Apple emphasizes acquisition of Beats Music streaming service in blockbuster announcement



  • Reply 21 of 108
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    elroth wrote: »
    I don't want Apple to be manufacturing crap like that, with such bad bad sound.

    You should listen to something with Apple's EarPods and then listen with Beat's urbeats. Even compare with Apple's in-ear phones for a more equivalent price and it's unlikely that Beats won't win in design, quality, and sound.
  • Reply 22 of 108
    mpantonempantone Posts: 2,153member

    Originally Posted by Andysol View Post


    Couldn't they have just bought this for $500mil and left the headphones out of it?  I assume they tried their damndest but to get Iovine, they had to buy the headphones...

    The Beats hardware division has high margins, presumably is one of the more profitable parts of the business. It's not a burden even if that might end up being the least interesting component to Apple.


    Iovine and Dr. Dre's connections to the music industry are the most valuable part of the deal. If those two took off after the acquisition, Apple would have a fledgling streaming music service and some headphones. That's why Apple got Iovine and Dr. Dre's commitment to stay with Beats.


    Whether or not Beats headphones are "any good" -- in terms of audio quality -- is irrelevant. The Beats brand's coolness is driven by Dr. Dre and Iovine's ability to enlist top contemporary talent to promote the brand.


    Interestingly, the after-hours stock market is barely registering to the news (+0.03%) so it appears the rumor may have already been baked into the current stock price.

  • Reply 23 of 108
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    ihxo wrote: »
    Just in time for WWDC !

    More than 100 technical sessions presented by Dr Dre !

    CWA (Coders with Attitude)? Will be get to learn how to bust a caps lock in someone's ASCII?
  • Reply 24 of 108
    mjtomlinmjtomlin Posts: 2,686member

    Originally Posted by elroth View Post


    I personally have no opinion on whether it's worth it or not - we really don't know what Apple's plans are (as usual).


    I'm only negative on the quality of the Beats headphones - I don't want Apple to be manufacturing crap like that, with such bad bad sound. I would hope Apple would go in the other direction, like Neil Young's Pono project (high-resolution sound).


    I'd wager that's why Apple is keeping Beats a separate brand. But I'd also like to say, that sound "quality" is not what's registered on meters but what sounds pleasing to the person hearing it. If Beats strikes a cord with a certain demographic, what's wrong with that? Apple has never produced anything that EVERYONE likes - it would be impossible for any company to do that. Beats offers a brand that is popular with younger kids... and what starts in urban areas eventually spreads to the suburbs then rural areas as well.


    Steve Jobs used to go on and on about the high quality of iPod's earbuds and how excellent they sounded - and guess what, they have always just been, meh. They weren't horrible, but they certainly weren't the best on the market, or even near it.

  • Reply 25 of 108
    dmarcootdmarcoot Posts: 191member
    So let me get this straight, Beats has 110,000 subscribers while iTunes has 800 million credit cards on file and beats is worth 3 Billion how again?
  • Reply 26 of 108
    mjtomlinmjtomlin Posts: 2,686member

    Originally Posted by ihxo View Post


    Just in time for WWDC !

    More than 100 technical sessions presented by Dr Dre !


    Screw that... a live performance from a reunited N.W.A. (of course without Eazy-E).

  • Reply 27 of 108
    radarthekatradarthekat Posts: 3,898moderator

    Originally Posted by jason98 View Post


    Hah. 110k paid users ~ $30,000 per user. 

    Nicely done, Tim!

    And good to know where my money go when I decide to upgrade my smartphone next time.


    The word that seems to be missing from Jason's vocabulary is... accretive, as in, Cook indicated that the Beats deal will close at the end of Apple's fiscal 2014 and will be accretive to earnings in 2015.  So those Beats headphones really are a part of the deal, much as his $30,000 per user calculation would value them at $0.00.


    You can imagine that Beats premium -priced headphones and earbuds, portable speakers, and car audio products, in the hands of Apple and with Apple's huge global market presence behind them, will sell in even greater quantities than Beats has been able to muster on its own.  And now those Beats products you already see in Apple stores will deliver all of their profits to Apple rather than the marginal share Apple gets from selling them in their stores today.

  • Reply 28 of 108
    dmarcootdmarcoot Posts: 191member

    And "acqu-hire" makes no sense at 3 billion if they get sick and die. Someone point me to an acqu-hire anywhere that went for anything like this.

  • Reply 29 of 108
    alcstarheelalcstarheel Posts: 554member
    solipsismx wrote: »
    CWA (Coders with Attitude)? Will be get to learn how to bust a caps lock in someone's ASCII?
    With this quote you have won the internet!

    Everyone else..thanks for playing.
  • Reply 30 of 108
    mnbob1mnbob1 Posts: 269member
    This is really probably more of an acqu-hire. Apple really needs someone like Jimmy Iovine to pick up where Jobs left off negotiating with the media companies. The brand and the streaming service is worth something, but the ability to make the labels and studios happy is an art that can't be managed the same way as fine tuning supply chains and creating great user experiences.

    Who do you think managed supply chains for Steve Jobs? You either don't understand what supply chain means or you are clueless about Tim's role in working closely with Steve. Are you serious in you delusion that Steve created all user experiences? And what great experience have you missed out on since his death? What basis do you have that Iovine is going to provide that for you?
  • Reply 31 of 108
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member

    Here is another issue to consider, more and more consumers are actually signing up for XM/Sirius and most people listen to music in their cars, and you can access your Sirius account on mobile devices so how many subscription services are people going to pay for. 


  • Reply 32 of 108
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member

    Originally Posted by Chandra69 View Post




    $3 billion to upstage Samsung?

  • Reply 33 of 108
    saldogsaldog Posts: 48member
    Perhaps the article could have mentioned Beats Music's recent history. Beats acquired the music service MOG, with the intention to shut it down and replace it with a new service. MOG was regarded as one of the highest-quality streaming music services available (320 kbps), with a very large library of music and compatibility with Sonos music players, among other devices and set top boxes.

    Unfortunately, after acquiring MOG, the new Beats Music doesn't stream anywhere near 320 kbps so they can no longer claim they have the best quality streaming. I believe Google Play is among a very short list of services that stream at or above 320 kbps.

    Beats is distinguishing itself by curating its playlists, unlike MOG, who distinguished itself by having superior audio quality. I don't find that to be a fair trade.

    After Beats revamped and started shutting down MOG, they made sure Sonos and others could continue to stream Beats Music content. Will Apple cut the ability to stream Beats Music on non-Apple devices? I think that would be unfortunate.
  • Reply 34 of 108
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member

    Originally Posted by mjtomlin View Post



    Screw that... a live performance from a reunited N.W.A. (of course without Eazy-E).


    They were interesting in their time (purely for their controversial message), but NWA today would be a shame.

  • Reply 35 of 108
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member

    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    CWA (Coders with Attitude)? Will be get to learn how to bust a caps lock in someone's ASCII?


    Awwwww, yeah BOOOOOY!

  • Reply 36 of 108
    radarthekatradarthekat Posts: 3,898moderator

    Originally Posted by Maestro64 View Post

    Still do not see the value, we all seen it before, music consumers are fickle bunch and they will jump ship with every wind direction change. Over the years look at all the various methods people used to obtain and consume music content. Beats music service and just the new kid on the block and people will get tired of it and move on to the next greatest things someone comes up with.

    There is no stickiness with music listeners


    That next new thing will first need to sign up the music content owners to acquire a catalog of music.  Apple's catalog, last I checked, was on the order of 26 million tracks, which is 26x Pandora's BTW.  It will need to offer the content owners something better than what Pandora, for example has negotiated, as Apple came in after Pandora made its deals and made deal that offer more revenue to the record labels and content owners.  And then the new entrant will need to create something more compelling than what's on offer from iTunes Radio, which mimics the Pandora model, or Beats, which mimics the Spotify model while adding human playlist curation.  Plus the new entrants will need to fight it out with iHeartRadio and others while trying to make a name for themselves while Apple, and to a lesser extent, existing incumbents like Pandora and Spotify, have the mindshare and muscle to take the broad majority of the market.  Then the entrant needs to survive having its model usurped by Apple or others, as Apple usurped Pandora's model without acquiring Pandora.  So, yes, there will be new ideas, and Apple will be there with its own new ideas right along side and with a war chest to buy up anything that shows promise.  I'd say Apple is in the catbird seat, as it has been for over a decade, in terms of the music business.

  • Reply 37 of 108

    This is great news! Very exciting possibilities here. And so much whining and troll activity around this issue. It's sad how so many people can't see the potential. I was taken aback initially just like everyone else, but now that there's been a ton of info out there, the only explanation for the continued hyper reactions against the deal is willful ignorance.


    Apple pretty much spelled out how they're going to use Beats, and the benefit is obvious. For anyone that still does not understand this deal, you need to watch Jimmy Iovine's interview from All Things D last year, and it should all become much more clear:


  • Reply 38 of 108
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    solipsismx wrote: »
    CWA (Coders with Attitude)? Will be get to learn how to bust a caps lock in someone's ASCII?

  • Reply 39 of 108
    island hermitisland hermit Posts: 6,217member

    It'll be interesting to see if any 1st tier Apple employees, who are connected with this deal, walk over the next few months.

  • Reply 40 of 108
    mj webmj web Posts: 918member
    All I can say is I hope Jony Ive understands and approves of this deal. One Jony Ive is worth 100 Dr. Dres and 50 Jimmy Iovines IMO. Good luck Apple, whatever you're doing!
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