Apple says it's willing to settle, but inflammatory comments from Samsung suggest it isn't



  • Reply 21 of 89
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Hey, if they want a jihad… let’s give them one.

  • Reply 22 of 89
    mark2005mark2005 Posts: 1,158member

    "While both Apple and Samsung were found guilty of patent infringement, the disparity was wide: While Apple paid only$158,000 in damages, Samsung was fined $119.6 million. Still, the retrial proved advantageous for Samsung, which saw its original damages reduced from some $1.05 billion."


    Article is screwed up. The "retrial" for Apple vs. Samsung I reduced the damages to $930 million. The way this is written it confuses the damages from Apple vs. Samsung II with the damages from Apple vs. Samsung I.  Damages were not reduced to $119.6 million. Rather, the $119.6 million is to be added to the $930 million, pushing the total over $1 billion.  This "retrial" was not advantageous for Samsung.

  • Reply 23 of 89
    cpsrocpsro Posts: 3,223member

    If ever a company deserved a boycott, in so many ways it's Samsung.

    "We lose money the old fashioned way. We earn it."

  • Reply 24 of 89



    It's like they have iHater internet commenters making such statements.  Or Fox News...

  • Reply 25 of 89
    paul94544paul94544 Posts: 1,027member
    In the art of War: when fighting an enemy, constantly harry and intimidate your opponent to try to catch him off balance. It is a very powerful tactic, one which Samsung knows well. It may win Samsung a few Battles , but fundamentally Samsung will lose the war because its strategy of fast follower will eventually bleed it dry. This can be seen by the dropping share price and reduced margins which will limit its ability to wage a war based on huge ad expenditure.
  • Reply 26 of 89
    patpatpatpatpatpat Posts: 629member

    Originally Posted by b9bot View Post

    The best way to show Samsung how much we dislike it is to boycott there products. All of them.

    No sales means no money to continue battling in court.

    I for one would never buy or own a Samsung product after reading about this kind of behavior from a corporate entity. No morales, not dignity, no class what so ever.

    Don't buy Samsung products!

    Your iPhone contains Samsung products. How about giving that up then?

  • Reply 27 of 89
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    While both Apple and Samsung were found guilty of patent infringement, the disparity was wide: While Apple paid only$158,000 in damages, Samsung was fined $119.6 million. Still, the retrial proved advantageous for Samsung, which saw its original damages reduced from some $1.05 billion.



    That's two days in a row Apple Insider has posted the same mistake about the damages - and drawn conclusions from this mistake, thus making a bad situation worse. The total damages are over $1 billion!


    Come on... fix this!

  • Reply 28 of 89
    knowitallknowitall Posts: 1,648member

    Originally Posted by copeland View Post


    Unfortunately these patent war chests just make it more difficult for the small guy to get into business. As we can see patent or no patent doesn't stop the 800 pound gorillas, but it stops the small guys that cannot risk getting cought with their patents down to their ankles.



  • Reply 29 of 89
    iqatedoiqatedo Posts: 1,828member

    Bullies, both individuals and corporate, fold when confronted. They are confronted on the street and the playground as individuals and in the courts as corporations... and which corporation has consistently lost in the courts? Scamsung is saving up a great deal of hurt for itself, its peers in industry won't soon forget the treachery. 

  • Reply 30 of 89
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member

    Originally Posted by b9bot View Post

    The best way to show Samsung how much we dislike it is to boycott there products. All of them.

    No sales means no money to continue battling in court.

    I for one would never buy or own a Samsung product after reading about this kind of behavior from a corporate entity. No morales, not dignity, no class what so ever.

    Don't buy Samsung products!

    yeah that will not work, all your apple products have Samsung products in them. I person have no Samsung consumer sold product in my home and never will since I tend to be brand loyal to products which server me well.

  • Reply 31 of 89
    copeland wrote: »
    Unfortunately these patent war chests just make it more difficult for the small guy to get into business. As we can see patent or no patent doesn't stop the 800 pound gorillas, but it stops the small guys that cannot risk getting cought with their pa[SIZE=8px]te[/SIZE]nts down to their ankles.
    Without patent protection, the little guy's intellectual property and rights would not be protected from anyone. They would be eaten alive by everyone.

    As it is, the scofflaws of the world, such as Samsung (judging by their actions as described in a Vanity Fair article linked in another thread and their action vis a vis Dyson) don't give a damn about your rights.

    There is one way and only one way to stop them—prevent sales of consumer products until they can show they will abide by the laws of the countries the sell in.
  • Reply 32 of 89
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    "This is Apple's Vietnam, and people are sick of it," Quinn was quoted as saying.



    On Wikipedia this kind of comment would pick up a [citation needed] pretty quick.   Using wording like "people think" or "some people say" is sometimes referred to as weasel words since it suggests a statement is true because of an unspecified set of people holding that opinion, but does so without providing any substantiation of the claim that anyone does hold the opinion.  Nor does such a statement provide support for the implication that such people holding said opinion lends any credence to the held opinion.  It's about as mealy-mouthed as it gets.


    On the other hand I'm sure 'people' (meaning Samsung and its lawyers) are indeed sick of losing in court, so I guess that's true enough.

  • Reply 33 of 89
    Come on, Samsung: innovate, don't litigate. Oh wait, this doesn't apply to them because they don't know how to innovate.
  • Reply 34 of 89

    Originally Posted by CogitoDexter View Post



    That's two days in a row Apple Insider has posted the same mistake about the damages - and drawn conclusions from this mistake, thus making a bad situation worse. The total damages are over $1 billion!


    Come on... fix this!


    I was thinking I read somewhere that the damages were in addition to what had already been awarded by the previous trial.  Now I iz confuzzed.

  • Reply 35 of 89
    On Wikipedia this kind of comment would pick up a [citation needed] pretty quick.   Using wording like "people think" or "some people say" is sometimes referred to as weasel words since it suggests a statement is true because of an unspecified set of people holding that opinion, but does so without providing any substantiation of the claim that anyone does hold the opinion.  Nor does such a statement provide support for the implication that such people holding said opinion lends any credence to the held opinion.  It's about as mealy-mouthed as it gets.

    On the other hand I'm sure 'people' (meaning Samsung and its lawyers) are indeed sick of losing in court, so I guess that's true enough.

    In other words, Quinn's arguments before the jury and press sound exactly like what trolls post.
  • Reply 36 of 89
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    otterfish wrote: »
    Because it provides no benefit to Apple and has the greater potential of damaging their reputation.
    What benefit could it provide? $100 million, $1 billon? Chump change to Apple. Bragging rights? I'm sure hundreds of millions of teenagers with their Samsung phablets couldn't care less.

    What are the potential downsides? Apple ends up being seen by everybody in the industry as the bully in the mobile playground. And over what? A few design and software patents that don't come close to expressing what Apple products stand for because you can't patent quality and effort.

    As Tim Cook said at AllThingsD a couple of years ago "it's a distraction". They only had to go "thermonuclear war" because Steve was pissed at Eric Schmidt. Job done. Time to move on.

    It's the principle. Apple: "you steal out tech, we'll sue the shit out if you. Now **** off. "

    slurpy wrote: »
    This Quinn fellow is despicable. I've read so many inflammatory, false, and off the wall comments from him, all laced with vicious hatred and mockery towards Apple- always straying away from the facts into FUD and smear category. What a piece of shit. But hey, when Samsung is literally shoving wads of cash up your ass then I guess its justifiable.

    Quinn's a lawyer and works for Sammy. That's double scummy for him.
  • Reply 37 of 89

    Originally Posted by patpatpat View Post


    Your iPhone contains Samsung products. How about giving that up then?

    Ahhh, the wonderful red-herring argument. Here is the fallacy with what you said.  Apple already spent the money and gave it to Shamsung for those parts. There is nothing that can be done about that.  However, by buying the Apple product, you are helping Apple's cause in protecting its IP, because they get your money.


    So, boycotting Apple products (even if they are made from Sam-shill materials) only hurts Apple and helps Samshit.  I, for one, have not bought a Samesung TV, dishwasher, phone, tablet, or anything from that corrupt and evil company. 

  • Reply 38 of 89
    I'm glad I don't have to deal with these lawyers and copy cat companies day in and day out like Apple does.

    Samsung was just another cheap electronics knock off company, who made a name for themselves copying the iPhone, they happened to make it big and now Apple wants to share in some of their profits. But, Samsung is starting to think they're more than a cheap copycat company. The problem for them will come when they think they have taste, and stop copying Apple. That's what happened to Microsoft. The minute they stopped copying Apple play by play, they fell out of relevance. But Microsoft is back to copying again, so they may still make it.
  • Reply 39 of 89
    This is just lawyer speak. Lawyers are incentivized to keep conflicts going as long as possible and often inject inflammatory rhetoric to that end. They feed off of misery.
  • Reply 40 of 89
    danielchowdanielchow Posts: 142member
    wow, sounds like this lawyer has a personal vendetta. i don't think he has the best interest of his client in his mind. this looks like it is a personal fight between Apple and the lawyer at the expense of Samsung's bottom line.
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