Mailbox 2.0 brings automated actions, preference syncing via Dropbox

in iPhone edited April 2014
Dropbox's popular Gmail and iCloud client Mailbox was updated on Monday with a new automation feature called "Auto-swipe," the ability to sync preferences across multiple devices and routine performance enhancements.

With the latest version 2.0 update, Mailbox brings one major feature addition to its gesture-based user interface: Auto-swipe.

With Auto-swipe, Mailbox "learns" users' habits and common actions, like message snoozes, filtering and muting, among others. For example, emails labeled defined as "personal" will be automatically snoozed until after work, at which time the messages show up for perusal.

Along with actions, emails are automatically routed to appropriate in-app lists, removing the tedious process of manually scanning through miscellaneous spam and unwanted mail.

In addition to Auto-swipe, Mailbox now uses parent company Dropbox's service to store and sync preferences across devices. This means settings made on an iPhone will be automatically stored and pushed out to other machines running the app.

Finally, the version 2.0 brings unnamed bug fixes and improvements to the email client.

Earlier in April, Dropbox revealed plans to release a Mac version of Mailbox that will sport a clean layout and functions similar to the iOS apps.

Mailbox is a available as a free 21MB download from the iOS App Store.


  • Reply 1 of 1
    coolfactorcoolfactor Posts: 2,318member
    Auto-Swipe is the wrong name. It should be called Smart-Swipe. The word "auto" suggests that it happens automatically without user intervention, whereas "smart" suggests that it knows what to do intelligently when the swipe occurs.
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