Cook discusses bigger iPhones, Motorola sale, Android and more in interview



  • Reply 81 of 281
    aaronjaaronj Posts: 1,595member

    Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost View Post

    What's wrong with lacking curiosity? Why should Americans need to know where Russia is? I don't find it at all sad or disturbing.


    Because if you lack curiosity you can never make yourself a better, fuller person.  Without a search for knowledge, to at least some degree, your existence is completely pointless (now, I have made the argument that our existence is pointless anyways, but that's a different discussion).  Do you really want to live your life like some lower life form -- eating, sleeping, reproducing, with absolutely no understanding or knowledge about the world around you?


    As to why it's important that Americans know where Russia is (or have some understanding of their world) I can think of one really good reason: They get to vote.  Which means they get to effect what goes around me.  And I am fucking sick of ignorant, feces-flinging know-nothings having an effect on country and on my life.


    Stupidity and ignorance are not positive qualities.  Actually, other than psychopathy and general evilness, they are two of the absolute WORST qualities in any so-called human being.  I'm not the smartest or knowledgeable person I know -- not by a long shot -- let alone in the world.  I don't claim to be.  But my blink-of-an-eye existence is at least made interesting and a bit richer by seeking out knowledge on a number of subjects.


    Do you have any idea how difficult it is to truly, fully appreciate practically anything if you live in near complete ignorance?  

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  • Reply 82 of 281

    Originally Posted by AaronJ View Post

    Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost View Post

    What's wrong with lacking curiosity? Why should Americans need to know where Russia is? I don't find it at all sad or disturbing.


    Stupidity and ignorance are not positive qualities.  .....


    Do you have any idea how difficult it is to truly, fully appreciate practically anything if you live in near complete ignorance?  

    As Zappa once noted, "stupidity has a certain charm; ignorance does not."

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  • Reply 83 of 281
    aaronjaaronj Posts: 1,595member

    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post


    As Zappa once noted, "stupidity has a certain charm; ignorance does not."


    Well, there's some truth to that.


    Also, stupidity can't be helped.  Ignorance, however, is a choice.  So, I should have worded my comment above differently.

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  • Reply 84 of 281
    droidftwdroidftw Posts: 1,009member
    Originally Posted by leavingthebigG View Post


    I know I should resist but... Other than Europe being a continent, please share with us what you think Europe is.


    I fail to see the point you're trying to make.  Did you have one?

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  • Reply 85 of 281
    I see some very very stupid remarks in some of these posts, but this bit strikes me as something so obvious, so important (even more than another iphone line with a bigger screen):

    - Apple's search engine.

    Why doesn't Apple do something? Why are they defending and defending until someone really hits them hard? That's so stupid. Search is so important and can do so much to integrate the experience between devices. Neither Google or MS should have a presence unless the user wanted it. Apple has to do it.

    Apple's search engine is very successful. I do not understand your comment.
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  • Reply 86 of 281
    thedbathedba Posts: 802member
    If Apple was actually "focused" on improving Safari then it wouldn't have had so many iOS problems/bugs. (... and please don't give me the silly little... "I've never had any problems"... in response.

    So... a little more focus would be an improvement.
    How do you know they are not focusing? And what does "a little more focus" even mean? Apple is a big company with various departments. They can do many things at once, without having to throw all of the company's resources into your pet peeves.
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  • Reply 87 of 281
    thedbathedba Posts: 802member
    We do know for certain that they are not doing a good job of fixing these services. And it's not just a matter of fixing bugs. Beta releases of Mail, etc. delivered to developers? Do you know what you are taking about? What's released to developers are beta versions of iOS or Mac OS, not Mail on its own.
    And these beta releases may contain what? Among other things, bug fixes or improvements to mail or Safari.
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  • Reply 88 of 281
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    I know I should resist but... Other than Europe being a continent, please share with us what you think Europe is.

    That's pretty much it. What is North America other than a continent? What is Asia?
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  • Reply 89 of 281
    Do you really think that I do not know where/how to provide feedback to Apple? Really?


    Like I said already: it's not about you.
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  • Reply 90 of 281

    Originally Posted by TheDBA View Post

    How do you know they are not focusing? And what does "a little more focus" even mean? Apple is a big company with various departments. They can do many things at once, without having to throw all of the company's resources into your pet peeves.


    Are you shittin' me?


    A company like Apple that is supposed to be a producer of premium products puts out a buggy release of Safari and you think that is being focused. Hell, some developers have even called the release "sloppy".


    ... and that's okay with you.


    Pet peeve? Okay, man, sure... whatever.

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  • Reply 91 of 281
    aaronjaaronj Posts: 1,595member

    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post



    Are you shittin' me?


    A company like Apple that is supposed to be a producer of premium products puts out a buggy release of Safari and you think that is being focused. Hell, some developers have even called the release "sloppy".


    ... and that's okay with you.


    Pet peeve? Okay, man, sure... whatever.


    There's a problem.  They'll fix it.  What's the big deal?  Happens all the time with software, whether from indie developers or the Big Guns.  You're acting like this is the first time a major company has released a buggy version of a program.



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  • Reply 92 of 281

    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post


    A company like Apple that is supposed to be a producer of premium products puts out a buggy release of Safari and you think that is being focused. 

    Not just any product, but basic browser software is perhaps the most mature of the lot, at this point...

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  • Reply 93 of 281
    Originally Posted by AaronJ View Post



    There's a problem.  They'll fix it.  What's the big deal?  Happens all the time with software, whether from indie developers or the Big Guns.  You're acting like this is the first time a major company has released a buggy version of a program.




    OFFS. At least follow the discussion. This is about focus. 


    (or maybe it's okay with you that Apple acts "just like one of the other guys". Hell, Samsung does it, why not Apple! Microsoft sold buggy shit all the time and they made really big money... Apple should follow their lead. )


     We're talking about browser software. Is it really beyond Apple's capability to have a new version of a browser to be less buggy. Really?


    I sure as hell don't want them releasing a complex new product for quite a while if that's the new attitude.

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  • Reply 94 of 281
    aaronjaaronj Posts: 1,595member

    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post



    OFFS. At least follow the discussion.


    I did.

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  • Reply 95 of 281

    Originally Posted by AaronJ View Post



    I did.


    Well, then... that's just sad.

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  • Reply 96 of 281
    aaronjaaronj Posts: 1,595member

    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post



    OFFS. At least follow the discussion. This is about focus. 


    (or maybe it's okay with you that Apple acts "just like one of the other guys". Hell, Samsung does it, why not Apple! Microsoft sold buggy shit all the time and they made really big money... Apple should follow their lead. )


     We're talking about browser software. Is it really beyond Apple's capability to have a new version of a browser to be less buggy. Really?


    I sure as hell don't want them releasing a complex new product for quite a while if that's the new attitude.


    Apple has released buggy stuff before.  Everyone has, as I said.


    It seems to me, though I obviously don't know the inside story, that what happened is that they were releasing on iOS7 on a schedule.  They were having problems with Safari on iOS7 but weren't going to delay iOS7.  And it has taken them longer to fix the Safari problem than they realized it would (for whatever reason).


    It happens.  I mean, it's not a disaster.  I use Safari all the time, and have I had crashes?  Yes.  Have they happened constantly?  No.  Is it a simple thing to just re-open Safari?  Yes.


    I mean, I'm looking forward to them fixing it too.  But it's not like some apocalyptic disaster.  Unclench man.

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  • Reply 97 of 281
    rogifan wrote: »
    The point isn't whether Apple creates a category that doesn't currently exist, it's whether Apple enters a category that is new for them and brings in new revenue streams. A wearable device, TV or mobile payments system would be a new category for Apple.

    That's fair, but it's not how I interpret his post.
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  • Reply 98 of 281
    Originally Posted by AaronJ View Post



    Apple has released buggy stuff before.  Everyone has, as I said.


    It seems to me, though I obviously don't know the inside story, that what happened is that they were releasing on iOS7 on a schedule.  They were having problems with Safari on iOS7 but weren't going to delay iOS7.  And it has taken them longer to fix the Safari problem than they realized it would (for whatever reason).


    It happens.  I mean, it's not a disaster.  I use Safari all the time, and have I had crashes?  Yes.  Have they happened constantly?  No.  Is it a simple thing to just re-open Safari?  Yes.


    I mean, I'm looking forward to them fixing it too.  But it's not like some apocalyptic disaster.  Unclench man.


    How about if you actually follow the thread. Here, I'll even assist you...


    Original discussion was pedro saying that Apple should get into "Search".


    Anan responded:


    "I'd rather that Apple focused on: (i) getting Safari right for iOS; (ii) getting its mail and iCloud right in both OSX and iOS."


    See how simple that is...


    ... but guys like you run off at the mouth thinking that it's okay for Apple to be sloppy, be like everyone else etc. etc.


    ... and all this is about is one guy saying that Apple should "focus" on getting a simple thing right before they should even begin to think about search.


    It's about focus.


    I only have to unclench but you'd have to try and get your head out of yours.

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  • Reply 99 of 281

    Originally Posted by AaronJ View Post

    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post



    OFFS. At least follow the discussion. This is about focus. 


    (or maybe it's okay with you that Apple acts "just like one of the other guys". Hell, Samsung does it, why not Apple! Microsoft sold buggy shit all the time and they made really big money... Apple should follow their lead. )


     We're talking about browser software. Is it really beyond Apple's capability to have a new version of a browser to be less buggy. Really?


    I sure as hell don't want them releasing a complex new product for quite a while if that's the new attitude.


    Apple has released buggy stuff before.  Everyone has, as I said.


    It seems to me, though I obviously don't know the inside story, that what happened is that they were releasing on iOS7 on a schedule.  They were having problems with Safari on iOS7 but weren't going to delay iOS7.  And it has taken them longer to fix the Safari problem than they realized it would (for whatever reason).


    It happens.  I mean, it's not a disaster.  I use Safari all the time, and have I had crashes?  Yes.  Have they happened constantly?  No.  Is it a simple thing to just re-open Safari?  Yes.


    I mean, I'm looking forward to them fixing it too.  But it's not like some apocalyptic disaster.  Unclench man.

    When a CEO boasts, as Cook did in the interview “….it’s really hard to do hardware, software and services and to link all those things together. That’s what makes Apple so special,” he’d better deliver on it.


    Btw, if anyone needs to unclench, go look in the mirror. You’ve been getting bent out of shape as though some family member of yours has been slighted in a major way….

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  • Reply 100 of 281

    Europe was a name that somebody came up with for Americans who didn't understand that Europe was a lot of countries that weren't like U.S.


    Meanwhile is Arizona... "Eeeuuu... Eeee rep... eeerp, Erp!!"

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