USA Today prints contemptuous trashing of Apple's latest iOS 7 release



  • Reply 101 of 197

    The article was right on target IMO.  I've been an Apple fan and customer since before the Mac.  IOS 7 is a disappointment.

  • Reply 102 of 197
    Originally Posted by Joelchu View Post

    You hate some thing? Don't use it then. Mr Jony the I is her member of her majesty. Back just 100 years ago. The way you talk will cause the life of your entire household, and you will be hang in public. Please read some history.

    You should be so glad you just born not long ago, child.


    Funny. No, it is, because we live in a little place called the You Ess of Eh. We can say whatever we want about whoever we want without getting dragged off to the Tower of Washington. No frigging nobility here, and no treason just for disagreeing with His Majesty, to whom we must freaking bow.


    If someone says that Ive’s work remains unparalleled in its crispness, craftsmanship, and unity, that can be said.

    If someone says that Ive ought to ram a jammy dodger in his ear, that can be said.


    Originally Posted by Flexman View Post

    IOS 7 is a disappointment.


    Why should we listen to you?


    I've been an Apple fan and customer since before the Mac. 



  • Reply 103 of 197

    I hate iOS7, my wife and I have had nothing but problems.  We've had iPhones for 5-6 years now and this is by far the worst. My wife's e-mail inboxes suddenly disappeared. Suddenly our iphones are swipe happy, I keep accidentally swiping to a different page, and it all depends on how far to the left of right that you start your swipe. This is driving me nuts. I was the first to upgrade to iOS7 and then warned my wife not to but she did it anyway, now we are among the ranks of I hate iOS7. The skinny small fonts are hard to see for aging eyes. The calendar is boring, not easy to "scroll" to change dates and again must be very careful where on the screen (location) to swipe. Did Apple not take into account the aging baby boomers. Tim Cook is not the visionary Steve Jobs was. Seems like they are more focused on profits from China (gold color iPhone) and assume profits from the USA are locked in. If history is any indicator US customers will walk.


    On top of that the app icons look cheap and boring. My kids could do better. How was this an improvement. We actually like the old icons more than these new icons. Apple is losing touch with their customer base. Lord I hope there is Not a Burberry themed iPhone clad in plaid, at least make it optional rather than ramming updates at us.


    I loved Apple products but the honeymoon will be over soon.

  • Reply 104 of 197
    Originally Posted by Landcruiser View Post

    It's articles like the one in USA Today that are responsible for the proliferation of this negative perception. Like many, I like iOS 7. Maybe I'm just not as whiny as some people, but it's working for me. Goodbye USA Today. FYI, your iOS App has had PLENTY of problems.



    Call me whiny if you like but I hate iOS7 and I will voice it.  


    I will confess that with iOS7, for the first time, I cannot and will not blindly recommend Apple iDevices to my friends and family and that actually for the first time try to warn them about it before they update.  We have five active iOS devices in our house.  One has been updated to iOS7 and has become an unused brick; the others will NOT be updated.  I personally cannot stand iOS7.  Two of my friends have been sickened by it (vertigo); this is why I warn people.


    Loving Apple is fine; I have been Apple only for computers since 1986 and devices since the first  iPod.  Blindness to error is another problem, and Apple has made mistakes.  Hockey puck mouse, anyone?


    I think iOS7 is not their best design and that they could have done much better.  I accept that others like you like the design.  But I wonder if the older generation is getting turned off.

  • Reply 105 of 197

    Originally Posted by Bergermeister View Post




    Call me whiny if you like but I hate iOS7 and I will voice it.  


    I will confess that with iOS7, for the first time, I cannot and will not recommend Apple iDevices to my friends and family and that I try to warn them about it before they update.  We have five active iOS devices in our house.  One has been updated to iOS7 and has become an unused brick; the others will NOT be updated.  I personally cannot stand iOS7.  Two of my friends have been sickened by it (vertigo); this is why I warn people.


    Loving Apple is fine; I have been Apple only for computers since 1986 and devices since the first  iPod.  Blindness to error is another problem, and Apple has made mistakes.  Hockey puck mouse, anyone?


    I think iOS7 is not their best design and that they could have done much better.  I accept that others like you like the design.  But I wonder if the older generation is getting turned off.

    You are entitled to your opinion- but, iThink iOS7 is the best ever.

    I have had a few vertigo problems in the past 40-50 years and have no idea what you are talking about with iOS7.

    Otherwise, we have updated half a dozen devices to iOS7 and it has been a tremendous boost to their usability, be it perceived or actual. We all love it here.  Not to mention that it has also been a very solid performer. 

    Great work, Apple.

  • Reply 106 of 197



    Critical for sure. Possibly misguided or misinformed. But contemptuous? Hardly.

  • Reply 107 of 197
    iOS 7 is just another Apple update. Just like any other crazy Apple update, it'll eventually have most (if not all) of it's bugs ironed out in a couple incremental point updates and people will eventually settle in...whether they hate it or like it. The look is something drastic, I admit, but drastic is good in my opinion. People complained so much about "skeumorphic crap" all over iOS and now they get what they asked for and people are all getting up in a tizzy about it. Honestly, I'm glad when Apple shakes things up...even when some things don't work as planned or as well as they could. Also, a lot of people are complaining about apps freezing...I bet a great deal of those apps are not optimized yet for iOS 7. Get on the backs of those developers! One app I use a lot of is iDraw for iPad. So far Indeeo has not released an updated version yet (but has mentioned one is on the way) and the app gives me a lot of trouble since I updated to iOS7. They'll get there eventually (hopefully sooner rather than later) and I'll deal with the bugs and crashes till then. This happens for every major Apple update...whether iOS or OSX. This is part of life owning an Apple device. 5 or 6 years from now when iOS has had yet another major overhaul (a rather rough estimate), you'll all probably claim iOS 7 was the last good version and iOS has gone down the toilet again.
  • Reply 108 of 197

    Originally Posted by AZREOSpecialist View Post

    And Appleinsider has to publish an editorial to counter a bad review? Sounds like someone has a lot of Apple stock...

    Good point. People take everything written about Apple so personally. If it is a positive article, they act as if they have personally accomplished something. If it is negative, they whine as if someone kicked them in the nuts. You see this type of exuberance in sports.


    Unlike sports teams, however, Apple doesn't reward irrationally exuberant followers anymore than any other customer.

  • Reply 109 of 197

    Originally Posted by carmelapple View Post

    iOS 7 is just another Apple update. Just like any other crazy Apple update, it'll eventually have most (if not all) of it's bugs ironed out in a couple incremental point updates and people will eventually settle in...whether they hate it or like it. The look is something drastic, I admit, but drastic is good in my opinion. People complained so much about "skeumorphic crap" all over iOS and now they get what they asked for and people are all getting up in a tizzy about it. Honestly, I'm glad when Apple shakes things up...even when some things don't work as planned or as well as they could. Also, a lot of people are complaining about apps freezing...I bet a great deal of those apps are not optimized yet for iOS 7. Get on the backs of those developers! One app I use a lot of is iDraw for iPad. So far Indeeo has not released an updated version yet (but has mentioned one is on the way) and the app gives me a lot of trouble since I updated to iOS7. They'll get there eventually (hopefully sooner rather than later) and I'll deal with the bugs and crashes till then. This happens for every major Apple update...whether iOS or OSX. This is part of life owning an Apple device. 5 or 6 years from now when iOS has had yet another major overhaul (a rather rough estimate), you'll all probably claim iOS 7 was the last good version and iOS has gone down the toilet again.

    Actually, iOS7 is not just another update. Contrary to popular opinion, it is least about replacing skeuomorphism with flatness. But you're right about this - it's silly to whine about bugs because they will eventually be fixed.

  • Reply 110 of 197
    Originally Posted by RogueDogRandy View Post


    You are entitled to your opinion- but, iThink iOS7 is the best ever.

    I have had a few vertigo problems in the past 40-50 years and have no idea what you are talking about with iOS7.

    Otherwise, we have updated half a dozen devices to iOS7 and it has been a tremendous boost to their usability, be it perceived or actual. We all love it here.  Not to mention that it has also been a very solid performer. 

    Great work, Apple.



    The motion-sicknesss info has been out since day 1:


    and on Apple's site:



    Glad you like it.  Many people seem to.  Some don't (sadly I'm in this group).  If everything Apple produced was liked by everybody, there wouldn't be any Android users bashing us!

  • Reply 111 of 197

    Originally Posted by DroidFTW View Post



    This would describe almost every DED article ever written on AI.

    And your comment tells me something else, it was written by a Fandroid.


    Move along.

  • Reply 112 of 197
    Originally Posted by brlawyer View Post



    Bingo. My dad, a totally non-techie person, has been complaining from day one (after inadvertently "upgrading" to iOS7) about wi-fi issues that he never had before, impossibility to use Mail, weird UI paradigms and so on...another collleague of mine at work has been trashing it for its terrible battery life, the fact that mailbox accounts are forcibly merged etc...and people still that the USAT is just trolling... ;) 

    Ever heard of Reset All Settings? Do that and he'll be fine. This is not the first time carried-over settings make iOS a bit wonky, and it certainly won't be the last. Bashing iOS 7 and calling it out for this just shows your incompetence as a tech.

  • Reply 113 of 197
    @Stelligent - Certainly iOS 7 is not just about replacing the skeumorphic elements with flatness, but people have been wishing it would go away for a very long time. Now they have what they asked for (they didn't really say how they wanted it...just that they wanted the skeumorphism gone), it's not good enough. Apple users tend to be the most critical of all tech users. We ask for a lot and expect 1000% more...often being disappointed in the end. Yet we still go out and buy the next best iDevice or Mac. It's just in our nature.
  • Reply 114 of 197

    Originally Posted by asdasd View Post

    That's an excuse. Apple don't force a clean install so an upgrade is normal path.

    Sounds to me like you have no clue what you're talking about... ANY OS that's "upgraded", and not freshly-installed, will NEVER function as smoothly and reliably. Doesn't matter the platform or system, doing a clean install fixes almost all woes, because it clears all the old code out of the way and ensures everything is 100% current.


    I own Apple and PC products, and they are no different in that regard; fresh install of the OS each time it's updated, and I get a smooth functioning OS every time. If I try an upgrade path, it'll work, but is glitchy.

  • Reply 115 of 197
    Originally Posted by AppleJim View Post


    I hate iOS7, my wife and I have had nothing but problems.  We've had iPhones for 5-6 years now and this is by far the worst. My wife's e-mail inboxes suddenly disappeared. Suddenly our iphones are swipe happy, I keep accidentally swiping to a different page, and it all depends on how far to the left of right that you start your swipe. This is driving me nuts. I was the first to upgrade to iOS7 and then warned my wife not to but she did it anyway, now we are among the ranks of I hate iOS7. The skinny small fonts are hard to see for aging eyes. The calendar is boring, not easy to "scroll" to change dates and again must be very careful where on the screen (location) to swipe. Did Apple not take into account the aging baby boomers. Tim Cook is not the visionary Steve Jobs was. Seems like they are more focused on profits from China (gold color iPhone) and assume profits from the USA are locked in. If history is any indicator US customers will walk.


    On top of that the app icons look cheap and boring. My kids could do better. How was this an improvement. We actually like the old icons more than these new icons. Apple is losing touch with their customer base. Lord I hope there is Not a Burberry themed iPhone clad in plaid, at least make it optional rather than ramming updates at us.


    I loved Apple products but the honeymoon will be over soon.


    Welcome to technology and OS upgrades, that can (and will) screw up some tasks from time to time. Goto your Settings -> General -> Reset -> Reset All Settings option to wipe away all the old iOS 6 code and restore the device to a pure iOS 7 setup.


    In 95% of situations where users are experiencing a glitchy iOS 7 upgrade, this gets them back on track.


    It worked on my iPad 3 and iPhone 5, now they run like a hot damn with 7.


    Oh, and BTW, things like the thin fonts, animations, etc, can almost all be made to look iOS 6 under Settings -> General -> Accessibility. Learn the product before you blame everyone else.

  • Reply 116 of 197

    It's difficult to separate the fact that iOS7 is difficult to use because of the new, bland interface which in itself produces errors in user input from the actual software inconsistencies (Example:  Notifications does not always act the same.  Sometimes it does what you want it to and sometimes it does not).  I suspect that a lot of bugs are buried because users simply ignore the occasional event, thinking that it may be their own mistake.


    In the case of Notifications, I can assure you it is the software.  I happen to use Notifications a lot, and depend on it as a suspense file.  It makes so many mistakes that I am considering going back to paper for a few months in hopes that Apple will actually start tracking stuff that is iOS related instead of tracking it by iPad or iPhone.

  • Reply 117 of 197
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,536member
    magman1979 wrote: »
    Sounds to me like you have no clue what you're talking about... ANY OS that's "upgraded", and not freshly-installed, will NEVER function as smoothly and reliably. Doesn't matter the platform or system, doing a clean install fixes almost all woes, because it clears all the old code out of the way and ensures everything is 100% current.

    I own Apple and PC products, and they are no different in that regard; fresh install of the OS each time it's updated, and I get a smooth functioning OS every time. If I try an upgrade path, it'll work, but is glitchy.

    One of the the beauties of Apple products is that you don't need to be a techie to use them. Are you now saying that's not really true and users really should research and be familiar with restoring operating systems and settings? Are you hinting that Apple shouldn't be offering OS updates to begin with but instead be doing full wipe and restores as part of the upgrade process? That's what it sounds like.
  • Reply 118 of 197
    Only put it on my phone for Apple Radio. Never will go on my iPad. Was ready to buy a 5S. Not now. Tackiest UI ever.
  • Reply 119 of 197

    Originally Posted by jd_in_sb View Post


    I have owned every model of iPhone ever made except the iPhone 5C. I always loved iOS and it got better with each new version. I hate iOS 7 because of the look. The new flat interface is terrible. Graphics are gone, everything is white. Everything looks like a cheap web interface. I love Apple but I hope Jony Ive gets a wake-up call. He's great but made a very ugly GUI. Everyone I know hates the look too. I hope Jony can correct his mistake.

    Nice idea but it isn't going to happen.  Mr Ive has been waiting for years to get this look and now that Steve Jobs is gone (this time forever) his political pull within the company has given him foll control over the iOS look.  One can only hope he cannot gain control over Maveric (sp?).  This is a really interesting example of how just one man with a vision can change an entire company.  Steve changed Apple for the better.  Mr Ive for the worse.  The single solution is to remove him.


    When the football team has a couple of losing seasons you do not replace the players, you replace the coach. 

  • Reply 120 of 197
    darkvader wrote: »
    … it's visually uglier.  Now, stability is important, people notice crashes, but ugly is always in your face.

    Apple knew how ugly it was before it was released, plenty of us told them, and they had plenty of opportunity to backtrack and not release something so incredibly ugly.  But too many egos were apparently tied up in that visual abomination, and they released anyway.
    Ugly is an opinion. Your opinion is apparently not shared by everyone. I like the look for the most part. I'll survive the rest. Why? Because I like the new OS functionality much better.
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