Google Play Games cross-platform multiplayer comes to iOS, stepping up competition with Apple's Game

in iPhone edited May 2014
Multiplayer support in Google Play Games has gone multi-platform, with a new software development kit that allows gamers to compete with one another while playing titles on Apple's iOS, as well as Android and the Web.

Google announced iOS support for its Play Games SDK as part of the 2014 Game Developers Conference on Monday. The new services now expand multiplayer support to Apple's iOS, allowing for both turn-based and real-time multiplayer titles to be compatible on both iOS and Android.

In addition to competitive and cooperative multiplayer, Play Games also offers cloud saves, synced achievements, and leaderboards so players can see how their performance stacks up when compared to their friends and others around the world.

Also announced Monday as part of the Play Games SDK are game gifts, a new service that will allow gamers to send virtual in-game objects to other users. Developers also have access to enhanced statistics, while ad-supported titles will see the benefits of Google Analytics and in-app purchase ads.The social gaming network space is increasingly crowded, with options from Google, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft and others now available on a variety of platforms.

Google Play Game services debuted on iOS, Android and the Web last year, as part of an initial response to Apple's Game Center for iOS and OS X. Google's family of services allowed features such as cross-device syncing of game save states, but Monday's new additions are the first time the search company has looked to expand to cross-platform multiplayer.

Google's announcement also comes as Microsoft is said to be working to bring its own Xbox Live service to Apple's iOS, as well as Google's Android. In addition to Apple's Game Center, the space on iOS is also occupied by Origin from Electronic Arts, as well as Scoreoid.

Amazon also has its own gaming social network, dubbed GameCircle, which it launched on Kindle Fire devices in 2012. Apple has offered Game Center on its mobile devices since iOS 4 launched in 2010, while cross-platform support with OS X debuted in Mountain Lion in 2012.


  • Reply 1 of 55
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Why on Earth would anyone want this? Ever?

  • Reply 2 of 55
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,385member
    Why on Earth would anyone want this? Ever?

    I think it's something that developers would be interested in as much if not more than individual gamers.
  • Reply 3 of 55
    irelandireland Posts: 17,798member
    Why on Earth would anyone want this? Ever?

    Because back on Earth half the world uses Android. It's nice to be able compete with everyone and not just iPhones. Apple would do well to provide an Android framework for Game Center. If Google didn't have roughly half the market your comment might make some sense. It's high-time Apple made a simplified WhatsApp-esque iMessage registration process for iPhones and released an Android version of iMessage so Apple devices can massage the other half of the smartphone planet without the need to download a cluster of other shitty apps. Why am I sending you weird symbols in my texts? Oh, I forgot my emoji don't work when I text you. Let's make this experience seamless, Apple, please. And let's crush WhatsApp as it's just getting going. Apple could ripoff WhatsApp's business model and charge $1 per year on Android and charge nothing on iOS. Or seeing as they have the dough and then some make iMessage free everywhere with no ads and better WhatsApp business model.
  • Reply 4 of 55
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Apple would do well to provide an Android framework for Game Center and to release an Android iMessage client.


    You do actually believe this… :???::rolleyes: 

  • Reply 5 of 55
    512ke512ke Posts: 782member

    I think Game Center will probably go away in favor of other Apple offerings and solutions in iOS8.  Personal conjecture, I know.


    Apple could definitely have an Android section for connecting gamers.


    Apple should separate the kinds of games that will run successfully on Android, since most Android users have much less processor speed, graphics power and memory available (just given the reality of how the Android platform is most successfully being used, at the low end).

  • Reply 6 of 55
    canukstormcanukstorm Posts: 2,728member

    Next up:


    MS releases Xbox Live SDK for iOS & Android for cross-platform Xbox Live multi-player support.

  • Reply 7 of 55
    irelandireland Posts: 17,798member
    You do actually believe this… :???: :rolleyes:  

    I do actually believe that.
  • Reply 8 of 55
    irelandireland Posts: 17,798member
    512ke wrote: »
    I think Game Center will probably go away in favor of other Apple offerings and solutions in iOS8.  Personal conjecture, I know.

    Apple could definitely have an Android section for connecting gamers.

    Apple should separate the kinds of games that will run successfully on Android, since most Android users have much less processor speed, graphics power and memory available (just given the reality of how the Android platform is most successfully being used, at the low end).

    Great idea.
  • Reply 9 of 55
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    Some services are better with a horizontal provider, I think this is probably one of them, especially since Apple don't seem to have much interest in building out Game Center.

    I'd choose Steam over Google Play though, if Valve were to offer something similar.
  • Reply 10 of 55
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member

    But most good games which utilize the game center require you to spend money, and we know Android users do not spend money. So iOS user will not have any one on the android side to play with. This is Google attempt to pull developer to their side.

  • Reply 11 of 55
    ws11ws11 Posts: 159member
    Originally Posted by Crowley View Post

    Some services are better with a horizontal provider, I think this is probably one of them, especially since Apple don't seem to have much interest in building out Game Center.

    I'd choose Steam over Google Play though, if Valve were to offer something similar.

    Steam would be nice, but unfortunately they don't appear ready to make the transition to phones / tablets yet (excluding x86 Windows tablets that run the complete version of Steam).

  • Reply 12 of 55
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    I do actually believe that.


    Despite all the times you’ve been shown how it would do absolutely nothing for Apple whatsoever?

  • Reply 13 of 55
    bighypebighype Posts: 148member
    If you're a developer and you use this Evil Google crap, expect a 1 star review from me. F Google.
  • Reply 14 of 55
    droidftwdroidftw Posts: 1,009member
    Originally Posted by 512ke View Post


    I think Game Center will probably go away in favor of other Apple offerings and solutions in iOS8.  Personal conjecture, I know.


    Apple could definitely have an Android section for connecting gamers.


    Apple should separate the kinds of games that will run successfully on Android, since most Android users have much less processor speed, graphics power and memory available (just given the reality of how the Android platform is most successfully being used, at the low end).


    Interesting to hear someone reference hardware specs to try to show that Apple products are better then Android products.  Normally referencing specs doesn't go over well at AI (for obvious reasons).

  • Reply 15 of 55
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Because back on Earth half the world uses Android.


    And 80% of the world population does not have access to running water.


    And ants far outnumber Android users. At any given time, there are approximately 10,000,000,000,000,000 ants on planet earth.


    My point is that Android users are irrelevant, and if I'm playing an online game, I would prefer to only play with Apple users.


    My reasonable guess is that Android users are more likely to be using a cracked or hacked game, more of them are likely to cheat, and they are also more likely to be using a poor internet connection, with terrible ping times, lowering the quality of the online game for everybody who plays it.


    I am definitely pro-segregation, and Android users should not be able to mix with Apple users, when playing online games.

  • Reply 16 of 55
    irelandireland Posts: 17,798member

    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Despite all the times you’ve been shown how it would do absolutely nothing for Apple whatsoever?


    You got me there. Get some rest.

  • Reply 17 of 55
    singularitysingularity Posts: 1,328member

    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post



    And 80% of the world population does not have access to running water.


    And ants far outnumber Android users. At any given time, there are approximately 10,000,000,000,000,000 ants on planet earth.


    My point is that Android users are irrelevant, and if I'm playing an online game, I would prefer to only play with Apple users.


    My reasonable guess is that Android users are more likely to be using a cracked or hacked game, more of them are likely to cheat, and they are also more likely to be using a poor internet connection, with terrible ping times, lowering the quality of the online game for everybody who plays it.


    I am definitely pro-segregation, and Android users should not be able to mix with Apple users, when playing online games.

    my reasonable guess is either your trying to be witty or someone that should be segregated from most normal Apple and Android users.

  • Reply 18 of 55
    ws11ws11 Posts: 159member
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post



    And 80% of the world population does not have access to running water.


    And ants far outnumber Android users. At any given time, there are approximately 10,000,000,000,000,000 ants on planet earth.


    My point is that Android users are irrelevant, and if I'm playing an online game, I would prefer to only play with Apple users.


    My reasonable guess is that Android users are more likely to be using a cracked or hacked game, more of them are likely to cheat, and they are also more likely to be using a poor internet connection, with terrible ping times, lowering the quality of the online game for everybody who plays it.


    I am definitely pro-segregation, and Android users should not be able to mix with Apple users, when playing online games.

    Yeah, you might also get viruses because 99.95% of Android devices have them (source: Apple Insider).

  • Reply 19 of 55

    Originally Posted by Maestro64 View Post


    But most good games which utilize the game center require you to spend money, and we know Android users do not spend money. So iOS user will not have any one on the android side to play with. This is Google attempt to pull developer to their side.

    That is a lie and you know it.  Android users do spend money and I am one of them.  In fact Android users are spending more and more money seeing that Android has almost caught up to Apple in terms of developer revenue.  So it is time to leave the old ideas of 2010 behind.

  • Reply 20 of 55

    Originally Posted by bighype View Post

    If you're a developer and you use this Evil Google crap, expect a 1 star review from me. F Google.

    You are a seriously daft.

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