45% of businesses offer Macs to employees, 77% find Apple more reliable - survey



  • Reply 21 of 35
    dcgoodcgoo Posts: 284member

    Originally Posted by Phone-UI-Guy View Post



    However, contractors can only get PCs. 


    Except contractors are more likely/required to BYOD.   Which is just fine for me!

  • Reply 22 of 35
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    philboogie wrote: »
    As to the 45% part of the survey: wow!
    As to the 77% part of the survey: duh!

    That 33% 23% are just plain wrong though. :D
  • Reply 23 of 35
    And 23% have shit for brains,

    Totally laughed out loud
  • Reply 24 of 35
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member

    Originally Posted by mensmovement View Post



    Oh please. Microsoft is the #1 enterprise software company in the world.



    Well at least you get some idea of how Apple supporters feel when your side continually predicts the company’s demise, irrelevancy, etc.

  • Reply 25 of 35
    phone-ui-guyphone-ui-guy Posts: 1,019member

    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    Originally Posted by Phone-UI-Guy View Post

    I work for a very large company and they offer Macs to all employees. It is employee choice and has nothing to do with what their job is. However, contractors can only get PCs. 

    How do they handle Macs logging on to Active Directory? Does the company provide Office for Mac? Aren't there a lot of Windows proprietary files being shared around like Access?


    There is a tool for users to add their machines to AD. You can then configure the AD association in System Preferences under Login Options. I'm not running the corporate image and have not integrated myself with AD, but have zero problems operating in our environment which includes Exchange. Our IT department also needs to support Linux, so they have to be careful about how accessible things are to the various users.


    They do license Office for Mac, but I tend to stay away from it. I know other folks that use it quite a bit for Excel, Powerpoint, and Outlook. I have not seen an Access database in over a decade, so that has not been a problem here. All the real backend systems and databases people need to do their jobs are in Oracle, SAS, etc. There is even a significant number of engineers on Mac now that they are not restricted by Windows only tools.

  • Reply 26 of 35
    The sooner we get windows, office, share point and the other loads of crap Microsoft produces out of our businesses the sooner we can spend less time upgrading, repairing and generally wondering WTF the designers who created them we're thinking.
  • Reply 27 of 35

    Originally Posted by lkrupp View Post


    Think of all those poor slobs out there with their newly acquired MCSE certificates from the local Sanford Brown vocational college. Oh the humanity!

    Boom! And the Kruppster knocks one out of the park again!

  • Reply 28 of 35
    No link to the source?
  • Reply 29 of 35
    tyancytyancy Posts: 85member
    I was with a company a few years back that had the typical tunnel vision mindset of Windows IT departments. We upgraded our Macs and bought an Xserve. Rather than letting us manage the server, the IT guys insisted that servers by definition should be operated by them. They had never managed Macs before and we had been cranking merrily along for years with all our Macs, but they insisted and the brass (who know nothing of such things) said okay.

    The next thing we knew, the IT guys came into our department, locked down our Macs so that we could could not perform such standard fixes and trashing a prefs file. If an app was acting up and needed its prefs file trashed, we'd have to submit a ticket and then sit around doing nothing for several hours until the IT guy finally appeared. He entered the root password and then (get this!) he asked _us_ how to fix it.

    Eventually, one of the IT guys ended up playing around with the Xserve and managed to reformat the whole thing, trashing all our files. They had backed up around 5% of our stuff. As a result, the head of IT pronounced Macs to be absolute junk, threw the server in the trash (literally) and switched us back to the Windows server. Our machines remained locked down. It was totally asinine.

    I left a few months later, moving on to greener pastures where I could do my work without the annoyance of this kind of idiocy. Unfortunately, there are hundreds of companies just like this. Eventually they will grow old and die and over the generations, they might end up with IT guys who have not been raised in the atmosphere of Windows IT paranoia. I don't think I will live to see it, though.
  • Reply 30 of 35
    welshdogwelshdog Posts: 1,907member

    Originally Posted by TYancy View Post

    Eventually, one of the IT guys ended up playing around with the Xserve and managed to reformat the whole thing, trashing all our files. They had backed up around 5% of our stuff. As a result, the head of IT pronounced Macs to be absolute junk, threw the server in the trash (literally) and switched us back to the Windows server. Our machines remained locked down. It was totally asinine.

    Typical BS from Windows IT people.  I worked at a video post house for 20 years and we had to fight with the main office on a regular basis to keep them from converting us to Windows.  One time they bought two PCs and switched our Avids to the Windows version.  The two editors hated it and had tons of problems.  So then the company had to buy two new Macs with the proper version of Avid since the editors were not getting work done on the PCs.  Additionally, I eventually became the IT manager and we never used Active Directory or accounts - all the Macs were just networked together and everyone had Admin access.  Never had any issues.  My people were smart enough not to mess with things they didn't understand and let me fix their issues.

  • Reply 31 of 35

    Originally Posted by hillstones View Post


    Companies prefer $300 bare-bones PCs to run their business because it is all about expenses.


    Lots of companies understand that those $300 PCs are not good investments and buy more expensive, higher quality hardware. For the same level of hardware quality as a Mac you're going to be paying about the same amount for a PC.


    Besides, they can also get Mac Minis for only $600 each. If portability isn't a requirement they're a great choice.

  • Reply 32 of 35

    Lots of companies do NOT want to invest in more expensive equipment.  Certain Places like the city (who i used to work for) give options to the employee on what kind of machine they want.  ALL OF THESE ARE PC's / Laptops, but as time went on....the choices were getting smaller for machines, and so were the specs on them (most of the time...ill be honest, ppl would get overkill like Finance wanting i7 with 8gb ram and dedicated video card...just to do excel worksheets).  Only video dept used Macs as that has been for most companies i have worked for.  In the Medical field, Dr's prefer Macs, but it makes no sense to me as they just use them to connect to TS.  So you want to spend over $2000 from your overhead on a Macbook Pro....just to connect and stay connected to a windows environment 99% of the time?  Just stupid if you ask me.  Look, i like Macs as they are great for Multimedia, but the reality is that M$ will NEVER be replaced anytime soon.  As an IT admin, working with Macs is not something that ANY IT admin wants to deal with.  At least ones that i have encountered, and trust me....thats quite a few.  This whole statement, that Macs are more secure (now some brag about the Unix Kernal all of a sudden)...well of course it is....if you were planning to attack with a form of malware....you are NOT going to write something for a small population...you WILL write something for the masses...which is and is going to be for a long time...PC's.


    I know i went all over the place here, but was trying to touch on everything that was said in this thread.  Bottom line is that Macs are not going to be a standard anytime soon.  Most applications that are business based are and will be Windows based, and will stay like that for a very long time.  Now I know that Apple enthusiast at times live in a fantasy world and for years keep proclaiming that Windows time in the workplace is coming to an end...not happening.  Linux will not replace day to day operations for most end users nor will OSX.  Bottom line....i would rather spend less money on thin clients just to connect to a Citrix environment / TS(after all...this is what most people who have Macs do anyways), then spend way more on an Apple product.  Things like SQL, AD, Exchange, ISA, ect.....all heavy implemented in most infrastructures.  I for one do not hate Apple, but i would never want to run an IT office based off of Apple.  As someone mentioned, "sure you can integrate AD, and M$ services into apple network, you just need to get this third party...blah blah blah".  Thats my point, time and compatibility out of the box is not ideal...more time down...more money lost.  Now if i was running a video editing dept and various multimedia...thats another story, but im talking about typical offices and medium to large businesses. 

  • Reply 33 of 35
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by spurs2k13 View Post

    Lots of companies do NOT want to invest in more expensive equipment.


    Yeah, we know that some companies don’t care about quality of service.


    Just stupid if you ask me.


    Were you asked? Do you not understand how a more user-friendly and reliable terminal might help a situation?


    Look, i like Macs…, but…

    I for one do not hate Apple, but




    As an IT admin, working with Macs is not something that ANY IT admin wants to deal with.


    Explains why so many are explicitly choosing to deal with them, huh.


    At least ones that i have encountered…


    There. See? You.


    This whole statement, that Macs are more secure (now some brag about the Unix Kernal all of a sudden)...well of course it is....if you were planning to attack with a form of malware....you are NOT going to write something for a small population...you WILL write something for the masses...which is and is going to be for a long time...PC's.


    Oh, SHUT UP. The “security through obscurity” argument has NEVER, EVER been true. 


    Bottom line is that Macs are not going to be a standard anytime soon.


    Already are. Update your sources.


    Linux will not replace day to day operations for most end users nor will OSX.


    Funny. Because if you read the article, you’d see that’s wrong.


    …then spend way more on an Apple product.


    Except Apple products have been repeatedly shown to cost less than their alternatives.


    Thats my point, time and compatibility out of the box is not ideal...more time down...more money lost.  


    For someone talking about down time and lost money, you sure seem to be missing… everything about Apple products. Oh, and it’s literally no more difficult to connect to services on a Mac than elsewhere.

  • Reply 34 of 35




     Yeah, we know that some companies don’t care about quality of service.


    Stupid....that's like saying.....you got a Camary when you could've gotten a Lexus....i guess you don't care about quality.  Asthetics.....Just down right vague and means nothing.  



    Were you asked? Do you not understand how a more user-friendly and reliable terminal might help a situation?


    Exactly....and what is the TS connecting to again?  O that's right...WINDOWS environment





    Don't confuse honesty with biased like which you are showing



    Explains why so many are explicitly choosing to deal with them, huh.


    No they are not.  You are making that up.



    There. See? You


    No clue what this means



    Oh, SHUT UP. The “security through obscurity” argument has NEVER, EVER been true.


    OK maybe the rabid fan base has weakened on this stance



    Already are. Update your sources.


    Sources?  Here's the irony of this....those "sources" are hosted running guess what...NOT any form of apple, and ill let you guess the rest.  Ive been in medical, city, and SMB, and NONE of those EVER have had ANY plans to change infrastructure, so this is a big lie, and getting sources from sites like appleinsider and what not....that's like saying....Pepsi says on pepsifan.com that coke is losing ground, and Pepsi will soon replace it as the dominant drink.  SMDH



    Funny. Because if you read the article, you’d see that’s wrong.


    See previous statement



    Except Apple products have been repeatedly shown to cost less than their alternatives.


    Ive done budgets....this is FALSE.  Again....making things up is not going to change anything.  



    For someone talking about down time and lost money, you sure seem to be missing… everything about Apple products. Oh, and it’s literally no more difficult to connect to services on a Mac than Else



    And what is that exactly that i am missing?  Enlighten me please on how switching over a windows environment to an alternative....is beneficial to anyone?  I'm sure you are correct, it is not as difficult as any other system in place, but when you have majority of infrastructures running off of SQL, Exchange, DS's running 2k8, 12, ect, EQL storage with iSCSI, ect.....any logical admin is NOT going to revamp a system just because Apple has grown over the years from a personal use standpoint.  Which is i think where you are getting confused....between personal and live production environments. 




    In closing....as much as many of you think that the world hates Apple....we don't.  I would love to have an iMac as Final Cut is awesome, and a great multimedia machine with great capabilities, but that will not carry over into day to day SMB and even corporate.   The only people who I have EVER seen use Apples are people in the multimedia world.  Again, this % far weighs much less than anything else that i mentioned.  If Apple is your choice of computing, that is fine, and i respect that, but don't create false illusions that M$ in the workplace is on its last leg.  Corps like M$....everyone should know by now.  Too big to fail.

  • Reply 35 of 35
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by spurs2k13 View Post

    that's like saying.....you got a Camary when you could've gotten a Lexus....i guess you don't care about quality.  Asthetics.....Just down right vague and means nothing.  

    The difference between Apple and Microsoft products is not aesthetics, for heaven’s sake.


    Exactly....and what is the TS connecting to again?  O that's right...WINDOWS environment


    You’ve missed the point.


    Don't confuse honesty with biased like which you are showing


    Don’t confuse honesty with trolling.


    No they are not.  You are making that up.


    Wow. Guess the title of the article is wrong, the content of the article is wrong, and all the businesses that have explicitly said just what I said are lying to you. Huh.


    No clue what this means


    Not knowing how something that pertains to only you would pertain only to you sounds like one of the key reasons you don’t comprehend the article. 


    OK maybe the rabid fan base has weakened on this stance


    So just insults. No proof, no evidence, no examples… just insults. Shut up and go away. This has never been the case. Ever. It has nothing to do with fans, it has nothing to do with belief.


    Sources?  Here's the irony of this....those "sources" are hosted running guess what...NOT any form of apple, and ill let you guess the rest.


    That’d be profound if it supported your statement or rebutted mine in any way. You’ve yet to prove that Apple isn’t a standard.


    getting sources from sites like apple insider and what not....that's like saying....Pepsi says on pepsifan.com that coke is losing ground, and Pepsi will soon replace it as the dominant drink.

    You don’t seem to comprehend what I mean by ‘sources’, either.


    See previous statement 


    So all the stats that show Apple OS’ growing, Mac and iOS hardware ownership increasing, and every single piece of evidence in the industry in this regard… are lying? Good to know. Prove it.


    Ive done budgets....this is FALSE.


    WOW. You… I just… I’m blown away. YOU have done budgets. That’s almost… it’s biblical in its impact on… 


    Oh, wait, no, you’re completely and utterly wrong. Again.


    Corps like M$....everyone should know by now.  Too big to fail. 


    Great attitude. Way to solve the problem.

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