Coin aims to replace analog credit cards with a single iPhone-connected accessory



  • Reply 41 of 44

    Originally Posted by mstone

     AMEX personal, AMEX business, MasterCard, Visa, debit, AAA, Medical insurance, Golf membership, and grocery rewards, plus a couple other things like driver's license, etc. I think I'll get one of these Coin cards and give it a try.

    Ah, an Apple user base member :p

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  • Reply 42 of 44
    Sounds intriguing, but what prevents some wait-staff from pressing the button on the coin and intentionally or unintentionally selecting a different card from the one you intended?
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  • Reply 43 of 44

    Originally Posted by lightknight View Post

    People still use the swipe system?

    Oh, wait,it's American, and the USA never swallowed the fact that chipcards mean French Technology image

    We'll just call them FreedomChips and never look back. :)


    Just based on what I've read so far, I can't see myself adopting this Coin accessory. But if Apple could find a way to work with M/C, Visa, Amex and/or Discover and find a secure way to pretty much eliminate the need to carry around a wallet full of credit or debit cards, that would work for me... and I suspect many others as well. The cards that we are saddled with in the U.S. really are pretty unsecure. But as I said, if Apple could find a way to make a better mouse trap (and get some card issuer cooperation), seems like it would/could be a winner.

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  • Reply 44 of 44
    lightknightlightknight Posts: 2,312member

    Originally Posted by Jag_Warrior View Post


    We'll just call them FreedomChips and never look back. :)


    Just based on what I've read so far, I can't see myself adopting this Coin accessory. But if Apple could find a way to work with M/C, Visa, Amex and/or Discover and find a secure way to pretty much eliminate the need to carry around a wallet full of credit or debit cards, that would work for me... and I suspect many others as well. The cards that we are saddled with in the U.S. really are pretty unsecure. But as I said, if Apple could find a way to make a better mouse trap (and get some card issuer cooperation), seems like it would/could be a winner.

    I totally second the idea, and Apple definitely has the clout to make this work out, at least in the States. I do find a bit annoying to see how iDevices work much better in the US (if nothing else, Siri here seems so limited...), but of course I understand the reasons. Globalization still has a long way to go ^^'

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