Apple acquires LuxVue, a power-efficient micro-LED display maker - report [update: confirm...



  • Reply 41 of 54
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member

    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    I’d like Apple to appropriate these sets natively, at least. I haven’t had blue folders in so long that it’s a jolt whenever I use someone else’s Mac. 




    I’d be fine with a design that makes me want to reach out and touch the UI just a little bit more, of course. Everything is building up to that in the first place.

    We don't know what the windows, menus and mouse pointer will look like, because iOS doesn't have those, but I think the icons will pretty much be the same as iOS. For folders, iOS just shows a square box containing the icons of the things inside.

  • Reply 42 of 54
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    FWIW, I found a link and updated the prior post -- but it's worth repeating ...

    Here's the article that discusses power transmission via pCell tech (it's at the end of a long article):

    The real wireless revolution here is not communication - it's power. And it's just getting started...

    Awesome post. It is beyond mind bogglingly exciting. Meanwhile, as the Star Trek age approaches, people still kill each other over who has the best god or gods or saints or whatever ....

    Oh and my wife backed the Derby winner and I didn't. Doesn't that suck? :D[/quote]

    Very cogent observations about the times in which we live.

    I just couldn't back the California horse ... It was bred/raised in Coalinga -- a methane and fecal matter-fumed holding area for cattle between pasture and he slaughterhouse.

    I wanted Venceremos to win -- it seemed fitting.
  • Reply 43 of 54
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by ascii View Post

    For folders, iOS just shows a square box containing the icons of the things inside.


    I would hate that so much. It works in Launchpad (BRING BACK THE PRETTY LINEN BACKGROUND), but not so much for real folders…

  • Reply 44 of 54
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    I just couldn't back the California horse ... It was bred/raised in Coalinga -- a methane and fecal matter-fumed holding area for cattle between pasture and he slaughterhouse..

    Based on his performance it was a crystal-methane-phetamine and fecal matter-fumed holding area for cattle between pasture and the slaughterhouse. :D
  • Reply 45 of 54
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    solipsismx wrote: »
    I just couldn't back the California horse ... It was bred/raised in Coalinga -- a methane and fecal matter-fumed holding area for cattle between pasture and he slaughterhouse..

    Based on his performance it was a crystal-methane-phetamine and fecal matter-fumed holding area for cattle between pasture and the slaughterhouse. :D

    Touché, touché @solipsmX
  • Reply 46 of 54
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,778member
    @ Dick

    Re Perlaman

    I wonder if Perlman is still tight with Apple? He is the brains behind Quicktime after all, I hope he is not teaming up with Google, but that presentation made me think otherwise. He seemed to be happy top promote Final Cut Pro X, in fact it almost seemed overly done given the importance of his own presentation.
  • Reply 47 of 54
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    @ Dick

    Re Perlaman

    I wonder if Perlman is still tight with Apple? He is the brains behind Quicktime after all, I hope he is not teaming up with Google, but that presentation made me think otherwise. He seemed to be happy top promote Final Cut Pro X, in fact it almost seemed overly done given the importance of his own presentation.

    It's hard to tell about Perlman: On one hand he seems brilliant, focused and articulate -- but sometimes he comes across a bit like a carnival barker (to me at least).

    The pCell tech is interesting: It appears to be some relatively pedestrian hardware (radio transceivers) with rather sophisticated backend server software (the backend servers/software are linerally scalable).

    He appears to have a working solution with a potential delivery schedule (2015) that is years ahead of others tinkering with the same/similar tech.

    I don't know how much, if any, of this tech can be adequately protected by patents. it's possible the only advantage they have is a "bird in the hand" -- and a very big bird at that.

    Who could monetize this tech (a few that easily come to mind):
    • mobile hardware manufacturers -- e.g. Apple, Sammy, Microsoft
    • content owners/distributers
    • cablecos, broadcast and cell carriers
    • advertisers like Google, FaceBook
    • military, health, law enforcement, governments
    • power suppliers and distributors

    Some of the above have a vested interest in the status quo and preventing the deployment of this tech -- more, cheeper, bandwidth; cheeper delivery fees; etc.

    Others would have interests in owning the tech to exclude competition.

    If the Feds (excepting the military) do it, likely, they will screw it up ala healthcare, etc.

    One way to prime the pump would be for the governments of large cities to establish local, private/public utilities -- maybe in some creative way that the tech is owned by the public and multiple, competing utilities are allowed to serve/compete in the same area.

    As to the FCPX video -- Isn't that a great preso? I suspect that most of the masking/tracking/compositing effects were done with Coremelt's SliceX within FCPX (as opposed to an external specialty app such as SilhouetteFX).

    I haven't figured out (an easy way) how they did the transparent phone/tablet/computer displays. though -- they were stunning! Any ideas???
  • Reply 48 of 54
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,384moderator
    It's hard to tell about Perlman: On one hand he seems brilliant, focused and articulate -- but sometimes he comes across a bit like a carnival barker (to me at least).

    It's important to be passionate about these things because the alternative is to be sitting in some dank research room in a university with technology that could enhance people's lives but never bring it to market and actually do that. This was the problem between Woz and Jobs. If it was all Woz, I doubt the Mac and subsequently iPhone/iPad would ever have existed. Even if it can't be delivered on at first, technology evolves. We used to have dial-up at one point and it developed into gigabit broadband. It's harder to bring out new competing tech as it has to compete at a higher standard but the potential is just too good.

    Imagine a day when we have wireless power everywhere. We may even get personal air transport. No more cars, just a network of drones picking people up and flying around in a straight line to the destination - no car ownership either, just push a button and an air vehicle flies to wherever you are. No more traffic, no more roads, we'd tear up the concrete roads and replace them with plant life.
    As to the FCPX video -- Isn't that a great preso? I suspect that most of the masking/tracking/compositing effects were done with Coremelt's SliceX within FCPX (as opposed to an external specialty app such as SilhouetteFX).

    I haven't figured out (an easy way) how they did the transparent phone/tablet/computer displays. though -- they were stunning! Any ideas???

    Motion is what you'd used for effects like that. You'd use a motion tracker to make it follow the device, create a 2D plane flat-on to do any UI animations and then add a 3D transform to align it to the device orientation and adjust the alpha.
  • Reply 49 of 54
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Marvin wrote: »
    It's hard to tell about Perlman: On one hand he seems brilliant, focused and articulate -- but sometimes he comes across a bit like a carnival barker (to me at least).

    It's important to be passionate about these things because the alternative is to be sitting in some dank research room in a university with technology that could enhance people's lives but never bring it to market and actually do that. This was the problem between Woz and Jobs. If it was all Woz, I doubt the Mac and subsequently iPhone/iPad would ever have existed. Even if it can't be delivered on at first, technology evolves. We used to have dial-up at one point and it developed into gigabit broadband. It's harder to bring out new competing tech as it has to compete at a higher standard but the potential is just too good.

    Good point about the passion. Woz is/was passionate in his own way. Though I met Jobs several times, I did not know him -- but he impressed me as being more messianic -- he would almost goad you into seeing things his way -- or ignore you completely.

    Imagine a day when we have wireless power everywhere. We may even get personal air transport. No more cars, just a network of drones picking people up and flying around in a straight line to the destination - no car ownership either, just push a button and an air vehicle flies to wherever you are. No more traffic, no more roads, we'd tear up the concrete roads and replace them with plant life.
    As to the FCPX video -- Isn't that a great preso? I suspect that most of the masking/tracking/compositing effects were done with Coremelt's SliceX within FCPX (as opposed to an external specialty app such as SilhouetteFX).

    I haven't figured out (an easy way) how they did the transparent phone/tablet/computer displays. though -- they were stunning! Any ideas???

    Motion is what you'd used for effects like that. You'd use a motion tracker to make it follow the device, create a 2D plane flat-on to do any UI animations and then add a 3D transform to align it to the device orientation and adjust the alpha.

    Mmm ... I hadn't considered motion. I think I'll ping Mark Spencer and Steve Martin and see what they think about how best to do it. I have Motion, FCPX, the CoreMelt SliceX and TrackX plugins -- also SilhouetteFX for standalone roto and tracking. So, likely, I have the tools but not the understanding of the workflow/process.

    Your thoughts gave me some ideas, though. I can AirPlay the iPhone and iPad screen activity to my Mac and capture it, from the subject's perspective, using Reflector -- while, at the same time using other cameras to capture videos (over the shoulder and frontal) of the subject operating the device ... you can do planar tracking and keying, easily, within FCPX with SliceX/TrackX ... then Motion for the 3D manipulation ...

    Thx for the inspiration!
  • Reply 50 of 54

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  • Reply 54 of 54
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by Brandon Powell View Post


    Huddler has problems with gifs larger than a certain size (or… something? I uploaded a 10.5 meg one once and it showed up fine), but your image works if it’s clicked; don’t worry.

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