iPhone 5c preorders to go live Friday at midnight Pacific, 3 a.m. Eastern



  • Reply 21 of 70

    I am really curious to see how strong the demand will be.

    Basically, I am convinced that Apple takes thoughtful decisions, regarding product features, design and pricing. 

    And history has shown that the are right, maybe except for e.g. the G4 cube.

    In addition I concur that Apple does (IMO rightfully) not participate in the low margin/high volume market segment but above all focuses.

    That is good for the brand and good for the customer base.

    Also, I read somewhere, that the exchanged phones might serve that purpose to satisfy the even lower price market to some extent.

    The fact that to my surprise they kept the 4 tells me there is still sufficiently high demand to have two different screen sizes and connectors supported and that they know a lot more about the market than we think.

    And should it turn out that they are too off (maybe China pricing? No idea about share of unlocked phones there anyway and how stroingly it will be subsidized) they can always adjust that price and still be profitable.


    Edit: Corrected some typos

  • Reply 22 of 70
    crysisftw wrote: »
    I smell triskaidekaphobia. Lol.

    On a serious note though, I feel quite unhappy about iPhone 5C. I think in my dictionary, I can call it a fail Apple product (not because it won't sell, but because as an Apple product, it fails to win my heart).

    Personally, I think it would have been about 23.45 times better if iPhone 5C was never introduced. iPhone 5 is much much better looking and now would have costed the same. iPhone 5C could have made some sense if it would cost about $400 unlocked. But the fact that Apple would replace a perfectly sexy iPhone 5 with an awful-new-Ive-design-philosophy-inspired 5C, doesn't make me feel good.

    Anyone sharing my thoughts about 5C?


    You're in the minority. Millions will love them.
  • Reply 23 of 70
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    So AAPL is up $5 pre market. LOL. Yesterday Apple was dead, today the vultures are back to scoop it up at a cheaper price.
  • Reply 24 of 70
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member

    It's basically the same specs as the iPhone 5 right? The only difference is the colors/materials. And the iPhone 5 is a year old spec. So it will be a good test of just how much people care/don't care about specs, or whether other things are more important.


    Certainly it won't be as big a seller as the 5S (at least initially) because the 5S will have all the iPhone 5 upgraders, but I don't think many people would upgrade a 5 to a 5C. But then again maybe you would get some 4/4S upgraders.

  • Reply 25 of 70

    I like the new design and colors of the 5c.

    I don't like the pricing, even though I understand Apple priced it as it would have done with the now discontinued iPhone 5 ( 100 bucks below the new model).

    I think the problem is, being plastic cased, we all believed it would be a cheap entry level phone, in the likes of most Android phones (non flagship Samsung, HTC, Lumia or so). That's what analysts, bloggers and "insiders" kept saying (and predicting) the last 12 months, and we actually believed them.

    Apple has never made a cheap entry-level product ever (as far as I can remember). Even the all-plastic 1st gen iPod Shuffle (gum stick shaped), costed 150$ (for only 1 Gb capacity)! 

    Apple products are perfectly manufactured and they are all high end level, no matter if they are plastic or metal cased.

    My take on the 5c is it's definitely overpriced for a re-packaged existing product. Being so, I suppose Apple's strategy is not taking chinese market by storm as many believed, but making a visually-appealing alternate product to their 2013 new handset. You know, just to stir things up a little. not to get a bigger piece of the market share for the sake of it.

    I guess next year the 5c will be on the lower level of the iPhone line-up, thus it will be priced as we all expected to be (although it would be 2 years old on the inside, but see how well the iPhones 4 and 4s have been doing for 2-3 years now). 

    I think it's an phone for the mainstream public who want an iPhone, not for the more conscious buyers who know about specs, release dates, and so.

  • Reply 26 of 70
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    ascii wrote: »
    It's basically the same specs as the iPhone 5 right? The only difference is the colors/materials. And the iPhone 5 is a year old spec. So it will be a good test of just how much people care/don't care about specs, or whether other things are more important.

    Certainly it won't be as big a seller as the 5S (at least initially) because the 5S will have all the iPhone 5 upgraders, but I don't think many people would upgrade a 5 to a 5C. But then again maybe you would get some 4/4S upgraders.
    Why would iPhone 5 users be upgrading? Especially people on 2 year contracts? I can understand tech geeks who always need to have the latest and greatest stuff but is that a lot of people? I have an iPhone 5 right now but am only one year in to my contract so no new iPhone for me this year.
  • Reply 27 of 70
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member

    Originally Posted by crysisftw View Post

    I smell triskaidekaphobia. Lol.

    On a serious note though, I feel quite unhappy about iPhone 5C. I think in my dictionary, I can call it a fail Apple product (not because it won't sell, but because as an Apple product, it fails to win my heart).

    Personally, I think it would have been about 23.45 times better if iPhone 5C was never introduced. iPhone 5 is much much better looking and now would have costed the same. iPhone 5C could have made some sense if it would cost about $400 unlocked. But the fact that Apple would replace a perfectly sexy iPhone 5 with an awful-new-Ive-design-philosophy-inspired 5C, doesn't make me feel good.

    Anyone sharing my thoughts about 5C?


    No, this is rubbish. Its an improved iPhone 5 with major market appeal in the way of the casing that doesn't suck (the iPhone 5 is fragile POS), and attractive color offerings.


    The iPhone 5C is the best physical design ever to wrap an iPhone. 


    I find some of the colors ugly, but that is neither here nor there, as I'm getting a 5S.

  • Reply 28 of 70
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post



    Apple could NEVER sell the iPhone5 for $550.  Its just to damn expensive to make.  Just look at the dropping margins ever since the 5 was released. It was NEVER going to happen, so get that out of your mind.


    If you don't like the 5C price or colors it was not made for you.  If the 5C was priced at $350-$450 it would be TOO GOOD OF A DEAL and it would totally canibalize 5S sales. 


    If Apple didn't release the 5C, that is exactly what would have happened. There is no reason why the 5 wouldn't sell at 550 (considering....ya know....yesterday it sold for 650 with no problem). The 5C will sell even better because A) its BRAND NEW, and is actually a more attractive and colorful offering than the old 5, and B) stark contrast between the 5C and 5S.

  • Reply 29 of 70
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Originally Posted by ascii View Post


    It's basically the same specs as the iPhone 5 right? The only difference is the colors/materials. And the iPhone 5 is a year old spec. So it will be a good test of just how much people care/don't care about specs, or whether other things are more important.


    Certainly it won't be as big a seller as the 5S (at least initially) because the 5S will have all the iPhone 5 upgraders, but I don't think many people would upgrade a 5 to a 5C. But then again maybe you would get some 4/4S upgraders.


    Its only a "test" in the minds of people like you that don't understand the market at all. It is a forgone conclusion to be a massive win for those who do.


    I believe it will easily outsell the iPhone 5S. YOY iPhone sales from Sept. 20th 2013 to 2014 will total something like 35% iPhone 5S sales, 65% iPhone 5C & 4S.

  • Reply 30 of 70

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    I'm actually quite surprised how much hatred some people have for the colored plastic. 99% of the comments over at MacRumors pre-order thread are negative. What's most annoying is not one of them has actually seen this phone in person and held it in their hand but have already decided its cheap crap because its plastic.

    If you read hands on reviews from those who were at the event you get a different picture. For instance Engadget said, "not only does it feel great, it's the most solid polycarbonate build that we've ever laid hands on."

    I personally prefer the aluminum 5S but don't hate the 5C and from everything I've read it seems to be a very well made device. So why all the hate? Was there this much hate when Apple released the 3G and 3GS? Did people complain because those phones weren't aluminum?



    I wouldn't put too much stock on what's being written on MR. That place is overrun by psychopathic fandroids in urgent need of a reboot...


    In my opinion the Apple crowd has been somewhat spoiled. Last year, when the iPhone 5 was released, all three iPhone offerings were of premium built quality. You really couldn't go wrong purchasing either of them. Today you have the premium 5s, the "PLASTIC" 5c and the Premium 4S. That's confusing to most. Imagine BMW releasing an M5 that "looks" like the Prius yet both the M6 and M3 being the high quality sportscars we know currently. It is really odd that Apple's mid range offering is of lower PERCEIVED quality than the lower range one... Obviously Apple has done this to save on production costs and increase profit margins but it is so damn obvious that many people find it hard to accept. Amateurish yes, yet they're very honest about it.

  • Reply 31 of 70
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member

    Originally Posted by total View Post



    1. most complaints is about non-subsidy price of 5C. but do anyone know what is the % of sales for non-subsidy iphones? what if it is that 80% of iphone sales are subsidy and only 20% rest (just example)? then, who cares that full price of iphone is higher than expected? 


    2. plastic. i used long time 3G version which was plastic is it right? now i use 4 and of course it has different material but i cant say its better than old 3G. honestly, it took me several days or few weeks to start like 4 over 3G plastic. So if 5c will be improved plastic over 3G, i have no problem with it.


    1. That isn't the question. The question is how much money will Apple make with a $550 phone instead of a $400 phone. The answer is simple: the sell slightly fewer units, and make proportionally more money. Its not even worth discussing, as it is a rather mundane business 101.


    2. The 3G and 3GS were a phenomenal design. The 4 through 5 were Apple trying to be fancy and futuristic...but none of those designs were the least bit practical. Nice, major achievements, but not practical at all. The 5C is the phone some people at Apple wished they made 4 years ago.

  • Reply 32 of 70
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member

    Originally Posted by jason98 View Post



    Unfortunately, times when competitors were "not even visible in a rear view mirror" are long gone.

    5S is barely in top 3 for this benchmark:


    Galaxy Note 3 is way ahead with 68 fps.

    Seems like Apple did not use the next gen PowerVR Rogue tech in this iteration?


    Are you paying attention? Or just lacking in sufficient knowledge? Are you aware, at all, of what the A7 processors means for the future of Apps and the near future of Apple's Apps? You have no clue, it seems. 


    When Apple stood up there and said A7 is 64-bit, and developers can compile in a few minutes of work, they shattered the ceiling on App performance worldwide. No one is even close. Not close.

  • Reply 33 of 70
    pazuzupazuzu Posts: 1,728member
    Thank god the phones are being released day one in China for the very first time.
    Perhaps next Fri the 20th we won't be seeing the hoards of illegals buying up iPhones and the lines will be shorter. I will be there 5 AM.
  • Reply 34 of 70

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    I'm actually quite surprised how much hatred some people have for the colored plastic. 99% of the comments over at MacRumors pre-order thread are negative. What's most annoying is not one of them has actually seen this phone in person and held it in their hand but have already decided its cheap crap because its plastic.

    Before Tuesday, plastic equaled Android junk.  Now, it's not plastic, it's really good plastic.  

  • Reply 35 of 70

    If the 5C were $449, would you buy one? If you answered yes, and yes so would I, then who is going to buy the 5S?


    Is it worth $549? iPhone 5 is still selling at $649 right now, er last week. For geeks, we know 5S has better this that and the other thing, we'd rather pay the extra $100, er the same $649 for that.

  • Reply 36 of 70
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    trumptman wrote: »
    I'm going to disagree with you and understand up front that there have already been a few hundred posts on these topics across multiple threads. I know you're not the only person feeling this way, you just happened to be the post where I managed to jump in early in a thread rather than 200 posts into the discussion.

    Apple really needs the 5C to be a low cost phone FOR THEM and it is necessary for it to be at about $400 to help stop their marketshare from shrinking to the point that factors begin working against them rather than for them with regard to volume, app eco-systems, etc.

    Blah, blah, blah, blah

    It's really quite simple. Who knows more about the phone market - you or Apple? I'll give you a second to think about it, but I'd put my money on Apple.

    Cutting the price by $150 (as you are suggesting) would do a number of things:
    1. Cut their gross margin dramatically - which would cause the stock to plummet even worse than it did yesterday.
    2. Destroy Apple's market positioning as only selling high quality phones
    3. Reduce sales of the 5S - which would erode margins further and damage Apple's market positioning since their flagship phone would not sell as well
    4. It would increase sales, but no one has suggested how much. Apple products tend to have only very limited price elasticity, so a price cut might not have any significant effect on volume - and almost certainly wouldn't be enough to make up for the lower margins. A quick back of the envelope calculation suggests that Apple would have to sell about 4-5 times as many phones to make up for the price cut that you're suggesting. Since they already have something like a 20% market share globally, that's not going to happen - so your price cut would hurt more than it could help.

    As for losing ecosystem support, there's absolutely no sign of that happening. Apple's ecosystem is where developers go to make money - and that's not likely to change.

    In the end, please demonstrate why your knowledge of the phone market is greater than Apple's before shooting off your mouth.
  • Reply 37 of 70
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    murman wrote: »
    If the 5C were $449, would you buy one? If you answered yes, and yes so would I, then who is going to buy the 5S?

    Is it worth $549? iPhone 5 is still selling at $649 right now, er last week. For geeks, we know 5S has better this that and the other thing, we'd rather pay the extra $100, er the same $649 for that.

    But not everyone would. Even today, while the 5S is the best selling phone, the iPhone 5 and even the 4S sell in huge numbers. At one time, the three phones were the #1, #2, and #3 phones on the market. LOTS of people apparently choose the less expensive phone.

    Now, some of that is due to the subsidy. It LOOKS like you're paying $0 or $99 or $199 instead of the real price, so the perceived savings are much greater than the real savings. The reason doesn't really matter, though. Lots of people are taking the lower level iPhones to ave $100.
  • Reply 38 of 70
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    conrail wrote: »
    Before Tuesday, plastic equaled Android junk.  Now, it's not plastic, it's really good plastic.  
    No, according to some, certain Android plastic equaled junk, and still do. I'm not aware of anyone ever saying the Nokia Lumia hardware was junk. Also, go read some of the hands on reviews of the 5C. Engadget said it feels great and is the most solid plastic phone they've ever seen. The Verge said the 5C feels better than Samsung and LG's plastic offerings. Pocket Lint said it has a very different feel to other plastic devices on the market. And Tech Crunch referred to it as a premium device. This is coming from the tech media not Apple fanboys.
  • Reply 39 of 70
    pazuzupazuzu Posts: 1,728member
    conrail wrote: »
    Before Tuesday, plastic equaled Android junk.  Now, it's not plastic, it's really good plastic.  

    It's called plastique.
  • Reply 40 of 70
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post

    Originally Posted by crysisftw View Post

    I smell triskaidekaphobia. Lol.

    On a serious note though, I feel quite unhappy about iPhone 5C. I think in my dictionary, I can call it a fail Apple product (not because it won't sell, but because as an Apple product, it fails to win my heart).

    Personally, I think it would have been about 23.45 times better if iPhone 5C was never introduced. iPhone 5 is much much better looking and now would have costed the same. iPhone 5C could have made some sense if it would cost about $400 unlocked. But the fact that Apple would replace a perfectly sexy iPhone 5 with an awful-new-Ive-design-philosophy-inspired 5C, doesn't make me feel good.

    Anyone sharing my thoughts about 5C?


    Apple could NEVER sell the iPhone5 for $550.  Its just to damn expensive to make.  Just look at the dropping margins ever since the 5 was released. It was NEVER going to happen, so get that out of your mind.


    If you don't like the 5C price or colors it was not made for you.  If the 5C was priced at $350-$450 it would be TOO GOOD OF A DEAL and it would totally canibalize 5S sales. 


    Bottom line is the 5C was made for people who wanted COLORS and a FUNNER and more CARE FREE phone.  Less technology but a more rugged case.  The $100 off is just an added bonus.  The 5C was never made to be a bargin hunters delight.  That's what Android phones are for.


    I disagree strongly. There is a large difference in value proposition between the 5C and the 5S. In fact most people have said that for the $100 price difference, they can't imagine anyone ever wanting to buy a 5C.


    Also there is still plenty of money out there to grab, specifically from Samsung who happens to have basically the other half of the smartphone profits in the industry.


    Suppose as a quick example that Apple didn't make a cent on the 5C. If it keeps Samsung from making a cent then Apple has still done a good job of protecting iOS. Every dollar that doesn't go to Apple strengthens someone fighting against Apple.


    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    Originally Posted by ascii View Post


    It's basically the same specs as the iPhone 5 right? The only difference is the colors/materials. And the iPhone 5 is a year old spec. So it will be a good test of just how much people care/don't care about specs, or whether other things are more important.


    Certainly it won't be as big a seller as the 5S (at least initially) because the 5S will have all the iPhone 5 upgraders, but I don't think many people would upgrade a 5 to a 5C. But then again maybe you would get some 4/4S upgraders.


    Its only a "test" in the minds of people like you that don't understand the market at all. It is a forgone conclusion to be a massive win for those who do.


    I believe it will easily outsell the iPhone 5S. YOY iPhone sales from Sept. 20th 2013 to 2014 will total something like 35% iPhone 5S sales, 65% iPhone 5C & 4S.


    You're completely wrong on this. This is going to be a massive miss. The iPhone 5S just kills this thing and Apple iPhone owners have no concerns about breaking or harming their glass and aluminum phones. The iPhone 5s had better sell well because it has some very decent innovation in it with regard to motion sensing for fitness, the camera, fingerprint sensor, etc. If Apple cannot innovate the industry forward then the race really will be to the bottom with "good enough" phones. In effect, we should be rooting for the 5c to fail at it's price point because people would rather pay more for the innovative 5S. If properly priced, the point of the 5C would be to steal sales and profits from Samsung, not from Apple.



    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    Originally Posted by total View Post



    1. most complaints is about non-subsidy price of 5C. but do anyone know what is the % of sales for non-subsidy iphones? what if it is that 80% of iphone sales are subsidy and only 20% rest (just example)? then, who cares that full price of iphone is higher than expected? 


    2. plastic. i used long time 3G version which was plastic is it right? now i use 4 and of course it has different material but i cant say its better than old 3G. honestly, it took me several days or few weeks to start like 4 over 3G plastic. So if 5c will be improved plastic over 3G, i have no problem with it.


    1. That isn't the question. The question is how much money will Apple make with a $550 phone instead of a $400 phone. The answer is simple: the sell slightly fewer units, and make proportionally more money. Its not even worth discussing, as it is a rather mundane business 101.


    2. The 3G and 3GS were a phenomenal design. The 4 through 5 were Apple trying to be fancy and futuristic...but none of those designs were the least bit practical. Nice, major achievements, but not practical at all. The 5C is the phone some people at Apple wished they made 4 years ago.


    First Apple profit growth has stalled out. This is part of why the share price has dropped. The biggest profit strides in smartphones right now is being made by Samsung. However Samsung has been hurt by their "pray and spray" phone strategy. They push massive amounts of marketing dollars out there to build the Galaxy name but then undermine their own efforts by slapping it on everything under the sun so that customers get confused.


    The 5C, if properly priced is the perfect antidote to this and that is part of why people are very frustrated with what Apple has done. They don't need to steal their own sales. There are plenty of people willing to bolt Android and the 50% of smartphones profits they are giving to Samsung, and go to iOS of they have more than one real choice. Every dollar Samsung doesn't get weakens it and strengthens Apple. Marketshare does matter at some point.


    Originally Posted by murman View Post


    If the 5C were $449, would you buy one? If you answered yes, and yes so would I, then who is going to buy the 5S?


    Is it worth $549? iPhone 5 is still selling at $649 right now, er last week. For geeks, we know 5S has better this that and the other thing, we'd rather pay the extra $100, er the same $649 for that.


    I wouldn't buy one at $400 because I own a 32 gig iPhone 5 and when I decide to upgrade again, it will be to a minimum 32 gig iPhone 5S or future equivalent. However both my kids are rocking iPhone 4's and one really was hoping for a new iPhone for his birthday. He knows selling his iPhone 4 plus birthday money won't get him to $650+ dollars. However I know for a fact it would have gotten him to $400-450. That right there is a lost sale. We are on T-mobile and don't do contracts. Basically Apple will have to hope his eye doesn't start straying to Android solutions.

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