Apple CFO Peter Oppenheimer to retire at end of September



  • Reply 41 of 56
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member
    Don't you people recognize a "Poe" when you see such an obvious one? Ignore it.
  • Reply 42 of 56
    future manfuture man Posts: 108member

    Good luck Mr. Oppenheimer, you have done well for the company and yourself, now on to new and hopefully better things for you. You successful stint at Apple will be difficult to repeat and it is unfair for any of your successors to be had to a similar standard, a large part in which, welcome circumstances and luck played a major role. Live well, enjoy your family and success and do well to others.
  • Reply 43 of 56
    redefilerredefiler Posts: 323member
    Originally Posted by pedromartins View Post




    I read some of your posts saying that he was great when Apple was smaller, but not anymore. Lots of posters agree with you, but I don't get it. As far as $ goes, Apple has 0 problems.

    Most of his was just re-spouted from Forbes, then 1 poster, sort agreed with him that Oppenheimer needed to go (speculative fallacy). Anuntks had the idiotic beauco-clown notion that Apple needs to do expectation management.  Which to those of you not familiar with beaurospeak, means spending more time/money on 'public relations' to the financial mass media.  Which is really just more beauroclown double speak for wanting Apple to provide traditional product roadmaps to financial suits in the media.   For Apple its an incredibly stupid notion.  This is of course why Steve Jobs had little patience for that world, almost 100% bozos.


    You know what they say, those who can't do... teach.

  • Reply 44 of 56
    gigatel wrote: »
    Surely I can't be the only one annoyed with this kind of writing:

    Yes; strictly speaking, it should be:

    'after spending eighteen years with the Mac maker,'
  • Reply 45 of 56

    I don't know; why?

    Edit: sorry, I see you were being rhetorical.
  • Reply 46 of 56
    hydrogen wrote: »
    Apple's CFO seem like artists : they never get old, since the public only knows them through the same old photographs ...

    When I read the article and saw the second photograph, I thought "Goodness, he's changed!"

    Then I realised it was the new guy.
  • Reply 47 of 56
    lkrupp wrote: »
    I love Apple but...

    Rat abandoning a sinking ship¡¡

    Apple is doomed I tell ya!!!¡¡¡

    Fixed that for you.
  • Reply 48 of 56
    sog35 wrote: »
    sometimes new blood is good.

    Oppenheimer has made his fortune no matter what the stock will do in the next 5 years.  But the next CFO will be highly motivated to move the stock up since his stock option plan is just beginning.

    Hopefully he will increase the buyback and dividend and improve on the financial reporting for earnings calls.  My wish list would be:

    1. increase buyback to $100B total
    2. increase dividend by 15%
    3. stop giving guidance (just another piece of information the Wall Street manipulators can manipulate)
    4. stop giving unit sales every quarter.  Really the only focus should be EPS and EPS growth.
    5. give unit sales periodically when it BENEFITS the company (same trick Samsung, Microsoft, and Google do)

    I can see why you would want them to stop giving unit sales regularly, but that would be sinking to the other companies' level. Apple's better than that.
  • Reply 49 of 56
    future man wrote: »

    Good luck Mr. Oppenheimer, you have done well for the company and yourself, now on to new and hopefully better things for you. You successful stint at Apple will be difficult to repeat and it is unfair for any of your successors to be had to a similar standard, a large part in which, welcome circumstances and luck played a major role. Live well, enjoy your family and success and do well to others.

    Beautifully put, and you speak for me.
  • Reply 50 of 56
    hmmhmm Posts: 3,405member

    Originally Posted by ClemyNX View Post


    Good news. Goldman Sachs can't have a snitch at Apple.


    Lol I don't know that new guy, but doesn't he look a bit like a vampire?

    You know corporate executives sit on other boards. Using that to provide insider information would be a felony. The guy would be an idiot to take such a risk with what he's already worth, although I suspect you're not really serious on that first line.




    Originally Posted by jungmark View Post

    This has to be sarcasm. No post can be this stupid.



    It could just be a troll post. I wish people would occasionally use an /s, because it's not always easy to tell some are serious. The post itself is absurd, yet there isn't a distinct giveaway in the choice of words.

  • Reply 51 of 56

    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    It's a Windows and Android user (the combination is the worst kind). They appear to be parodying what they think the response of an Apple user would be, presumably to show up people who agree with his comments. I don't think it's having the intended effect though because instead of reinforcing their stereotype that Apple users make comments like this, it reinforces the stereotype that Windows and Android users prefer to make a nuisance of themselves. The comments aren't particularly harmful but it looks like the account has solely been setup for this purpose with a disposable email address.


    I think it was when you pointed this out on another thread that I started seeing through his posts.


    There was always something off about his 'Apple is awesome' shtick. I hate to say it but Apple ][ seemed to be more toned down compared to him!

  • Reply 52 of 56
    clemynxclemynx Posts: 1,552member
    hmm wrote: »

    It could just be a troll post. I wish people would occasionally use an /s, because it's not always easy to tell some are serious. The post itself is absurd, yet there isn't a distinct giveaway in the choice of words.

    It can still be a problem. It's not because it's forbidden that they won't do it.
    That's why people wanted Schmidt out of Apple
  • Reply 53 of 56
    hmmhmm Posts: 3,405member

    Originally Posted by ClemyNX View Post

    It can still be a problem. It's not because it's forbidden that they won't do it.

    That's why people wanted Schmidt out of Apple


    The post which I'm now sure is a troll post from his other posts, called anyone who didn't like working at Apple a bum. I don't see how this relates to it. The issue with Schmidt was that Google was moving toward the release of a mobile phone OS, placing them in competition with Apple. The other upper management people at Apple sit on various boards, but they represent completely different industries that have no direct competition with Apple.

  • Reply 54 of 56
    clemynxclemynx Posts: 1,552member
    hmm wrote: »
    The post which I'm now sure is a troll post from his other posts, called anyone who didn't like working at Apple a bum. I don't see how this relates to it. The issue with Schmidt was that Google was moving toward the release of a mobile phone OS, placing them in competition with Apple. The other upper management people at Apple sit on various boards, but they represent completely different industries that have no direct competition with Apple.

    Uh I actually quoted the wrong part of your previous post before.
  • Reply 55 of 56
    hmmhmm Posts: 3,405member


    Originally Posted by ClemyNX View Post

    Uh I actually quoted the wrong part of your previous post before.


    Oh I was tired yesterday so I misread what I initially replied to when looking back through the thread. Anyway they aren't privileged to obtain insider information about Apple. I would point out once again that in your other example the two companies were moving into competitive status. If it was really a financial decision of Goldman Sachs or Apple, Apple would pay one of its executives far more than they make sitting on a board.

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