Designers often fall into the trap of loving the "beauty" of their designs and forgetting about the beauty of function.
Amen! Anytime there is a major chance in design (appearance) there will be those who like it, those who hate it, and those who could really care less as long as it works. No big thing. The problem with Mr. Ives' preference for lack of color and streamlined look is simply that it is much harder to use. Entering contact information would be a good example. Much faster in ios6 simply because it was easier to see and locate the specific field you were looking for.
The clock example is also great. Danite's point is more accurate than he realizes although it has absolutely nothing to do with skeumorphism. The two kinds of display are actually digital and analog. It is easier to use digital time when you need accuracy to the tenth/100th/etc of a second. It is far easier to use an analog time display when you need approximate time but need it instantly. Example: Most of the time it is more important to know that is is "almost 2:15" than to take longer and discover that is is actually "2:14:32 PM"
One problem arises often when designers and advertisers "mess" with something that has worked for years. They get tired of it and often replace what "worked" with something that, shall we say, doesn't work as well. Jobs knew something about good typography. I was in that world for over 10 years. It's always about readability and legibility, not "changeability." If the old version was bad it would already have passed away. John Deere has had many logos over the years, but the changes were always in the "background" ready for something new. Still, either the 3D or the flat look is OK with me. But I preferred the 3D shaded-look, not the "I hate skeomorphism bandwagon" that some jumped on.
Thank you bobbyfozz. Now I encourage you to email Apple with that thought.
"De gustibus non disputandem": In matters of taste there is no dispute. I don't get all the bashing of the older style OS; it worked and worked well. My hackles went up when I was downloading iOS 7 and a sheet came up, saying that the new interface was "a beautiful" reworking....PLEASE!....let me be the judge of that. What is it about thick British accents that make us Americans roll over? I am waiting for an app that converts all the new features to the old look, the look that made Macs so intuitive and easy to use, right out of the box. iOS7's calendar is impossible to read in bright sunlight--the commenter who make the point that our smart phones are not stationary computers was right on! I fear the fashion police now at Apple are going to be shoving things down our throats, like it or not. Give us options, please before we lose everything that made Macs outstanding.
"De gustibus non disputandem": In matters of taste there is no dispute. I don't get all the bashing of the older style OS; it worked and worked well. My hackles went up when I was downloading iOS 7 and a sheet came up, saying that the new interface was "a beautiful" reworking....PLEASE!....let me be the judge of that. What is it about thick British accents that make us Americans roll over? I am waiting for an app that converts all the new features to the old look, the look that made Macs so intuitive and easy to use, right out of the box. iOS7's calendar is impossible to read in bright sunlight--the commenter who make the point that our smart phones are not stationary computers was right on! I fear the fashion police now at Apple are going to be shoving things down our throats, like it or not. Give us options, please before we lose everything that made Macs outstanding.
Great suggestion. It would be really nice if we could have our preference.. But that is not going to happen. Mr. Ive has been sitting in the wings for a long time just waiting for the chance to prove to the world that his version of beauty is more important than functionality. Now that he has political control he isn't going to give up easily. Just look at how his design philosophy is slowly invading Mavericks. It is going to be a long time before we can get rid of this guy.
And hoping that he will change is fruitless. You simply can't teach him to change his beliefs. You can only get rid of him. How one's mind works is the most important thing of all. That's part of the reason there is so great a difference between OS and Microsoft. The only thing we can do is get rid of him...and if enough stockholders and purchasers would email can be done.
We should be able to have our cake and eat it too... Users should be able to pick the theme... Whether it's 3D, Flat or something entirely different... Why does Apple need to control the look and feel of MY devise. Apple should create a default design and customers should be allowed to customize as they wish. This is a reason many users jailbreak their iDevices. Apple needs to move beyond the Henry Ford mentality that customers can "choose what ever color they like as long as it's black."
We should be able to have our cake and eat it too... Users should be able to pick the theme... Whether it's 3D, Flat or something entirely different... Why does Apple need to control the look and feel of MY devise. Apple should create a default design and customers should be allowed to customize as they wish. This is a reason many users jailbreak their iDevices. Apple needs to move beyond the Henry Ford mentality that customers can "choose what ever color they like as long as it's black."
Do you understand the undertaking it was just to update iOS and now you want a way for users to alter every little detail of the UI? Do you even have a clue what a shitstorm this would be for Apple, 3rd-party devs and users?
BTW, you can choose black, or silver and even gold, and you can choose the carrier and capacity, not to mention choice between iOS on a smartphone, tablet, mp3 player, and media extender which gives you about 100(?) different SKUs to pick from which makes it quite different from the HW Ford offered for his Model T.
@akqies "shitstorm" for devs and apple? Not sure what you mean... My iDevices are all Jailbroken and have custom themes... The layout of my spring board is altered and incorporates widgets. The fonts are custom and there are too many suttle tweaks to mention that have been applied to my iDevices that make them MINE and functional to me. I installed an IOS 7 theme months priority to its release. I have also altered the GUI to replicate droid honeycomb, Nexus, windows 7, Windows 8 and Mac OS X... And ALL of my apps have worked as before with the stock IOS theme. I stand behind my earlier comment... Apple needs to allow its customers to do more customization other than the ability to change the wallpaper and system sounds. Having the option to tweak the nuances of the GUI interface is what makes a device feel like its yours... individualized. The color of the shell is moot as most people buy a case to cover it. I have a white iPhone; however, my otter defender case surrounding it is black plastic with a dark green rubber bumper.
@akqies "shitstorm" for devs and apple? Not sure what you mean... My iDevices are all Jailbroken and have custom themes... The layout of my spring board is altered and incorporates widgets. The fonts are custom and there are too many suttle tweaks to mention that have been applied to my iDevices that make them MINE and functional to me. I installed an IOS 7 theme months priority to its release. I have also altered the GUI to replicate droid honeycomb, Nexus, windows 7, Windows 8 and Mac OS X... And ALL of my apps have worked as before with the stock IOS theme.
I stand behind my earlier comment... Apple needs to allow its customers to do more customization other than the ability to change the wallpaper and system sounds. Having the option to tweak the nuances of the GUI interface is what makes a device feel like its yours... individualized. The color of the shell is moot as most people buy a case to cover it. I have a white iPhone; however, my otter defender case surrounding it is black plastic with a dark green rubber bumper.
It would be nice, as I previously commented...but it just won't happen. The design (not the function...the design) of ios7 is tied to the ego of Mr Ive. There is absolutely no escape from it as long as he remains in power. One can only imagine the glee he felt at Steve Jobs' death. Kind of reminds me of Lyndon Johnson's statement after the Kennedy assassination. He said, "I'm in charge now."
There is only one way of stopping what will eventually (not quickly, but eventually) prove to be a major difficulty for Apple...remove the bad apple...remove Mr. Ive. And if you think it cannot happen, if enough people would get off their behinds and complain directly to is possible.
Great suggestion. It would be really nice if we could have our preference.. But that is not going to happen. Mr. Ive has been sitting in the wings for a long time just waiting for the chance to prove to the world that his version of beauty is more important than functionality. Now that he has political control he isn't going to give up easily. Just look at how his design philosophy is slowly invading Mavericks. It is going to be a long time before we can get rid of this guy.
And hoping that he will change is fruitless. You simply can't teach him to change his beliefs. You can only get rid of him. How one's mind works is the most important thing of all. That's part of the reason there is so great a difference between OS and Microsoft. The only thing we can do is get rid of him...and if enough stockholders and purchasers would email can be done.
And then what? Apple will revert back to iOS6 style? Don't be fucking ridiculous. This is more than the work of one man. It's the direction they've chosen to move forward with for the foreseeable future. Getting rid of Ive isn't going to reverse that. There also is not even a shread of evidence that there is a widespread outcry over iOS7. Apple will likely smash all sales records again this quarter, selling devices that run iOS7 out of the box. I'm not for getting rid of Ive- the guy is pretty much the face of Apple, and a hardware design genius. I just think he has a lot to learn about software UI, and I think it was a bit short-sighted for Apple management to assume his skills in hardware would transfer smoothly to software. I don't mind minimalism, but they took it a bit too far. I have no doubt it will be refined based on feedback, but "getting rid" of Ive is a ridiculous and naive proposition.
There is absolutely no escape from it as long as he remains in power. One can only imagine the glee he felt at Steve Jobs' death. Kind of reminds me of Lyndon Johnson's statement after the Kennedy assassination. He said, "I'm in charge now."
What a disgusting, despicable statement. If you actually believe that, there's something seriously wrong with you. The admiration, respect, and friendship between Ive and Jobs was known to all, the his pain while talking about SJ is visible. For you to suggest he felt any type of "glee" is mind-blowingly sickening. Not to mention irrational, since there was no evidence that SJs death would give Jony any more power. The ouster of Forstall did that. Do you also think Cook felt "glee" when SJ died? It did cement his position as CEO after all.
What a disgusting, despicable statement. If you actually believe that, there's something seriously wrong with you. The admiration, respect, and friendship between Ive and Jobs was known to all, the his pain while talking about SJ is visible. For you to suggest he felt any type of "glee" is mind-blowingly sickening. Not to mention irrational, since there was no evidence that SJs death would give Jony any more power. The ouster of Forstall did that. Do you also think Cook felt "glee" when SJ died? It did cement his position as CEO after all.
And Steve Ballmer? He must have been afraid: the head of his research labs had died
have been holding back on commenting too much on iOS 7 for a while now, as I wanted to see if it was just that i was too "used" to the old OS and didn't want too much change because of human traits of wanting whats familiar.
But now, I can say, that while in many ways iOS7 is good (task manager, control center etc) the whole 'flat' look is actually crap. selecting hours/minutes in alarms: much harder. Easily seeing contact info: much harder( as was said by stephanjobs, great post BTW). buttons are not blatantly obvious at a glance, alphabet list at side of contact, harder to select. etc etc.
Much of it is change for changes sake, not because someone used it for a few days and said "this is actually so much easier" Kinda what M$ do all the time. move things around, re-label them.
Sure some elements are nicer, like the new Find My Friends, much better than the old crap, but then the old version wasn't exactly fitting with iOS6 anyway, like Game Center.
funny though, even with this step backwards, its still much better than android os MS Phone.
Hey Android users, try this: Select an App, hold the icon, drag it to the home screen. Cool. Now, do it again with the same app. Fill the whole screen with the same icon for the same app. It just lets you. Not even a function to check (if exists then don't and alert user its already there).
I have so much fun doing that then handing the phone back to the owner, but then again I am 4 and a half, and easily amused.
if you think changes are needed to iOS7 then vote with your wallet and don't buy iOS products.
This is like a beggar crying that his fries don't come with ketchup.
I'm sorry, but thats a moronic ideology. So if we think a product is overall great, but could use some improvement in some areas (like all products) the only solution is to just not buy it, or buy a competing, shittier product? Really? What about articulating what we see as areas of improvement, and constructive feedback? His post was not trollish, it was well balanced, and I'd say millions of people would agree with him. In terms of usability and legibility, iOS7 is a bit of a step backwards. This is not exactly a mind-blowing statement. That doesn't mean another mobile OS is better. But in your point of view, only people who believe iOS is absolutely perfect and can never be improved in any way whatsoever should be buying iOS7 devices.
Cannot find it.
I like the leather. I'm keeping the old version
You must be Scott Forstall, then. Fail.
Thanks! Figured it had to be there somewhere... should have poked around more before posting. Appreciate the help.
Designers often fall into the trap of loving the "beauty" of their designs and forgetting about the beauty of function.
Amen! Anytime there is a major chance in design (appearance) there will be those who like it, those who hate it, and those who could really care less as long as it works. No big thing. The problem with Mr. Ives' preference for lack of color and streamlined look is simply that it is much harder to use. Entering contact information would be a good example. Much faster in ios6 simply because it was easier to see and locate the specific field you were looking for.
The clock example is also great. Danite's point is more accurate than he realizes although it has absolutely nothing to do with skeumorphism. The two kinds of display are actually digital and analog. It is easier to use digital time when you need accuracy to the tenth/100th/etc of a second. It is far easier to use an analog time display when you need approximate time but need it instantly. Example: Most of the time it is more important to know that is is "almost 2:15" than to take longer and discover that is is actually "2:14:32 PM"
One problem arises often when designers and advertisers "mess" with something that has worked for years. They get tired of it and often replace what "worked" with something that, shall we say, doesn't work as well. Jobs knew something about good typography. I was in that world for over 10 years. It's always about readability and legibility, not "changeability." If the old version was bad it would already have passed away. John Deere has had many logos over the years, but the changes were always in the "background" ready for something new. Still, either the 3D or the flat look is OK with me. But I preferred the 3D shaded-look, not the "I hate skeomorphism bandwagon" that some jumped on.
Thank you bobbyfozz. Now I encourage you to email Apple with that thought.
"De gustibus non disputandem": In matters of taste there is no dispute. I don't get all the bashing of the older style OS; it worked and worked well. My hackles went up when I was downloading iOS 7 and a sheet came up, saying that the new interface was "a beautiful" reworking....PLEASE!....let me be the judge of that. What is it about thick British accents that make us Americans roll over? I am waiting for an app that converts all the new features to the old look, the look that made Macs so intuitive and easy to use, right out of the box. iOS7's calendar is impossible to read in bright sunlight--the commenter who make the point that our smart phones are not stationary computers was right on! I fear the fashion police now at Apple are going to be shoving things down our throats, like it or not. Give us options, please before we lose everything that made Macs outstanding.
Great suggestion. It would be really nice if we could have our preference.. But that is not going to happen. Mr. Ive has been sitting in the wings for a long time just waiting for the chance to prove to the world that his version of beauty is more important than functionality. Now that he has political control he isn't going to give up easily. Just look at how his design philosophy is slowly invading Mavericks. It is going to be a long time before we can get rid of this guy.
And hoping that he will change is fruitless. You simply can't teach him to change his beliefs. You can only get rid of him. How one's mind works is the most important thing of all. That's part of the reason there is so great a difference between OS and Microsoft. The only thing we can do is get rid of him...and if enough stockholders and purchasers would email can be done.
Do you understand the undertaking it was just to update iOS and now you want a way for users to alter every little detail of the UI? Do you even have a clue what a shitstorm this would be for Apple, 3rd-party devs and users?
BTW, you can choose black, or silver and even gold, and you can choose the carrier and capacity, not to mention choice between iOS on a smartphone, tablet, mp3 player, and media extender which gives you about 100(?) different SKUs to pick from which makes it quite different from the HW Ford offered for his Model T.
I stand behind my earlier comment... Apple needs to allow its customers to do more customization other than the ability to change the wallpaper and system sounds. Having the option to tweak the nuances of the GUI interface is what makes a device feel like its yours... individualized. The color of the shell is moot as most people buy a case to cover it. I have a white iPhone; however, my otter defender case surrounding it is black plastic with a dark green rubber bumper.
@akqies "shitstorm" for devs and apple? Not sure what you mean... My iDevices are all Jailbroken and have custom themes... The layout of my spring board is altered and incorporates widgets. The fonts are custom and there are too many suttle tweaks to mention that have been applied to my iDevices that make them MINE and functional to me. I installed an IOS 7 theme months priority to its release. I have also altered the GUI to replicate droid honeycomb, Nexus, windows 7, Windows 8 and Mac OS X... And ALL of my apps have worked as before with the stock IOS theme.
I stand behind my earlier comment... Apple needs to allow its customers to do more customization other than the ability to change the wallpaper and system sounds. Having the option to tweak the nuances of the GUI interface is what makes a device feel like its yours... individualized. The color of the shell is moot as most people buy a case to cover it. I have a white iPhone; however, my otter defender case surrounding it is black plastic with a dark green rubber bumper.
It would be nice, as I previously commented...but it just won't happen. The design (not the function...the design) of ios7 is tied to the ego of Mr Ive. There is absolutely no escape from it as long as he remains in power. One can only imagine the glee he felt at Steve Jobs' death. Kind of reminds me of Lyndon Johnson's statement after the Kennedy assassination. He said, "I'm in charge now."
There is only one way of stopping what will eventually (not quickly, but eventually) prove to be a major difficulty for Apple...remove the bad apple...remove Mr. Ive. And if you think it cannot happen, if enough people would get off their behinds and complain directly to is possible.
Great suggestion. It would be really nice if we could have our preference.. But that is not going to happen. Mr. Ive has been sitting in the wings for a long time just waiting for the chance to prove to the world that his version of beauty is more important than functionality. Now that he has political control he isn't going to give up easily. Just look at how his design philosophy is slowly invading Mavericks. It is going to be a long time before we can get rid of this guy.
And hoping that he will change is fruitless. You simply can't teach him to change his beliefs. You can only get rid of him. How one's mind works is the most important thing of all. That's part of the reason there is so great a difference between OS and Microsoft. The only thing we can do is get rid of him...and if enough stockholders and purchasers would email can be done.
And then what? Apple will revert back to iOS6 style? Don't be fucking ridiculous. This is more than the work of one man. It's the direction they've chosen to move forward with for the foreseeable future. Getting rid of Ive isn't going to reverse that. There also is not even a shread of evidence that there is a widespread outcry over iOS7. Apple will likely smash all sales records again this quarter, selling devices that run iOS7 out of the box. I'm not for getting rid of Ive- the guy is pretty much the face of Apple, and a hardware design genius. I just think he has a lot to learn about software UI, and I think it was a bit short-sighted for Apple management to assume his skills in hardware would transfer smoothly to software. I don't mind minimalism, but they took it a bit too far. I have no doubt it will be refined based on feedback, but "getting rid" of Ive is a ridiculous and naive proposition.
There is absolutely no escape from it as long as he remains in power. One can only imagine the glee he felt at Steve Jobs' death. Kind of reminds me of Lyndon Johnson's statement after the Kennedy assassination. He said, "I'm in charge now."
What a disgusting, despicable statement. If you actually believe that, there's something seriously wrong with you. The admiration, respect, and friendship between Ive and Jobs was known to all, the his pain while talking about SJ is visible. For you to suggest he felt any type of "glee" is mind-blowingly sickening. Not to mention irrational, since there was no evidence that SJs death would give Jony any more power. The ouster of Forstall did that. Do you also think Cook felt "glee" when SJ died? It did cement his position as CEO after all.
What a disgusting, despicable statement. If you actually believe that, there's something seriously wrong with you. The admiration, respect, and friendship between Ive and Jobs was known to all, the his pain while talking about SJ is visible. For you to suggest he felt any type of "glee" is mind-blowingly sickening. Not to mention irrational, since there was no evidence that SJs death would give Jony any more power. The ouster of Forstall did that. Do you also think Cook felt "glee" when SJ died? It did cement his position as CEO after all.
And Steve Ballmer? He must have been afraid: the head of his research labs had died
But now, I can say, that while in many ways iOS7 is good (task manager, control center etc) the whole 'flat' look is actually crap. selecting hours/minutes in alarms: much harder. Easily seeing contact info: much harder( as was said by stephanjobs, great post BTW). buttons are not blatantly obvious at a glance, alphabet list at side of contact, harder to select. etc etc.
Much of it is change for changes sake, not because someone used it for a few days and said "this is actually so much easier" Kinda what M$ do all the time. move things around, re-label them.
Sure some elements are nicer, like the new Find My Friends, much better than the old crap, but then the old version wasn't exactly fitting with iOS6 anyway, like Game Center.
funny though, even with this step backwards, its still much better than android os MS Phone.
Hey Android users, try this:
Select an App, hold the icon, drag it to the home screen. Cool. Now, do it again with the same app. Fill the whole screen with the same icon for the same app. It just lets you. Not even a function to check (if exists then don't and alert user its already there).
I have so much fun doing that then handing the phone back to the owner, but then again I am 4 and a half, and easily amused.
@sog35 what part of my post made you think I hated iOS7??
Was it the part where I said "funny though, even with this step backwards, its still much better than android os MS Phone." ?
?I wouldn't waste a penny on any Android device. Every one I have ever used has been utter bollox, and thats putting it nicely.
?and i think the idea of just "accepting" somethings faults is pretty lame. Feedback and opinions are what lead to better products.
Accepting faults is something an Andriod user does everyday, not for me.
maybe you need a hug, you are a bit defensive there, don't shot people on the same side
if you think changes are needed to iOS7 then vote with your wallet and don't buy iOS products.
This is like a beggar crying that his fries don't come with ketchup.
I'm sorry, but thats a moronic ideology. So if we think a product is overall great, but could use some improvement in some areas (like all products) the only solution is to just not buy it, or buy a competing, shittier product? Really? What about articulating what we see as areas of improvement, and constructive feedback? His post was not trollish, it was well balanced, and I'd say millions of people would agree with him. In terms of usability and legibility, iOS7 is a bit of a step backwards. This is not exactly a mind-blowing statement. That doesn't mean another mobile OS is better. But in your point of view, only people who believe iOS is absolutely perfect and can never be improved in any way whatsoever should be buying iOS7 devices.