this is a sign !!!



  • Reply 41 of 43
    blackcatblackcat Posts: 697member
    [quote]Originally posted by Mathias Roman:


    This doesn't indicate anything. PowerLogix finaly got around to putting new CPUs on a board compatible with the new PM G4 mobo.

    Nothing was stopping them before except common sense. Who would want to spend $800 to buy a 733 G4 when they own a 500 G4?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Actually it was.

    All the CPU cards contain a chip only Apple has, so Powerlogix must either harvest them from trade-ins or license the design. (a Powerlogix employee told me this).

    As there was no board to trade-in for, they must have got permission to copy the chip. There are lots of reasons why Apple would allow this, maybe new PowerMacs don't need it so it is no longer worth anything, but the most important point is this:

    Apple would not allow Powerlogix/Sonnet/etc to jeopardise sales by selling 1Gz upgrades unless they were about to release something that is better than a $700 1Ghz upgrade.

    Now IMHO most people won't see 1.2 Ghz with hacked DDR as worth $2500+ vs $700, so we should be seeing something impressive.

    [edit] clarity

    [ 06-13-2002: Message edited by: Blackcat ]</p>
  • Reply 42 of 43
    junkyard dawgjunkyard dawg Posts: 2,801member
    No, no, that remark wasn't aimed at anyone here. it was simply a response to the person who made the crack about liberals. I overgeneralized to demonstrate how ridiculous it is, i.e., that any liberal would be offended by a blowjob is just as likely as it is that ANY conservative would like to beat up a social minority. That's ALL it was meant to be. I think some people here are a bit too hung up on this.

    And yes, I've witnessed homophobia first hand. Usually it comes from macho males who are insecure about their own sexuality, and I've even met a few who I suspected were gay themselves but in denial (when they get drunk and start telling me I have nice legs, when 2 hrs earlier they were at the bar calling someone a "fag", that's pretty damn weird if you ask me). Homophobia doesn't mean someone is afraid of homosexuals, it means they are afraid that they themselves are homosexual....and sometimes they take out this insecurity on others in violent ways.

    Sorry to be off-topic, but I don't like it when people get things I said wrong. I wasn't clear enough and I simply wanted to explain myself better.

    And yeah, if Powerlogix can offer 1 GHz G4 upgrades, then Moto must be cranking out those G4s like it's nobody's business. Maybe we really will see 1.4 GHz at MWNY!
  • Reply 43 of 43
    escherescher Posts: 1,811member
    [quote]Originally posted by scadboy:

    <strong>conservatives and liberals both love blow jobs, conservatives just don't like to talk about them.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    All too true!

    Thanks blue2kdave and scadboy for correcting Nitride's misconceptions.

    Escher, always enjoying witty posts.
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