How iPhone 5c helps Apple move toward larger new iPhones in the future



  • Reply 61 of 98
    island hermitisland hermit Posts: 6,217member
    Originally Posted by mjtomlin View Post



    Yeah, I don't understand the logic in saying that it was a learning experience for Apple as far as building bigger screens is concerned, especially since Apple has been making products with different sizes, colors, and specs for years now.



    The problem with the 5C is that people expected it to fulfill some market segment that the 5 could not have. It had all the same components as the 5, and the same price the 5 would've been. Why would anyone expect it to sell any better or worse then the 5? Because it came in different colors? Big whoop! You can just get a case if you want that. People just assumed it was a brand new device from Apple and therefor should've sold like hotcakes. The reality is, it sold just as well as all the other "last year's model" iPhones have. Honestly, nothing on the market, not even another Apple iPhone is going to come out from under the shadow of their latest flagship model.


    Personally, deep down inside, I tend to think that Apple released the 5C, to help push customers towards the 5S. Anyone who liked the design of the 5 had no choice but to go with a 5S, unless they bought used. However, I do believe the next "C" model, with an A7, Touch ID and larger screen will sell very well.


    I don't think it was made to push sales to the 5S.


    I think it was made to bolster the middle tier. As well as it did, I still don't think the 5C pushed sales as high as Apple was hoping.


    I think that, if anything, the 5C helped Apple realize that they have to offer something better at both tiers, top and middle, or at least even more differentiation at the top while offering a better choice in the middle, if they want the middle tier to sell really well but still not cannibalize the top tier.


    The next round this fall should show everyone exactly the results that Apple had in mind.

  • Reply 62 of 98
    island hermitisland hermit Posts: 6,217member
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    I think you were being sarcastic and since you claim I'lll know when you are the only conclusion is that you definitely were. Good to know.


    I wasn't being sarcastic.


    Your conclusion is faulty because you had to ask a question. Asking a question said that you weren't sure. So my answer said that when I'm sarcastic you wouldn't even have to ask the question... you would know.


    So much for your theory.

  • Reply 63 of 98
    benjamin frostbenjamin frost Posts: 7,203member
    Apple achieves tremendous "economies of scale" by using essentially the same high-quality aluminum casing for both the iPhone 5 and 5S for at least a four-year run, keeping retooling costs to a minimum. If you watch the company's video you can see that the casing is expensively machined much like a MacBook Pro or a Leica camera. Also the casings for the 5C is the highest quality "unapologetic" plastic of highest durability, fit and finish. So when many pundits arbitrarily call for the rush to different screen sizes, Apple always carefully orchestrates the best timing of its product rollouts to match its relative demand and supply balance, while keeping an eye on optimizing production-run capabilities and feasibilities. (The stock balancing of the 5C with all the color, carrier, and memory capacity iterations must be maddening on a world-wide basis.) I'm convinced more than ever that Tim Cook knows what he is doing to masterfully manage this complicated outsourcing of production and product delivery while keeping staff lean and mean. (Reports say that Apple is selling 80% of the phones over $500 in China and that that market at China Mobile is surpassingly 27% of total sales! I can't wait to see the robust demand for the iPhone 6, especially as China Mobile is fervently expanding its 4-G network. Also Angela Ahrendts will be on a mission to expand the Chinese Apple retail stores from 13 at present to perhaps 70, as Burberry has in China at the moment. Most Americans don't realize that Apple's business in the US now constitutes only 30% of its overall business. What a long runway ahead in the smart phone universe!)

    Nice comment!

    I hope that Apple will have the capacity to increase their iPhone numbers. Judging from their planned retail expansion in China, they are gearing up for strong demand.
  • Reply 64 of 98
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    I wasn't being sarcastic.

    Your conclusion is faulty because you had to ask a question. Asking a question said that you weren't sure. So my answer said that when I'm sarcastic you wouldn't even have to ask the question... you would know.

    So much for your theory.

    I asked questions to get answers. Not having proof of your intent doesn't mean I don't have an idea of your intent, as shown by my query. If you choose not to answer I have no choice but to go with my gut feeling. BTW, the whole "you'll know when I'm being… " or "I shouldn't have to tell you what you did to me" type comments are neither mature nor useful for any discussion.

    But now that you've answered my question, why do you think it shows a device in a worse light if it trounces the competition in less time in on the market for given time frame? At 1/3 the time the 5C had to average more than 3x as many sales per day to best the devices in the spots below it. Those are not 10 days worth of sale then multiplied by 3 to give the 5C and 5S some "fair" accounting.
  • Reply 65 of 98
    benjamin frostbenjamin frost Posts: 7,203member
    mjtomlin wrote: »
    I guess it depends on how you interpret the "S". Since the 3G, Apple has added an "S" to the Second version of each model. Up until the 5C all Apple ever sold were flagship phones, so we can assume the "S" has nothing to do with flagship status; it's just a designator to differentiate the latest phone from the previous model.

    So the "s" in "iPhone 5Cs" would just mean it's the second version of the "5C", just as the "5s" is the second version of the "5".

    As I recall, Jobs said the S was for speed and one or two other things. He never said it stood for second.

    Samsung stole the concept of S and gradually made the name of the Galaxy similar to the iPhone, in a ploy to muddy the waters and cling to Apple's coat-tails.
  • Reply 66 of 98
    benjamin frostbenjamin frost Posts: 7,203member
    1. That article doesn't say 3 months... it says 2 1/3 at best.

    2. Let me help you with January through March

    <img alt="" src="" style="border-bottom-width:0px;border-left-width:0px;border-right-width:0px;border-top-width:0px;">

    What a stupid chart. Why is December missing? Perhaps because Apple obviously trumped everyone, which wouldn't fit the narrative the chart-makers want to tell us.
  • Reply 67 of 98
    benjamin frostbenjamin frost Posts: 7,203member
    solipsismx wrote: »
    I think you were being sarcastic and since you claim I'lll know when you are the only conclusion is that you definitely were. Good to know.

    He's like Gatorguy-ever the weasel. Seems to be a trait of the trolls.
  • Reply 68 of 98
    benjamin frostbenjamin frost Posts: 7,203member
    I wasn't being sarcastic.

    Your conclusion is faulty because you had to ask a question. Asking a question said that you weren't sure. So my answer said that when I'm sarcastic you wouldn't even have to ask the question... you would know.

    So much for your theory.

    My reading of your statement was certainly sarcastic-there's no other good explanation.
  • Reply 69 of 98
    droidftwdroidftw Posts: 1,009member
    Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost View Post

    What a stupid chart. Why is December missing? Perhaps because Apple obviously trumped everyone, which wouldn't fit the narrative the chart-makers want to tell us.


    You do realize that Apple took the #1 slot for every carrier and in every month shown on that chart, right?  I suppose your anti-Apple conspiracy theory could be true, but I think it's highly unlikely.

  • Reply 70 of 98
    benjamin frostbenjamin frost Posts: 7,203member
    droidftw wrote: »
    You do realize that Apple took the #1 slot for every carrier and in every month shown on that chart, right?  I suppose your anti-Apple conspiracy theory could be true, but I think it's highly unlikely.

    It's a monthly chart that misses out December. There's no reason for it to, other than the one I've given.
  • Reply 71 of 98
    macky the mackymacky the macky Posts: 4,801member
    This isn't meant as a shot at Apple but I really hope they learned something about colors with the 5c.

    I don't know anyone who has looked at the colors and said "that looks so good!"

    You may not know them but tens of millions of people bought the 5c so they must have liked the colors.
  • Reply 72 of 98
    imemberimember Posts: 247member
    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    Wrong. The first big screen phones were released around the same time as the iPad, it's success was still not known. I also doubt that any company could have designed and released a phone in that short of time.

    What if?  :)

    Originally Posted by Chandra69 View Post


    iPhone 5C is a dead chapter. It does not have a future.

    Wow you must really hate the iPhone 5c lol, is this because they killed the iPhone 5?

    1. You should know that i pick an iPhone 4S over iPhone 5c anyday even if they are both at the same price

    2. You can still get an iPhone 5 u just have to do is buy an Iphone 5s and painted in what color you want  

    3. Imagine an iPhone 4S sold at 200% without contract, that is literally bad publicity for Apple and there is where i find iPhone 5c usefull

  • Reply 73 of 98
    island hermitisland hermit Posts: 6,217member
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    I asked questions to get answers. Not having proof of your intent doesn't mean I don't have an idea of your intent, as shown by my query. If you choose not to answer I have no choice but to go with my gut feeling. BTW, the whole "you'll know when I'm being… " or "I shouldn't have to tell you what you did to me" type comments are neither mature nor useful for any discussion.

    But now that you've answered my question, why do you think it shows a device in a worse light if it trounces the competition in less time in on the market for given time frame? At 1/3 the time the 5C had to average more than 3x as many sales per day to best the devices in the spots below it. Those are not 10 days worth of sale then multiplied by 3 to give the 5C and 5S some "fair" accounting.


    You used to be better than this.


    The proof of my intent was in the first sentence. "That is true." WTF do you think that means.


    Why should I have to tell you if I'm being sarcastic or not when I have already said that your statement is true. Does "That is true" mean something else on your planet. If you are going to be so damned insecure as to believe that I would answer untruthfully then you have a problem. It has nothing to do with my maturity. People who are concerned about other people's maturity are usually more concerned about there own.


    Now... going from the premise that you have finally realized that I was not being sarcastic... re-read the damn comment and stop being so silly.

  • Reply 74 of 98
    island hermitisland hermit Posts: 6,217member

    Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost View Post

    What a stupid chart. Why is December missing? Perhaps because Apple obviously trumped everyone, which wouldn't fit the narrative the chart-makers want to tell us.


    The trouble being is that you might have to question all the other charts as well.


    How would December's numbers change January through March?

  • Reply 75 of 98
    island hermitisland hermit Posts: 6,217member

    Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost View Post

    He's like Gatorguy-ever the weasel. Seems to be a trait of the trolls.


    You've been reported.

  • Reply 76 of 98
    island hermitisland hermit Posts: 6,217member

    Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost View Post

    My reading of your statement was certainly sarcastic-there's no other good explanation.


    Yes there is.


    You have concluded that I am a troll, which I am not. Anything that you read of mine will be seen in that light. Anyone coming here for the first time with no preconceived and ill informed notions would see otherwise.

  • Reply 77 of 98
    island hermitisland hermit Posts: 6,217member

    Originally Posted by Macky the Macky View Post

    You may not know them but tens of millions of people bought the 5c so they must have liked the colors.


    I would say millions, but not necessarily tens of millions... but we will never know the actual sales numbers.


    ... and not necessarily for the colors. The 5C might have been the only iPhone with a 4" screen that was available to them financially (remembering that in a few countries the 5C is discounted more than the $100 difference seen in the North America).

  • Reply 78 of 98
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    mjtomlin wrote: »

    Personally, deep down inside, I tend to think that Apple released the 5C, to help push customers towards the 5S. Anyone who liked the design of the 5 had no choice but to go with a 5S, unless they bought used. However, I do believe the next "C" model, with an A7, Touch ID and larger screen will sell very well.

    That is an illogical reasoning. If the wanted to push people to the 5S, they would have just kept the iPhone 5.
  • Reply 79 of 98
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    You used to be better than this.

    The proof of my intent was in the first sentence. "That is true." WTF do you think that means.

    Why should I have to tell you if I'm being sarcastic or not when I have already said that your statement is true. Does "That is true" mean something else on your planet. If you are going to be so damned insecure as to believe that I would answer untruthfully then you have a problem. It has nothing to do with my maturity. People who are concerned about other people's maturity are usually more concerned about there own.

    Now... going from the premise that you have finally realized that I was not being sarcastic... re-read the damn comment and stop being so silly.

    sarcasm |?sär?kaz?m|
    • the use of irony to mock or convey contempt.

    irony 1 |??r?n?, ?i?rn?|
    noun (pl. ironies)
    • the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect.
    • a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often amusing as a result.

    Sarcasm is most easily recognized when spoken because the inflection denotes the sentiment. This is not as easily conveyed in writing, especially in a forum where there are multiple conversations going on at once and the replies are oft canned or short one-liners. I am not one to ask a question unless I am looking for a more concrete answer than the one I presumed, unless of course I'm asking for rhetorical effect in which case I do my best — although not always succeeding — to make sure my intent is known. Here are two more recent examples of me noting my questions are rhetorical and/or trying to be funny.
  • Reply 80 of 98
    peter236peter236 Posts: 254member
    Samsung's operations management is way better than Apple's, since Samsung not only sells way more smartphones, but it also sells other products like PCs, tablets, microwave ovens, home appliances, smart TVs and semi-conductors etc. The supply chain of Samsung is simply big and efficient.
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