Priceline to buy Apple partner OpenTable for $2.6 billion



  • Reply 61 of 63
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    PS: It's funny that stone keeps bringing up "gangster" and yet my idea of gangster is from The Godfather were a group of men wearing expensive suits are controlling the money for an area. Sounds a lot Wall Street except without the nepotism.

    My bad. I see now after rereading your posts the correct usage is "gangsta" not gangster.




    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

     Hide yo kids! Hide yo' wives! 

    Don't you mean "Hide yo' bitches"?

  • Reply 62 of 63
    andysolandysol Posts: 2,506member
    mstone wrote: »

    Don't you mean "Hide yo' bitches"?

    Mstone- watch this and it'll make sense

    You're welcome

    Solip- this is still my favorite:
  • Reply 63 of 63

    Going back on-topic here, I would draw your attention to an article in the NY Times recently, about table reservation systems (app-based, as well as more traditional types). This might be especially illuminating for those who claim to have not reserved a restaurant table in recent memory, because it is a very real and important arena for diners and restauranteurs alike in many cities.


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