With this kind of smash and grab becoming popular, Apple should think about implementing security barriers on the sidewalks in front of the stores. [...]
Many stores do have these. The new Palo Alto store on University has really, really ugly barricades that are totally obnoxious (they're the big white and orange highway divider type). They need to design attractive barriers that provide some sort of additional function.
I [am] not sure why Apple has not deployed the pop-up bollards that would prevent this sort of thing. They are recessed into the pavement and rapidly rise when the mass of a vehicle is detected.
I was going to suggest installing retractable bollards; I had not heard of a self-deploying variant, though, and a quick google search on them did not turn up anything - are those for real?
If the self-deploying kind are not practical for some reason - perhaps because they don't exist? (not mocking; just asking) - the regular retractable ones certainly would be an option:
They would be receded into the sidewalk during the day, and raised come closing time, or somewhat after (the Berlin store closes at 8 pm) so as not to mar the evening scene, and throughout the night.
I would assume that Apple retail has thought of that already, but still: anyone care to send them an email?
Or does anyone know where best to send that email to? I'll do it.
This is Germany don't forget.
I was going to suggest installing retractable bollards; I had not heard of a self-deploying variant, though, and a quick google search on them did not turn up anything - are those for real?
If the self-deploying kind are not practical for some reason - perhaps because they don't exist? (not mocking; just asking) - the regular retractable ones certainly would be an option:
They would be receded into the sidewalk during the day, and raised come closing time, or somewhat after (the Berlin store closes at 8 pm) so as not to mar the evening scene, and throughout the night.
I would assume that Apple retail has thought of that already, but still: anyone care to send them an email?
Or does anyone know where best to send that email to? I'll do it.
"Never Mind The Bollards, Here's The Sex Pistols"