Next AppleInsider News update/report?

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Lets See, about 4 weeks out until the next supposed best MacWorld Expo ever with G5?s and brand new iMac2/Revolution, and we can't even get daily, or every other day rumor updates from either of the top rumor sites. (AppleInsider and MacOS Rumors) Can anyone tell me why it is so hard to pump out some good rumors/news if they have been in the business and have good contacts. I also understand that its tuff to verify what people tell them by email too, but that?s what a rumor is!

Maybe someone from AppleInsider can explain the process and why its so hard to put out daily updates.

And don't tell me "why don't [b]you[b/] start up a rumor site". Cause it's not gonna happen and not the point. But if I did have a good source, you can bet your 'A' I would.

The tone for this topic is not yelling or upset. Just concerned and frustrated.

Be nice, this is my first post.

Thanks, not a teen,



  • Reply 1 of 23
    nebrienebrie Posts: 483member
    Is this a joke?
  • Reply 2 of 23
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    If you want more rumors than just go to Future Hardware.
  • Reply 3 of 23
    [quote]Lets See, about 4 weeks out until the next supposed best MacWorld Expo ever with G5?s and brand new iMac2/Revolution, and we can't even get daily, or every other day rumor updates from either of the top rumor sites.<hr></blockquote>

    What are you complaining about? We just got our semi-annual update from AI...
  • Reply 4 of 23
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    [quote]Originally posted by Mr.Potatohead:


    What are you complaining about? We just got our semi-annual update from AI... </strong><hr></blockquote>

  • Reply 5 of 23
    [quote]Originally posted by Nebrie:

    <strong>Is this a joke?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Would you care to explain? :confused:

    What is wrong with my question?

    Is it not a legitmate grievance?

    And I asked for you to be nice. At least you could do was tell me your opinion on why this

    is joke to you.

    Thanks to "Nebrie" I may not post again.

    Way to shoot me down on my first post.

    I'm not worthy, I'm not worthy!


    No Please, Really, why?

    And I really don't want to start off on the wrong foot with anyone here, even Nebrie. I've been a long time reader of Mac rumor forums and I enjoy everyone's opinion. I finally decide to join the discussion and someone (Nebrie) shoots me down on my first try. Just tell me its not a good subject and to try again, thats all.

  • Reply 6 of 23
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    No, it's a legitimate question. If AI is indeed back, WEEKLY (at the least) updates/items on the front page isn't asking too much.

    If it wasn't up to being updated daily and throughout the week, then maybe take all the tidbits and stuff gathered through the week and publish them on Monday morning or something, in one shot?

    That would be cool too.

    Just no "4 month gap between stories" is all we're asking.

  • Reply 7 of 23
    Thank you pscates! Now my life can go on, whew!

    that was a close one!

    That's the point I'm getting at, some kind of regularity to the News/Rumor updates. Something we can look forward to every Monday or Tuesday etc. And not have to come back every hour to see if there is some cool new rumors. Especially when a MacWorld Expo is so imminently close, and those visits occur more and more frequently as the day nears. Come on AppleInsider, tell us what the plan is and shed some light on your ever so evolving website.

  • Reply 8 of 23
    [quote]Originally posted by EmAn:

    <strong>If you want more rumors than just go to Future Hardware.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I'm well aware on where to find educated or non-educated (depends) guesses on what people think is coming, or hope is coming at MWSF. I'm in this forum, right? I can make a fairly accurate guess myself. But that, again, is not my point.

    The rumors I'm looking for are from this websites creator that may have some real sources or credible evidence to back up the claims that are posted on the front page. And why can't they be brought forth on a more frequent basis. That was my question, and only one person so far has understood me.

    You would think a 'moderator' would at least try to answer that, and not just tell me what I should do or where to go. Don't dismiss me and move on, tell me what you think, your opinion. We're in a forum right?

  • Reply 9 of 23
    Let me explain something:

    Moderators have no connection to the front page of AI. They do their thing in the forums, as volunteers- they do not know when a front page update is coming, or on what topics.

    That being said, a weekly update schedule may eventually return, but, as it stands right now, the amount of rumors that are being batted about are, well... few.

    Don't think that we don't (very badly) want to return to posting the best rumors possible, in as much quantity as possible... but, if you'll note... the average AI article is significantly more detailed and well-put-together than the hastily-thrown together reports that many sites come up with.

    And don't worry, more rumors will be coming...
  • Reply 10 of 23
    quaremquarem Posts: 254member
    I really do not have an answer for you and have found it frustrating that MOSR has days if not weeks between posts. They seem to be in a constant cycle of reevaluating and promising more updates.

    If you remember when Apple realized the G4 there was very little rumblings about it. Almost a silence went over MOSR and they where vague and didn't mention much. I am hoping that this silence is a good silence, meaning that MOSR doesn't want to spoil the surprise for, as you said, the best Macworld ever.

    Of course they may just not have any information to post. <img src="graemlins/hmmm.gif" border="0" alt="[Hmmm]" />
  • Reply 11 of 23
    cdhostagecdhostage Posts: 1,038member
    Rumors don't grow on trees you know..
  • Reply 12 of 23
    [quote]Originally posted by Jonathan:

    <strong>Let me explain something: </strong><hr></blockquote>

    [quote]Moderators have no connection to the front page of AI... <hr></blockquote>


    That was my un-verified understanding of what a moderator was. Now it's been confirmed. That?s why I asked for his "opinion", knowing that he didn't have any say and was a volunteer for the forums.

    [quote]That being said, a weekly update schedule may eventually return, but, as it stands right now, the amount of rumors that are being batted about are, well... few.... <hr></blockquote>


    This is what I was trying to start a discussion on. I was looking to understand why and what was going on behind the scenes of site like this, and what others thought the reasons could be. That way, others and I could have more patients when coming to Appleinsider and not seeing an update for more than a week!

    [quote]Don't think that we don't (very badly) want to return to posting the best rumors possible, in as much quantity as possible... but, if you'll note... the average AI article is significantly more detailed and well-put-together than the hastily-thrown together reports that many sites come up with.<hr></blockquote>


    Yes, Yes! I am so happy to have Appleinsider back. I have missed you guys and I was so frustrated on having only one mediocre place to get my fix for Apple rumors (not saying yours is mediocre). The fact that you are concerned with the quality of you article is a great relief. Also the fact that you don't use other news/rumors from other sites to piece together an article. That tells me your serious about Macs and the news you tell, which makes for more trusting environment. And isn?t that, what?s it?s all about. <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" />

    Maybe we can start putting suggestions on what Appleinsider can post in between the big updates. Maybe some entirely opinionated article on what has been crossing your desk. Or, your daily battle to sift through all the emails; or voicemails. Maybe ways to find some new "sources" or facts. Things to fill the void while we wait on the next installment.

    [quote]And don't worry; more rumors will be coming...<hr></blockquote>

    Oh ya! When! When!

    You have my email address!

    tell me when! I can't take it anymore!

    Kidding or am I?

  • Reply 13 of 23
    Off the record, the myriad emails/voicemails...

    they don't exist.
  • Reply 14 of 23
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member
    Pasmac wrote:

    [quote]This is what I was trying to start a discussion on. I was looking to understand why and what was going on behind the scenes of site like this, and what others thought the reasons could be. That way, others and I could have more patients when coming to Appleinsider and not seeing an update for more than a week!<hr></blockquote>

    As Jonathan has explained, I have no knowledge of what goes on behind the scenes here or anywhere. I have no contacts either. I'm just a custodian.

    However, I can say a couple of things. First, AI had settled into a biweekly update schedule for a while. That's once every two weeks. If you don't see a rumor about a week from now, then you can start wondering.


    See, Apple has clamped down pretty hard on internal leaks, and also on developer leaks. Rumors just don't come like they did a few years ago, when Apple leaked like a sieve. This is particularly true after the workerbee incident - which occurred in these very forums - where the responsible party was sued, identified publicly by name, and fired.

    I'm told that there are still rumors out there, even given the chilling effect of that incident. But gathering them is hard, and verifying them is hard. Patience is a virtue. In the meantime, you can always read (and contribute to!) the rampant speculation in Future Hardware.

    Welcome the AI boards.
  • Reply 15 of 23
    [quote]Originally posted by cdhostage:

    <strong>Rumors don't grow on trees you know..</strong><hr></blockquote>


    But maybe we can come up with some ideas to help Appleinsider plant some seeds so that there will be trees to bare fruit for the future?

    (Apple maybe ). eh!?
  • Reply 16 of 23
    [quote]Originally posted by Amorph:

    As Jonathan has explained...

    ...Patience is a virtue. In the meantime, you can always read (and contribute to!) the rampant speculation in Future Hardware.

    Welcome to the AI boards. <hr></blockquote>

    And there you have it! A well thought out and legitimate answer. Thank you so much for that reply I whole heartily appreciate it.

    I look forward to contributing to the speculations! Just need to find a good place

    to jump in.

    And I'm glad to have finally joined these lively AI boards,

    Thank you,

  • Reply 17 of 23
    Ok, one more time... We don't hammer on the moderators of this board about the frequency of the rumor updates.

    We hammer on them about the slowness of the boards, the extended downtime of the boards, the resetting of everyone's accounts, etc., etc.

    There's PLENTY of stuff to hammer the moderators about without bringing the rumor updates into it.
  • Reply 18 of 23
    Slightly off topic, but...

    Does anyone know what happened to MacOS Rumors? I haven't been able to get onto the site for quite a while now.

    Also anyone know any other good news/rumor sites? All of the ones I'm used to seem to be drying up fast. (ahh for the days of "MacSense" now that was a great site! - am I showing my age?

  • Reply 19 of 23
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    [quote]Originally posted by JBracy:

    <strong>Slightly off topic, but...

    Does anyone know what happened to MacOS Rumors? I haven't been able to get onto the site for quite a while now.


    There's a thread about MOSR in Future Hardware if you wanna check it out.
  • Reply 20 of 23
    [quote]Originally posted by Mr.Potatohead:

    <strong>Ok, one more time... We don't hammer on the moderators of this board about the frequency of the rumor updates.

    We hammer on them about the slowness of the boards, the extended downtime of the boards, the resetting of everyone's accounts, etc., etc.

    There's PLENTY of stuff to hammer the moderators about without bringing the rumor updates into it. </strong><hr></blockquote>Actually that's wrong, you do that to the Administrators. The moderators have no access to the member files or the servers and such.
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