It's the VRAM itself that's failing. No amount of software or firmware updates can repair failed VRAM modules. It's not the aluminum-key NVIDIA GPU problem, but it's vaguely reminiscent and demands a resolution. Logic board replacement would be a sorry apology since it'll have the same vulnerability, but something has to be done soon, and I trust it will if we keep making noise.
It's the VRAM itself that's failing. No amount of software or firmware updates can repair failed VRAM modules. It's not the aluminum-key NVIDIA GPU problem, but it's vaguely reminiscent and demands a resolution. Logic board replacement would be a sorry apology since it'll have the same vulnerability, but something has to be done soon, and I trust it will if we keep making noise.
It's the VRAM itself that's failing. No amount of software or firmware updates can repair failed VRAM modules. It's not the aluminum-key NVIDIA GPU problem, but it's vaguely reminiscent and demands a resolution. Logic board replacement would be a sorry apology since it'll have the same vulnerability, but something has to be done soon, and I trust it will if we keep making noise.
No pram reset/smc reset, efi update or other bla bla will fix this isssue: is a gpu chip failure: the video chip after 2-3 years of work simply dies.
Macs are really beatiful and powerful machines but their design prevents sufficient and adequate cooling to internal components (esp gpu and cpu): there isnt internally room for real a heatsinks and fan, due to thickness, that s all.
Yes, sounds like the old c2d/nvidia story, and the solutions are:
1 - replace the whole logic board, but NEW logic boards unavailable on the market, apple too sells refurbs only, and on ebay you can find only used too: in both cases they are zombie boards and will last after some months because the gpu is a walking dead.
2 - replace the gpu chip only with a NEW bga package, that will guarantee at least other 2-3 years of life to your mac, then will last too for the argumentations above.
I just had this happen to my Macbook Pro 17" early 2011.
To be honest it was a bit inconvienent but what I have put that computer through nothing else would have stood up. I had everything backed up and got a temporary matchbook pro. 310 dollars and I should have it back in a few days. Not bad, I've used that computer almost every day for the past 3+ years.
I had a PC once. Within 2 years the hard drive died and the video card died twice.
I have a Macbook Pro, late 2011. It just happen to screw up suddenly.
I just had NetBeans with Tomcat running, as I'm a programmer, Google Chrome and Windows Media Player. I run the PC in Windows 8 Bootcamp, because I really dislike OS X, even tho, I have a Yosemite partition.
The thing is, I was listening to music, while coding, and suddenly my screen turned black with vertical and huge red stripes, then in a matter of seconds, it switched to a gray screen with tiny horizontal red striped all over.
I restarted the PC manually, holding the power button, and Windows was trying to load (With the huge vertical red stripes) and when completed, I get an Windows error message, that I couldn't load.
After several attempts, it gets to the home screen and then, it suddenly fails again. I tried to run into Yosmite, but as soon as I enter the password, the screen turns gray with red horizontal stripes.
I suppose it's the GPU, but meh, I brought this piece of brick 2 months ago, and now it's just garbage, so not fair. My HP Pavilion lasted longer.
I brought this piece of brick 2 months ago, and now it's just garbage, so not fair. My HP Pavilion lasted longer.
People who get them repaired will be offloading them to other people to avoid it happening to them again. You can try getting it repaired yourself using a service like this:
and sell it on, continue using it or just sell it for spares without the repair where you'll get back about 1/3 of what you paid for it. Then get a minimum 2012 model:
My late 2011 17" MBP blew its motherboard at the start of November 2014 while I was browsing the internet, the screen went into blue/green vertical bars then blank with the fans going full speed, very dramatic. It had always run on the hot side IMHO ever since I bought it.
Even though I was way out of warranty (it was a shop-demo machine - cut price) and I had not bought Apple care insurance - Apple Australia replaced the board free of charge (Over $3000 worth of work and parts) without a whimper - I was SOOO impressed with these guys.
Unfortunately its just BLOWN ITS MOTHERBOARD AGAIN on 11th February 2015 - exactly the same set of symptoms as in Nov '14 - just outside the 90 day warranty on the new motherboard. Again - always running hot since the board replacement in my opinion, I had placed it on a cooling pad - but still it blew again.
BUT WAIT there's MORE!! They have told me today, that this SECOND replacement will also be absolutely free of charge!! What diamond geezers! Now the cynic that lurks deep inside my psyche whispers in my ear and says - Aha! There is an issue with these MBP models that Apple is keeping shtoom about! Waddaya think guys?
I think this is my thread - My late 2011 17 inch macbook pro started randomly crashing a couple months ago. There was no pattern to this but the time between failures progressively decreased until the machine was unusable. I got a respite by eventually setting it up to boot in verbose mode - which makes no sense but it stabilized for about a week. After that it sank fast - each crash was unique. White screen, frozen desktop, shutdown/reboot, freezing on boot, flickering locked desktop, etc. I let them send it to Depot so for 310$ they put in a new logic board. That was 2 weeks ago and it's only frozen once since then which I'm hoping was a Yosemite issue.
I think this is my thread - My late 2011 17 inch macbook pro started randomly crashing a couple months ago. There was no pattern to this but the time between failures progressively decreased until the machine was unusable. I got a respite by eventually setting it up to boot in verbose mode - which makes no sense but it stabilized for about a week. After that it sank fast - each crash was unique. White screen, frozen desktop, shutdown/reboot, freezing on boot, flickering locked desktop, etc. I let them send it to Depot so for 310$ they put in a new logic board. That was 2 weeks ago and it's only frozen once since then which I'm hoping was a Yosemite issue.
I just want to chime in as my husband and I just had this problem with both of our 15" late 2011 MacBook Pros (our very first Mac computer purchases). Within 2-3 weeks of each other, we both took our computers into our local Apple store. They ran a quick test to determine the issue, checked the coverage (we DO NOT have AppleCare), and sent the computer off.
I just sent took my computer in on Monday, March 30 at 4:14 pm, and picked it up today, Wednesday, April 1st before 4:00. I have a brand new logic board, all my data is still intact, and my computer was only out of my hands for 48 hours. WOW! Thank you Apple for taking good care of us.
I WILL keep buying Apple products, because this computer rocks, I get free operating system updates, and it has been more of a pleasure to own than any of my Windows computers (and I've had many)! I think I'll still be using this computer for quite some time.
I have a late 2011 model and my computer started crashing a couple days ago. Everything is usually working fins. Fans aren't loud or anything but suddenly the computer just turns off! I don't have $310 for the fix. What is the best way to try and solve my problem?
I have a late 2011 model and my computer started crashing a couple days ago. Everything is usually working fins. Fans aren't loud or anything but suddenly the computer just turns off! I don't have $310 for the fix. What is the best way to try and solve my problem?
Update on my macbook pro. First the good news. Apple reimbursed me for the 310$ I spent with them replacing my logic board - so I qualified as part of the repair program.
Now the not so good news. The machine crashes to a white screen with nice message that I should it any key to reboot about once a week. This never happened previous to 10.10 but seems to be my new normal. I am running 10.10.3
Prior to the logic board replacement I was down to maybe 20 minutes between crashes so once a week is positively relaxing.
Still an amazing machine... just a tiny bit less amazing.
My MBP 17" started doing the black screen/unresponsive in mid-2015 intermittently. One time I found it in that condition, no fan, and too hot to touch, over 90C. Shutdown, cooled off, it seemed better. Til a few weeks ago. Got a couple more black screen/unresponsive halts. Boot now shows 'venetian blind' ripples; when I do a Safe Boot automatically changing desktop pictures show up mixed, the old and new picture in odd rectangles for a second. Odd blocky rectangles and flickers around windows that overlap or get moved.
It went to Apple, Genius saw the visual problems, got a graphics failure but not the one covered by the extended repair, took the credit card and the computer. Apple Repair says they replaced the logic board. And they returned it with a note the repair was covered, no cost.
Unfortunately apparently they didn't test by booting up -- and there's been no change in those symptoms. It's going back to Apple again for the next available Genius appointment.
My MBP 17" started doing the black screen/unresponsive in mid-2015 intermittently. One time I found it in that condition, no fan, and too hot to touch, over 90C. Shutdown, cooled off, it seemed better. Til a few weeks ago. Got a couple more black screen/unresponsive halts. Boot now shows 'venetian blind' ripples; when I do a Safe Boot automatically changing desktop pictures show up mixed, the old and new picture in odd rectangles for a second. Odd blocky rectangles and flickers around windows that overlap or get moved.
It went to Apple, Genius saw the visual problems, got a graphics failure but not the one covered by the extended repair, took the credit card and the computer. Apple Repair says they replaced the logic board. And they returned it with a note the repair was covered, no cost.
Unfortunately apparently they didn't test by booting up -- and there's been no change in those symptoms. It's going back to Apple again for the next available Genius appointment.
Stay on them. My 2010 MBP had a similar issue and recall program. Unfortunately the recall program had ended before my computer began showing signs of the defect. Now Apple retired the 2010 and it is no longer eligible for any Apple service.
It's the VRAM itself that's failing. No amount of software or firmware updates can repair failed VRAM modules. It's not the aluminum-key NVIDIA GPU problem, but it's vaguely reminiscent and demands a resolution. Logic board replacement would be a sorry apology since it'll have the same vulnerability, but something has to be done soon, and I trust it will if we keep making noise.
No pram reset/smc reset, efi update or other bla bla will fix this isssue: is a gpu chip failure: the video chip after 2-3 years of work simply dies.
Macs are really beatiful and powerful machines but their design prevents sufficient and adequate cooling to internal components (esp gpu and cpu): there isnt internally room for real a heatsinks and fan, due to thickness, that s all.
Yes, sounds like the old c2d/nvidia story, and the solutions are:
1 - replace the whole logic board, but NEW logic boards unavailable on the market, apple too sells refurbs only, and on ebay you can find only used too: in both cases they are zombie boards and will last after some months because the gpu is a walking dead.
2 - replace the gpu chip only with a NEW bga package, that will guarantee at least other 2-3 years of life to your mac, then will last too for the argumentations above.
I just had this happen to my Macbook Pro 17" early 2011.
To be honest it was a bit inconvienent but what I have put that computer through nothing else would have stood up. I had everything backed up and got a temporary matchbook pro. 310 dollars and I should have it back in a few days. Not bad, I've used that computer almost every day for the past 3+ years.
I had a PC once. Within 2 years the hard drive died and the video card died twice.
Just got my early 2011 17" macbook pro back from this repair $310
Not only did they fix the video.....
They put in a new battery.
Changed the top case and keyboard
Fixed dead USB
Changed the magsafe connector (old one was banged up)
They also fixed the express card cage - which I've never used but damaged.
BEST OF ALL - My macbook had 16GB of memory but it only recognized 8, NOW IT RECOGNIZES 16GB!!!!!!!!
I just had NetBeans with Tomcat running, as I'm a programmer, Google Chrome and Windows Media Player. I run the PC in Windows 8 Bootcamp, because I really dislike OS X, even tho, I have a Yosemite partition.
The thing is, I was listening to music, while coding, and suddenly my screen turned black with vertical and huge red stripes, then in a matter of seconds, it switched to a gray screen with tiny horizontal red striped all over.
I restarted the PC manually, holding the power button, and Windows was trying to load (With the huge vertical red stripes) and when completed, I get an Windows error message, that I couldn't load.
After several attempts, it gets to the home screen and then, it suddenly fails again. I tried to run into Yosmite, but as soon as I enter the password, the screen turns gray with red horizontal stripes.
I suppose it's the GPU, but meh, I brought this piece of brick 2 months ago, and now it's just garbage, so not fair. My HP Pavilion lasted longer.
People who get them repaired will be offloading them to other people to avoid it happening to them again. You can try getting it repaired yourself using a service like this:
and sell it on, continue using it or just sell it for spares without the repair where you'll get back about 1/3 of what you paid for it. Then get a minimum 2012 model:
You may be able to boot the 2011 model in target mode to get any data off the drive, if not, you can remove the drive easily:
and put it in an enclosure:
If you have important data on the drive, it would be best to take the drive out before shipping the laptop anywhere.
:-( new issue. and my applecare expired like 6 months ago. nuts. Apple, do the right thing!
Even though I was way out of warranty (it was a shop-demo machine - cut price) and I had not bought Apple care insurance - Apple Australia replaced the board free of charge (Over $3000 worth of work and parts) without a whimper - I was SOOO impressed with these guys.
Unfortunately its just BLOWN ITS MOTHERBOARD AGAIN on 11th February 2015 - exactly the same set of symptoms as in Nov '14 - just outside the 90 day warranty on the new motherboard. Again - always running hot since the board replacement in my opinion, I had placed it on a cooling pad - but still it blew again.
BUT WAIT there's MORE!! They have told me today, that this SECOND replacement will also be absolutely free of charge!! What diamond geezers!
Now the cynic that lurks deep inside my psyche whispers in my ear and says - Aha! There is an issue with these MBP models that Apple is keeping shtoom about!
Waddaya think guys?
I think this is my thread - My late 2011 17 inch macbook pro started randomly crashing a couple months ago. There was no pattern to this but the time between failures progressively decreased until the machine was unusable. I got a respite by eventually setting it up to boot in verbose mode - which makes no sense but it stabilized for about a week. After that it sank fast - each crash was unique. White screen, frozen desktop, shutdown/reboot, freezing on boot, flickering locked desktop, etc. I let them send it to Depot so for 310$ they put in a new logic board. That was 2 weeks ago and it's only frozen once since then which I'm hoping was a Yosemite issue.
Fingers crossed.
Apple has started a repair program:
They might even refund the cost of your repair.
I just want to chime in as my husband and I just had this problem with both of our 15" late 2011 MacBook Pros (our very first Mac computer purchases). Within 2-3 weeks of each other, we both took our computers into our local Apple store. They ran a quick test to determine the issue, checked the coverage (we DO NOT have AppleCare), and sent the computer off.
I just sent took my computer in on Monday, March 30 at 4:14 pm, and picked it up today, Wednesday, April 1st before 4:00. I have a brand new logic board, all my data is still intact, and my computer was only out of my hands for 48 hours. WOW! Thank you Apple for taking good care of us.
I WILL keep buying Apple products, because this computer rocks, I get free operating system updates, and it has been more of a pleasure to own than any of my Windows computers (and I've had many)! I think I'll still be using this computer for quite some time.
Hello All - I think this is what is happening to my Macbook Pro. It is a late 2011 15".
But, I put my Serial Number in the link above and it did not say anything if this computer was affected?
I have a late 2011 model and my computer started crashing a couple days ago. Everything is usually working fins. Fans aren't loud or anything but suddenly the computer just turns off! I don't have $310 for the fix. What is the best way to try and solve my problem?
Check if Apple will repair it for free:
If they won't, there are services on eBay that can fix it a bit cheaper but it may not last long, the price listed isn't the full cost:
You can also sell it as spares on sites like eBay.
Update on my macbook pro. First the good news. Apple reimbursed me for the 310$ I spent with them replacing my logic board - so I qualified as part of the repair program.
Now the not so good news. The machine crashes to a white screen with nice message that I should it any key to reboot about once a week. This never happened previous to 10.10 but seems to be my new normal. I am running 10.10.3
Prior to the logic board replacement I was down to maybe 20 minutes between crashes so once a week is positively relaxing.
Still an amazing machine... just a tiny bit less amazing.
My MBP 17" started doing the black screen/unresponsive in mid-2015 intermittently.
One time I found it in that condition, no fan, and too hot to touch, over 90C. Shutdown, cooled off, it seemed better.
Til a few weeks ago. Got a couple more black screen/unresponsive halts.
Boot now shows 'venetian blind' ripples; when I do a Safe Boot automatically changing desktop pictures show up mixed, the old and new picture in odd rectangles for a second. Odd blocky rectangles and flickers around windows that overlap or get moved.
It went to Apple, Genius saw the visual problems, got a graphics failure but not the one covered by the extended repair, took the credit card and the computer.
Apple Repair says they replaced the logic board. And they returned it with a note the repair was covered, no cost.
Unfortunately apparently they didn't test by booting up -- and there's been no change in those symptoms.
It's going back to Apple again for the next available Genius appointment.