Canon goes nuts!



  • Reply 21 of 21
    [quote]Originally posted by Ebby:


    The truth is:

    All things equal, the optics of the camera are identical whether they record on film or digital sensors of equal size.

    That is why full-frame (35mm) sensors are desirable. The problem is that current 22 megapixel sensors are larger than 35mm.


    Eben (whatever that means in German)


    A 50mm lens will look like normal human vision on 35mm film/sensors, but if you increase the film size to 72mm or even 6x6, you will get a fish-eye effect. The proportion between lens size (50mm) and film size (35mm) gives an zooming or sphereizing effect to your photo


    Standard Lens = Film Diagonal

    Standard Lens = Diagonal(35mm film)

    Standard Lens = sqrt(24&sup2;mm x 36&sup2;mm)

    Standard Lens = 43.2666mm

    Standard Lens ~ 50mm (close enough for government work)

    Sorry. Engineers need numbers.
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