IDC critical of Apple for not selling profitless, sub $200 iPhones in market share report



  • Reply 61 of 78
    Everybody knows that you always can make up the different from having to sell each item at a loss by having huge volume.

    Nice joke :)

    But on a serious note... most companies don't have huge volume either.

    Samsung is in 1st place with 82 million smartphones sold last quarter... Apple is 2nd place with 51 million.

    But 3rd place drops way down to only 16.4 million units for Huawei... then 13.9 million for Lenovo and 13.2 million for LG.

    That's just the top 5.

    What about the rest of the industry? How many companies in the "other" category had a good, profitable quarter? Probably not many.

    And that "other" category represents 107 million smartphones... or 40% of the smartphone market. That's a lot of phones being sold at a loss.

    That can't be healthy.
  • Reply 62 of 78
    sensi wrote: »
    More of the same irrelevant and fallacious garbage from AI... IDC is speaking about MARKET SHARE, yet the author of this drivel can't keep himself to speak of something else, margins, while shooting the messenger like if they were plotting on bath-mouthing Apple, which is borderline stupid or could be the symptoms of cognitive troubles, but there it is something else, it is called a deflection and a diversion, which is the recipe for a propagandist and certainly not any journalist or honorable blogger...


    People should really read the IDC press release and compare it to this whiny and irrelevant drivel...

    Just curious: is "bath-mouthing" similar to washing your mouth out with soap; or the new politcally correct description of torture by waterboarding?

    Regardless, me thinks you should go "bath-mouth" yourself! :smokey:
  • Reply 63 of 78

    Originally Posted by Sensi View Post

    …like if they were plotting on bath-mouthing Apple...



    Damn that automobile correction :D 

  • Reply 64 of 78
    It sounds slightly clueless by the IDC.
    If Apple competed at the low end then competition authorities would show far more interest.

    Pricing it high scoops up the cash while staying low on radar. A profit win win to me.
  • Reply 65 of 78
    Yeah, and Mercedes really ought to manufacture a cheap, rattly econobox car to grab more market share.
    Were I Apple, I'd take a different approach. I'd go out of my way encourage a healthy used iPhone market for those who can't currently afford a new iPhone with its pricey contract. Then when they graduate (for instance), those college students who were using a second-hand $150 iPhone 4 will have so many iOS apps, they won't give a moment's thought to buying an Android phone. And a healthy used market would encourage those what want and can afford the latest and greatest to upgrade often.
  • Reply 66 of 78
    mknoppmknopp Posts: 257member

    Does anyone know what IDC stands for? I am guessing it is an abbreviation for Idiot Data Collectors.

  • Reply 67 of 78

    Financial analysts need to be gagged somehow. WTF is wrong with people?

  • Reply 68 of 78
    Unfortunately quite a few people listen to these dumbasses, which is why the stock goes down $50 on the 4th highest quarterly profit for any company in the history of man. Pisses me off that it will take a month to recover because AAPL didn't make their money the way "experts" thought they should or that they didn't sell as many iphones as "experts" said they would. I would think you would follow AAPLs guidance, they seem to know their business (and met their guidance)
  • Reply 69 of 78
    ipenipen Posts: 410member

    No profit smart phones are for people who can't afford the premium.  But that's not what Apple is after.  

    However, if the gap between the no profit phones and iphone becomes smaller and smaller, Apple may start to loose market share when the smart phone market is saturated.

  • Reply 70 of 78
    mactacmactac Posts: 318member

    Sounds like IDC is run by liberal democrats in Washington DC.


    Give stuff away and lose money.

  • Reply 71 of 78
    Originally Posted by MacTac View Post


    Sounds like IDC is run by liberal democrats in Washington DC.


    Give stuff away and lose money.


    Isn't there another forum more appropriate for political bullshit?


    <edit>hey look, no filters in this forum!</edit>

  • Reply 72 of 78
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    mactac wrote: »
    Sounds like IDC is run by liberal democrats in Washington DC.

    Give stuff away and lose money.

    Yet you forget no other president gave away more money than Bush.
  • Reply 73 of 78
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,926member
    Uh oh. Politics.
  • Reply 74 of 78
    Originally Posted by jungmark View Post

    Uh oh. Politics.


    I love how succinct that is. <img class=" src="" />

  • Reply 75 of 78
    asdasd wrote: »
    I have a question about this paragraph.

    IDC failed to note that software development for Android failed to keep pace with iOS, both among consumers and in the enterprise, where Apple's iOS now accounts for 73 percent of corporate mobile deployments.

    He says "both among consumers and the enterprise" but then gives the enterprise figures only. And the the wrong figures ( corporate mobile deployments not "software development").

    I agree that Apple shouldn't go sub $200 but - at the risk of inflaming one off his sock puppets - I never like the way this guy manipulates figures and beats you over the head with far too much rhetoric.

    He was rightfully pointing out hardware deployment in the enterprise to compliment the iOS statement. The fact that the iPhone outsells every other model of smartphone speaks for itself.
  • Reply 76 of 78
    sensi wrote: »
    More of the same irrelevant and fallacious garbage from AI... IDC is speaking about MARKET SHARE, yet the author of this drivel can't keep himself to speak of something else, margins, while shooting the messenger like if they were plotting on bath-mouthing Apple, which is borderline stupid or could be the symptoms of cognitive troubles, but there it is something else, it is called a deflection and a diversion, which is the recipe for a propagandist and certainly not any journalist or honorable blogger...


    People should really read the IDC press release and compare it to this whiny and irrelevant drivel...

    What arrogant nonsense! The whole point is you CAN NOT do an accurate analysis of the market just by looking at market share - it is just plain stupidity. That IDC's report is worthless without taking into consideration profitability and gross margins. They are facilitating and perpetuating a market share trap by producing such a half-ass report.
  • Reply 77 of 78
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    freerange wrote: »
    He was rightfully pointing out hardware deployment in the enterprise to compliment the iOS statement. The fact that the iPhone outsells every other model of smartphone speaks for itself. As to DED's writing style, I'm not sure anyone really cares what you think.

    He engaged in a non-sequitur and I called him on it. The fact that the iPhone outsells other models tells us nothing with regard to your argument or his.
  • Reply 78 of 78
    misamisa Posts: 827member
    v5v wrote: »
    If the people in my communications circle could get something like a somewhat less robust and full-featured 5c for $300, they might buy that instead of a Samsung Note. That would expand the group of people with whom I can enjoy ecosystem-specific features like FaceTime, Messages and Airdrop, which in turn would make me more likely to drop $900 for an iPhone.

    Unfortunately it's this line of thinking that doesn't even work for Android. If you buy a samsung phone, you're only buying into the Samsung device ecosystem, not Android. Anyone else running Android won't be able offer anything more compelling to switch you from it.

    Everyone I know, has an iPhone. Everyone I see outside... iPhone. Once in a while I'll see someone with an oversized phablet, but pretty much everyone, even those non-affluent people have an iPhone. This is probably true in Japan, Canada and the US where the majority of the iOS software is developed. Japanese software developers complain pretty loudly, prior to the iPhone that American and European phones weren't worth developing for.

    The rest of the world (eg Europe, India, Russia, Korea) will likely have Samsung devices because their carrier relationships don't subsidize the devices, so people are going to pick the cheapest phone, and not use most of the features on it. To them it's just a feature phone, that maybe lets them do banking and check email. Check out any Korean drama (you can find them to stream on the internet) you will see nothing but Samsung and LG, everywhere. Smartphones, tablets, televisions, fridges, stoves, microwaves, banking, etc. Yet the average person does not own a single high-end device, because Samsung and LG do not make any.

    So yeah, market share counts for more, when you have a captive market. Apple is making most of the money because developers want to develop for it. Android is an afterthought ,and difficult platform.
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