iPad's marketshare drops 11% in Q3 on lack of new models, Android posts significant gains

in iPad edited January 2014
Apple's share of the worldwide tablet market slipped to its lowest point ever in the third quarter of 2013, falling off 11 percent from the same time one year ago, while No. 2 Samsung more than doubled shipments of its Android-based offerings.

Source: IDC

According to the latest data from research firm IDC, Apple shipped 14.1 million iPads in the third quarter of 2013, a 500,000 unit sequential decline from quarter two, while rival Samsung took second place with shipments of 9.7 million Android devices.

The firm attributes Apple's stagnating growth to a lack of new models in the second and third quarters. Year over year, Apple's marketshare drooped 11 percent to 29.6 percent, with growth at 0.6 percent over the same period. Apple shifted its iPad launch schedule last year when it introduced the first-generation iPad mini and fourth-generation iPad in October.

Apple will likely see a strong rebound with the all-new iPad mini with Retina display both launching in November, the research company said.

IDC research analyst Jitesh Ubrani notes Apple's latest iPad Air and iPad mini with Retina display should appeal to a wider audience, though pricing may be an issue.

"While some undoubtedly hoped for more aggressive pricing from Apple, the current prices clearly reflect Apple's ongoing strategy to maintain its premium status," Ubrani said. "It's worth noting that Apple wasn't the only one to increase the price of its small-sized tablet during this product cycle: Both Google and Amazon increased the price of their newest 7-inch tablets from $199 to $229 to cover the higher costs associated with high resolution screens and better processors."

Samsung vaulted from a 12.4 percent marketshare to 20.4 percent on shipments of 9.7 million units in the third quarter, a gain of 123 percent. Number three Asus also grew its share with shipments of 3.5 million, up 53.9 percent from last year.

The September quarter's biggest mover was fourth place Lenovo, which exhibited 420.7 percent year-over-year growth, jumping from a 1.1 percent share to 4.8 percent. The company shipped a total of 2.3 million tablets.

Rounding out the top five is Acer, which managed to ship 1.2 million units to take 2.5 percent of the market, up 346.3 percent from 2012.


  • Reply 2 of 104
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member

    "iPad's marketshare drops 11% in Q3 on lack of new models, Android posts significant gains"


    I'll never fucking understand the utterly false analogy of directly comparing "iPad" or "iPhone" with "Android" as if they're competing products. It's so sad than even this site engages in this analogy for clicks. "iPad" is a single line of tablets, made by a single company, updated a single time a year. "Android" is a damn OS, that is installed on THOUSANDS of tablets, on HUNDREDS of product lines, by DOZENS of companies, that release multiple tablets per year. So, why the **** is this a fair comparison? COmparing a single product with the combined marketshare of almost every SINGLE other competing product in the world? SO we can use the word "drops" in the headline?


    iPad is by far the best selling tablet in the world. The only way to attempt to put a negative spin on things is if you use false analogies such as this, as if "Android" is some product, or some entity. "Android" or Google even, is not benefitting by these truckloads of cheap chinese tablets taht run the OS. The comparison is utterly meaningless. Stop with these Apples to Oranges comparison. Android, a free OS, cannot be compared with iPad, a tablet.  Why not actually compare the iPad line against any other tablet line? Oh yeah, cause it would be an absolute slaughter, so we have to combine ALL other tablet lines on the planet then use THAT for comparison, as if that means anything anymore. The tablet market is still growing, and being flooded with cheap models, so  decrease in marketshare is expected. I'm dissapointed in Appleinsider for engaging in this click-bait, idiotic comparisons.

  • Reply 3 of 104
    mj webmj web Posts: 918member

    Let's hear all the AAPL apologists rationalize why this is good news... Wait, now begin!

  • Reply 4 of 104
    That last column "3Q12-3Q13" seems to be neither consistently nor correctly calculated. Either in absolute values, percentages, or percentages of percentages.
  • Reply 5 of 104
    I get around a lot, travel to a lot of places. I've seen quite a few Kindles, a couple of Nexus tablets, nary a Samsung (except on an American Airlines flight from Latin America, where Samsung tablets were being handed out as entertainment devices for those sitting up font -- after which, I decided to drop AA), and yet, I've seen hundreds upon hundreds of iPads.

    Where are all these vaunted, non-iOS tablets that apparently have shipped by the gazillions!? Who uses them, for what!? Are most of the non-iPad users simply embarrassed to be seen with them in public?
  • Reply 6 of 104
    mj web wrote: »
    Let's hear all the AAPL apologists rationalize why this is good news... Wait, now begin!

    It's irrelevant news, actually.
  • Reply 7 of 104
    saareksaarek Posts: 1,562member
    slurpy wrote: »
    "<a href="http://appleinsider.com/articles/13/10/30/ipads-marketshare-drops-11-in-q3-on-lack-of-new-models-android-posts-significant-gains" style="border-style:none;" target="_blank">iPad's marketshare drops 11% in Q3 on lack of new models, Android posts significant gains</a>

    I'll never fucking understand the utterly false analogy of directly comparing "iPad" or "iPhone" with "Android" as if they're competing products. It's so sad than even this site engages in this analogy for clicks. "iPad" is a single line of tablets, made by a single company, updated a single time a year. "Android" is a damn OS, that is installed on THOUSANDS of tablets, on HUNDREDS of product lines, by DOZENS of companies, that release multiple tablets per year. So, why the **** is this a fair comparison? COmparing a single product with the combined marketshare of almost every SINGLE other competing product in the world? SO we can use the word "drops" in the headline?

    iPad is by far the best selling tablet in the world. The only way to attempt to put a negative spin on things is if you use false analogies such as this, as if "Android" is some product, or some entity. "Android" or Google even, is not benefitting by these truckloads of cheap chinese tablets taht run the OS. The comparison is utterly meaningless. Stop with these Apples to Oranges comparison. Android, a free OS, cannot be compared with iPad, a tablet.  Why not actually compare the iPad line against any other tablet line? Oh yeah, cause it would be an absolute slaughter, so we have to combine ALL other tablet lines on the planet then use THAT for comparison, as if that means anything anymore. The tablet market is still growing, and being flooded with cheap models, so  decrease in marketshare is expected. I'm dissapointed in Appleinsider for engaging in this click-bait, idiotic comparisons.
    All true, although on current growth Samsung will move past Apple as the number one tablet maker within a few quarters.

    Certainly is iPhone vs combined android scenario all over again, which is fine.

    At the end if the day Apple only cares about the cream if the market where the real money lies.
  • Reply 8 of 104

    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post


    "iPad's marketshare drops 11% in Q3 on lack of new models, Android posts significant gains"


    I'll never fucking understand the utterly false analogy of directly comparing "iPad" or "iPhone" with "Android" as if they're competing products. It's so sad than even this site engages in this analogy for clicks. "iPad" is a single line of tablets, made by a single company, updated a single time a year. "Android" is a damn OS, that is installed on THOUSANDS of tablets, on HUNDREDS of product lines, by DOZENS of companies, that release multiple tablets per year. So, why the **** is this a fair comparison? COmparing a single product with the combined marketshare of almost every SINGLE other competing product in the world? SO we can use the word "drops" in the headline?


    iPad is by far the best selling tablet in the world. The only way to attempt to put a negative spin on things is if you use false analogies such as this, as if "Android" is some product, or some entity. "Android" or Google even, is not benefitting by these truckloads of cheap chinese tablets taht run the OS. The comparison is utterly meaningless. Stop with these Apples to Oranges comparison. Android, a free OS, cannot be compared with iPad, a tablet.  Why not actually compare the iPad line against any other tablet line? Oh yeah, cause it would be an absolute slaughter, so we have to combine ALL other tablet lines on the planet then use THAT for comparison, as if that means anything anymore. The tablet market is still growing, and being flooded with cheap models, so  decrease in marketshare is expected. I'm dissapointed in Appleinsider for engaging in this click-bait, idiotic comparisons.

    Well said, my friend. Well said.

  • Reply 9 of 104
    Give me a break. Some people by Mercedes and some buy Toyotas. Apple can't have all the market. And I know these types of write ups are meant to screw the Apple stock. It is so damn obvious.
  • Reply 10 of 104
    arlorarlor Posts: 533member

    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post


    "iPad's marketshare drops 11% in Q3 on lack of new models, Android posts significant gains"


    I'll never fucking understand the utterly false analogy of directly comparing "iPad" or "iPhone" with "Android" as if they're competing products. It's so sad than even this site engages in this analogy for clicks. "iPad" is a single line of tablets, made by a single company, updated a single time a year. "Android" is a damn OS, that is installed on THOUSANDS of tablets, on HUNDREDS of product lines, by DOZENS of companies, that release multiple tablets per year. So, why the **** is this a fair comparison? COmparing a single product with the combined marketshare of almost every SINGLE other competing product in the world? SO we can use the word "drops" in the headline?


    Same's been true of Mac vs. PC for decades, but that hasn't stopped anybody from making the comparison.

  • Reply 11 of 104

    In other news: BMW didn't sell as many cars in Q3 as "All-non-BMW-branded-cars-combined". For this reason BMW's stock plummeted 14% on the bad news. *sheesh* 

  • Reply 12 of 104
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,122member

    Just means that those that purchased an Android model will most likely get an iPad after:

    - said Android product breaks after a couple months.

    - consumer returns it after realizing it's a poor substitute for an iPad.

    - Android product gathers dust in desk drawer and customer forgets/doesn't care.

  • Reply 13 of 104

    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post


    "iPad's marketshare drops 11% in Q3 on lack of new models, Android posts significant gains"


    I'll never fucking understand the utterly false analogy of directly comparing "iPad" or "iPhone" with "Android" as if they're competing products. It's so sad than even this site engages in this analogy for clicks. "iPad" is a single line of tablets, made by a single company, updated a single time a year. "Android" is a damn OS, that is installed on THOUSANDS of tablets, on HUNDREDS of product lines, by DOZENS of companies, that release multiple tablets per year. So, why the **** is this a fair comparison? COmparing a single product with the combined marketshare of almost every SINGLE other competing product in the world? SO we can use the word "drops" in the headline?


    iPad is by far the best selling tablet in the world. The only way to attempt to put a negative spin on things is if you use false analogies such as this, as if "Android" is some product, or some entity. "Android" or Google even, is not benefitting by these truckloads of cheap chinese tablets taht run the OS. The comparison is utterly meaningless. Stop with these Apples to Oranges comparison. Android, a free OS, cannot be compared with iPad, a tablet.  Why not actually compare the iPad line against any other tablet line? Oh yeah, cause it would be an absolute slaughter, so we have to combine ALL other tablet lines on the planet then use THAT for comparison, as if that means anything anymore. The tablet market is still growing, and being flooded with cheap models, so  decrease in marketshare is expected. I'm dissapointed in Appleinsider for engaging in this click-bait, idiotic comparisons.

    I do agree with your sentiment, however this study does look at individual tablet manufactures. What I don't get is that they do not indicate acceleration or deceleration of the market over time. They show the percentage change from '12 to '13 but there is no insight into the cyclical nature of the drop. They do mention it, however the study does nothing to quantify the impact. This is fairly meaningless information without that context.


    For example if the growth of the tablet market has a trend of 50% year over year in the third quarter and we only saw a 34% growth we saw a deceleration of growth that has a positive correlation with the lack of a new iPad in the quarter. I'm not saying this is the case; simply pointing out that we are missing some contextual information to draw conclusions regarding market performance.

  • Reply 14 of 104
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    mj web wrote: »
    Let's hear all the AAPL apologists rationalize why this is good news... Wait, now begin!

    Ah. Right on cue.
  • Reply 15 of 104
    herbapouherbapou Posts: 2,228member
    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post


    "iPad's marketshare drops 11% in Q3 on lack of new models, Android posts significant gains"


    I'll never fucking understand the utterly false analogy of directly comparing "iPad" or "iPhone" with "Android" as if they're competing products. It's so sad than even this site engages in this analogy for clicks. "iPad" is a single line of tablets, made by a single company, updated a single time a year. "Android" is a damn OS, that is installed on THOUSANDS of tablets, on HUNDREDS of product lines, by DOZENS of companies, that release multiple tablets per year. So, why the **** is this a fair comparison? COmparing a single product with the combined marketshare of almost every SINGLE other competing product in the world? SO we can use the word "drops" in the headline

    Originally Posted by maccherry View Post

    Give me a break. Some people by Mercedes and some buy Toyotas. Apple can't have all the market. And I know these types of write ups are meant to screw the Apple stock. It is so damn obvious.


    Well that single line of tablet did had almost 100% of the market share back in 2010. Apple could had pulled an iPod and maintain dominance, but it looks more like a repeat of the iPhone. 


    That being said I think Apple have a nice line up, its bringing more choices on the iPad line, something it didn't do on the iPhone line.   I am hoping the free iWork and iLife makes a difference.  Many people argue Apple products are overprice, but now you can reply they come with a solid set of free softwares and free OS updates. Now we pay more, but we also get more, other than high quality hardware.

  • Reply 16 of 104
    kpluckkpluck Posts: 500member

    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post


    "iPad's marketshare drops 11% in Q3 on lack of new models, Android posts significant gains"


    I'll never fucking understand the utterly false analogy of directly comparing "iPad" or "iPhone" with "Android" as if they're competing products. It's so sad than even this site engages in this analogy for clicks. "iPad" is a single line of tablets, made by a single company, updated a single time a year. "Android" is a damn OS, that is installed on THOUSANDS of tablets, on HUNDREDS of product lines, by DOZENS of companies, that release multiple tablets per year. So, why the **** is this a fair comparison? COmparing a single product with the combined marketshare of almost every SINGLE other competing product in the world? SO we can use the word "drops" in the headline?


    iPad is by far the best selling tablet in the world. The only way to attempt to put a negative spin on things is if you use false analogies such as this, as if "Android" is some product, or some entity. "Android" or Google even, is not benefitting by these truckloads of cheap chinese tablets taht run the OS. The comparison is utterly meaningless. Stop with these Apples to Oranges comparison. Android, a free OS, cannot be compared with iPad, a tablet.  Why not actually compare the iPad line against any other tablet line? Oh yeah, cause it would be an absolute slaughter, so we have to combine ALL other tablet lines on the planet then use THAT for comparison, as if that means anything anymore. The tablet market is still growing, and being flooded with cheap models, so  decrease in marketshare is expected. I'm dissapointed in Appleinsider for engaging in this click-bait, idiotic comparisons.


    LOL...off your meds?


    I am not sure exactly what a "false analogy" is although I can certainly recognize faulty logic (and bad grammar). And its hilarious that you say the "iPad" is the best selling tablet in the world while you are counting all the different models as a lump sum. According to your rather flawed logic, shouldn't each model be considered separately?


    Would it make you feel better if instead of talking about "iPad" vs Android tablet marketshare they said "iOS tablet" vs Android tablet marketshare? The fact that Apple is the only company making iPads is irrelevant.



  • Reply 17 of 104

    Another useless survey from IDC.  If you go read there metrics in this android vs apple survey there counting sub 100 dollar white box tablets now in china against apple as well.    Sad thing is that none of the 30% of Other (white box)  will connect to google play and make google absolutely no money. Those tablets don't even compare to an iPad.  Most of them after 6 months are landfill in a dump.  All of them start with an old version of android and will barely make a picture.  They use substandard parts and last accordingly.

    IDC is now the yellow sheet analytic firm. There the National Inquirer of survey firms.

  • Reply 18 of 104
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member
    Originally Posted by Arlor View Post



    Same's been true of Mac vs. PC for decades, but that hasn't stopped anybody from making the comparison.


    Actually, it's even worse this time. At least OEMs PAYED for Windows licenses, so one could say that at least Windows was making sales. In this case, Android is free, so by default that's what every single no-name brand will throw onto their tablets, because it reduces their R&D, and it's FREE. Not to mention this survey is counting tablets that cost less than $100, that arguably neither Google nor the manufacturer (nor the user) benefits from. So it's even a worse comparison this time, and it implies Apple needs to change it's strategy, or is "losing"- when it doesn't, and it isn't. It's "winning" on all fronts that actually matter. 

  • Reply 19 of 104

    Originally Posted by MJ Web View Post


    Let's hear all the AAPL apologists rationalize why this is good news... Wait, now begin!

    LOL if you want to believe what IDC spews then go right ahead there the worst analytical firm on the planet.  With surveys based in wild guesses about how many tablets are shipped when no android manufacture ever states shipped or sold.  Then they add in sub $100 dollar white box android tablets that make up about 30% of that survey, and none of those tablets will ever connect to google play and will never make google or android a dime.  Fact is the only manufacturer that gives sold numbers (as in the hands of a real person that bought it) is Apple.

  • Reply 19 of 104
    The big problem with this report is not its 'fairness' - i.e., iPad vs. Android - but the fact that shipments do NOT equal actual usage... As we all saw with Surface V1.0, you can 'ship' lots of tablets that sit on shelves and get written off later... Or, you can 'ship' lots of tablets, some of which are actually sold to end users, but don't get actually used much...

    What's fasincating is that the tablet TRAFFIC statistics, vs. units 'shipped' statistics, remain dominated by Apple... For all the units 'shipped' by Samsung and other vendors, there is no way to know how many are stuck in the channel or not being used by their buyers, except for the - wait, wait, don't tell me - TRAFFIC statistics!

    Combined with the fact that Apple customers typically postpone tablet purchases in the weeks before a new product introduction, it's fairly certain that Apple's share will recover nicely next quarter...

    That's why articles such as these - which pretend to headline a trend with incomplete information - are pretty lame...
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