I agree! Henry Ford said if he would have listened to his customers they would have wanted a faster horse!
Apple never had to convince people that the iPhone or the iPad were the next big thing. Once people saw them and used them it was obvious. Apple will innovate and the market will follow. In this case Samsung tried to innovate, and is having 30% returns. Imaging if Apple had 30% returns? The media would explode. Apple has and will always have a very specific goal for each of their products.
The iWatch will be to the fuelband what the iPhone was to the flip phone. Apple will not forget it is a watch. First and foremost. Make it sleek, attractive, and tell time (in comes CEO Paul Deneve). Next Appleize it. Tim Cook loves his fuelband and he loves working out. How about we bring in some fitness experts from Nike to help develop cool apps and learn from their wristband experience. Tim Cook has also said that sensors are on the brink of exploding, watch Apple drop in an M7 and take full advantage of a device mounted to the body to track all sorts of fitness data and seamlessly sync it to ALL apple devices.
I think the issue is 1) that Samsung is asking people what they want. But also, 2) that they are asking the wrong people. It seems they are targeting the typical Android user who wants to constantly fiddle and tinker with their technology, instead of the user who thought about or previously owned Android and then when iOS instead. That's who they should be targeting... Although my view is they should not be asking at all.
Spot on.
If this is how they go about product design, then their next watch will have a six-inch screen and a clip-on battery pack.
But I think folk are missing the point of this dreadful piece of engineering.
Samsung knows it's crap, but they won't know how to build a better one until Apple releases a smart watch. When they end up in court for copying it, then it may help to have a 'first to market' device to wave in the jurors' faces.
Or it may lead to lots of png files showing the Samsung smart watch before the iWatch … and the Samsung smart watch after.
This alone is the death nail for these products. Most of you are too young to remember the digital watches of the 80's either they were too expensive, the batteries needed changed all the time or the UI was hideous. The old saying applies here, those who do not study and understand history is destine to repeat it. Samsung managed to do all them in one product.
from its $300 price tag to the reportedly short-lived battery and the watch's user interface design
I said it a number of times, people do not want to charge up their watches every day they just want it work. If it is not a fashion statement people are not going to pay that kind of money for a toy.
I agree with you guys. Henry Ford said if he would have asked his customers what they wanted they would have said a faster horse!
Apple didn't have to convince people that the iPhone and the iPad were the next big things. Once people saw them and started using them it was obvious. Apple will innovate and the market will follow. In this case Samsung tried to innovate and the are seeing 30% returns. Imagine if Apple released a product and saw 30% returns? The media would explode! Apple has and will always have a very clear, specific goal with each of their products.
Apple's iWatch will be a watch first and foremost. It will be sleek, attractive, and tell time (all the time). Hence Paul Deneve consulting, then they will put the Apple spin on it. Cook has said sensors are on the brink of taking off, and he loves his fuelband and working out. Apple will drop in their brand new M7 and take full advantage that the device is attached to the body tracking all sorts of fitness data and sync seamlessly to ALL Apple products. It has been no secret they have been working closely with Nike throughout all this.
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I've said it before, and say it again: if you have to tell people you're "The Next Big Thing," you're not.
And if you literally say it word for word, well…
Apple never had to convince people that the iPhone or the iPad were the next big thing. Once people saw them and used them it was obvious. Apple will innovate and the market will follow. In this case Samsung tried to innovate, and is having 30% returns. Imaging if Apple had 30% returns? The media would explode. Apple has and will always have a very specific goal for each of their products.
The iWatch will be to the fuelband what the iPhone was to the flip phone. Apple will not forget it is a watch. First and foremost. Make it sleek, attractive, and tell time (in comes CEO Paul Deneve). Next Appleize it. Tim Cook loves his fuelband and he loves working out. How about we bring in some fitness experts from Nike to help develop cool apps and learn from their wristband experience. Tim Cook has also said that sensors are on the brink of exploding, watch Apple drop in an M7 and take full advantage of a device mounted to the body to track all sorts of fitness data and seamlessly sync it to ALL apple devices.
Spot on.
If this is how they go about product design, then their next watch will have a six-inch screen and a clip-on battery pack.
But I think folk are missing the point of this dreadful piece of engineering.
Samsung knows it's crap, but they won't know how to build a better one until Apple releases a smart watch. When they end up in court for copying it, then it may help to have a 'first to market' device to wave in the jurors' faces.
Or it may lead to lots of png files showing the Samsung smart watch before the iWatch … and the Samsung smart watch after.
Clearly, Samsung customers are a herd of sheep who have fallen custom to a reality distortion field.
This alone is the death nail for these products. Most of you are too young to remember the digital watches of the 80's either they were too expensive, the batteries needed changed all the time or the UI was hideous. The old saying applies here, those who do not study and understand history is destine to repeat it. Samsung managed to do all them in one product.
I agree with you guys. Henry Ford said if he would have asked his customers what they wanted they would have said a faster horse!
Apple didn't have to convince people that the iPhone and the iPad were the next big things. Once people saw them and started using them it was obvious. Apple will innovate and the market will follow. In this case Samsung tried to innovate and the are seeing 30% returns. Imagine if Apple released a product and saw 30% returns? The media would explode! Apple has and will always have a very clear, specific goal with each of their products.
Apple's iWatch will be a watch first and foremost. It will be sleek, attractive, and tell time (all the time). Hence Paul Deneve consulting, then they will put the Apple spin on it. Cook has said sensors are on the brink of taking off, and he loves his fuelband and working out. Apple will drop in their brand new M7 and take full advantage that the device is attached to the body tracking all sorts of fitness data and sync seamlessly to ALL Apple products. It has been no secret they have been working closely with Nike throughout all this.
I am surprised a single person blew $300 for one of these things.
Is that how much it costs, geesh. Man I hope Apple stays away from these smart watches, what a stupid concept.
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