They are not avoiding Irish taxes. The way the Irish tax law is structured is that if the companies are owned by a foreign entity they are not required to pay the normal corporate rate but instead a very low 1-2% rate.
Can you please provide some documentation to show this 1-2% you claim is correct?
I found this and I know it is not a government document but it confirms that Apple only paid 2%. I can't remember where I read that the low corporate taxes designed as an incentive to encourage large global companies to locate in Ireland, but probably negotiated on a case by case basis.
The lesson to learn here is, all governments are corrupt, their "justice" system serves them, and not the people.
Where are the prosecutions for the NSA? The TSA's crimes (violating 4th amendment for everyone who flies)? The spying on americans phone calls that happened under the bush administration?
Government passes laws to control you, and to protect itself, and to allow it to exploit people for politicians profits.
I found this and I know it is not a government document but it confirms that Apple only paid 2%. I can't remember where I read that the low corporate taxes designed as an incentive to encourage large global companies to locate in Ireland, but probably negotiated on a case by case basis.
2% of $Billions is better than 100% of nothing.
Hence the Irish will not try too hard to change the way things are.
Unless they are spent on services for the people, healthcare for instance.
I agree taxation has become essentially codified theft, however it IS constitutional.
And by the way, the Constitution does not allow the Federal government leeway to run healthcare or be involved in any way in the health matters of individuals. "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." (that taken from the 10th Amendment)... Those words mean something. They are a contract between the people, the government and the nation. The Federal government, the Congress and the President have ALL broken that contract.
I agree taxation has become essentially codified theft, however it IS constitutional.
And by the way, the Constitution does not allow the Federal government leeway to run healthcare or be involved in any way in the health matters of individuals. "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." (that taken from the 10th Amendment)... Those words mean something. They are a contract between the people, the government and the nation. The Federal government, the Congress and the President have ALL broken that contract.
And don't forget the Republican Supreme Court agreed.
Hmmmm. Somebody doesn't understand the constitution. I wonder who it is.
It's autocorrect's failure to indicate I hit a "b" and a "c" instead of the space bare (<— autocorrect's version of "bar").
If you read between the letters it's either a fancy chocolate delight or "to lose once".
LOL, welcome to my world. I must say it hit Google fast too! Better think up a meaning, it'll be in the language in days.
And that's fair game, as everyone knows, including Italy.
I fail to see how they will justify such stupid action once Apple flexes their muscles out of this. However, it was a really low-blow.
Even if Apple quickly wins the process or if the whole thing is thrown away for "lack of evidence", the people's court already decided: Apple is guilty. They trick costumers and steal money! /s
And this is where Apple needs a ruthless guy like Bezos: Just buy media outlets and force your opinion and POV. Competitors will fear you. No one will mess with you.
Maybe Apple should buy Fox Corp and rearrange it's reporting priorities. Market cap is only just over $6.5 Billion, loose change for Apple.
Italy is probably owed some taxes. Since Apple is a US company and has a headquarters in Italy, what does Ireland have to do with any of this? Sounds fishy to me.
Ireland generally has a lot do to with many corporations' profits.
From Forbes:
Apple has an Irish holding company with no operations or employees at the top of its foreign operations. This company also serves as a group finance company. Apple Inc., the U.S. parent of the whole group, pays U.S. tax on the investment earnings of this company. Otherwise, the holding company pays no tax to any government, and has not paid tax for five years. It claims tax residence nowhere.
Beneath the holding company is an Irish principal company that holds the contracts with Apple’s Chinese contract manufacturers and owns the inventory they produce. It also claims tax residence nowhere, despite having paid some tax to Ireland in recent years, but at rate far below the statutory rate. It and another Apple operating affiliate share the foreign rights to Apple’s U.S. based technology.
I found this and I know it is not a government document but it confirms that Apple only paid 2%. I can't remember where I read that the low corporate taxes designed as an incentive to encourage large global companies to locate in Ireland, but probably negotiated on a case by case basis.
Which two of their subsidiaries are they talking about?
They give the two. They sell better coverage with Applecare than they are required to offer by law. So they can still upsell the coverage. That seems hard for Italy to understand as well.
They have to give 2 years. If they want to sell 3, 4,5 or 10 it's up to them, but they have to GIVE 2 years. They don't.
Apple sells in Italy as an Irish company so they pay their taxes in Ireland, obviusly they have an headquarter in italy, but wiht a barely legal escamotages (the double Irish) they can circumvente italian taxes. This is the same for Microsoft Google facebook ecc. but this time seem that Apple has done something wrong.
the strange thing is that my 2012 macbook air was sent from Cork in Ireland but my ipad air was sent from Milan
They are not avoiding Irish taxes. The way the Irish tax law is structured is that if the companies are owned by a foreign entity they are not required to pay the normal corporate rate but instead a very low 1-2% rate.
Can you please provide some documentation to show this 1-2% you claim is correct?
I found this and I know it is not a government document but it confirms that Apple only paid 2%. I can't remember where I read that the low corporate taxes designed as an incentive to encourage large global companies to locate in Ireland, but probably negotiated on a case by case basis.
First it is Italy folks, it is not the cradle of business ethics that is for sure.
Unfortunately, we don't have the good boys of the American subprime trickery to teach us something.
Where are the prosecutions for the NSA? The TSA's crimes (violating 4th amendment for everyone who flies)? The spying on americans phone calls that happened under the bush administration?
Government passes laws to control you, and to protect itself, and to allow it to exploit people for politicians profits.
That's all taxes are- theft.
Let's boycott all Italian ... sports car.
I'm sure you are someone who could otherwise buy one of them.
I found this and I know it is not a government document but it confirms that Apple only paid 2%. I can't remember where I read that the low corporate taxes designed as an incentive to encourage large global companies to locate in Ireland, but probably negotiated on a case by case basis.
2% of $Billions is better than 100% of nothing.
Hence the Irish will not try too hard to change the way things are.
That's all taxes are- theft.
Unless they are spent on services for the people, healthcare for instance.
Unless they are spent on services for the people, healthcare for instance.
I agree taxation has become essentially codified theft, however it IS constitutional.
And by the way, the Constitution does not allow the Federal government leeway to run healthcare or be involved in any way in the health matters of individuals. "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." (that taken from the 10th Amendment)... Those words mean something. They are a contract between the people, the government and the nation. The Federal government, the Congress and the President have ALL broken that contract.
A Cupertino cappuccino storm?
And is it a grande Americano?
Hmmmm. Somebody doesn't understand the constitution. I wonder who it is.
LOL, welcome to my world. I must say it hit Google fast too! Better think up a meaning, it'll be in the language in days.
Maybe Apple should buy Fox Corp and rearrange it's reporting priorities. Market cap is only just over $6.5 Billion, loose change for Apple.
Italy is probably owed some taxes. Since Apple is a US company and has a headquarters in Italy, what does Ireland have to do with any of this? Sounds fishy to me.
Ireland generally has a lot do to with many corporations' profits.
From Forbes:
Apple has an Irish holding company with no operations or employees at the top of its foreign operations. This company also serves as a group finance company. Apple Inc., the U.S. parent of the whole group, pays U.S. tax on the investment earnings of this company. Otherwise, the holding company pays no tax to any government, and has not paid tax for five years. It claims tax residence nowhere.
Beneath the holding company is an Irish principal company that holds the contracts with Apple’s Chinese contract manufacturers and owns the inventory they produce. It also claims tax residence nowhere, despite having paid some tax to Ireland in recent years, but at rate far below the statutory rate. It and another Apple operating affiliate share the foreign rights to Apple’s U.S. based technology.
Ireland is a tax haven.
You forgot this:
Which two of their subsidiaries are they talking about?
First of all, if Fiat were to close its plants in the USA it would be bankrupt instantly.
In Italy Fiat is collapsing ...
You have make a perfect hit.
They give the two. They sell better coverage with Applecare than they are required to offer by law. So they can still upsell the coverage. That seems hard for Italy to understand as well.
They have to give 2 years. If they want to sell 3, 4,5 or 10 it's up to them, but they have to GIVE 2 years. They don't.
Now all is ok.
Apple has hired as its lawyer Ms. Paola Severino, former Italian Minister of Justice.
The matter is closed !
This is the same for Microsoft Google facebook ecc. but this time seem that Apple has done something wrong.
the strange thing is that my 2012 macbook air was sent from Cork in Ireland but my ipad air was sent from Milan