Dazzle DV Bridge and iMovie



  • Reply 21 of 23
    Yes, I too have dazzle...works like a champ...there is only downside to this, it's that I have been "asked" by my honey to convert all of her family home videos (from when they were all kids) to DVD for her and her parents. I am gonna need SERIOUS counseling after this project is done. 440GB worth!!! And I now see just why 3 of her siblings will not talk to thier mother...what an individual. I am glad that my parents are who they are, I would have been commited if my mom was anything like hers! Careful, product great, easy to use...and has a kharmic effect to have others to ask you to convert home movies...BEWARE!
  • Reply 22 of 23
    my buddy accross campus has my dazzle right now... and dangit i need it back!

    i think my dazzle is the best peripheral i have... Absolutely...

    now i want Matrox RTMac!!!!!
  • Reply 23 of 23
    Has anyone had any problems getting the Dazzle to work in OS9? I have a friend that has one and it works great with iMovie2 in OSX but in OS9.2.2/iMovie2 all he gets is a blue screen with "Camera Connected" showing. Sometimes the counter on the blue screen will advance with the camera and sometimes it won't. I have tried starting with just the basic 9.2.2 and all 9.2.2 sets in extension manager but that didn't resolve the issue.

    Any ideas?
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