Apple stock jumps after buyback announcement, Icahn says "Keep buying, Tim!"



  • Reply 21 of 48
    Originally Posted by christoble View Post


    Why all this Icahn hate?


    Why does everyone think he's an evil short-term investor?


    He buys low and sells high.  Do you just buy a stock because you love it then hold on to it forever no matter what because you love it?  Get a wife or something.  Get a dog.


    Name one company he's hurt.  Don't say TWA because all air lines, especially in the 80's were crap.  United, Delta, America, they all went bankrupt at one time or another.  TWA was crashing with or without Icahn.


    What the world needs now is a few million more people like Carl Icahn to trade around bits of paper. So many in fact, that it will make the value of leaf blowing day laborers go up. You know; supply and demand and all that.


    It's so refreshing to find people who are still fans of "I did nothing bad but I got rich making nothing at all" -- like history will view selling gold plated leaf blowers with 8 cam engines just before the last ice cap melted.


    It's so damn patriotic. Where's my flag pin, I'm gonna get misty.

  • Reply 22 of 48

    1.5% increase is not a jump

  • Reply 23 of 48
    Originally Posted by -mr-mustard- View Post

    1.5% increase is not a jump


    When Icahn says jump, Apple says they couldn’t care less.

  • Reply 24 of 48
    What a goddamn Ponzi scheme . And what sickens me is that it's so out in the open.
  • Reply 25 of 48
    Icahn is 100 percent right here and I am glad Cook is listening. And for those of you too stupid to notice, there are only three types of people against the buy back 1. The shorts 2. The usual apple bashing media types are all in unison hating the buy back. 3. Those too stupid to understand capital markets and exactly what Icahn is saying.

    Now if shorts and Apple badgers hate the buy back, should that not give you a clue if u are a long time investor?
  • Reply 26 of 48
    tkell31tkell31 Posts: 216member

    If Cook was surprised by the drop in the share price after he announced flat net revenue year over year for the quarter, and no gross revenue growth for the following quarter even after the China Mobile deal maybe he is a moron.  They really should stop supporting the share price when the price is falling and let it bottom out so they can be more efficient with the buybacks.  


    Comparing Apple to Google right now is pretty ridiculous.   Google's net and gross revenue are continuing to increase substantially and investors will pay a premium for that.

  • Reply 27 of 48
    tkell31tkell31 Posts: 216member

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post

    Wall streets estimated EPS was $14.10. Apple reported $14.50.

    It dropped because of guidance


    Guidance certainly was the main issue, but no net revenue growth didn't help.  EPS isn't that important if it's only from share buybacks.

  • Reply 28 of 48
    haggarhaggar Posts: 1,568member
    All of you are just upset that you did not buy Google stock sooner.
  • Reply 29 of 48
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,433moderator
    christoble wrote: »
    Why all this Icahn hate?

    Why does everyone think he's an evil short-term investor?

    He buys low and sells high.  Do you just buy a stock because you love it then hold on to it forever no matter what because you love it?  Get a wife or something.  Get a dog.

    Name one company he's hurt.  Don't say TWA because all air lines, especially in the 80's were crap.  United, Delta, America, they all went bankrupt at one time or another. TWA was crashing with or without Icahn.

    People generally have an idea of reasonable ratios for contribution vs reward. There are a lot of employees at Apple and they put in a lot of hard work, very long hours. Apple has a lot of customers and often buying an Apple product is a big sacrifice for a customer and comes out of money many have similarly had to work hard for.

    Then you get people like Carl who have never done anything to help the company or get it to where it is and have a lot of money already. They see cash reserves they can loot so they buy up shares. Then they try to control the movement of funds by communicating with the CEO, they often make moves to replace board members for more control.

    Carl contributes nothing to the company's success and yet if Apple's stock price goes up 10%, Carl stands to gain more than $200m.

    Apple has about 415 stores, they can have as many as 100 staff each according to Apple. If an employee makes $30k per year, that works out at $1.2 billion per year. So the amount that Carl gets clicking his mouse and placing a bet on Apple gives him a return equivalent to over 7,000 full time retail staff working for an entire year.

    Is that a fair system? That one person can buy second hand shares in a company after it's already successful with zero effort and make as much of a return as 7,000 people working for a entire year? You've probably heard the recent stat that the top 85 wealthiest people in the world have as much wealth as the bottom 3.5 billion people:

    Most of the 3.5 billion will be countries in dire poverty so the ratio isolated to Western countries should be improved but as per the above example, this is how it happens. The staff work to pay their mortgages and loans at interest and buy products and the profits are going to increase the share prices of corporations, which lines the pockets of the wealthiest shareholders.

    It doesn't matter if Carl is damaging to the company or not, he's trying to manipulate Apple's management of their assets for his own gain. Everybody invests money for gain but it's distasteful when people like Carl make a nuisance of themselves, contribute nothing and then take a reward far higher than the people who are contributing to the company's gain in value. Sure it's the nature of the game and he's just another player in it but it's wrong and since the game can't really change, hate for the nuisance players is all there is.
    castcore wrote:
    Icahn is 100 percent right here and I am glad Cook is listening.

    Tim is right to buy the stock when it's as low as possible but the comments of extra commitment like the glib $145b remark shows Icahn's intent. He wants the cash drained and that's not the right thing for Apple to do. Tim said they had no plans for big company acquisitions so returning more to the shareholders is ok but buybacks can be wiped out by traders pushing the price down. They can just increase the dividend so that people who are in it long-term get the benefit.
  • Reply 30 of 48
    rob53 wrote: »
    Rich people have a disease that causes them to think that enough is never enough. I have seen way too people with way too much money complain about spending any of it even when they need medical assistance. They just can't part with anything. They even have problems buying good food, only wanting to spend the least amount possible and complaining when their "hard earned money" is used to help the less fortunate among us. 

    Icahn fits this bill perfectly. He will never have enough and will never quit boasting about the money he has. 

    Correct, it's called "wealth addiction" and is well documented. Here is an excellent NYT article by Sam Polk, former Wall Street hedge-fund trader and author of "For the Love of Money":
  • Reply 31 of 48
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    Largely will go to charities he selects at the end - don't be so envious, it stinks 

    Thanks Carl - Tim is outstanding CEO - his only weakness is not paying attention to the capital/stock price - which could destroy a company dependent on new talent (engineers) and public perception.

    Apple is now more of a "winner" after he has taken stock from 300s to 500s - will be even better at the 700 number again in several months

    Carl did not take Apple from the 300s. Get your lips off...
  • Reply 32 of 48
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    christoble wrote: »
    Why all this Icahn hate?

    Why does everyone think he's an evil short-term investor?

    He buys low and sells high.  Do you just buy a stock because you love it then hold on to it forever no matter what because you love it?  Get a wife or something.  Get a dog.

    Name one company he's hurt.  Don't say TWA because all air lines, especially in the 80's were crap.  United, Delta, America, they all went bankrupt at one time or another.  TWA was crashing with or without Icahn.

    Because Crazy Carl interferes with the companies he invests in for the benefit of himself.
  • Reply 33 of 48
    Carl, please find another company to tinker with and devalue!! I'm perfectly happy with what Apple is doing and though I own less shares than you I've owned mine since they were worth $11.00 a share. I love Apple, I just voted against your initiatives via proxyvote and hope everyone else will as well. We don't want you corporate pariahs sniffing around Apple, you ruin everything you touch while just seeking stock appreciation. I am not as interested in stock appreciation as I am in innovation and owning part of a company that excels in excellence of execution.

    So please, feel free to sell all your shares again, you'll lose some money I'm sure and depress the value of my shares, but I can live with that temporary loss as a long term holder of Apple, if it means getting rid of your kind of corporate "activism".

    Thanks in advance!
  • Reply 34 of 48
    castcore wrote: »
    Icahn is 100 percent right here and I am glad Cook is listening. And for those of you too stupid to notice, there are only three types of people against the buy back 1. The shorts 2. The usual apple bashing media types are all in unison hating the buy back. 3. Those too stupid to understand capital markets and exactly what Icahn is saying.

    Um, as an Icahn acolyte that swallows his lack of analysis wholesale, all I can say is that he gets rich off people like you!

    And I say, as long as there are sheep waiting to get fleeced, why not. ;-)
  • Reply 35 of 48
    Tim Cook again confirms $AAPL will launch new products in new categories (plural) this year. Wall Street apparently still not listening.
    — Carl Icahn (@Carl_C_Icahn)

    Did Cook say multiple new categories 'this year', or is Icahn manipulating the stocks again?
  • Reply 36 of 48

    Carl's only source of pleasure is screwing with the markets. All's fair in Carl and Carl.

  • Reply 37 of 48
    poochpooch Posts: 768member
    not cause and effect. f.u.icon.
  • Reply 38 of 48
    castcore wrote: »
    Icahn is 100 percent right here and I am glad Cook is listening. And for those of you too stupid to notice, there are only three types of people against the buy back 1. The shorts 2. The usual apple bashing media types are all in unison hating the buy back. 3. Those too stupid to understand capital markets and exactly what Icahn is saying.

    Um, as an Icahn acolyte that swallows his lack of analysis wholesale, all I can say is that he gets rich off off people like you!

    And I say, as long as there are sheep waiting to get fleeced, why not.
  • Reply 39 of 48
    rayzrayz Posts: 814member
    I think Cook's biggest mistake was caving in to Wall Street's demand for a dividend. He's been trapped on the manipulation merrygoround ever since.
  • Reply 40 of 48
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member

    Teeny, weeny, less than one percenter Icahn, about as relevant as a mosquito buzzing around.


    If the guy had balls he'd throw everything he had into Apple, then borrow as much as he could to buy more.


    Bring some serious money.

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