Galaxy Note 3 phablet accounts for just 1/10 of Samsung's 2013 premium phone sales



  • Reply 21 of 136

    Originally Posted by Michael Scrip View Post

    I don't know why everyone is poo-pooing Samsung's numbers. There clearly is a market for large and even giant phones.

    Yes... Apple sells a metric-fuckton of phones already. No argument there.

    But imagine how many more iPhones Apple would sell if they had equivalents to the screen sizes of the Galaxy S4 or Note 3.


    Apple is already maxed out producing its high-quality products - again. It has been growing its production capacity as fast as possible for years now, and still can't match demand.


    THAT'S why changing the form factor would net them basically no more sales than they already make. Now, if they can ever get production in front of demand, then I think what you're suggesting makes sense. I'd imagine Apple has already got plans for exactly that.

  • Reply 22 of 136
    What's funny is that the iPhone 5s and 5c sold 9 million units in a weekend and was considered a fail. Apple can do nothing right in the eyes of the news media. I have to admit Samsung kicked Apple's butt in sales last year but not all smartphones are created equally. Unfortunately for Apple, Wall Street doesn't care about models or cost, only the total number of units sold matters.
  • Reply 23 of 136
    sacto joe wrote: »
    Apple is already maxed out producing its high-quality products - again. It has been growing its production capacity as fast as possible for years now, and still can't match demand.

    THAT'S why changing the form factor would net them basically no more sales than they already make. Now, if they can ever get production in front of demand, then I think what you're suggesting makes sense. I'd imagine Apple has already got plans for exactly that.

    Good point.

    That's not exactly a bad problem, per se.

    I know there are other companies who wish they had that problem. :D
  • Reply 24 of 136
    What's funny is that the iPhone 5s and 5c sold 9 million units in a weekend and was considered a fail. Apple can do nothing right in the eyes of the news media. I have to admit Samsung kicked Apple's butt in sales last year but not all smartphones are created equally. Unfortunately for Apple, Wall Street doesn't care about models or cost, only the total number of units sold matters.

    Units sold?

    I thought Wall Street was all about money... revenue, profit, etc.

    Who cares if Samsung sells 80 million smartphones a quarter... when it's a mixture of high-end phones and low-end junk?

    I would assume it's much more impressive when Apple sells 50 million high-end, high-margin phones a quarter.

    But that's just me :)
  • Reply 25 of 136
    Since Samsung's phablets are outselling other Android phablets it can be deduced that all phablet sales are phucking phlat.

    A lot of iPhone users are settling for smaller phones than we want to stay with Apple quality hardware & iOS.
    Even though we have 8 Apple gadgets in our house I was so close to getting a note 3 but settled for 5s.
    My wife & 2 BFFs defected this year for Notes due to screen size & last year many family & friends defected from Apple to S3s & S4s.
    IMO Apple will hurt Samsung bad and break this years iPhone 1st weekend sales record if they choose to make a 5" iPhone (in addition to 4" iPhone)
  • Reply 26 of 136

    Originally Posted by FreeRange View Post

    Seriously? Before you make such a moronic post, go get yourself a good education as you are obviously clueless! Apple ONLY sells high end advanced phones, even models that are two or three years old are high end. They still are updated with current iOS, unlike junk Android devices, and still carry state of the art features. They also are in such high demand they have excellent resale value. As to your Samsung numbers, you obviously flunked math class. Back to school for you!




    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    Looks like a Samsung affiliate again - must be as they don't provide any evidence for the numbers just like Samsung.




    Originally Posted by Proximityeffect View Post


    keep trying tiger, you'll get the hang of it soon.


    You people don't read the news (or you don't read anything outside of here)?


    I am just quoting what was released in the press.


    This says 40mil S4 in 6 months ==> 20mil per quarter


    This says 10mil in 60 days ==> 15mil per quarter


    You can spin this however you want but the fact still shows that Samsung sells more premium phones than apple.



    Looking at previous combo S3 + Note 2


    50 mil S3 sold in a year


    30mil Note 2 sold in a year

  • Reply 27 of 136

    Originally Posted by zerobim08 View Post







    You people don't read the news (or you don't read anything outside of here)?


    I am just quoting what was released in the press.


    This says 40mil S4 in 6 months ==> 20mil per quarter


    This says 10mil in 60 days ==> 15mil per quarter


    You can spin this however you want but the fact still shows that Samsung sells more premium phones than apple.



    Looking at previous combo S3 + Note 2


    50 mil S3 sold in a year


    30mil Note 2 sold in a year

    Reading and math are hard for you, aren't they?


  • Reply 28 of 136
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    zerobim08 wrote: »

    You people don't read the news (or you don't read anything outside of here)?

    I am just quoting what was released in the press.

    This says 40mil S4 in 6 months ==> 20mil per quarter

    This says 10mil in 60 days ==> 15mil per quarter

    You can spin this however you want but the fact still shows that Samsung sells more premium phones than apple.

    Looking at previous combo S3 + Note 2

    50 mil S3 sold in a year

    30mil Note 2 sold in a year

    150 million divided by 4 is 37.5 million.
  • Reply 29 of 136
    Originally Posted by zerobim08 View Post

    Extrapolate it will give 15mil note3 in a quarter. We know s4 sold 40 mil in two months so that's 20 mil per quarter. This give a total of 35 mil.

    Apple best quarter is when it sold 47 mil phones and roughly half of these are high ends (I.e 23.5 mil)

    With just 2 models in the premium range samsung still sold at least 50 percent more premium phones than apple.

    Looking at it straight on not a roundabout way gives a completely different picture than this article.

    Samsung propaganda machine still at work - not sure who they think they're fooling.  Welcome zerobim08 on your first day on AppleInsider (at least under this name)

  • Reply 30 of 136
    froodfrood Posts: 771member

    Originally Posted by JamesMac View Post


    OK, lets take this really slow....


    If Samsung sold 10 million Note 3 units and 'it's only been on sale for 2 months', and Samsung has stated that they will sell a combined 100 million Note and Galaxy S devices in all of 2013 (all directly from this article)....


    This author concludes that "Galaxy Note 3 phablet accounts for just 1/10 of Samsung's 2013 premium phone sales".   The Note 3 was released on Sept. 25th, 2013.    He then concludes that phablets aren't as popular as thought.


    Anyone see the obvious math error?

    Anyone see the other obvious error with his conclusion? 


    Another poor article on Apple Insider.


    Stop trying to do math here and just run with whatever sounds best for Apple :p


    Although if you carry the author's own math and logic forward, in this very article he has proven that the iPhone 5s/5c are wildly unpopular failures.


    He states Apple sold 9 million 5s/5c models in a weekend.  He also states that a total of 150 million iPhones were sold in a year.


    Do the math!  9 million only accounts for 6% of Apples annual sales of 150 million!!!!  This debunks the common myth that that iPhone 5s is quite popular!

  • Reply 31 of 136

    Originally Posted by Mechanic View Post


    You have some really funny math, the S4 in the first two months sold 10 million according to samsungs own info graphic in the article. Guess you just didn't see that.  You must be using flawgic.


    Here is a pict of it for you


    notice that 10 million number.


    You forgot to factor in the sum of the square root of the sides of an isosceles triangle inscribed around Andy Rubin's head times the average number of megahertz Samsung is caught cheating on benchmarks divided by pi and rounded up to the nearest 40 million.

  • Reply 32 of 136
    ksecksec Posts: 1,569member
    Well, but you cant deny that there is a HUGE market waiting for a bigger screen iPhone.

    Because While the Note 3 may not be selling that well. Most other Android Phone still have 4.3 - 5" Screen Size.

    Apple would need to take away the Bezel in order to create a Phone that has larger screen while still works with one hand.
  • Reply 33 of 136
    y2any2an Posts: 208member
    It's interesting that they never actually say it reached 10 million. From a company that cheats at benchmark tests, that seems significant. Maybe this is a forecast (your mileage may vary)?
  • Reply 34 of 136
    Originally Posted by ksec View Post

    Well, but you cant deny that there is a HUGE market waiting for a bigger screen iPhone.


    Most other Android Phone still have 4.3 - 5" Screen Size.


    The reason for that doesn’t have anything to do with preference.

  • Reply 35 of 136

    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    150 million divided by 4 is 37.5 million.

    But out of these only 50% are the premium iphone5 ==> 19mil per quarter


    Using the quarterly figures for S4 (20mil) + Note3 (15mil) ==> 35mil per quarter

    Using estimate of 80mil (instead of 100mil) S4 to be sold and maybe 40mil Note3 (likely as Note 2 sold 30mil)  ==> 30 mil per quarter.



    Using the a previous year figure:-


    Samsung confirmed S3 (50mil) +Note2 (30mil) ==> 20mil per quarter.


    Apple sold 120mil - 30mil per quarter at 50% premium ==> 15mil quarter.

  • Reply 36 of 136
    davidwdavidw Posts: 2,100member
    Originally Posted by Frood View Post



    Stop trying to do math here and just run with whatever sounds best for Apple :p


    Although if you carry the author's own math and logic forward, in this very article he has proven that the iPhone 5s/5c are wildly unpopular failures.


    He states Apple sold 9 million 5s/5c models in a weekend.  He also states that a total of 150 million iPhones were sold in a year.


    Do the math!  9 million only accounts for 6% of Apples annual sales of 150 million!!!!  This debunks the common myth that that iPhone 5s is quite popular!

    That's still not right. Samsung  2013 fiscal year don't end until Dec. 31, 2013. So the figures on their sales are still on going and current. So the the Note 3 sales numbers are compared to up to date sales. Which is more accurate than taking the iPhone 5s weekend sales and apply them to Apple fiscal year 2013.


    Apple 2013 fiscal year ended on Sept. 30, 2013. The 150 million iPhones sold is for fiscal year 2013, of which the iPhone 5s was sold for about 2 weeks. To make a similar comparison, you must use the total sales of all iPhones 5s to date and the total sales of iPhones in the last 49 weeks. (or whenever the date that the last sale figures came out for Samsung) 


    But more than 6% (they did continue selling it after the weekend) iPhones sales is still impressive for only being on sale for about 2 weeks of Apple 2013 fiscal year.

  • Reply 37 of 136
    zerobim08 wrote: »
    Extrapolate it will give 15mil note3 in a quarter. We know s4 sold 40 mil in two months so that's 20 mil per quarter. This give a total of 35 mil.

    Apple best quarter is when it sold 47 mil phones and roughly half of these are high ends (I.e 23.5 mil)

    With just 2 models in the premium range samsung still sold at least 50 percent more premium phones than apple.

    Looking at it straight on not a roundabout way gives a completely different picture than this article.

    Extrapolate all you want, fact is Samsung has not come close to those extricated numbers or it will not have less profit than Apple. And likely even the 5 million number is Chanel fill
  • Reply 38 of 136
    zerobim08 wrote: »

    But out of these only 50% are the premium iphone5 ==> 19mil per quarter

    Using the quarterly figures for S4 (20mil) + Note3 (15mil) ==> 35mil per quarter
    Using estimate of 80mil (instead of 100mil) S4 to be sold and maybe 40mil Note3 (likely as Note 2 sold 30mil)  ==> 30 mil per quarter.

    Using the a previous year figure:-

    Samsung confirmed S3 (50mil) +Note2 (30mil) ==> 20mil per quarter.

    Apple sold 120mil - 30mil per quarter at 50% premium ==> 15mil quarter.

    1) How can you or anyone make a claim about different models from Apple when they don't separate out their models in their quarterly reports.

    2) Why would you assume that anything other than the flagship iPhone is not a premium smartphone? I consider the iPhone 5C a premium smartphone even though it doesn't have the latest tech, but neither are most of the components used in the Galaxy devices you're touting as premium.
  • Reply 39 of 136
    davidwdavidw Posts: 2,100member
    Originally Posted by zerobim08 View Post


    But out of these only 50% are the premium iphone5 ==> 19mil per quarter


    Using the quarterly figures for S4 (20mil) + Note3 (15mil) ==> 35mil per quarter

    Using estimate of 80mil (instead of 100mil) S4 to be sold and maybe 40mil Note3 (likely as Note 2 sold 30mil)  ==> 30 mil per quarter.



    Using the a previous year figure:-


    Samsung confirmed S3 (50mil) +Note2 (30mil) ==> 20mil per quarter.


    Apple sold 120mil - 30mil per quarter at 50% premium ==> 15mil quarter.

    Samsung sold 20 million S4 in the first two months of sales. It took Samsung another 4 months to sell another 20 million S4. Notice that sales has already halved . They went from 10 million a month to 5 million a month, in 6 months. And you think that Samsung will sell another 40 million S4 in the next 6 months. I got news for you, sales is not going to increase for an old phone. Specially after the iPhone 5s came out.  Not even Apple can sell as many of the same model iPhones in the following 3 months than in the first 3 months after it was released. Samsung won't be see a spike in sales until the Galaxy 5 (or what ever). (Though they'll see a small seasonal spike for Xmas.) Samsung S4 sales of more than 15 million in three months is history as of July 2013. 

  • Reply 40 of 136
    davidw wrote: »
    Not even Apple can sell as many of the same model iPhones in the following 3 months than in the first 3 months after it was released.

    All things being equal I would agree but Apple's massive unit sales mean they have to stagger their role out a lot more than other nations and with both the Chinese new year being much like the Western holiday season in terms of gift giving (which includes money to purchase gifts for oneself) and the expectation that China Mobile will be signing on Apple's first calendar 2014 quarter could be higher than their last for 2013.
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