Apple's Retina iPad mini trickles into US carrier stores as Apple Store ship times improve

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in iPad edited January 2014
Apple appears to have made some headway in iPad mini with Retina display production, as the device is now showing up at Verizon and AT&T stores across the nation, while the Apple Store's ship-by dates improve to one to three business days.

Retina iPad mini

As noted by CNET, AT&T's Web-based "in-store availability" checker is showing supply of various Retina iPad mini versions at locations around the U.S. Verizon, too, is receiving stock as its website now quotes shipping dates of Saturday, while spot checks find select brick-and-mortar outlets with batches of the device.

The refreshed supply comes three weeks after AT&T was quoting ship-by dates of 21 days or more. At the time, Verizon was also short, with anticipated ship-by dates pushed out ten or more days.

Ship dates from Apple's own online store have improved to one to three days, up from five to ten in November, indicating Retina iPad mini production is finally catching up to demand. As of this writing, the Online Apple Store is showing the same one to three day ship times for all models, including Wi-Fi + Cellular on all four major carriers.

Apple launched the iPad mini with Retina display in November after the company announced the device in late October without specifying a firm release date.

Even before the device hit store shelves, industry insiders were saying Apple was facing severe supply constraints of the mini's Retina panels. During the company's quarterly conference call for the fourth quarter of 2014, CEO Tim Cook hinted at manufacturing issues, saying, "It's unclear whether we will have enough for the quarter or not."


  • Reply 1 of 8
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member
    Is it too late, have people bought their Christmas Presents already? I hope not, it would be a happy Christmas morning to get an iPad Mini.
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  • Reply 2 of 8
    ascii wrote: »
    Is it too late, have people bought their Christmas Presents already? I hope not, it would be a happy Christmas morning to get an iPad Mini.

    I'm sure some students will get some "no name" knock-off tablet instead of an iPad and a clueless parent will be going, "What's the difference, don't they all do the same thing anyway?!"
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 3 of 8
    ascii wrote: »
    Is it too late, have people bought their Christmas Presents already? I hope not, it would be a happy Christmas morning to get an iPad Mini.

    I placed an order for a retina mini and an iPad Air on Wednesday evening. The mini shipped yesterday without delay, the Air is apparently on back order. I expected that to be the other way around.
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  • Reply 4 of 8

    Got my wife a 16GB white iPad Mini with Retina Display and red Smart Case for Christmas (iPad mini at Bestbuy, red smart case ordered from Apple). She mostly reads books and surfs so no need for more memory. Next year, I'll probably get a 64GB black version with black smart case with (hopefully) TouchID which I'll use for work. I might try using it as my main email device.

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  • Reply 5 of 8

    Originally Posted by Macky the Macky View Post

    I'm sure some students will get some "no name" knock-off tablet instead of an iPad and a clueless parent will be going, "What's the difference, don't they all do the same thing anyway?!"


    Parents are better informed than you think these days. If the above scenario does happen, it will most likely be due to the fact said parents can't afford 300-400 dollars on one gift, but want to do something for the child that's been asking for a tablet all year. If said child isn't a spoiled, ungrateful brat, they'll hug their parents and thank them profusely.


    Any child that turns their nose up to a "knock off tablet" should have it ripped out of their hands, replaced with a lump of coal, and the tablet donated to a children's charity.

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  • Reply 6 of 8
    My large East Coast third party Apple Dealer reports they just got Verizon iPad minis with Retina Display in Friday the 13th. Still waiting for them to get my 128GB Black AT&T model I ordered at launch. :no: :rolleyes:

    I just ran that in store checker the article references in the second sentence. It seems the 16 & 32 GB models are in while the 64 is 7-14 days out and the 128 GB model is 21-28 days out. So desired capacity is key to getting one this month vs next year. Upon further searching with that store checker it appears the white models in low capacities 16 or 32 are available for in store pickup while all black models are all still back ordered.
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  • Reply 7 of 8

    There is still lots of time to change a gift. Simply just return it unopened, and get another one.

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  • Reply 8 of 8
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    I see Amazon is now offering Kindle's on installment plans. This is after already offering discounts on them several times. Yet I don't see any media stories questioning whether these tablets are selling or not. No segments on CNBC or write ups on tech sites. All they do is run stories when Amazon puts out a press release saying best sales ever but not providing any sales figures. And yet with Apple and the iPhone 5C these sites are tripping over themselves to write stories about how it's supposedly a disaster. Double standard much?
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