1. Nothing that you posted invalidates my statement that you were replying to in any way. Everything is simply purported, guessed, suspected.
2. Focus Taiwan?? Seriously? And of course in their "article" they don't given any evidence of this "Apple data."
The problem here is that the people attack ALL businesses with Chinese characters on any factory, shop, store, whatever exists in Vietnam with Chinese characters in their business name. This protest basically is a huge cry from the Vietnamese to tell China that they no longer need to put up with this greed.
Unfortunately, Taiwan uses Chinese, therefore, they become an unfortunate target. The other issue is that Taiwan also tried to claim the same area...
I'd feel pity for the Vietnamese if successive North Vietnamese statements (Deputy Foreign Minister Ung Van Khein, Prime Minister Pham Van Dong and a Foreign Ministry complaint against the US) hadn't declared that the Spratleys and Paracels were historically Chinese territory in 1956, then again in 1958 and in 1965.
To come crying to the US is bullshit. Kerry and Biden made a mild statements about how the Chinese should be nicer and that's about all you're going to get unless it's in our interest to do more…which it isn't.
The fact is that the government sanctioned rioting and arson of WESTERN factories was completely stupid. Vietnam completely overplayed it's hand.
China needs to get the h*ll out of Vietnam! How dare they invade Vietnam's waters and steal Vietnam's property. I don't support violence, but what's happening in the past decade where China decides to steal the paracel islands from Vietnam had prompted many Vietnamese from both the homeland and overseas to protest. I'm glad the citizens are finally doing something about it. It's time the Chinese get their greedy rear end out of Vietnam and leave its people alone.
Except for the fact that this kind of thing has been going on for over a thousands years. China is the big dog with the big stick now. Shut down Chinese owned factories in Vietnam? China will just move them somewhere else and all those Vietnamese will be unemployed.
There is nothing wrong with China drilling oil in its own territory. Vietnam needs to stop making false claims. Ancient maps can prove that those islands are Chinese territories.
China needs to get the h*ll out of Vietnam! How dare they invade Vietnam's waters and steal Vietnam's property. I don't support violence, but what's happening in the past decade where China decides to steal the paracel islands from Vietnam had prompted many Vietnamese from both the homeland and overseas to protest. I'm glad the citizens are finally doing something about it. It's time the Chinese get their greedy rear end out of Vietnam and leave its people alone.
Vietnam needs to stop creating trouble by occupying Chinese territories. The Chinese have owned those islands for thousands of years and they have the right to drill for oil in Chinese territories.
There is nothing wrong with China drilling oil in its own territory. Vietnam needs to stop making false claims. Ancient maps can prove that those islands are Chinese territories.
Actually, ancient maps shows Vietnam as part of China. Mainland China was too weak to enforce its claim to even Taiwan for all of the 1900s. Now they want to reassert their claim. Not always easy, even the natives of Taiwan don't want the Nationalist Chinese camping out on their turf since WWII.
Why single out Apple? Foxconn is an independent entity that is responsible for keeping its own house in order.
I'm so sick of lame articles like this one using Apple's name as click bait chum. Anyone this lazy and journalistically pathetic should be forced to pay Apple for use of its name and recognition.
Actually, ancient maps shows Vietnam as part of China. Mainland China was too weak to enforce its claim to even Taiwan for all of the 1900s. Now they want to reassert their claim. Not always easy, even the natives of Taiwan don't want the Nationalist Chinese camping out on their turf since WWII.
The problem for Vietnam is twofold: they gave away their claim in modern history (post WWII) because they needed Chinese help and China is not the pushover it was in 1979 and they don't have a large body of combat vets to depend on like they did in that border skirmish.
I would let the two communists fight until they die, they both (communist China and Communist Vietnam) are the ugliest animals in the planet. They kill and tortured human sell human organs for cash. There is no word to describe these animals. Let them suicide and die.
Who are the protestors? American or Vietnamese? If its American they ought to shut their pie holes and focus on America - what goes on in these other countries is absolutely NOT OUR BUSINESS!
Who are the protestors? American or Vietnamese? If its American they ought to shut their pie holes and focus on America - what goes on in these other countries is absolutely NOT OUR BUSINESS!
Seems like China's just following Russia's lead. Enter the age of incremental expansion (as compared to the whole-country-or-two-at-a-time approach of last century, which is much too abrasive and rushed).
Oh jeez... :rolleyes:
Here's your "Apple data" listing the factories Hon-Hai uses to produce Apple products including the one mentioned by Focus Taiwan located at 37 St., Dinh Tram Industry Zone, Viet Yen, Bac Giang, Vietnam.
So it IS known that some of Hon-Hai's Apple product production takes place in Vietnam whether you want to acknowledge it or not.
Wow, I could see this one coming. Just knew that the ugly head of politics, and not without bias, would find its way into the comments.
Political comments should be expected since the article is based on political issues.
The problem here is that the people attack ALL businesses with Chinese characters on any factory, shop, store, whatever exists in Vietnam with Chinese characters in their business name. This protest basically is a huge cry from the Vietnamese to tell China that they no longer need to put up with this greed.
Unfortunately, Taiwan uses Chinese, therefore, they become an unfortunate target. The other issue is that Taiwan also tried to claim the same area...
I'd feel pity for the Vietnamese if successive North Vietnamese statements (Deputy Foreign Minister Ung Van Khein, Prime Minister Pham Van Dong and a Foreign Ministry complaint against the US) hadn't declared that the Spratleys and Paracels were historically Chinese territory in 1956, then again in 1958 and in 1965.
To come crying to the US is bullshit. Kerry and Biden made a mild statements about how the Chinese should be nicer and that's about all you're going to get unless it's in our interest to do more…which it isn't.
The fact is that the government sanctioned rioting and arson of WESTERN factories was completely stupid. Vietnam completely overplayed it's hand.
China needs to get the h*ll out of Vietnam! How dare they invade Vietnam's waters and steal Vietnam's property. I don't support violence, but what's happening in the past decade where China decides to steal the paracel islands from Vietnam had prompted many Vietnamese from both the homeland and overseas to protest. I'm glad the citizens are finally doing something about it. It's time the Chinese get their greedy rear end out of Vietnam and leave its people alone.
Except for the fact that this kind of thing has been going on for over a thousands years. China is the big dog with the big stick now. Shut down Chinese owned factories in Vietnam? China will just move them somewhere else and all those Vietnamese will be unemployed.
Oil-drilling by Chinese companies is to blame for the rioting.
He was being sarcastic, of course.
There is nothing wrong with China drilling oil in its own territory. Vietnam needs to stop making false claims. Ancient maps can prove that those islands are Chinese territories.
China needs to get the h*ll out of Vietnam! How dare they invade Vietnam's waters and steal Vietnam's property. I don't support violence, but what's happening in the past decade where China decides to steal the paracel islands from Vietnam had prompted many Vietnamese from both the homeland and overseas to protest. I'm glad the citizens are finally doing something about it. It's time the Chinese get their greedy rear end out of Vietnam and leave its people alone.
Vietnam needs to stop creating trouble by occupying Chinese territories. The Chinese have owned those islands for thousands of years and they have the right to drill for oil in Chinese territories.
Actually, ancient maps shows Vietnam as part of China. Mainland China was too weak to enforce its claim to even Taiwan for all of the 1900s. Now they want to reassert their claim. Not always easy, even the natives of Taiwan don't want the Nationalist Chinese camping out on their turf since WWII.
I'm so sick of lame articles like this one using Apple's name as click bait chum. Anyone this lazy and journalistically pathetic should be forced to pay Apple for use of its name and recognition.
The problem for Vietnam is twofold: they gave away their claim in modern history (post WWII) because they needed Chinese help and China is not the pushover it was in 1979 and they don't have a large body of combat vets to depend on like they did in that border skirmish.
I would let the two communists fight until they die, they both (communist China and Communist Vietnam) are the ugliest animals in the planet. They kill and tortured human sell human organs for cash. There is no word to describe these animals. Let them suicide and die.