Samsung spies on iPhone launch lines to pierce Apple mystique



  • Reply 101 of 139

    Originally Posted by mstone View Post


    I have all GE in my kitchens. In most places in the US and many other parts of the Americas, German made appliances such Bosch are very rare, not to mention finding parts and consumables such as water filters. I did see a Bosch dishwasher at Home Depot but I just checked and it does not appear to be for sale any longer, but that is about it. Where did you find your information about Samsung appliances failing right after the warranty expired? The Samsung warranty is the same as Bosch, 1 year parts and labor, but in the case of Bosch only if the unit is on the ground floor. If Samsung appliances consistently failed after the first year I seriously doubt they would enjoy such a high rating at the major home centers in the US.

    ALL appliances are garbage. My sister just got rid of her 4-year-old Bosch dishwasher, because it failed. The last 3 houses I purchased came with GE appliances. I would never buy a GE appliance. 


    I wish Apple would be more like Samsung and make appliances. We would likely then be able to purchase dishwashers that actually washed dishes; washing machines that are not mold making machines; dryers that really dry clothes wrinkle-free; ovens that have mother boards that do not fail; refrigerators that use very little electricity while maintaining a uniform temperature throughout the compartment. If Apple made refrigerators they would likely have a feature that would monitor and let you know the freshness of the contents.


    If Apple made appliances ... they would work as intended, be durable and last well beyond the warranty, have features that people would want and use, have simple and intuitive controls, have great customer service if there ever was an issue, be beautifully designed and built, and people would stand in line to get the latest models.

  • Reply 102 of 139
    Originally Posted by flippysc View Post


    If Apple made refrigerators they would likely have a feature that would monitor and let you know the freshness of the contents.


    And fingerprint authentication to prevent people from drinking your beer...

  • Reply 103 of 139
    maccherry wrote: »
    Sammy is a pathetic. They should worry about their offerings rather than bitching about new iPhone launch lines.
    There's also something else Samsung's dumb a** forget to factor in and that is iOS is 100% Apple and only on Apple swag; while Android is a free, off the shelf mobile OS from Google that is on every effing non Apple smart phone.

    Let Sammy do their own mobile OS on their hardware and then we can talk.
    Until then, BOW DOWN!!!!!!!
    I guess you are just to dumb to know that both iOS and Android come from Linux that is a free version of the real thing UNIX. Apple did not make new OS, neither was Google. Read up first if you can.
  • Reply 104 of 139

    Originally Posted by flippysc View Post


    ALL appliances are garbage. My sister just got rid of her 4-year-old Bosch dishwasher, because it failed. The last 3 houses I purchased came with GE appliances. I would never buy a GE appliance. 


    I wish Apple would be more like Samsung and make appliances. We would likely then be able to purchase dishwashers that actually washed dishes; washing machines that are not mold making machines; dryers that really dry clothes wrinkle-free; ovens that have mother boards that do not fail; refrigerators that use very little electricity while maintaining a uniform temperature throughout the compartment. If Apple made refrigerators they would likely have a feature that would monitor and let you know the freshness of the contents.


    If Apple made appliances ... they would work as intended, be durable and last well beyond the warranty, have features that people would want and use, have simple and intuitive controls, have great customer service if there ever was an issue, be beautifully designed and built, and people would stand in line to get the latest models.



    Not All. Bosch is a bit better than most, but if you want real quality you need Miele, Rosieres or Ariston. Of course those cost twice the price of the lower quality brands where Samsung put its efforts. And the even better quality (industrial use) cost 10x that.


    There is no magic :  longlife, quality & ease of use,  price ? choose 2.


    The first in particular is dependant of the component with the lowest quality so even a small bad one will ruin the whole thing.

    Repairability is also something that cost more than simply gluing parts in place (check industrial equivalents to faint at the ticket price).


    Note that on that last point, Apple is in fact not very good, choosing thinner and lighter designs before repairability. For phones it does not matter much, but would a lot for a dishwasher.

  • Reply 105 of 139

    Originally Posted by andrzejls View Post


    Originally Posted by maccherry View Post

    Sammy is a pathetic. They should worry about their offerings rather than bitching about new iPhone launch lines.

    There's also something else Samsung's dumb a** forget to factor in and that is iOS is 100% Apple and only on Apple swag; while Android is a free, off the shelf mobile OS from Google that is on every effing non Apple smart phone.

    Let Sammy do their own mobile OS on their hardware and then we can talk.

    Until then, BOW DOWN!!!!!!!

    I guess you are just to dumb to know that both iOS and Android come from Linux that is a free version of the real thing UNIX. Apple did not make new OS, neither was Google. Read up first if you can.


    Making the argument that Apple did not produce iOS because it is based on UNIX demonstrates either remarkable ignorance or rampant trolling. It's the latter, isn't it?

  • Reply 106 of 139
    Originally Posted by andrzejls View Post
    I guess you are just to dumb to know that both iOS and Android come from Linux that is a free version of the real thing UNIX.


    No, he just knows that’s a nonsensical statement worthy of making it into the Top 30 Most Nonsensical Statements of All Time.

  • Reply 107 of 139
    The Galaxy S4 is a big plastic Android crap smartphone. Within four months it's worth only half the original price and going out the door in BOGO fashion. I know it's a very capable smartphone as most high-end smartphones go, but just because it sports bigger display or a quad-core processor that doesn't make it light years ahead of a conservatively-built iPhone. This BS about how Apple no longer innovates just because it doesn't have a large display is just plain stupid. Let the consumer decide what they consider innovation and not some jackass phone-nerd. Wall Street definitely isn't qualified to judge innovation especially when they want all companies to go after very high market share. Low-cost crap will usually never bring innovation with it. Wall Street favors copycat companies that go after high market share using corner-cutting, low-price tactics. That is just ridiculous to push only that type of product onto consumers.
  • Reply 108 of 139

    Maybe it's Apple's legacy of Quality, Innovation and Customer Service judiciously cultivated for 35 years?

  • Reply 109 of 139
    Part of the problem is that samsung releases 20+ models a year. How are you going to get people to stand in line 20 times a year?
  • Reply 110 of 139
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,429moderator
    flippysc wrote: »
    I wish Apple would be more like Samsung and make appliances.

    If Apple made appliances ...

    That reminds me of these beer ads - if Carlsberg made ____ they'd probably be the best ____ in the world:

    To do the best of anything needs the best people in a given field. Apple can't be the best at everything and they have demonstrated this. They don't offer the best cloud products, mapping software or creative software. They don't have to be the best at everything either and it can cause a loss in quality when companies lose focus on what they're best at. If Apple was to make a refrigerator, they'd have to hire refrigerator engineers. They have magnet people already for the door and electrical engineers. But they still need to find solutions to problems that exist in current products for them to be worth doing. Problems like how to fit a washing machine into 1/4 the size and do the same job of washing without mechanical movement or even water, perhaps use a microwave-like setup to dislodge dirt particles and a modified air stream to attract them and eject them. LG says they have some magic tech to do this kind of thing:

    LG has the people/engineers that come up with this. If Apple was to hire engineers capable of this, they'd probably have to hire them from companies that already make the products.
  • Reply 111 of 139
    Originally Posted by get serious View Post

    Maybe it's Apple's legacy of Quality, Innovation and Customer Service judiciously cultivated for 35 years?


    Nah. :p


    Welcome, rational user.

  • Reply 112 of 139
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,429moderator
    There's a video here where they asked people why they were in line:


    Most of them didn't really have an answer, some said they were there for a couple of weeks (maybe they thought it would go on sale when the event happened), a lot of them went for the gold model and there were comments about being able to meet nice people and have some fun. See, in an Android line you probably wouldn't meet nice people. Pretty much all the Android people that come here are trying to impose their point of view on others. Apple people look for like-minded people to be nice to, Windows and Android people look for people who think different in order to attack them and tell them why they aren't smart enough to buy the same things they buy.

    The other important aspect for Samsung to consider would be why Android people don't camp out rather than why Apple people do. Maybe they should ask their own customers why they can't be bothered queuing for their new products. I suspect they already know that it's because demand doesn't outstrip their supply so it doesn't matter if they queue or not.
  • Reply 113 of 139

    The funny thing is that even after all that video is edited, after subtitles and/or voice-over translations are added, and after the finished product is shown in various conference rooms, Samsung executives will still have no clue why Apple products create such enthusiasm.


    Maybe Samsung Broadcasting Center should have interviewed Psy and asked why "Gangnam Style" was such a worldwide hit last year.


  • Reply 114 of 139
    andrzejls wrote: »
    I guess you are just to dumb to know that both iOS and Android come from Linux that is a free version of the real thing UNIX. Apple did not make new OS, neither was Google. Read up first if you can.


    Edit. You wouldn't understand
  • Reply 115 of 139
    Originally Posted by andrzejls View Post

    I guess you are just to dumb to know that both iOS and Android come from Linux that is a free version of the real thing UNIX. Apple did not make new OS, neither was Google. Read up first if you can.


    Well, hate to be pedantic, but Apple's iOS is still BSD-based, which has been around longer than Linux.  Linux was started by Linus Tovalds in part to fill the void created by AT&T's lawsuit against BSDi & UC. 


    Yes, but both are heavily based on FOSS; not created in isolation as some fanboys seem to believe.
  • Reply 116 of 139
    Who lines up for a bigger spec phone? Oooh ten cores and S-Pen (what?)
  • Reply 117 of 139
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,121member

    Originally Posted by andrzejls View Post

    I guess you are just to dumb to know that both iOS and Android come from Linux that is a free version of the real thing UNIX. Apple did not make new OS, neither was Google. Read up first if you can.


    You are either mentally-challened, or simply delusional to post such nonsense.  Which one is it?

    Your post reminded of a funny line: "You're too stupid to insult".
  • Reply 118 of 139
    sflocal wrote: »
    You are either mentally-challened, or simply delusional to post such nonsense.  Which one is it?

    Your post reminded of a funny line: "You're too stupid to insult".
    You should read some of "earthzero" posts regarding the subject. Maybe you learn something. I do not make habit of directly responding to uneducated idiots.
  • Reply 119 of 139
    muppetrymuppetry Posts: 3,331member

    Originally Posted by andrzejls View Post


    Originally Posted by sflocal View Post

    You are either mentally-challened, or simply delusional to post such nonsense.  Which one is it?

    Your post reminded of a funny line: "You're too stupid to insult".

    You should read some of "earthzero" posts regarding the subject. Maybe you learn something. I do not make habit of directly responding to uneducated idiots.


    Actually you should probably read them yourself before commenting further, because while earthzero mentioned that iOS and Android are Linux-based (as part of his argument regarding the ability to run in 64-bit mode), that is not remotely the same as saying that they are no more than Linux and thus were not created by Apple and Google. That was entirely your assertion, and a particularly stupid one even for a troll - as pointed out by several posters.

  • Reply 120 of 139
    dnd0ps wrote: »
    Lucky-Goldstar. :lol:

    Yeah, I remember when Korean VCRs started taking over the market—you had Samsung on the one hand, and Goldstar and...I want to say "Intertech"—Inter-something—from the Lucky Group on the other. A couple of friends had Goldstars and they would eat about one out of ten tapes you put in them.

    Are you kidding? No.
    And yes, I own a LG HDTV. If I knew the HDMI connectivity issues and even the analog VGA syncing issues I would have, I would never have bought it. WORST TV EVER. 

    Thanks for the first-hand report.

    mwhiteco wrote: »
    I just purchased 2 new TV's in the last 3 weeks I looked at Samsung crap and decided to purchase Vizio I think I purchased a better QUALITY TV.

    The other TV I'm looking to upgrade is a Vizio. As an HDTV, it's great, but it's terrible at upconverting standard-def content. Much as I hate to say it, that's where the Samsung excels.
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