Google has fooled the media and markets, but hasn't bested Tim Cook's Apple



  • Reply 61 of 340
    [B] Apple fanboy blogs seem to love talking about
    Google and what google does, yet google,
    android fanboy blogs seem to not give a dam.
    Sites like android central, Google os, literally
    pretends apple doesn't exist and Apple blogs
    seem to have this weird hatred for Google, its
    weird. [/B]

    LOL, I've also just noticed this. It's so weird, this Google hate Apple blogs have
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  • Reply 62 of 340
    @pinolo, you have no idea of what you are talking about. Apple's hardware power is going up, not down.

    Not only that, Apple doesn't need the iPhone and the iPad to be as lucrative as Google, not to mention what it would take for them to burn through 170 billion.

    The Mac was never better, and the PC market saturated a long time ago. In fact, when the smartphone market saturates, everyone will lose market share, besides Apple, as the natural progression of costumers continues. (buy cheap Android - buy good Android - buy iphone)
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  • Reply 63 of 340
    Almost venomous... but quite amusing too.
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  • Reply 64 of 340
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    Originally Posted by pinolo View Post

    I completely agree. And apple doesn't seem capable of doing paid services.

    Maps took time to become acceptable (not good) and was shoved on anybody's phone anyway. Ping went nowhere.

    iTunes Radio works only in a handful of countries, and is free because of apple's cash.

    iCloud became free, iLife became free, iWork became free. OSX became free. Aperture became almost free (from 300 USD to 80)

    Once you go free you can't go back. So if sales decline you cannot make customers pay for your sw. But that's not my point.

    Apple has cut off all revenue stream from anything else than hardware sales. And development of these program takes cash. Now they have it, but in time?

    And the latest versions of all the mentioned software is a dumbed down version of the previous one (including final cut).

    Apple has constantly failed in social, iAd and iTunes Radio advertisements haven't taken off as expected. Maps still needs lots of work (but has become better) but doesn't generate any ad related revenue when it should be a primary source of ads and revenue.

    As much as I am an apple buyer and happy user, seeing the total dependency of apple on hardware sales makes me uneasy. If apple ever has a huge flop, a product that doesn't sell, then it is in a world of trouble.

    And, because of this dependency, apple has to enter new product categories because as soon as a market matures or shrinks, they lose all revenue. Apple had to enter phone and tablet and they did it quite well. But look at the iPod, there was a time when it was the main contributor to Apple's bottom line. And now is


    So, how does iTunes, that is the various iTunes store's revenue compare to Google's entire revenue?


    Over the last several years iTunes revenue when taken on it's own has exploded and is more than every Android handset maker, apart from Samsung, earns combined.

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  • Reply 65 of 340
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    hill60 wrote: »

    When Jobs launched the iPhone AND iPad they were universally scorned, rubbished, ridiculed, laughed at, etc by the majority of the tech press and Apple's competitors.

    Nothing, I repeat nothing has changed.

    Yes something has changed. Apple doesn't have the ultimate salesman anymore. Tim Cook and Phil Schiller can't sell things the way Steve could (on stage).
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  • Reply 66 of 340
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    Yes smelting has changed. Apple doesn't have the ultimate salesman anymore. Tim Cook and Phil Schiller can't sell things the way Steve could.


    Too bad only SEVENTEEN HUNDRED people showed up at the opening of the first Apple store in Brazil.

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  • Reply 67 of 340
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    solipsismx wrote: »
    I think we may have discussed this before but there have been no new product categories which is different from "no new products" being released. I am not a fan of the huge gaps within the year with no products or events but the changes that have been made under Cook have been great. WWDC should be in about 4 months demoing iOS 8 and a few month after that we should definitely have new Macs, iPods (since they skipped last year) and a new version of Mac OS X. I wouldn't be surprised if the new Apple TV hits this year along with a new product category, but if a new product category doesn't arrive I am fine with that. Measure twice, cut once.
    I'm not one who thinks Apple needs to be releasing brand new products on a set schedule, but when Tim Cook says in interviews, earnings calls and employee memos that new stuff (and in some cases he says "new categories") is coming this year, just refreshing the current product line won't cut it. In Tim Cook's holiday memo to employees he said:
    We have a lot to look forward to in 2014, including some big plans that we think customers are going to love.
    I think most people would assume "big plans" means more than just refreshing the current product line, or an iPhone with a bigger screen. At some point Cook has to back up his talk with products, IMO.
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  • Reply 68 of 340
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    hill60 wrote: »
    Too bad only SEVENTEEN HUNDRED people showed up at the opening of the first Apple store in Brazil.
    as far as consumers go apple products sell themselves. But no current Apple exec can match Steve as far as captivating an audience during a keynote.
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  • Reply 69 of 340
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    as far as consumers go apple products sell themselves. But no current Apple exec can match Steve as far as captivating an audience during a keynote.


    Only very few sales executives have made as much money selling products as Tim Cook has.


    In fact apart from big oil and gas, Apple under Tim Cook is the only consumer electronics company to reach such high profits, ever.

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  • Reply 70 of 340
    peterbob wrote: »
    Apple fanboy blogs seem to love talking about Google and what google does, yet google, android fanboy blogs seem to not give a dam. Sites like android central, Google os, literally pretends apple doesn't exist and Apple blogs seem to have this weird hatred for Google, its weird.

    Good point. But the point of this article is the astounding dishonesty of the tech media. And that is simply undeniable. Unfortunately, people parrot their lies into " truth" like the sheeple they are. Daniel is good at exposing the bullshit.
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  • Reply 71 of 340
    Originally Posted by Mash View Post

    Apple fanboy blogs seem to love talking about

    Google and what google does, yet google,

    android fanboy blogs seem to not give a dam.

    Sites like android central, Google os, literally

    pretends apple doesn't exist and Apple blogs

    seem to have this weird hatred for Google, its


    LOL, I've also just noticed this. It's so weird, this Google hate Apple blogs have


    Hahaha, you Android Defenders are so full of it. Google "apple", last 24 hours. Let's see... no hits, one hit? Oh, whoops, almost 40 Apple references, in one day. Entire threads like "Why are Samsung phones better than Apple phones," just to pick the first example.


    Nothing funnier than you Defenders posting on an Apple fansite to explain how Android fanbois don't freakishly obsess over Apple. I mean, just look at what you're doing.


    Lordy, you are hysterical. Thanks for the laughs. And please, don't ever change.

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  • Reply 72 of 340
    aktionman wrote: »
    this may be a good article, but i can't get past the 3rd paragraph. can somebody please proof read?
    <<That lost was accompanied by an layoff restructuring of 1,300 employees>>

    If you try hard enough, you can get past it. We believe in you.
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  • Reply 73 of 340
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    hill60 wrote: »
    Only very few sales executives have made as much money selling products as Tim Cook has.

    In fact apart from big oil and gas, Apple under Tim Cook is the only consumer electronics company to reach such high profits, ever.
    i would argue thought that the products sold themselves. It will be interesting when we do get something brand new, like a wearable device, how the product is pitched, and who pitches it. The iPad keynote last year was a bit disappointing because it was mostly Schiller reading off a list of specs from keynote slides. And no demonstration of what the 64-bit A7 brought to the iPad. It would have been nice to see some optimized software in action. I'm hoping that Apple does a re-think of their keynotes this year, maybe become less predictable. Who knows, perhaps Angela Ahrendts already has ideas on how Apple can re-imagine their marking/PR. You never want things to get stale.
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  • Reply 74 of 340
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    hill60 wrote: »
    Only very few sales executives have made as much money selling products as Tim Cook has.

    In fact apart from big oil and gas, Apple under Tim Cook is the only consumer electronics company to reach such high profits, ever.

    Apple kept growing because of the previous innovations and smartphone market increases ( although market share declined.).

    I can't believe that anybody thinks that Cook is more important to the Company than Jobs
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  • Reply 75 of 340

    Originally Posted by AppleSauce007 View Post

    Amen. You forgot to mention the Google wallet disaster.

    A stolen technology from PayPal which amounted to nothing.

    We'll see how the Apple payments effort materializes.

    We already know that iBeacon is already making major progress.

    Time will tell.

    Google Wallet didn't succeed because all the partners who were invested in Isis, including three of the four major US mobile carriers, did everything within their power to restrict Wallet's key feature, which is mobile payment via NFC.  As a matter of fact, Verizon went as far as to restrict installation of the app entirely on their smartphones, even those that didn't even have NFC.  It was a power play to prevent the death of Isis before it was even launched, because Google had their product ready first.

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  • Reply 76 of 340
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member

    Originally Posted by Constable Odo View Post


    ... preceding nonsense


    I know Apple isn't going out of business for a long time but it appears the share price has been capped below $600 and there's nothing much more to look forward to.


    Then sell your AAPL stake and spare us the continuous whining and moaning. You’ve become a ridiculous crybaby. If, as you whine, there’s no more potential for growth and the dividend isn’t enough then it’s time to sell. Basic rule of investing. What’s your problem anyway?

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  • Reply 77 of 340
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member

    Originally Posted by asdasd View Post

    Apple kept growing because of the previous innovations and smartphone market increases ( although market share declined.).

    I can't believe that anybody thinks that Cook is more important to the Company than Jobs


    I didn't say that, I said Cook has successfully continued the oversight of Apple beyond anyone's wildest dreams.


    Leaving behind the handpicked team he did, was Jobs' greatest legacy.


    Of course the "Apple is doomed" crowd continue to deny this.

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  • Reply 78 of 340
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member

    Writer of great articles.

    And also great signatures.
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  • Reply 79 of 340
    You're kidding me right? First of all, there's no way you're going to compare a 40 year old company and a less than 20 year old company the way you did with the timeline you created of 1998-now. You have theoretically totally disregarded the PE ratio of Apple from its IPO in the late 1970's ALL the way UP to 1998. Within that whole timeframe you just disregarded, ONLY THAT TIMEFRAME would be COMPARABLE to scrutinizing Google's price movements from 1998-now. Furthermore, it's embarrassing how you don't inform the readers that Larry Page publicly declared his strategy of how Google was going to use its capital allocation in a form where "they take a quiver of arrows, shoot it at a wall, and see what sticks". If you had in fact informed the public of how Google appears to be failing left and right, it would ACTUALLY make sense how justified the doubling in the price shares, purely by divesting what has failed them, and ingesting new firms to take possible leverage positions off the table from Microsoft and Apple. Moreover, part of the reason why Google actually appreciated so much within the past two years actually goes back to my first argument for why you were incorrect in using your timelines as a comparison. To date, Apple has split its shares so much that there are more than THREE times the amount of Apple stock share existing in this world. Google has approximately 330 million shares, while Apple is 20 million short of 1 billion shares, so OBVIOUSLY THE DILUTION OF APPLE'S QUANTITY OF SHARES OVER 3 DECADES OF TRADING WILL STAGNATE COMPARED TO GOOGLE'S. I'm writing this in caps purely because it's astonishing how you can't figure this part out. YOURE TELLING ME THAT YOU THINK IT DOESNT MAKE SENSE HOW ITS HARDER TO MOVE ~ 1 BILLION shares upwards comparably to just 330 MILLION shares. I actually can't believe you're the most diehard defender of Apple, it can't possibly be. You clearly show that you actually have no idea how math comes into the equation. Regardless of the specifics of the ecosystem.
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  • Reply 80 of 340
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    asdasd wrote: »
    Apple kept growing because of the previous innovations and smartphone market increases ( although market share declined.).

    I can't believe that anybody thinks that Cook is more important to the Company than Jobs
    The reason Apple is able to sell 51 million iPhones in a quarter is because of Cook. Cook is just as important as Jobs was, hence why Jobs made him CEO.
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