!


    Being able to use your phone like every single other telephone ever made since 1886… or a 5" screen. 


    Hmm. Outweighs, huh.


    Originally Posted by pedromartins View Post

    The fact is there are millions and millions of costumers willing to pay more than current iphone prices for a big screen.


    Are there? They're not, though. They pay less.


     And to simply put it, despite what some blind and/or ignorant people might say, Samsung sony and HTC show that are no tradeoffs.


    No, they've explicitly proven there are many tradeoffs. You are the one who is blind and ignorant. Try using one of those devices.

    Originally Posted by Evilution View Post

    Steve Jobs saved Apple by streamlining the number of products they sold. He didn't bow to what people thought they wanted, instead showed people what they wanted. It seems that now the visionary has gone Apple are reverting back to just diversifying their products to try and make everyone happy.

    Tech goes through phases, especially phones. They started off huge because of the technology constraints, then they got smaller and smaller. Some companies over did it to the point they affected usability. That's when they stared going the other way. Companies will always go too far and overstep the sensible to try and be the next big thing but ultimately, until technology shifts again, the size of things like phones will settle down to something sensible like 4.5".

    Apple mainly plays the thickness game, each year the iPhone gets thinner but to what final conclusion? The iPhone 4 sat fine in the pocket so in 10 years with the release of the iPhone 10S do you want a paper thin phone flapping about?

    Personally I hope Apple don't bow to the pressure of trying to please everyone.


    Quoted in full due to truth.


    Originally Posted by nickimsonik View Post

    That move will definitely come out along with iWatch in order to create perfectly comfortable one-handed calls with big sized cell phones. 


    How does that make any sense?

  • Reply 46 of 73

    I do indeed do all the suggested things on my phone, but for the amount of them I do on the move I think I've found the 4S too small approximately never.


    Conversely at home I'm very happy with my full size iPad, because I'm not carrying that about all the time or trying to fit in a pocket.


    Maybe everyone does want a 6 inch phone, but that just seems like a job for a different device to me.  And a combination of the excellent screens on Post-4 iPhones and people getting much better at formatting content for mobile devices, I think that's become even more so in the last few years.


    To me, the increasing screen size of other phones is simple a recognition that they need a selling point having run out of other things.  The phone has replaced the PDA, Games machine, Sat Nav, Compass, music player, video player.... there's very little left that people carry it can replace and since retina resolution came along there's not been a wonder-revelation on that level.


    So with no good ideas, the Android companies have resorted to "It's got a larger screen!" as their selling point (or cringeworthy crap like Samsung's 'play music through a lot of shitty mobile speakers' feature).  It's got nothing to do whether it's better, it's got everything to do with having something tangible to claim the model is "new".  Witness the crap Apple got for the 4S simply because it happened to have the same case design as the 4.

  • Reply 47 of 73
    kevtkevt Posts: 195member

    Originally Posted by pedromartins View Post


    Some of you love the idea of having multiple devices and giving away money be it by paying 700$ for a phone + 600$ for a tablet +1500$ for a Mac, etc.


    But there are some of us that are much more careful and price sensitive. A big screen iPhone + my Macbook Air is not only a much more "clean" and efficient system, as it is also cheaper.


    The iPad mini is less portable than any big screen phone. For most men, a big screen phone (One, MotoX, etc) is as portable as an iPhone. Lots of advantages, 0 disadvantages.


    I have a sneaking suspicion, that a fair proportion of Apple's customers may in fact be women and younger users.


    Like others on this thread, I much prefer a smaller, more discreet device. I still use a 4S - I didn't upgrade to a 5 because the form factor isn't as good - size, proportions. And from the look of the display models in the Apple store, the design of the 4S seems to be more hard-wearing as far as scuffs go.


    Sure, some users, like yourself, do seem to want a larger screen phone. But the iPhone sells well, and where it doesn't I think that price is the dominant factor.


    So if Apple do make a larger screen iPhone, certainly anything over 4.5", then I only hope it will be an additional model for those who want it. In some ways this is a silly argument. Some people buy 11" MBAs some 13"; some 13" MBPs, others 15". Are we going to argue about which ones best and that the other should be discontinued? One size doesn't always fit all.

  • Reply 48 of 73

    i never would want a 5 in iphone, they're too big and bulky , i want to be able to keep it in my pocket and not need a briefcase to lug it around. I don't carry around my ipad for that reason. I don't have a macbook I have an iMac , so for me it fits my situation. 

  • Reply 49 of 73
    Originally Posted by Dudley View Post


    I do indeed do all the suggested things on my phone, but for the amount of them I do on the move I think I've found the 4S too small approximately never.


    Conversely at home I'm very happy with my full size iPad, because I'm not carrying that about all the time or trying to fit in a pocket.


    I, too, own this combination of devices, and find them darn close to perfect.  It will take something truly compelling to move away from my 4S.  Bigger is not doing it for me (at least, for the phone... the tablet is another matter, haha).

  • Reply 50 of 73

    Thank you, finally!


    Finally I found 4 or 5 posters (it's obvious who they are) with more than a gram of knowledge and healthy eyes! Posters that have great POVs, opinions based on something that matters, like "experience", "knowledge", and a nice way to discuss things.


    I was sick and tired of statements like "they pay less, actually" (as if the s4, note, xperia z, one, z10 and 10 didn't cost the same, close, or more than the iphone, especially in Europe, where the iPhone takes a beating from those direct competitors in sales) or those "how is HTC doing now?" (as if it had anything to do with the device itself and not the crazy amount of money samsung spends on advertizing) and my "favourites", the "trade-offs" kind of guys, like poor screen quality, build quality and battery life when phones that rival/surpass the iPhone on all those areas already exist!


    BTW, pmz, it isn't a phone anymore. Actually making calls is secundary for most people, now. It is much more than that. Besides, most male can easely use phones like the one mini, s4 mini and even the bigger siblings with one hand to make calls.


    Apple has everything to make, by far, for almost every single smartphone user, the best phone available. Be if for those that prefer the 4" offering (maybe 30% or less of the smartphone market worlwide), those that prefer larger screens (another 30%, maybe) and those that are less "smartphone users" but more "phone with facebook" users, like the rest.


    It only takes 3 iPhone lines, the same they have now. And for those crying about the number of products being made by Apple, as if they still are a small company, they can easely "clean" the trash, like the iPod Classic, cMBPs, old iphones (4 and 4s, maybe the 5) and ipad 2, and maybe the mac mini. There.

  • Reply 51 of 73
    andysolandysol Posts: 2,506member
    Posters that have great POVs
    By "great", you mean posters who agree with your POV?

    Look- I want a slightly bigger iPhone, but I also don't discredit others opinions and think they are idiots because they don't agree with me.

    You're inconsiderate and close-minded, plain and simple. Why has this ban not taken effect yet?
  • Reply 52 of 73
    blackbookblackbook Posts: 1,361member

    Originally Posted by Andysol View Post

    Why has this ban not taken effect yet?


    I've been wondering the same thing

  • Reply 53 of 73

    I currently use a 5.5" LG Optimus G Pro, I don't think I want to see a 5" iPhone. iOS isn't designed for a phone that big.  For one thing, the iphone is one of few phones left that can be completely operated with one hand.   


    They need to stay under 5", perhaps 4.3" makes the most sense.  4.7" is a tad big for some women and teenagers.  

  • Reply 54 of 73
    Originally Posted by Andysol View Post

    Why has this ban not taken effect yet?


    It's over. Huddler hangs the tag on the sidebar for the rest of the calendar day.


    If he has actually done something against the rules, you'd need to report it. 

  • Reply 55 of 73

    Originally Posted by Andysol View Post


    Originally Posted by pedromartins View Post

    Posters that have great POVs

    By "great", you mean posters who agree with your POV?

    Look- I want a slightly bigger iPhone, but I also don't discredit others opinions and think they are idiots because they don't agree with me.

    You're inconsiderate and close-minded, plain and simple. Why has this ban not taken effect yet?

    No. I "liked" a few posts in this same thread that were disagreeing with my POVs, but were well founded and worded.


    My problem, as was well explained, is with those that always vomit the same lies/stupid ideas/rumours. Like "tradeoffs" related with battery life and screen quality, etc.


    I didn't call anyone idiot either.

    What is your problem? it was well explained on my previous post.

  • Reply 56 of 73

    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post


    Please post 25 more articles each day for the same exact rumor.

    " the screen size war heats up" :)


    Please mock everyone of them to show that there's indeed an audience for as many repetitions as they care to post.


    Just kidding :)

  • Reply 57 of 73

    Originally Posted by Vision33r View Post


    I currently use a 5.5" LG Optimus G Pro, I don't think I want to see a 5" iPhone. iOS isn't designed for a phone that big.  For one thing, the iphone is one of few phones left that can be completely operated with one hand.   

    Why? IOS can be operated with more than 1 hand. Take the other one out of your pants and try. :)

  • Reply 58 of 73
    Originally Posted by StruckPaper View Post

    Why? IOS can be operated with more than 1 hand.


    That's not a rebuttal.

  • Reply 59 of 73
    And the new Apple TV will come in a 10 in. Option too.

    Don't forget the 15" iPod touch! It's sceduled for summer 2014.
  • Reply 60 of 73
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,598member
    baeder wrote: »
    You do realize that if you think of poster you responded to as Ron Stark and imagine that Ron Howard would have him have a brother Howard Stark, who is the father of Tony Stark (Iron Man) then you can understand why he would think this. /s

    On a serious note, I think next spring Apple could introduce a third iPhone line with iPhone5s technology but with slightly larger screen that has DPI similar to iPad but same number of total pixels as iPhone5s. So, maybe 4.5 to 4.7?
    So, just a little easier to read for those of us with not as good of eye sight, just a little bit bigger targets, and just a little bit more battery as well. But, exact same apps as for regular iPhones so no fragmentation. And still retina. Since same specs as regular iPhone (processors, etc.) and introduced six months later the slight extra cost for battery and screen will mean same cost as regular iPhone. Presumably smaller market (but one they don't currently serve) they can afford to delay by six months.
    Just my opinion.

    The resolution is an issue that I keep wondering about. For the current size, the current resolution is enough, and higher is wasted. But as the phone gets bigger, at some point more resolution is needed. But a problem I'm seeing is that some new screens have ridiculous numbers; past 450 ppi, which serves no purpose other than for marketing.

    So what would be done for a 4.5" model? It's not so big that goi g up much would matter, but people would not be happy seeing the same resolution as now, with a lower ppi. Moving to 5" would call for higher Rez. But if Apple keeps the same 16:9 format they moved to, they can't have the same resolution as the iPad. So to me, 1280x720 would be fine. Going higher would be a waste. But now they have the problem Google has, with an odd multiplication factor, which they've been avoiding so far.

    But if they continue doing what they have been, the phone would have a ridiculous 2560x1440 Rez. I just can't see the purpose in that.
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