66% of former DoCoMo customers dumped carrier for Apple's iPhone - report



  • Reply 21 of 24
    Originally Posted by Chris_CA View Post

    Apple didn't give in to what?

    The rumored demands wherein the carriers wanted their crapware on the iPhone.

  • Reply 22 of 24
    For no mere company can resist the power of the iPhone (muahahahaha)

  • Reply 23 of 24

    Thanks to everyone for doing such a great job of putting the analysts in their place!

    Are they really so disconnected that they don't see how much they influence the market while also being so disconnected from reality?

    I almost fell out of my couch laughing so hard.


    Sadly, the game is rigged. If we want to make money in the market, we have to play their game. The good news is that many of us are way smarter than they are. We also live in the real world where rent is still a top priority.


    I sure hope Apple puts the 64 bit processor, the M& Coprocessor, more memory and unlocks all of the apps. The combination will put gaming on your TV display with blazing speed. AirPlay is huge!


    P.S. No Phablet needed. Add phone capability to a new Retina iPad Mini with the same processors. Simple.

    Also put a Blutooth headset in the box and you won't have to hold your Phablet to make a call but you will have the best screen made when you need it. Now add an Apple designed iWatch to use either iPhone or iPad still in your purse, briefcase or back pack and you have just left the competition behind again. (no, you won't be making any phone calls holding your iPad to your head).

  • Reply 24 of 24

    Originally Posted by shahhet2 View Post



    It's just words that AI chose to use their headline. Same story can be said in different ways.

    1% of DoCoMo customers base left it to get iPhone OR 66% of former DoCoMo dumped carrier to get iPhone.


    lies. damn lies. statistics.


    lather. rinse. repeat.

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