gMac anyone?



  • Reply 21 of 32
    jobesjobes Posts: 106member
    [quote]Originally posted by Roonster:

    <strong>Firstly, thanks for your reply Jobes. How's the design scene in Manchester?

    Your comments are certainly thought provoking and I respect your opinions. You have some good points in there that have got me thinking?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Cheers! I was up late for 2 nights working on projects so I'm glad I didn't sound too intolerant or reactionary!

    The design scene in manchester is, i guess, what you make of it. Many of my comments are based on the realities of trying to make a living with one (well two) macs at home, taking on any work I can as long as my portfolio looks better after every job.

    That's why I am saying to try and look beyond the kind of work you do now, because the industry is so fluid I'd be surprised if you'll be doing exactly the same thing in a coupla years time. Good luck!
  • Reply 22 of 32
    tigerwoods99tigerwoods99 Posts: 2,633member
    I don't knokw about a graphics Mac, but I would love to see a gMac, for all us Gs.
  • Reply 23 of 32
    prestonpreston Posts: 219member
    I'm in Graphic Design, but that sounds like a major ****ty computer.

    You mean print designer? Web design has this silly tendency to use some audio now and again. Don't need 40G?????? You are obviously NOT in print for single scans that I make are over 100MB each.

    So yeah, um that idea really sucks.

  • Reply 24 of 32
    bradbowerbradbower Posts: 1,068member
    Wow, I think that due to the original post and especially all those that follow it, this thread is definitely a candidate for the AI T0t4lLeE Ke\\/\\/l3z7 Thread Of The Year award!

    Seriously, gMac - no way. Get a G4 (or G5), an Apple display, and an Xserve if you really need that capacity. Apple will produce a gMac that's a game console before they make a special model that targets an already well-covered market segment, especially a model which has all of that crazy **** and costs TONS less than what graphic designers already pay for in Power Macs, and even iMacs.
  • Reply 25 of 32
    roonsterroonster Posts: 57member
    Has Kofi Annan ever handed The President of the United States a piece of your work?

    I wonder just how many of you have had any proper Graphic Design training. And how many of you just like the ring of "Hi, I'm a Graphic Designer"

    I'm talking about the kind of training where you aren't even allowed to touch a Mac. Where you have to use your brain to develop "concepts".

    A Graphic Designer's mindset would have thought up the iPod. Your mindset would have taken a Walkman, painted it a different colour, and created a funky logotype in an unusual fount.

    It's the very essence of Think Different. You all like the sound of it, but you don't grasp what it means. You think it means "buy a Mac instead of a PC".

    Steve Jobs is a visionary amongst other things.

    You guys are all talking about a production tool. Not a designers tool.
  • Reply 26 of 32
    bradbowerbradbower Posts: 1,068member
    [quote]Originally posted by Roonster:

    <strong>Has Kofi Annan ever handed The President of the United States a piece of your work?

    I wonder just how many of you have had any proper Graphic Design training. And how many of you just like the ring of "Hi, I'm a Graphic Designer"

    I'm talking about the kind of training where you aren't even allowed to touch a Mac. Where you have to use your brain to develop "concepts".

    A Graphic Designer's mindset would have thought up the iPod. Your mindset would have taken a Walkman, painted it a different colour, and created a funky logotype in an unusual fount.

    It's the very essence of Think Different. You all like the sound of it, but you don't grasp what it means. You think it means "buy a Mac instead of a PC".

    Steve Jobs is a visionary amongst other things.

    You guys are all talking about a production tool. Not a designers tool.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I don't so much disagree (other than with your complete arrogance, that is), but this has nothing to do with your "gMac" idea. Do you feel better, now that you've dumped this manure on us? I'd hope someone got something out of it.
  • Reply 27 of 32
    prestonpreston Posts: 219member
    [quote] Do you feel better, now that you've dumped this manure on us? I'd hope someone got something out of it. <hr></blockquote> <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />

    Somebody is rather defensive of their bad idea. Stop ignoring the fact that what you have described is a crippled computer. Does the Graphic Designer's mindset ignore criticism? I bet you don't keep clients for very long.

  • Reply 28 of 32
    junkyard dawgjunkyard dawg Posts: 2,801member
    [quote]Originally posted by Roonster:

    <strong>Can we please have a stipped down Power Mac variant for Graphic Designers?

    1. AGP, but no PCI slots (don't know anybody that uses them)

    2. Smaller hard disks (don't need anything like 40GB)

    3. CD-RW, but no SuperDrive (don't need it)

    4. No Airport (not fast enough, so ditch it)

    5. No audio (don't need it)

    6. Speedy processor

    7. New graphics centric architecture

    8. Bags of RAM at realistic prices

    9. Cordless keyboard & mouse (handy for presentations)

    10. Keep the price keen $1,099.

    I'd also love to see a 19" 1600x1200px flat panel display with the same image quality as the 17".

    What are the chances?

    <img src="graemlins/oyvey.gif" border="0" alt="[No]" /> </strong><hr></blockquote>


    If you don't want the expandability of a tower, then buy an iMac. If rumors are true, then Apple will soon offer iMac's with larger displays, something that should satisfy graphic designers who don't want towers.

    But I do agree that Apple needs to offer more options for BTO. Currently it is impossible to buy a stripped down dual GHz Powermac...the Apple store forces one to buy too many things. At least it lets you opt for a CDRW drive instead of a Superdrive (but no combo drive?!?), but I'd also like the option of less RAM, smaller HD, ect. It's Apple's way of raising prices to stay afloat with their lame Powermac specs.
  • Reply 29 of 32
    bradbowerbradbower Posts: 1,068member
    [quote]Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg:



    If you don't want the expandability of a tower, then buy an iMac. If rumors are true, then Apple will soon offer iMac's with larger displays, something that should satisfy graphic designers who don't want towers.

    But I do agree that Apple needs to offer more options for BTO. Currently it is impossible to buy a stripped down dual GHz Powermac...the Apple store forces one to buy too many things. At least it lets you opt for a CDRW drive instead of a Superdrive (but no combo drive?!?), but I'd also like the option of less RAM, smaller HD, ect. It's Apple's way of raising prices to stay afloat with their lame Powermac specs.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    More BTO options would be nice, but uhh.. I can BTO a combo drive just fine... and I feel that Apple's done a good job of keeping the 'minimal' options/specs not too low, but acceptable for good (and not embarrassing) performance.
  • Reply 30 of 32
    lemon bon bonlemon bon bon Posts: 2,383member
    "It's Apple's way of raising prices to stay afloat with their lame Powermac specs."

    Glad I'm not the only one who thinks so.

    Xype, looks like you and me will be buying next Jan'!

    7500, here we come!

    Lemon Bon BOn
  • Reply 31 of 32
    junkyard dawgjunkyard dawg Posts: 2,801member
    I just went to the Apple store and tried to configure a Powermac with a combo drive in place of a superdrive. No can do, the only options are "Superdrive" and "CDRW".

    Yes you can ADD a combo drive to the low end tower, but that's not what I'm talking about. If you buy the midrange or high end tower, and you don't need a Superdrive, then you cannot downgrade to a Combo drive. If you want DVD playing ability in a mid to high end tower, you MUST buy the Superdrive.

    Maybe in your haste to apologize for Apple you forgot to check out your facts.

    And please explain why it would be a bad thing for Apple to let someone buy a stripped-down tower so they could add their own HD and RAM? Oh, you can't? That's right, becuase it isn't a bad thing! I understand Apple's need to turn a profit, but previously there were more BTO cannot deny this no matter how much of an AppleZombie you are.
  • Reply 32 of 32
    scott f.scott f. Posts: 276member
    [quote]Originally posted by Roonster:

    <strong>Has Kofi Annan ever handed The President of the United States a piece of your work?

    I wonder just how many of you have had any proper Graphic Design training. And how many of you just like the ring of "Hi, I'm a Graphic Designer"

    I'm talking about the kind of training where you aren't even allowed to touch a Mac. Where you have to use your brain to develop "concepts".

    A Graphic Designer's mindset would have thought up the iPod. Your mindset would have taken a Walkman, painted it a different colour, and created a funky logotype in an unusual fount.

    It's the very essence of Think Different. You all like the sound of it, but you don't grasp what it means. You think it means "buy a Mac instead of a PC".

    Steve Jobs is a visionary amongst other things.

    You guys are all talking about a production tool. Not a designers tool.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I'm glad that you're doing so well... but you must understand that you (as far as I know) are in a minority group of designers.

    I too, am a traditional designer among other things. My schooling includes Massachusetts College of Art, Butera School of Art and Wentworth Institute. I am well-versed in the more traditional mediums of design and approach to design. I have been doing graphic work for over 15 years and I am immersed in a graphic community that has needs very similar to mine if not identical.

    I cannot IMAGINE going back to a single-display setup after 6 years of being a dual (sometimes triple) display user. PCI slots also help keep your investment flexible... older macs can add FireWire or USB... newer Macs can ad SCSI connectivity... or who knows what ELSE that might be coming.

    If you owned a SCSI scanner and bought a new machine, you'd need to add a SCSI card... right?

    Again... most of the people I know that are "professional" designers (not JUST illustrators) need to bee well-rounded and versatile to get work. You need to know print, web, photo, multimedia, illustration, retouching, audio (to some extent) and a host of other things.

    This is true for at LEAST 3-4 Dozen people I know in the biz in the Boston area. Some of us even delve into pro audio and video editing.

    I (personally) know of NO designers that have the same needs that you stated originally... not saying that you're needs are WRONG... just that yours seem (to me) to be very specialized and not as widespread in my experience.

    As others have already stated before... the things you could do without have minimal impact on the price... you're just as well to BTO your own machine online. As a matter of fact... having them produce an ADDITIONAL motherboard design that strips away the capabilities of AirPort, PCI slots, and audio would add cost to the unit.

    What you are describing is VERY close to the Cube... and look how well THOSE sales did.

    Anyhow... not saying you're wrong... it's just hard for me to accept that your needs are the "norm" of ALL of us designers nor would it justify a whole new architecture and machine (IMHO).

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