So the other 26% are writing click-bait articles about how awful iOS 7 is and how they will never upgrade and demand Apple return iOS 6 as an option to the 5S and 6 and all future releases?
That 26% are immune to Jony Ive's charming British accent.
Do those crashes happen anywhere else as much as here on AI? My OS X Safari is no longer crashing on AI since yesterday's 10.9.1 update (but it never crashed anywhere else) so it may be an Apple-Huddler conflict?
I don't get around much, but I do get crashes on Elmer-DeWitt's site, not as many, which runs Disqus.
I don't care for the look of iOS 7 - it looks amateurish to me, regardless of how many people worked on it and how much effort went into it.
To me, it looks awful - like something a 7 year old would put together. Through a quirk, I had to exchange my 5 - the replacement has iOS 6.1.4 on it - and I only wish there were a way to revert my iPad to 6.
7 may indeed be a substantial technical advance, but I agree with those who hatehatehate how it looks.
Some of it's looks I don't care for but there are many others I rather like. For me anyway a lot of the overall "look" changes with the different wallpaper choices. Not that I actually spend much time staring at the inactive device…. so its application aesthetics that are moe the point for me, though a long ways back from performance so, say, the new mail's improved speed is very pleasing (and I first saw that on my 5 so it wasn't the 5s hardware upgrade that was responsible).
I don't care for the look of iOS 7 - it looks amateurish to me, regardless of how many people worked on it and how much effort went into it.
To me, it looks awful - like something a 7 year old would put together. Through a quirk, I had to exchange my 5 - the replacement has iOS 6.1.4 on it - and I only wish there were a way to revert my iPad to 6.
7 may indeed be a substantial technical advance, but I agree with those who hatehatehate how it looks.
It is of interest to me that you used three or four “keywords” in your post, that are always used in every post like this one.
I can’t tell you how many identical posts using the same verbage, the exact words and phrases, I’ve seen. Starting with “amateurish” (with the common addition of the point, “no matter how many people were involved”), “looks awful”, “something a 7-year-old would do” (no joke. You’d think people would pick a 5 year old, or a 9 year old, or a 6 or 8 or…. but no, it’s ALWAYS like it’s from the script. ALWAYS a 7 year old).
Closing with the ubiquitous “I wish there a way to revert…” AND the required “It may be a major/great update, but I hate it” logic-twist at the end.
Your post is so formulaic, it starts to appear transparent.
Then I reviewed the rest of your posts here. Consistently negative, small twists and turns that inevitably point to another of “Apple’s failings”.
Yeah. I get why you’re here. Are you actually paid for that, or…?
Safari crashes in Mountain Lion while typing into the forums from time to time. Yes, I have the latest updates from Apple. Yes, I have reported it to Apple. Even if Huddler were buggy, Safari shouldn't crash.
Seems solid in iOS 6 (iPhone 5)
It’s interesting that you blame Apple/Safari exclusively.
Since this is the ONLY site that consistently crashes Safari for me AND even locks up the system completely (when I’m in Full Screen mode), I’d also point to something specific that AI does to trigger that “bug”, whatever it is…
I recently wrote a note to AI regarding this problem. I’ve had to hard reboot my iMac twice this week, and don’t appreciate it much.
Of course, the crash reports go to Apple too.
I just want it fixed!!
PS: I’m running Mavericks on both my iMac and MBA. A few days ago, one particular page on the AI site crashed Safari on both. I suspect some code related to the ad serving… but that’s just a speculation.
...yet roughly three weeks after Kit Kat was announced all the big three, Verizon, ATT and T-Mo, (US) already rolled it out to Motorola's Moto X. In fact Verizon was the first to do so :wow:
Even some of the smaller carriers like US Cellular are already offering OTA updates to KitKat for the MotoX. Perhaps Google has more influence with the carriers than they're being given credit for.
Maybe because Google owns Motorola Mobility? So their influence is specific to THEIR device…? Not much influence beyoind their own border, apparently...
It’s interesting that you blame Apple/Safari exclusively.
Since this is the ONLY site that consistently crashes Safari for me AND even locks up the system completely (when I’m in Full Screen mode), I’d also point to something specific that AI does to trigger that “bug”, whatever it is...
The cause may be buggy JavaScript, or bad HTML, but Safari should robustly handle it better than SIGABRT.
Maybe because Google owns Motorola Mobility? So their influence is specific to THEIR device…? Not much influence beyoind their own border, apparently...
I think he's talking about Google gaining pull with Verizon mostly (correct me if I'm wrong Gatorguy). Verizon and Sprint have held back updates even for Nexus devices, yet here Motorola got the update out to the Moto X on most carriers before even the Nexus 4 was upgraded. My suspicion is that Verizon fast-tracked the update since their Droid line runs the exact same software as the Moto X. By using the same software on its flagship as it gives to Verizon's corporate brand phones, Motorola has more or less gained control of its update process.
I actually like IOS7. It works good, I like the new features, the look is fine, actually pretty clean look in my opinion.
Things I don't like:
1) the paralax, just seems unnessisary and distracting.
2) The continued bugs (one in particualr dealing with web-apps)
The parallax you can turn off (settings>general>accessibility>reduce motion), the apps get fixed as the app developers get caught up and one nice thing is in 7, if you have background refresh turned on, the apps get updated without any input from the user.
It is of interest to me that you used three or four “keywords” in your post, that are always used in every post like this one.
I can’t tell you how many identical posts using the same verbage, the exact words and phrases, I’ve seen. Starting with “amateurish” (with the common addition of the point, “no matter how many people were involved”), “looks awful”, “something a 7-year-old would do” (no joke. You’d think people would pick a 5 year old, or a 9 year old, or a 6 or 8 or…. but no, it’s ALWAYS like it’s from the script. ALWAYS a 7 year old).
Closing with the ubiquitous “I wish there a way to revert…” AND the required “It may be a major/great update, but I hate it” logic-twist at the end.
Your post is so formulaic, it starts to appear transparent.
Then I reviewed the rest of your posts here. Consistently negative, small twists and turns that inevitably point to another of “Apple’s failings”.
Yeah. I get why you’re here. Are you actually paid for that, or…?
Geez, when I quoted his post I didn't realize he fell into such a formula. I haven't read much anti-7 verbiage. I just saw a few screenshots and decided to wait to install on my 4S, which I like so much I'm on my second one, going into year 3 now. I know a classic when I see one.
Then I got a new mini with a retina screen. It actually pains me every time I look at that Safari icon, and it's been three weeks now. That needle has a vicious prick to it. Yes, the 6 screen now looks busier and a bit woodsy, but dammit, it's charming. It's not sterile. It's not like a flat Necco wafer. It's not bloodless. It doesn't irritate with bungled synaesthesias.
Sorry if this all old stuff to those who slogged through the original whinefest over iOS 7. I'm going to be part of the 2x% for as long as I can.
You might want to experiment with different screen wallpapers as the visual chartacter of the device display does change depending on that image to a degree.
<ul style="color:rgb(70,70,70);list-style-type:none;margin-left:0px;"> [*] Flaneur-
You might want to experiment with different screen wallpapers as the visual chartacter of the device display does change depending on that image to a degree.
I find that the last still wallpaper is best—the dark grey one. It offsets the colourfulness of the icons and makes the text easy to read. That's on the iPhone; that wallpaper doesn't exist for iPad, somewhat strangely, so I use the black and white landscape instead.
AI crashes all the time for me on FireFox in Win7....the problem is FlashPlayerPlugin hanging up all the time.
I have Click2Flash installed and this still happens.
I don't even have Flash installed, still, Safari crashes. Usually when thumbing up, or 'reading someone else's thumb up'. Also crashes on iOS7 but then totally for no reason at all. After a page has loaded, I read it, don't touch the screen and all of a sudden it vanishes. Boom - Safari has left the Pad.
Did you upgrade or do a clean install? Sometimes upgrading brings over some problems, sometimes it creates problems that weren't there before. I did a clean OS install, installed newly downloaded software and dragged over data manually from backups. So no migration or Time Machine restore. Still, Safari crashes.
That 26% are immune to Jony Ive's charming British accent.
I don't get around much, but I do get crashes on Elmer-DeWitt's site, not as many, which runs Disqus.
I don't care for the look of iOS 7 - it looks amateurish to me, regardless of how many people worked on it and how much effort went into it.
To me, it looks awful - like something a 7 year old would put together. Through a quirk, I had to exchange my 5 - the replacement has iOS 6.1.4 on it - and I only wish there were a way to revert my iPad to 6.
7 may indeed be a substantial technical advance, but I agree with those who hatehatehate how it looks.
Some of it's looks I don't care for but there are many others I rather like. For me anyway a lot of the overall "look" changes with the different wallpaper choices. Not that I actually spend much time staring at the inactive device…. so its application aesthetics that are moe the point for me, though a long ways back from performance so, say, the new mail's improved speed is very pleasing (and I first saw that on my 5 so it wasn't the 5s hardware upgrade that was responsible).
It is of interest to me that you used three or four “keywords” in your post, that are always used in every post like this one.
I can’t tell you how many identical posts using the same verbage, the exact words and phrases, I’ve seen. Starting with “amateurish” (with the common addition of the point, “no matter how many people were involved”), “looks awful”, “something a 7-year-old would do” (no joke. You’d think people would pick a 5 year old, or a 9 year old, or a 6 or 8 or…. but no, it’s ALWAYS like it’s from the script. ALWAYS a 7 year old).
Closing with the ubiquitous “I wish there a way to revert…” AND the required “It may be a major/great update, but I hate it” logic-twist at the end.
Your post is so formulaic, it starts to appear transparent.
Then I reviewed the rest of your posts here. Consistently negative, small twists and turns that inevitably point to another of “Apple’s failings”.
Yeah. I get why you’re here. Are you actually paid for that, or…?
It’s interesting that you blame Apple/Safari exclusively.
Since this is the ONLY site that consistently crashes Safari for me AND even locks up the system completely (when I’m in Full Screen mode), I’d also point to something specific that AI does to trigger that “bug”, whatever it is…
I recently wrote a note to AI regarding this problem. I’ve had to hard reboot my iMac twice this week, and don’t appreciate it much.
Of course, the crash reports go to Apple too.
I just want it fixed!!
PS: I’m running Mavericks on both my iMac and MBA. A few days ago, one particular page on the AI site crashed Safari on both. I suspect some code related to the ad serving… but that’s just a speculation.
Maybe because Google owns Motorola Mobility? So their influence is specific to THEIR device…? Not much influence beyoind their own border, apparently...
There are ways to tweak it for better performance on iPhone 4 and 4S:
The cause may be buggy JavaScript, or bad HTML, but Safari should robustly handle it better than SIGABRT.
Maybe because Google owns Motorola Mobility? So their influence is specific to THEIR device…? Not much influence beyoind their own border, apparently...
I think he's talking about Google gaining pull with Verizon mostly (correct me if I'm wrong Gatorguy). Verizon and Sprint have held back updates even for Nexus devices, yet here Motorola got the update out to the Moto X on most carriers before even the Nexus 4 was upgraded. My suspicion is that Verizon fast-tracked the update since their Droid line runs the exact same software as the Moto X. By using the same software on its flagship as it gives to Verizon's corporate brand phones, Motorola has more or less gained control of its update process.
I actually like IOS7. It works good, I like the new features, the look is fine, actually pretty clean look in my opinion.
Things I don't like:
1) the paralax, just seems unnessisary and distracting.
2) The continued bugs (one in particualr dealing with web-apps)
The parallax you can turn off (settings>general>accessibility>reduce motion), the apps get fixed as the app developers get caught up and one nice thing is in 7, if you have background refresh turned on, the apps get updated without any input from the user.
Geez, when I quoted his post I didn't realize he fell into such a formula. I haven't read much anti-7 verbiage. I just saw a few screenshots and decided to wait to install on my 4S, which I like so much I'm on my second one, going into year 3 now. I know a classic when I see one.
Then I got a new mini with a retina screen. It actually pains me every time I look at that Safari icon, and it's been three weeks now. That needle has a vicious prick to it. Yes, the 6 screen now looks busier and a bit woodsy, but dammit, it's charming. It's not sterile. It's not like a flat Necco wafer. It's not bloodless. It doesn't irritate with bungled synaesthesias.
Sorry if this all old stuff to those who slogged through the original whinefest over iOS 7. I'm going to be part of the 2x% for as long as I can.
You might want to experiment with different screen wallpapers as the visual chartacter of the device display does change depending on that image to a degree.
Ok, thanks, I'll give it a try.
I find that the last still wallpaper is best—the dark grey one. It offsets the colourfulness of the icons and makes the text easy to read. That's on the iPhone; that wallpaper doesn't exist for iPad, somewhat strangely, so I use the black and white landscape instead.
I don't even have Flash installed, still, Safari crashes. Usually when thumbing up, or 'reading someone else's thumb up'. Also crashes on iOS7 but then totally for no reason at all. After a page has loaded, I read it, don't touch the screen and all of a sudden it vanishes. Boom - Safari has left the Pad.
I post on a site that uses vBulletin, post a lot, yet never have Safari crash on me over there.
Did you upgrade or do a clean install? Sometimes upgrading brings over some problems, sometimes it creates problems that weren't there before. I did a clean OS install, installed newly downloaded software and dragged over data manually from backups. So no migration or Time Machine restore. Still, Safari crashes.