Samsung's Galaxy S4 displaced other Androids in U.S. but iPhone 5 adoption still faster

in iPhone edited March 2014
A new report on North American adoption of smartphones found iPhone 5 gained users the fastest, building upon Apple's lead in U.S. and Canadian market share, but that Samsung phones displaced other Android devices, giving the Korean giant a plurality of Android's user base.

Chitika NA web adoption

The report, by Chitika Insights, profiled the web analytics of Apple's late 2012 iPhone 5 and Samsung's early 2013 Galaxy S4, charting (above) the adoption of each model over the first two months of each model's release.

"Just one week following the iPhone 5 hitting the shelves at U.S. and Canadian retailers," the report noted, "the device's users were already generating close to 4% of all iPhone traffic across the continent."

The report also observed (below) that, "despite Samsung not besting Apple in terms of adoption of its flagship smartphone, the Korean company has succeeded in dominating the North American Android marketplace."

Chitika NA web adoption

Overall, Chitika's comparative web traffic statistics indicate that Apple's share of all North American traffic grew by two percentage points between February 2013 and January 2014, increasing from 65 percent to 67 percent, while Samsung's declined by two points, falling from a 35 percent share to 33 percent.

Chitika NA web adoption

"Continental usage of Apple products generally outperform its market share," Chitika stated, "likely indicating that users are highly engaged with the company's devices as compared to those of its competitors. Samsung has invested heavily in the North American mobile marketplace, and its devices easily drive the most Android Web traffic."

Samsung's dominance among Android smartphones is a particular concern for Google, as the Korean conglomerate has been working to deliver its own Tizen, a Linux-based mobile operating system that the company wants to use as a drop in replacement for Google's Android.

The company has already migrated its watch product to use the new software instead of Android.


  • Reply 1 of 28
    jfc1138jfc1138 Posts: 3,090member
    So with Tizen is the intention to create another closed ecosystem?
  • Reply 2 of 28
    boeyc15boeyc15 Posts: 986member
    Just got an S4 from work. Use the Good system for corporate email etc. Still have the i5s as my personal phone.
    After 1 week.... S4 is definitely not up to Apple build standard or android not as easy to use as iOS. But.... It ain't that bad. Really like the larger screen size.
    If they did not have all the crapware it would be much better experience. Have to go in and turn it all off. Tons of junk apps. It appears Samsung is dumping the market with these phones. My upgrade at work was free, Verizon just announced get four for free etc. IMO if Apple comes out with a larger phone for the same price as today... Will be a bigger seller than it is now due to the larger size(I know thems fight'n words... Please no hate it's just an opinion :) )
  • Reply 3 of 28
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,121member

    I'm telling ya... Fandroids are going to get a brutal kick in the balls when Samsung - dominating Android - turns right around and throws that crap right out the door and brings in TizenOS.  It's what's going to happen, and Fandroids are just wandering around in denial.  Deers in the headlights.

    Samsung is going to show the Fandroids just how tools they really were.  

  • Reply 4 of 28
    e1618978e1618978 Posts: 6,075member

    Originally Posted by jfc1138 View Post

    So with Tizen is the intention to create another closed ecosystem?

    no, Tizen is an open source project

  • Reply 5 of 28

    Originally Posted by sflocal View Post


    I'm telling ya... Fandroids are going to get a brutal kick in the balls when Samsung - dominating Android - turns right around and throws that crap right out the door and brings in TizenOS.  It's what's going to happen, and Fandroids are just wandering around in denial.  Deers in the headlights.

    Samsung is going to show the Fandroids just how tools they really were.  


    sflocal, has it ever occurred to you that some of the so-called "Fandroids" are fans of SAMSUNG (and Korean companies, in general) and don't really care about Android all that much? I, for example, would gladly buy a SAMSUNG mobile with Tizen instead of Android (not that I dislike Android).


    Not that a major switch by SAMSUNG from Android to Tizen is going to happen... this is just some usual Dilger (aka Corrections) drivel -- on the same nonsense-level as Google switching from Android to ChromeOS...


    PS. If AppleInsider wants to maintain an illusion of journalistic integrity and objectivity they should get rid of Dilger (aka Corrections) as soon as possible -- Dilger's diatribes might be good as click-bait... but nothing more.

  • Reply 6 of 28
    e1618978 wrote: »

    no, Tizen is an open source project

    So was Android, in the beginning. And all the geeks loved it because it proclaimed its "openness".
  • Reply 7 of 28

    Originally Posted by sflocal View Post


    I'm telling ya... Fandroids are going to get a brutal kick in the balls when Samsung - dominating Android - turns right around and throws that crap right out the door and brings in TizenOS.  It's what's going to happen, and Fandroids are just wandering around in denial.  Deers in the headlights.

    Samsung is going to show the Fandroids just how tools they really were.  


    sflocal, has it ever occurred to you that some of the so-called "Fandroids" are fans of SAMSUNG (and Korean companies, in general) and don't really care about Android all that much? I, for example, would gladly buy a SAMSUNG mobile with Tizen instead of Android (not that I dislike Android).


    Not that a major switch by SAMSUNG from Android to Tizen is going to happen... this is just some usual Dilger (aka Corrections) drivel -- on the same nonsense-level as Google switching from Android to ChromeOS...


    PS. If AppleInsider wants to maintain an illusion of journalistic integrity and objectivity they should get rid of Dilger (aka Corrections) as soon as possible -- Dilger's diatribes might be good as click-bait... but nothing more.

  • Reply 8 of 28
    trolldown2 wrote: »
    sflocal, has it ever occurred to you that some of the so-called "Fandroids" are fans of SAMSUNG (and Korean companies, in general) and don't really care about Android all that much? I, for example, would gladly buy a SAMSUNG mobile with Tizen instead of Android (not that I dislike Android).

    Not that a major switch by SAMSUNG from Android to Tizen is going to happen... this is just some usual Dilger (aka Corrections) drivel -- on the same nonsense-level as Google switching from Android to ChromeOS...

    PS. If AppleInsider wants to maintain an illusion of journalistic integrity and objectivity they should get rid of Dilger (aka Corrections) as soon as possible -- Dilger's diatribes might be good as click-bait... but nothing more.

    I see you as being the exception not the majority... Excluding people from Korea probably.
  • Reply 9 of 28
    trolldown2 wrote: »
    If AppleInsider wants to maintain an illusion of journalistic integrity and objectivity they should get rid of Dilger (aka Corrections) as soon as possible -- Dilger's diatribes might be good as click-bait... but nothing more.

    Journalistic integrity? This site? Please. It's infected with Google ads to monetize regurgitated content from other sites, nothing more. It doesn't even present a complete palette of Apple news. Just cherry-picked, barely spell-checked clickbait for maximum return.
  • Reply 10 of 28
    sockrolidsockrolid Posts: 2,789member

    Originally Posted by jfc1138 View Post

    So with Tizen is the intention to create another closed ecosystem?


    I think the intention is to allow Samsung to control its own destiny (in mobile).

    First step is Gear 2, which runs Tizen.  Next step: Tizen-based Galaxy S6?.


    (I've played with a Tizen smartphone and the UI is terribly ugly and clunky.  Long way to go.)

  • Reply 11 of 28
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Samsung's dominance among Android smartphones is a particular concern for Google, as the Korean conglomerate has been working to deliver its own Tizen, a Linux-based mobile operating system that the company wants to use as a drop in replacement for Google's Android.


    There is absolutely no fact to this rumor. None. It is pure internet conjecture up there with the Apple TV set. Reporting it is fact is not even journalism now matter how many times you repeat it, is still just a lie, making this whole thing an editorial. 


    Samsung went with Tizen for the Gear 2 largely because they had to; their own extension of Android was deplorable the first go around (as was that POS of a product) , and they insisted launching another one before Google could roll out their proper Android Wear SDK of which Samsung is actually a launch partner

  • Reply 12 of 28
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by boeyc15 View Post

    Just got an S4 from work. Use the Good system for corporate email etc. Still have the i5s as my personal phone.

    After 1 week.... S4 is definitely not up to Apple build standard or android not as easy to use as iOS. But.... It ain't that bad. Really like the larger screen size.

    If they did not have all the crapware it would be much better experience. Have to go in and turn it all off. Tons of junk apps. It appears Samsung is dumping the market with these phones. My upgrade at work was free, Verizon just announced get four for free etc. IMO if Apple comes out with a larger phone for the same price as today... Will be a bigger seller than it is now due to the larger size(I know thems fight'n words... Please no hate it's just an opinion image )


    Not fighting words at all. Some people would love a larger iPhone. I'd say it's safe to say the 4" version will continue to be the big seller for a while yet, even with a 4.7" iPhone 6. Which I would argue will almost certainly be released this year.

  • Reply 13 of 28
    thepixeldocthepixeldoc Posts: 2,257member
    I do believe you may want to retrain your spell checker, because I think it's "Chitika" not Chikita... although it's all Bananas to Apples anyway... so the error reads right... :smokey:

    Look at me... the Grammar Nazi. Oh I must be careful considering where I'm writing from... that word is "verboten"! :no:
  • Reply 14 of 28
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    Journalistic integrity? This site? Please. It's infected with Google ads to monetize regurgitated content from other sites, nothing more. It doesn't even present a complete palette of Apple news. Just cherry-picked, barely spell-checked clickbait for maximum return.

    Except notably for DED's original pieces, which for all their flaws give the Apple vs. the barbarians the best epic treatment out there.

    And the good discussions. Compare to the viper's nest of narcisso-cynicism at MacRumors, for example.
  • Reply 15 of 28
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post



    Not fighting words at all. Some people would love a larger iPhone. I'd say it's safe to say the 4" version will continue to be the big seller for a while yet, even with a 4.7" iPhone 6. Which I would argue will almost certainly be released this year.


    Yeah and Duke was a safe bet as well today. When people have a chance to use and hold a larger iPhone it will easily outsell the 4" version is my prediction. I am betting that is far bigger demand for a larger iPhone than anyone on AI can imagine and unless it is priced far higher will far outsell the 4" 

  • Reply 16 of 28

    Originally Posted by soulsearcher View Post



    Yeah and Duke was a safe bet as well today. When people have a chance to use and hold a larger iPhone it will easily outsell the 4" version is my prediction. I am betting that is far bigger demand for a larger iPhone than anyone on AI can imagine and unless it is proved far higher will far outsell the 4" 

    I can imagine it on 3 points

    1) it will be the lightest 'feeling' big phone out there

    2) Apple's Target Market is 5 years older, (and their eyes are aging maybe even faster, due to staring at 3.5" screens for 3 years)

    3) new phones always outsell last years model (The rule of thumb was that by the time a model 'retires' it will have sold as many as all prior iPhones combined.... I don't know that will be true in a couple years when saturation starts to occur).


    After the 'rush', I do think that there will be a 'tiering' of phones where the 'c' and 's' series will be at 4" and a 'p' (Presbyopia;-)at 5-ish" and the sales distribution will be 30%-40%-30%   the s and the p will be same specs just different sizes, and the 'c' will be 'last years' specs.


    thus I think the fall 2014 product line will be

    5c 8gb 4" (0.99)

    6c  4"  (99)

    5s 4"   (149)  (touchID)

    6p  (6s will follow next year) 5.001"  ($199) (touchID)

    ipad Mini 8"  (349)  

    ipad 4 (399)

    iPad air  10"  (449)  (new model touchID)

    iPad Pro 12"  (549) (TouchID)


    Strong lineup and every price point and 'eye-test' covered;-)



  • Reply 17 of 28
    Dan_DilgerDan_Dilger Posts: 1,584member

    Originally Posted by thataveragejoe View Post



    There is absolutely no fact to this rumor. None. It is pure internet conjecture up there with the Apple TV set. Reporting it is fact is not even journalism now matter how many times you repeat it, is still just a lie, making this whole thing an editorial. 


    Samsung went with Tizen for the Gear 2 largely because they had to; their own extension of Android was deplorable the first go around (as was that POS of a product) , and they insisted launching another one before Google could roll out their proper Android Wear SDK of which Samsung is actually a launch partner


    Samsung is also a launch partner for Windows Phone. That doesn’t mean anything. 


    Your initial complaint, alleging that a link to Samsung CEO’s outlining his company’s plans for Tizen amounts to "pure conjecture" and "a lie," is so demonstrably disconnected from reality that you should probably see a doctor about your cognitive dissonance issue.


    Tim Cook isn’t going to journalists and telling them that Apple has plans for an "Apple TV set" that is "more than just an Apple TV set."


    "Samsung co-CEO J.K. Shin was very bullish on the prospects for Tizen in an interview with CNet this week, calling the operating system more than a 'simple alternative for Android.'" 


    Note the difference? 

  • Reply 18 of 28
    Samsung is also a launch partner for Windows Phone. That doesn’t mean anything. 

    Your initial complaint, alleging that a link to Samsung CEO’s outlining his company’s plans for Tizen amounts to "pure conjecture" and "a lie," is so demonstrably disconnected from reality that you should probably see a doctor about your cognitive dissonance issue.

    Tim Cook isn’t going to journalists and telling them that Apple has plans for an "Apple TV set" that is "more than just an Apple TV set."

    "Samsung co-CEO J.K. Shin was very bullish on the prospects for Tizen in an interview with CNet this week, calling the operating system more than a 'simple alternative for Android.'" 

    Note the difference? 

    Typical Daniel, rely on lofty insults and stupidity than facts. By all means point me to a link that he says he wants to drop in replace android with tizen as you wrote in your article, vs what Tizen is as a PR piece since they are a backer of the platform. Oh that's right it doesn't exist. In fact you prove my point by bringing up windows phone. Just because if they make a tizen phone, it does not translate to looking at a drop in replacement for Android as fact . Merely another platform to support. Perhaps your distortion of factual reality has gotten too strong.
  • Reply 19 of 28
    dickprinterdickprinter Posts: 1,060member

    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post

    Journalistic integrity? This site? Please. It's infected with Google ads to monetize regurgitated content from other sites, nothing more. It doesn't even present a complete palette of Apple news. Just cherry-picked, barely spell-checked clickbait for maximum return.

    Ouch, that smarts! But, then again, the truth hurts. There's a lot of truth to what you're saying because it seems like in some cases the very same photos are used in their respective articles (9to5Mac in particular) about the same topic. I find myself frequenting 9to5Mac more and more lately but I still think there is a better* group of members here. Just my opinion.



    *By better I believe what I'm implying is....more entertaining.

  • Reply 20 of 28
    froodfrood Posts: 771member
    Originally Posted by thataveragejoe View Post

    Typical Daniel, rely on lofty insults and stupidity than facts. By all means point me to a link that he says he wants to drop in replace android with tizen as you wrote in your article, vs what Tizen is as a PR piece since they are a backer of the platform. Oh that's right it doesn't exist. In fact you prove my point by bringing up windows phone. Just because if they make a tizen phone, it does not translate to looking at a drop in replacement for Android as fact . Merely another platform to support. Perhaps your distortion of factual reality has gotten too strong.


    He is openly speculating on the future- which as a general rule makes it difficult to find facts since none of said speculative events have happened yet.  For more information on this phenomena see the term 'analyst.'  He *did* provide a quote from a Samsung honcho indicating they have bullish prospects for Tizen.  Just to get your perspective, why do you think Samsung is pumping huge sums of money into Tizen?  Because they love "open"?  I have to agree with Daniel on this one, Samsung would absolutely love it if Tizen could become a drop in replacement for Android and they could get rid of those pesky criteria that Google throws in there all too often.


    But just because Samsung would love to pull off Tizen as a drop in replacement, and just because Daniel has all but proclaimed it as reality based mostly on one quote and a whole lot of wishful thinking, driven mostly by his blinding and vitriolic hatred of all things Android (and I mean that as a compliment on this site)- doesn't make it very likely to happen.  I think your speculation on the future of Tizen is far more plausible as a potential reality.  Samsung will roll out Tizen in addition to their Android and Windows mobile lineups.  They are going to face the same challenges Windows phone faces, and more than likely it will flop.  A lot of the best things about current Samsung phones is driven by the very things Samsung hates.  If Samsung gets total control of their phones, they could 'Apple' the phone which is the very thing many of their Android users hate.  Will Samsung force their users to use their crappy keyboard?  Will they not be able to change the default browser?  Will they prioritize their bloat or even take it to the level of kicking out anything that duplicates their 'core' functionality?  Will they allow some other Apps that duplicate some functionality, but inherently cripple them, making their own offerings seem magically better?  They will have that ability with Tizen, and will probably 'copy Apple' in doing all of the above.


    Android users will simply say 'no thanks' and continue to wish for the day someone builds a Nexus phone with the specs to bring it.  So close, Nexus 5, yet so far :(  


    Personally, I welcome Tizen.  If it's better than Android than I'd be happy to switch.  I really don't see that as likely as Samsung's whole point of delivering it is so that they can, well... Samsung it.  Blech.  If Apple's big screen phone steps up its game and gives me the freedom to customize certain things, and beats both Android and Tizen for my particular taste and purposes, then hello again Apple.

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