I want to connect a leash to one and have it walk my dog, though I would imagine connecting a small doggy like a Chihuahua might not be a good idea as it may become an unwilling ASTROnaut.
Actually it really depends on the monuevers you make, you'll eat up your battery fairly quickly if you descend and ascend often. My son has a DJI Phantom, its specs suggest only 20 minutes of flight but he is able to achieve over 40 minutes by flying it at over 500m within an area of 1km. It's a fairly neat setup, though my son seems to fly it over one of our local nudist beach's a little to often. We tried to rectify this behavior by taking him to the beach and making him participate, our strategy was maybe he would understand the need for privacy. Unfortunately it kind of back fired on us when he met new friends their. So it looks like we've created a nudist, ugh, kids, I give up.
Funny story!
I saw a video on Vimeo recently called Koh Yao Noi which was shot with a Phantom II and was amazed at how smooth it was. However, the film-maker was professional and he had swapped the camera for a different one. It's a beautiful video.
Maybe you should buy another Phantom for yourself to spy on your son's. ????
I saw a video on Vimeo recently called Koh Yao Noi which was shot with a Phantom II and was amazed at how smooth it was. However, the film-maker was professional and he had swapped the camera for a different one. It's a beautiful video.
Maybe you should buy another Phantom for yourself to spy on your son's. ????
He really wanted one but there were just so many models to choose from when my husband went to the hobby store. So not knowing really anything about these things I spent probably a good two days worth of research on them. Anything motorized, computerized or nerderized and I'm interested. I wanted to purchase a 3D Robotics RTF X8 as it was fully automated, plug in the coordinates and just let it go while you sit back on watch its progress on your laptop. However it was 1200 bucks not including the GoPro in which we would have had to buy as well. My thinking was that I could use it while my son was at school, at least that's how I pitched it to my husband. Logic got the better of me full knowing a 12 year old would eventually find some way in destroying it. So we settled on the Phantom for 800, haha, hey I want to play with it too, it turned out to be one heck of a kit for the price. Lots of options and parts available to make it do pretty much whatever you want it too, including using whatever camera you have lying around. We're using an older Canon 650D, which still takes unbelievable shots.
The Hexo+ video stated 15 minutes. Some other devices might fly longer...
I suggest meth injected hamsters in a modified power producing wheel to give you the extra flying time required. Just make sure to have a 9 Volt battery ready to shock their little hearts back to life when the drone lands because replacing the little bugger's could get expensive.
I imagine these aren't fast enough, but this type of platform would be awesome for things like the Pikes Peak International Hill Climb.
Funny story!
I saw a video on Vimeo recently called Koh Yao Noi which was shot with a Phantom II and was amazed at how smooth it was. However, the film-maker was professional and he had swapped the camera for a different one. It's a beautiful video.
Maybe you should buy another Phantom for yourself to spy on your son's. ????
He really wanted one but there were just so many models to choose from when my husband went to the hobby store. So not knowing really anything about these things I spent probably a good two days worth of research on them. Anything motorized, computerized or nerderized and I'm interested. I wanted to purchase a 3D Robotics RTF X8 as it was fully automated, plug in the coordinates and just let it go while you sit back on watch its progress on your laptop. However it was 1200 bucks not including the GoPro in which we would have had to buy as well. My thinking was that I could use it while my son was at school, at least that's how I pitched it to my husband. Logic got the better of me full knowing a 12 year old would eventually find some way in destroying it. So we settled on the Phantom for 800, haha, hey I want to play with it too, it turned out to be one heck of a kit for the price. Lots of options and parts available to make it do pretty much whatever you want it too, including using whatever camera you have lying around. We're using an older Canon 650D, which still takes unbelievable shots.
35-45 minutes.
The Hexo+ video stated 15 minutes. Some other devices might fly longer...
I suggest meth injected hamsters in a modified power producing wheel to give you the extra flying time required. Just make sure to have a 9 Volt battery ready to shock their little hearts back to life when the drone lands because replacing the little bugger's could get expensive.
Lol! Had to reply, so that your furry friend had a pal.
Ooooh, double the voltage.