Razer iPhone game controller leaks, Ryan Seacrest creates an iPhone keyboard



  • Reply 21 of 37
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    Oh, I like it, sure! It’s a branding that is greatly relevant to both the physical and conceptual nature of the product itself, using a name that is truly unique; no one else would have thought to use it. But you can’t think about the fact that the word means something else or, well…

    Really, kind of like Apple?
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  • Reply 22 of 37
    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    Really, kind of like Apple?


    What product name of Apple’s derives a negative connotation to the category in which it is marketed?

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  • Reply 23 of 37

    Originally Posted by PScooter63 View Post


    How are you supposed to activate the fingerprint scanner (let alone the home button), with that keyboard blocking it?  Did I miss something?


    I saw that, but perhaps wrongly assumed that the design had some function we weren't seeing in the still images.

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  • Reply 24 of 37
    rcfarcfa Posts: 1,124member
    beakernx01 wrote: »
    Curious, why use bluetooth? Wouldn't it make more sense to put a lightning doc connector to the iPhone and another on the bottom as a pass through for charging/syncing?  It may have it's own battery for the keyboard, but won't the bluetooth use more power than using the iPhone's battery to power the keyboard directly? No?

    Exactly, and since such a device is for power users make it a tad thicker and put a bigger battery in such as to not only power the keyboard but also extend the iPhone's battery life.
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  • Reply 25 of 37
    rcfarcfa Posts: 1,124member
    pscooter63 wrote: »
    How are you supposed to activate the fingerprint scanner (let alone the home button), with that keyboard blocking it?  Did I miss something?
    Fingerprint scanner: SOL, probably originally developed for the 5 not the 5s.
    Home button not required, there are BT keyboard codes for it e.g. the Logitech iPad case with rubber keyboard has such a button
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  • Reply 26 of 37
    Well, correct me if I'm wrong. I recalled Steve Jobs's introduction of the iPhone back in 2007. He mentioned that the problem with the usual phones are they all have those plastic keyboards fixed in them whether we need them or not which cannot be upgraded and the same usage for all applications. Therefore it's time for a revolutionary user interface thus making a big screen smartphone with a hidden keyboard which will pop out whenever we need them. Fast forward to now - 2013...just when almost everybody is using a on screen virtual keyboard, they still wanna make external plastic keyboard attach to the phone to add weight & thickness?? Isn't Blackberry's insistence to hang on to their plastic keyboard being one of their downfall?? Sorry Ryan, I hope this is just a 'Typo' mistake cause I'm not buying it!
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  • Reply 27 of 37
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    Well, correct me if I'm wrong. I recalled Steve Jobs's introduction of the iPhone back in 2007. He mentioned that the problem with the usual phones are they all have those plastic keyboards fixed in them whether we need them or not which cannot be upgraded and the same usage for all applications. Therefore it's time for a revolutionary user interface thus making a big screen smartphone with a hidden keyboard which will pop out whenever we need them. Fast forward to now - 2013...just when almost everybody is using a on screen virtual keyboard, they still wanna make external plastic keyboard attach to the phone to add weight & thickness?? Isn't Blackberry's insistence to hang on to their plastic keyboard being one of their downfall?? Sorry Ryan, I hope this is just a 'Typo' mistake cause I'm not buying it!

    Plenty of companies making money selling things Steve Jobs said we didn't need. Keyboards for the iPad, stylus' for both iPad/iPhone. One size does not fit all.
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  • Reply 28 of 37
    For gaming or typing, I'd prefer a bigger iPhone over either device.
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  • Reply 29 of 37
    19831983 Posts: 1,225member

    Originally Posted by pogo007 View Post


    Wow that's going to be a flop. Many companies have tried to do a case like that and failed  because it just feels awkward typing on them. Just comes to show that Apple needs to redesign there keyboard as it is crappy to use and has not evolved much since the first iPhone. It can't recognize what language i am typing in and the spell checker is horrible. I just wish they would concentrate on fixing things like their iOS keyboard before they decide to just put a new coat of paint on iOS and call it iOS 7.

    The iPhone keyboard does need improvement. I've noticed that my typing accuracy is worse with iOS 7's flat virtual keyboard than it was with iOS 6's more 3D looking one, it does take more concentration to get it right.

    Originally Posted by beakernx01 View Post


    Curious, why use bluetooth? Wouldn't it make more sense to put a lightning doc connector to the iPhone and another on the bottom as a pass through for charging/syncing?  It may have it's own battery for the keyboard, but won't the bluetooth use more power than using the iPhone's battery to power the keyboard directly? No?

    Yes - that's what I was thinking too.

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  • Reply 30 of 37
    ireland wrote: »
    I'd never get a keyboard case, but that particular design is awesome conceptually.

    Covering up the most important button on the iPhone is awesome? Oh! You're Irish; got it.
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  • Reply 31 of 37
    andysolandysol Posts: 2,506member
    zoetmb wrote: »
    Great argument - just call people names.

    I love my iPhones and hated the Crackberry, but the fact remains that it was far more efficient to type on the Crackberry than it is on the iPhone, since I could type with both hands on the Crackberry, but with only one hand on the iPhone, even in landscape mode.    I could see myself buying this device if it actually does work well.    One thing that concerns me is that it seems to cover up the start button.   That doesn't make sense to me.   I wouldn't want to have to keep taking the keyboard off and on. 
    Why do you only type with 1 hand in portrait mode on the iPhone? I use two thumbs and can text and write on par or faster than anyone I know. Are you hunting and pecking?
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  • Reply 32 of 37

    Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost View Post

    Covering up the most important button on the iPhone is awesome? Oh! You're Irish; got it.

    What does being Irish have to do with it?

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  • Reply 33 of 37
    Covering up the most important button on the iPhone is awesome? Oh! You're Irish; got it.

    Don't start.
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  • Reply 34 of 37
    There's a pretty big error in the story. Calling Ryan Seacrest an entertainer.
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  • Reply 35 of 37
    txtom200 wrote: »
    There's a pretty big error in the story. Calling Ryan Seacrest an entertainer.

    Don't be so hard on the guy. He always seemed to me to be logical successor to Casey Kasem.
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  • Reply 36 of 37
    Don't be so hard on the guy. He always seemed to me to be logical successor to Casey Kasem.
    Casey always seemed to know a lot about the artists and music he played, and shared that knowledge, making listening that much more rewarding. With Seacrest it's more about him, less about the music.
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  • Reply 37 of 37
    relic wrote: »
    Blackberry will probably not exist much longer, then what. This is a fantastic idea, those who use their phones for logging into remote servers via SSH is going to find this invaluable. I still hate virtual keyboards but I am forced to use them if I want to have a first rate phone. This is the must have gadget addition, can't wait.
    Checking in. Are you okay? Still in the hospital?
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