Apple confirms iOS 7 causing iMessage issues, says fix is in the works

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in iPhone edited January 2014
Apple on Tuesday said it was aware of an issue a number of iPhone users have been experiencing with iMessage since upgrading to iOS 7, noting that a fix is coming soon to patch the problem.


The company told The Wall Street Journal in a statement that it is aware of an apparent iMessage glitch in which some users' messages go unsent, unreceived or sent as a text. The problem appears to affect a variety of iPhone models running iOS 7.

Apple's statement:
We are aware of an issue that affects a fraction of a percent of our iMessage users, and we will have a fix available in an upcoming software update. In the meantime, we encourage any users having problems to reference our troubleshooting documents or contact AppleCare to help resolve their issue. We apologize for any inconvenience this causes impacted users.
Since Apple released iOS 7 on Sept. 18, a number of threads pertaining to the issue have been created on Apple's Support Communities webpage, the earliest of which dates back to launch day. The frequency of posts has increased, however, especially since the last iOS 7.0.2 update went live last week.

AppleInsider reported on Monday that a simple procedure has successfully eliminated the bug for many users:
  • Disable iMessage in Settings -> Messages,
  • Reset the iPhone's Network Settings under Settings -> General -> Reset
  • Reenable iMessage.
While the method worked, and continues to work, for most iPhone owners afflicted with the iMessage bug, some have reported that the message failures reappeared after a few hours, forcing them to repeat the steps above.

Apple did not make clear when it plans to roll out the patch, though reports on Tuesday claimed a third iOS 7 update, dubbed iOS 7.0.3, has been distributed to employees and select partners.


  • Reply 1 of 51


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  • Reply 2 of 51
    How about the WIFI & Bluetooth issues?? After 10s of times entering the router password I finally connect. Turn the phone off and on again....start the 15 minute process alllll over again.

    This update "just doesn't work" for me......and still doesn't.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 3 of 51
    nkhmnkhm Posts: 928member
    This is more than a fraction of a percent of users. Every single ios7 user I know is experiencing this issue.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 4 of 51
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,150member

    Originally Posted by nkhm View Post

    This is more than a fraction of a percent of users. Every single ios7 user I know is experiencing this issue.



    Really?  Every iOS7 user I know is not having these issues.  Could be a fraction of users, could be more.  Can't determine based on just your test pool.

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  • Reply 5 of 51
    I've surveyed the 25 friends of mine all using iOS 7. We all have the issue at hand. Resetting the network settings seems to have resolved it for some, and for others it comes back a few hours later. I would agree that it's probably more than a fraction of a percent. But. Who knows.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 6 of 51
    jd_in_sbjd_in_sb Posts: 1,600member
    My iMessage is down now though worked fine last night. Several friends experienced same. This is WIDE spread.
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  • Reply 7 of 51

    My friends with iPhone 5 are experiencing the issue. I am still on a 4 and haven't experienced it - definitely not everyone is affected

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  • Reply 8 of 51
    My iPhone 5s is not having the problem, but my iPad 4 is. Rebooting resolves it for a while.
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  • Reply 9 of 51
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  • Reply 10 of 51
    zabazaba Posts: 226member
    iPhone 4S uk no problem except making calls issues and dropped calls. It seems like the most important aspect of the phone is now poor. I expect Apple will have this fixed by 7.1. Hate it though that we are faced with bugs when the preview releases to developers have been plentiful, perhaps they should have a group of testers that are not developers as obviously the developers are asleep at the wheel probably more concerned with testing their apps than bug tracking.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 11 of 51
    crossladcrosslad Posts: 527member
    We have several models of iPhone in our family running ios7; my iPhone 4, my wife's iPhone 4, daughters iPhone 4S and youngest daughters iPhone 5. Most if our extended family have iPhones too and no one has had any problems with messages or wifi.
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  • Reply 12 of 51
    I've found that completely shutting off an iPhone (by holding down the power button and sliding your finger when prompted) and then turning it back on fixes iMessage issues for some users.

    I strongly recommend turning off the phone before resorting to more extreme measures. "Reset Network Settings" is a huge hassle because it causes your phone to lose settings and passwords for all previously connected Wi-Fi networks.

    I haven't tried disabling and reenabling iMessage along with shutting it off, but I suppose you could try combining the two (if simply powering off and back on doesn't fix it):

    1) Disable iMessage in Settings -> Messages,
    2) Hold down the power button and slide to turn off the iPhone
    3) Reenable iMessage.
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  • Reply 13 of 51

    Originally Posted by theJoshMeister View Post

    I've found that completely shutting off an iPhone (by holding down the power button and sliding your finger when prompted) and then turning it back on fixes iMessage issues for some users.

    I strongly recommend turning off the phone before resorting to more extreme measures. "Reset Network Settings" is a huge hassle because it causes your phone to lose settings and passwords for all previously connected Wi-Fi networks.

    I haven't tried disabling and reenabling iMessage along with shutting it off, but I suppose you could try combining the two (if simply powering off and back on doesn't fix it):

    1) Disable iMessage in Settings -> Messages,

    2) Hold down the power button and slide to turn off the iPhone

    3) Reenable iMessage.


    Wish I'd tried this first.  Resetting the network settings worked successfully for me (iMessages worked when using my email address, but not my phone number), but I'm not looking forward to asking everyone for their wifi passwords again...

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  • Reply 14 of 51
    allenbfallenbf Posts: 993member
    Using iOS 7 on 3 iPads and 3 iPhones in our home...none of us have had these issues.
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  • Reply 15 of 51
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member

    iOS7 problem?




    iMessages on the Mac OS Mountain Lion and Mavericks is experiencing the same issue.


    I've also noticed both my iOS7 iPad 4 and iPhone 5 experiencing issues syncing reminders, notes, email, etc...


    This appears to be yet another Apple iCloud issue.

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  • Reply 16 of 51
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    nkhm wrote: »
    This is more than a fraction of a percent of users. Every single ios7 user I know is experiencing this issue.

    I don't have this issue with iOS 7 but did yesterday on my iPad which is still running iOS 6.
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  • Reply 17 of 51
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    gtr wrote: »
    iOS7 problem?


    iMessages on the Mac OS Mountain Lion and Mavericks is experiencing the same issue.

    I've also noticed both my iOS7 iPad 4 and iPhone 5 experiencing issues syncing reminders, notes, email, etc...

    This appears to be yet another Apple iCloud issue.
    Yep. Why does Apple suck so much when it comes to the cloud? When I upgraded to iOS 7 I finally turned on iTunes Match so I would lose the commercials in iTunes radio. But I've had issues with not all my music being available. I go searching for a song and its not available to stream. And this is is music I purchased from iTunes. So annoying.
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  • Reply 18 of 51
    wingswings Posts: 261member
    My 5S and my wife's 5S have no problems whatsoever with texting, but our old 4Ss did (with iOS7). I could sometimes send a text, usually with an attached picture, and it would send fine. But the next day I would see a warning beside that message telling me it didn't go through. That's the extent of the problems I've seen with texting on iOS7.
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  • Reply 19 of 51
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member
    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    Yep. Why does Apple suck so much when it comes to the cloud? 


    Although I'll admit that Apple does appear to be experiencing a bit of a learning curve when it comes to their online services I'll also admit that they appear to be learning at an exponential rate and have improved dramatically in the last twelve months or so.


    Give them time.


    They'll get it right eventually.

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  • Reply 20 of 51
    iMessage is having issues ever since it launched. Just open it simultaneously on a Mac and on your iPhone: the same message often arrives minutes later on the Mac. Okay, that could be a network problem, though it's strange I only have that with iMessage. As a result the timeline gets a terrible mess and isn't corrected. You end up with very confusing conversations.
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